The Cause Of Earth Quakes And Tsunamis And The Mystery Of Friday The 13th

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The Cause Of Earth Quakes


Where and when will the next tsunami or major earthquake strike? Know by the astronomy and astrology of the Bharats.



I am greatly indebted to many researchers in this field without whose works this paper would not have been possible.The sources for this paper is shown in the reference list. I am gratefully acknowledging my thankfulness to these authors and their publishers.

Vijaya Bhaarati




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References 1. Deciphering the Indus script . Asko Parpola. 1994. Cambridge University Press; Cambridge 2. The Indus script: texts,concordance and tables.Iravatham Mahadevan.1977.ASI,New Delhi. 3. An Introduction to Indus writing Bryan wells. The University of Calgary . 1998. Canada. 4. Sumer. Wikipedia 15.2.2008 5. Ancient Egypt – Myth and History . Geddes and Grosset Ltd. 1997. New Lanark. Scotland. 6. A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian . Raymond O Faulkner .1991. Griffith Institute. Oxford. 7. The Hebrew – Greek Key Word Study Bible. 1996. AMG International Inc. U.S.A. 8. Sanskrit - English Dictionary. Sir Monier Monier Williams. 1999. Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. 9. Sanskrit – Malayalam Dictionary. Kanippayyuur Sankaran Naambootirippaatu. 1996. Pancaangam Pustaka Saala, Kunnamkulam, Kerala. 10. Sabdataaraavali. Sriikantesvaram G. Padmanaabha Pilla .April 2000. National Book stall , Kottayam, Kerala.

11. Puraanic Encyclopedia . Vettam Maani. 1991. Current books, Kottayam. Kerala. 12. The Rigveda . OMC Narayanan Nambotirippatu. 1995. D. C. Books .Kottayam. Kerala. 13. The Vedic people . Their History and Geography: Rajesh Kochhar. 2000. Orient Longman. Hyderabad. India. 14. The decipherment of the Indus Script.S.R.Rao .1982.Asia Publishing House. Bombay .India 15. From Indus to Sanskrit .Madhusudan Mishra .1998.Yugank Publishers.Delhi .India. 16. The Deciphered Indus Script .Natwar Jha and N.S. Rajaram.2000.Aditya Prakashan, New Delhi, India. 17. A Phrenologist Amongst The Todas . William E. Marshall. 1995. Asian Educational Services. New Delhi. 18. Iythareya Brahmanam .V.Balakrishnan,Dr.R.Leela Devi . 1992 .The Vidyarthi Mithram Book Depot,Kottayam,Kerala. 16.Life In Ancient India In The Age of The Mantras : P.T.Srinivas Iyengar .Asian Educational Services-1991 17.The Horse. Wikipedia. 13.03.2008 18.The Scope and Significance of Sumerian Mythology. Wikipedia .15.02.2008 22.

23. 24.Google- Earth quakes data - August-2009 25.Google. Friday the 13th

- August-2009

The Astronomy And Astrology Of The Harappan Bharats

The introduction of the seven day week In Bharata tapasa is the Sun .Tapasa is sabda(sound,word) and sapta ( seven).Svara(sound) is suurya(the Sun).Rava(sound) is ravi(the Sun).Bhadra(word) is bharata(fire,the Sun).Hence the word is god(John:1:1). Divasa(day) is tapasa , savita(the Sun)and sa(god,bird)-pada(foot,word).

Thus diva(day,the sky)-sa(god) is deva(god) or the foot of god.So the day was begun at midnight when the Sun god is at the foot(in the north) and the year was begun when he is on the head or at noon(at the winter solstice where Jesus is born, the Sun is at the south peak against the noon of the day).Divasa being sabda(a word) was made sapta beginning with the Sun and going through the Moon,Mercury,Venus,Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.From the Sun(Leo) Mars(Aries) and Jupiter(Sagittarius) rule the trine and Saturn(Aquarius) rule the opposition(7th ) .Placing these in 1,3,5&7 the solar sequence of the day is arranged as Sunday,Tuesday,Thursday and Saturday.Allocating the next day to Sunday to the Moon(Ruler of Cancer) and arranging the near Mercury(who rule Gemini) and the farther Venus (who rule

Taurus) in the gaps 2,4&6 we have Monday,Wednesday and Friday.Thus the week was completed.Venus rules the sign squaring(evil) the sign of the Sun, rules the sixth day(indicating termination) and the Sun is debilitated(dies) in Libra ruled by Venus. Hence Venus was considered the enemy of the Sun and Jesus was crucified on a Friday. The logic in the arrangement is that the Sun gets the hottest part of the day and Saturn gets the coldest part . Life(fire) is heat and death is cold.To cool or chill is to kill. Sol is the soul.Hence at night the dead souls(ka) were believed to visit the Earth along with the Kha(the Sun) who passes under the Earth.The rising Sun is Mars and the dying Sun is Venus.Mars(agnifire-day) brings heat and life and

Venus(jala-water-night) brings cold and deluge(Noah’s flood begins at the fall of night everyday ) .Hence when these planets are in mutual evil aspects(square,opposition,inconjunct) or in evil aspects to Saturn(Sani,nisa-night) malefic results are expected as the outcome.

Sabbath The seventh day-Saturday- became sabbath for the Jews as it is sapta(seven) and tapasa(the Sun).Saturn is the symbol of the night Sun(the word with us cf.winter solstice and Christmas.Winter solstice marks the beginning of Capricorn the first sign of Saturn) .It is the black hole(gap) between sunset and sunrise and it signifies the blocking of the gravitational and

electromagnetic forces of the Sun by the body of the earth and exposure to the greater influence of the Moon and the planets especially Venus and Mars. Yaam-ini(night) has Yama(god of death) and kaama(god of love) in it.

The sizes of the planets Diameters of our star father-theSunand his planetary family members are as follows: The Sun = 1391940 km The Moon = 3476km Mercury = 4879.4km Venus = 12104 km The Earth = 12756.28 km Mars = 6794.4 km Jupiter = 142984 km Saturn = 120536 km Uranus = 51118 km

Neptune Pluto

= =

49572 km 2320 km

Planetary distances from the Sun Mercury = 57910,000 km Venus = 108200,000 km Earth = 149597870 km Mars = 227940000 km Jupiter = 778330000 km Saturn = 1429400000 km Uranus = 2870990,000 km Neptune = 4504300,000 km Pluto = 5913520,000 km Average lunar distance from the Earth 384400km A comparison of the gravity strengths of these bodies can be guessed from the fact that a body of 1 kg on the Earth will weigh 28kg on the Sun,0.38 kg on Mercury,0.91 kg on Venus, 0.17 kg on the Moon,0.38 kg on Mars,

2.4 kg on Jupiter,0.91 kg on Saturn, 0.89 kg on Uranus,1.1 kg on Neptune, and 0.08 kg on Pluto.


Venus is the goddess of love. But l-ove has a wo-e in it. Man and wo-man makes love lying.And lying is dying.To love is to die. Adults die to make life.Life is the fruit of love.Life is love. V-e-nu-s is w-o-ma-n(N=Z), vanita(a woman) and vrisha(a bull).Lady is rati(sex). From the Sun her position is the third and the fourth is the Earth.The

number four is the Earth.13=3+1=4(earth).Starting from the rising Sun , the East is 1,South is 2,West is 3 and North is four.North is mrith(the Earth,death).Hence the number four symbolizes the dread of midnight and the chill of death. Venus has a size almost equal to that of the Earth but is deprived of the luxury of a Moon even though Mars having only less than half the size of the Earth is given the service of two attendant moonsDeimos and Phobos and Jupiter the giant among the planets has 60 moons.How can the mighty Venus tolerate this inequity? Hence she is always at loggerheads with her twin sister (the Earth) to share the lone Moon with her.But the Earth denies her right and pulls the Moon closer and closer to her bosom as the years pass by. Venus is the morning star and the

evening star. Bharani the asterism which is the duration before sunrise is ruled by Venus. But its deity is Yama- the god of death. Praata(dawn) is pareta(dead). The bharata term tra-yodasa(13) has a pratyusha(dawn,the Sun) and pra(pro)Yudas in it. This Judas is ushas(dawn). Venus is Bhrigu(cf.Frig-day=Friday) or Siva.Sukra is Durga. Venus is the queen of Babylon who deceives the world and ruins the youth. Venus is vand(worship cf.venerisdesire,venerari-to worship) and vishama(vinaasa-destruction). The period of Venus is vimsati(20) years in the Vimsottari(120 years) dasa system and vimsa(twenty or twentieth part) is simha(high,Leo)and himsa (killing) indicated by Yama(the god of death).

The Bharats(Hindus ) till date worship their gods on Friday evening when the Sun god descends into the Earth in the cycle of the week day.The Muslims follow them. The Jews adopted Saturday as the worship day because it is then the Sun god is exactly under the Earth living with us. The Christians made Sunday ,the day of worship to agree with the rising Sun. And the mystery is that Fri-(g)-day to Saturday is one night which is made into three nights to make the next day’s sunrise the rise of the god from the dead( pareta-praata) on the third day . Her sign is that of the trader(scales) which is also that of the god of death who weighs the rights and wrongs done by a person in this life to decide heaven or hell for his soul.

Her day is Fri-day.It is a cry-day and mri(death)-day. She rules the bull(Taurus) being a dame of beauty and for the aged she gives death. The mighty Sun dies(lies) in her.The Sun sets in her sign and in the seasonal cycle he is considered debilitated(of weak strength) there.So Christ was made to die on a Fri(mri)day.Normally everyone is afraid of death and darkness. It is the day of the flood of Noah,the flood waters being darkness and death being sleep. Vrischika(scorpio) is Prakaasa(light) and mrityu(death)-kha(the Sun),sa(like,god).In the day cycle the Sun grows in strength in the sign of Taurus ruled by Venus.In the seventh sign the fall of energy begins by 9 p.m.

Mars Mars is the ma-n (Ma-rs n=r) of Venus.The seventh is the house of partners,spouses or enemies and Mars rules Aries and Scorpio seventh to Libra and Taurus ruled by Venus.Mars is mri(death) , mrit(the Earth) and praata(dawn).Mars is kuja(ku-the Earth,ja-born,sa like) or usha(udayasunrise).He is considered as born from the Earth as he denotes the rising Sun who is just born from the Earth.He is the war god as yuddha(war) is udaya(sunrise). One goes to heaven at death and hence Mars denotes death . Jupiter Jupiter is Savitri the Sun,as he appears in the northeast at dawn.Savitri is sa(god)-pitri(father) or god-father or the father of god(the Sun god takes birth

from his sign) or the priest king.He is subhadra(auspiciousness),su-praata(good morning),su-bhadra(auspicious word =AUM) ,su-bhadra(good king =Drupada) , su-bhadra(good bull =viira bhadra =vaara bhadra = water buffalo = , ) .He is Brihaspati being pati(lord) of prakaasa(light) , varsha(year) and vaasra(day,bull).He is Guru(teacher) being gu(gu-sound,go-the Sun,a bull,the eye;gii-speech,ku-the Earth)- ru(driisplit,fight;ravi-the Sun,rava-sound cf.dawn is all these),giri(hill cf.Sinai), sara(arrow ) and srii(the Sun,fire,word,prosperity). Since word is bharata(fire), bhadra(bull cf.aleph) and paatra(jar,praata-dawn,vadanamouth) the cashaka(=ushas,ka=c=u) Gaayatri is born from him.He being the lord of speech is also considered as Sarasvati.Hence from the fish(A) from

the cashaka(U) and from the ma(||) we have AUM ,the sound of the horn which is sounded when the Sun is in the northeast in the sign of Jupiter. We can look into another myth here.If god is the Sun how could the Rishis hear the word of god and compose the Vedas? How could Moses speak to god at mount Horeb(Gurava=Guru=Jupiter,Bruuhi=to speak=Hebrew.) and at mount Sinai(Miina=Pisces cf.speech=fish)?This is because the word(bhadra,bharata) is fire and god(cf.Hebrew: tabormountain,taberaa-fire,daabar-to speak and mosaa-sunrise.Hence it is easy for Moses to speak to the burning bush fire god at Horeb).Akshara(alphabet,word) being god not only the religious works but every book is god and the word of god as seen in the single alphabet amulets like

H-3305,Dmd-1 etc.Bhaasha(speech) is bhaasa(light)and bhaata(dawn).

The Astronomy of the Bharats Indications of the Bharat’s astronomy can be seen in their scripts. For them the Sun was bharata( Kuja(usha) was aja




(sa=god,jaya=the Sun ),the Moon(Soma=homa=horn= =sama=maasathe Moon,a month) and Venus(Rudra=Durga=Sukra=dvi-kara=two hands cf.kara= solar rays=horn,or tulaadhara=Dharma=Yama=Venus. Tulaadhara is also suuladhara(suurasrii=Suurya=Durga with her suula or trident. Suula is suura-tiger,the Sun and Durga is portrayed with Tigers cf.seal K-65 where suula and suura is

shown.Bhadra-bull=bhasanabeetle=vacana-speech also denote her.The Fish(Savitra,Daksha ) was Jupiter(Prajaapati-lord of citizens or sons =varshapati-lord of the year, Prakaasapati-lord of light=BrihaspatiGuru-Jupiter=Daksha= Avasa-king=asva-bull,horse=mahishasacrificial victim-the water buffalo= cf.the chopped head of Daksha or the water buffalo kept inverted is the fish figure).Budha(Mercury) was bhuja(snake =hand= , ) and Sani(Saturn) is saanu(hill,bow = , , ). A graha(planet) is a cakra(cycle) and griha (house=graha=planet) of the Sun. They counted the seven week days which is 1/7 of a week,the week which is ¼ of the 28 lunar nak-shatras(lunar mansions),the maasa from the 28

nak-shatras(luni-solar mansions) and the New Moons whence come the twelve lunar and solar months,the six ritus (bi -months),the two ayanas(three ritus),the solar haayana (samvatsara,sarat=varsha=year) and the Brihaspati(Jupiter) years, the sixty years Jupiter cycle ( which multiplied by 60 is saros for the Sumerians . saros=sarad = dasra=varsha=year of the Bharats).The year used to be begun at the New Moon in the northeast dawn point of Pisces ruled by Jupiter.The months were known by the nakshatras(stars , asterisms) of the Full Moon which marks the position of the Sun in the respective division of the day. The term nak-shatra is often misunder stood. Nakshatra is naaka(the sky),naga(the Sun) satra(house),darsa(sight cf.the

star of Beth-lehem= beth-naga=nakshatra at the birth of the solar Christ.Bethlehem itself is the star of Bethlehem) which indicates the solar positon in the sky starting with the vernal equinox which is Kritika.In Malayalam a nakshatra of the Sun is still called njaattuvela (from njaayar=the Sun,vela-interval) indicating the solar biweekly intervals.Their zodiac was tropical and fixed .It was fixed to the Earth and not to the stars.The star at the equinox was called Kritika.The stars and signs were named after the divisions of the day in their parokshapriya (equivocation,homophony,rebus etc.) style.Thus Aries is aja(mesha) ,since it denotes usha. It is Visaakaha(or maadhava ) because the Full Moon will be shining against the rising Sun in the

star of Visaakha. The raasi(sign) indicates the srii(Sun) location of the day.Thus Simha(Leo-Deo cf. the tiger) is the hottest part of the day denoting the sky high Sun.Its opposite is kumbha(=simha in reverse= ku-earth,bhara-fill,bhaama=the Sun the pot bearer and the scale bearer) .The days were counted in terms of the tithi (lunar elongation =stithi=position with respect to the Sun) for the month and the nakshatra with respect to the equinox.The lunar rise after the New Moon on the third day was called Kritika(tridiiya-third,drisya-sight). Hence the month of Tula(Libra,jala=water cf. Tulaadhara=scale bearer =jaladhara=water bearer) is also called the month of Kaartika( note the mesharam- head).Dvipaat-a man –is divasa-

day.In the Daksha yaaga Viirabhadraprabhaata-dawn- replaced the head of Daksha-the year- with the head of a ram(Aries and dawn) .It is the point of sunset of the day and the Autumn equinox(jala vishu) which balances the vernal equinox or the Aries sunrise. Special sacrifice given to Soma (homasacrifice,sona-blood)and Rudra at the vernal equinox was called the Asvamedha(avasa=king,medha=juice of meat.Asva is Pisces and mesha is Aries.Their meeting point is the vernal equinox which later became the Sed festival of the Egyptians and the Holy Mass of the Christians.Daksha( the king=prajaapati=lord,king;praja= varsha=son,citizen,year) was tobe killed(the end of the old year) and eaten by the devotees to get raksha(salvation cf.Jesus the Xaviour) .

Note the figure of the Daksha yaaga or Asvamedha ( ) or the crucifixion of the Christ(kratu=sacrifice) on the cross(Christ=kratu).Daksha is aksha(eye= ,







),raksha( ), rakta(blood),raaja(king) and Sakra(Indra).Haayana(year) is ha(giving up)-ayana(ina-the Sun) and nayana( , ) whence is aksha(asva,Daksha,Haayana) kratu. Samvatsara(year) is sama(equal,year,Yama,samaya-time)matsa(Pisces)-ra(the Sun).Hence the king was sacrificed and eaten.Later instead of the bhadra(king) another bhadra(a bull , buffalo or horse) was chosen as the sacrificial victim.Haayana being haya(horse,bull,jaya-the Sun,victory)na(fight) and udaya(sunrise) being yuddha(fight)

bull fights(asva medha) were conducted to celebrate the equinox as seen in some Harappan seals(eg:M-312 where five— bhadra- men fight a bull-bhadra- is depicted to indicate bhadra bandhanabull chasing, haayana-New Year, bhadraa bandhana-marriage,bhadra vandanaobeisance to the priest king and bhadra udaya-sunrise.) Still later this purusha(man)-aasa(food) was replaced by the purodaasa(rice cake divided and given to the devotees cf.prasaada given to worshippers at the end of a pooja) which became the Holy Eucharist(purodaasa=purusha-aasa=body and blood) for the Christians. Sariiraraksha(food) is sariira (body)and rakta(blood).

The basis for the vimsottari dasa The month begins with the New moon in Pisces which is Asvini=Sun +Moon=Agni=the first.The Asvins were called Naasatya and Dasra to denote matsya(Pisces,maasaadya-first of the month), darsa(New Moon,sight),sarad(varsha-year). On the tritiya(third day) the Moon reaches Kritika(the equinox and sunrise) and she is visible.She is on the rising Sun of the year and the first dasa is allotted to the Sun. For the Aries Sun Leo forms a trine,Cancer a square,Aries a trine,Libra an opposition,Sagittarius a trine,and Capricorn a square. The first period may be taken from Pisces itself which marks the New Moon beginning.Dawn begins in Pisces itself and count is made from there.Now from the first trine the Sun

gets 6 years(Pisces-Leo arc=6 signs) followed by the queen’s square which is 6+4=10.For the next trine add 1(Aries itself) to the 6 and we get 6+1=seven for Mars and Ketu both denoting sunrise and the day.In another mode of counting from Aries (taking cue from the lunar division of the signs) , the Sun sets in 6 signs which is 6 years.After sunset the Moon rises in Libra and her sign Cancer is in the tenth(10) .This is followed by Mars and Ketu(in Aries inthe seventh=seven years,Ketu=Mars is lord of Scorpio) . Mercury’s trine gets 12+5=17 years. Now Rahu is in Libra. Add twelve years for the change of cycle.Rahu’s normal cycle is 18 years. Rahu being the sunset point indicates asta(sunset) dasa(position,10) which also is ashtaadasa(18) .From Rahu(Libra=tulaa=suunya=naught,cipher)

to Pisces is six and add this to 12= 12+6=18.This is the period of Raahu the negative of the Sun.Hence Raahu is lord of Kumbha(seventh of Leo) and is considered to have the qualities of Saturn also.From Pisces Sagittarius is fourth and gets 12+4=16 Years .Aquarius is the third from Sagittarius and 16+3=19 the period of Saturn.Saturn and Mercury form trines to Libra and 12+ 5=17=19(7=9).If the counting begins with the second foot of stars which begin in Leo on the trine Saturn will get 12+7=19 or 6+7=13( Thus 13=19).In 19 years the lunisolar conjunctions take place in the same asterism to coincide with the saturnian New Moon night and darkness cycle(Metonic cycle of 235 lunations).Again from Libra Taurus is 12+8=20 years for the dasa of Venus.

Thus the Vimsottari dasa has 120 years beginning from the Sun-6,the Moon-10, Mars=7,Rahu=18,Jupiter=17,Saturn=19, Mercury=17,Ketu=7,and Venus=20 which brings in himsa(vimsa=20) or death at the hands of Venus(lord of Tulaa –sign and Bharani-asterism cf. bharani=a pot and )

The evil houses 6,8,12 6 is the figure of the house of sunset indicating termination of the Sun’s heavenly path. The primary notes exist upto 7 and 8 is the end.7+5 is 12 and 13 is the counterpart of 8.12 is the terminator for night and the Sun’s worldly life.Hence it shows death. Thus the houses 6,8 and 12 shows termination or death and are evil.When the lord of the ascendant or

the Moon is in such a house evil results follow.

Planetary strengths and exaltations. Planetary strength is determined from the navamsa(rava-amsa,sun-part) which indicate the usha(dawn) and uccha(noon) strength of the solar houses itelf which the planets are.Thus Mars is ruler of dawn and its exaltation begins in Capricorn(midnight,winter solstice) and ends in Virgo(death,sunset,Autumn when the heat begins to fall).Mercury rises from the fall of Mars and ends in Taurus denoting the morning and summer.Venus begins at noon or varsha and ends at dawn or spring which is conducive for kaama’s dance(love.Spring is called vasanta=madana=kaama=taandava hencecf.Mahaadeva=kaamadeva and

kaama destroyed by the fire-kaamaagnifrom the third eye of Mahaadeva). The Sun is exalted in Aries,the sign of sunrise. Its highest point is Aries-10 degree ,the navamsa of which takes it to noon. Moon is exalted in Taurus-3 degree, the sign of morning and its navamsa falls in Capricorn the point of midnight. Mars is exalted in Capricorn 28 degree The navamsa of which falls in Virgo,the sign of sunset and death.Mercury is exalted in Virgo-15 degree ,the navamsa of which falls in Taurus where the Sun acquires his bright rays and becomes Buddha.Jupiter is exalted in Cancer-5 degree which in navamsa goes to Leo,the sign of god. Venus is exalted in Pisces-27 Degree which in navamsa is Pisces itself. Saturn is exalted in Libra-20 degree which in navamsa goes to Pisces to meet

Venus. Thus the Moon and Mercury are related to Venus through Taurus and Saturn and Venus are related to Jupiter through Pisces.Jupiter is Jiiva(Siva,is deity for the angle of northeast) or life(since at dawn people get up after the night) and Saturn and Venus generate and destroy them by their association with Jiiva.The Venus span is from noon(Cancer,Moon) to dawn(Pisces,Jiiva) , the Saturn span is from sunset(Libra,Venus) to sunrise(Pisces,Jupiter) and the Mars span is from midnight(Capricorn) to sunset(Virgo).This gives us a clue to why earthquakes happen mostly in the period of morning hours(midnight to 10.00 am) when the power of Saturn,Venus,Mars and the Moon are most conducive for the event.Also it is clear that the correct heavenly figure is the tropical zodiac

(and not the stellar zodiac used by some today) which the vedic Bharats were using and the West continues to use even now.

8 and 13 Ashta is asta(a house,death,sunset) , ushas(dawn,asta-death), kashta(difficulties) and hasta(hand,asta,kashta).3 is termination and 8 is its closed form.3+5 is 8.8+5 is 13.Thus in thirteen double kashta is there from ashta(8)+hasta(5).One day dies and a new day is begun.Praata(dawn) is pareta(the dead).The Sun comes to rest like the people when the cold begins to set in.It is the setting in of the cold of death.ka is the soul and the sol.It is kha itself. When death sets in, the dying body parts become cold.Departure of heat was

construed as leaving of the soul from the body. In the seasonal cycle this cold is translated into signs of Saturn beginning with the Winter Solstice. 13=12(7+5)+1=8+5=1+3=4(it is midnight &darkness)= death where the octave is also death for Aries is ruled by Mars and at 13 a new cycle is begun from Scorpio the sign of death. In astrology the 8th house is considered as the house of longevity hence. When Friday ruled by Venus is also associated with it, it is Libra (the universal sign of death,and the symbol of the god of death ) + Scorpio the sign of death joining together to produce evil results.

the raasi cakra(horoscope)

Raasi(a sign) is srii(the Sun) and cakra is cycle. The four directions are divided again into four to give 16 divisions which form the cakra.The four central parts are given to the Earth.The outer twelve form the zodiac in which the planets move (including the Sun which though a star by apparent motion is the king planet,and the Moon though a satellite of the earth by virtue of its position is considered as the second most powerful planet ) . The symbols indicate ASC=ascendant(the degree of the sign rising at the moment of an event),SUN=the Sun,MON=the Moon,MER=Mercury,VEN=Venus,MAR=

Mars,JUP=Jupiter,SAT=Saturn,RAH= Rahu(the ascending node of the Moon),KET=Ketu(the descending node of the Moon),URA=Uranus, NEP=Neptune,PLU=Pluto. ≡ lines show the formation of black holes.Raahu is the symbol of sunset and ketu is the symbol of sunrise and denote kaala(time,darkness,god of death,a snake). Sarpa the snake is cakra(cycle) itself.

The equation of everything A horoscope is the Equation of Everything developed by the Bharats. The signs are allocated starting with the hottest part of the day to the Sun and allocating the next five signs to the five planets in succession. The left sign to Leo is given to the Moon,

she being the consort or queen(with an apparent size equal to the Sun) and the next five signs to the left are allocated to the five planets in succession.Six +six is twelve sings .Thus one day is split into the seven days,which develop into the month by the Sun and the Moon and the year by Jupiter and the Sun by projections from the day.Thus a vaasra(week day) itself is a varsha(a year). A horoscope is time signified by the Ascendant, space signified by the mutual distance of the ascendant and the planets, gravity denoted by the planets and energy signified by the houses and the light and electromagnetic forces . The houses are the significators of energy levels,the tenth being the highest

(noon) and the fourth being the lowest(midnight).In between comes the first and the seventh. The normal zodiacal sign is divided into 12 being a division of the four by three. But the Bharats employ several other divisions to import different dimensions to the positions like drekkaana amsa(1/3),navamsa(1/9), dvaadasa amsa(1/12),shodasa amsa (1/16), akshaveda amsa (1/40),shashti amsa(1/60) denoting such divisions of a sign. The first(Aries) and eighth(Scorpio) signs are ruled by Mars and the second (Taurus) and the seventh(Libra)are ruled by Venus. These are the house of death.Mercury rules the third (Gemini) and sixth(Virgo).The Moon rules the fourth(Cancer)

and the Sun rules the fifth(Leo).Jupiter rules the ninth(Sagittarius) and twelfth(Pisces).Saturn rules the tenth(Capricorn) and the eleventh(Aquarius). In 1/9 the point of maximum debility of the Sun is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is exalted in the sign of Venus.Sani is nisa(night).Mars being the significator of sunrise represents the Earth and Saturn denotes the underworld where the Sun is at night. Hence it is the significator of emptiness and negative energies.It is also the significator for the Earth. The worst malefics are Saturn,Mars and Venus as the trine denote death points.


Bhaava is bhava(birth),bhaaga (division),bhaga(the Sun)or bhaama(the Sun).The diurnal rotation of the Earth makes all signs rise in succession from sunrise to the next sunrise.The degree rising in the east at a particular moment is the ascendant.With the ascendant as the centre ,thirty degrees are marked which makes the first house.Thirty degrees in succession give bhaavas 2 to 12. The principle of 12. Dvaadasa is tvashtaa(the Sun,the creator) and svasta(at rest) or su(good)asta (end,house,ashta=8).7+5=12. Thus it is the higher mode of 7&8.

Kalpa chart

In the kalpa ( yuga, life of the Universe) beginning chart the seven planets meet in Aries with ketu(=day) and Raahu(raa=night) in Libra. Kalpa is pakal(ahar=day) and Aries is sunrise of the day and the year and Libra is sunset of the day.The sapta grahas (seven planets) denote tapasa(the Sun) graha(planet,griha=house,cakra-cycle).

Friday the thirteenth phobia Fear of Friday the 13th

or paraskevidekatriaphobia is one of the most widespread superstitions of the modern world.Fear of Friday comes from the fear of sunset and the subsequent onset of darkness which the primitive man dreaded.13 is the primary resonating number of the number 4 and the number 8 both denoting terminations as 4+4 =8, 4+4+4=12,4+4+4+4=16 etc.Ashta is asta (anta=end,n=z) .

Zodiacal signs and places The countries and cities ruled by zodiacal signs according to traditional astrologers: We have to confirm and expand this short list by further research . Aries :England,Germany,Japan,Poland, Denmark,Syria,Lebanon,,Florence,Naples, Birmingham,Oldham, Chennai

Taurus: Russia,Iran,Ireland,Georgia,Switzerland, Holland,St.Louis,Dublin,Rhodes Gemini: USA,Belgium,Armenia,Egypt,North East Africa,Wales,Canada,Versailles, Nuremburg,Melbourne,London,San Francisco,Plymouth Cancer:Scotland,Holland,Mauritius,West Africa,Newzealand,NewYork,Venice, Stockholm,Manchester, Amsterdam,Milan,Constantinople,Tunis, Geneva,Georgia Leo : Italy,France,Sicily,Rome, Philadelphia,Prague,Portsmouth,Chicago, Damascus,Lancashire,Bombay Virgo :Turkey,Switzerland,West Indies,Brazil,Crete,Greece, Croatia,Iraq,Kurdistan,California,Virginia, India,Paris,Jerusalem,Boston,Los Angeles, Strasburg,Baghdad

Libra :China,Tibet,Myanmar,Indonesia, Japan,Egypt,Austria,Argentina, North India,Massachusets,Lisbon, Vienna,Copenhagen,Frankfurt, Johannesburg Scorpio:Norway,Algeria,Morocco,Baveria, Judea,North Syria,Queensland,Sweden, Brazil,Washington,Liverpool, New Orleans,New Castle,Cincinneti, New Delhi,Mumbai Sagittarius:Arabia,Australia,Spain, Madagaskar,Hungary,Italy,Naples, Bradfort,Sheffield,Nottingham Capricorn: Lithuania,Mexico,Grece,Bulgaria,Bosnia, Albania,Afghanistan,India,Punjab, Brussels,Oxford Aquarius:Abyssinia,Lithuania,Russia, Salisbury,Hamburg,Trent Pisces:Sahara,Nubia,Normandy,Portugal, Preston,Lancaster,Alexandria.

Now look at this figure of the heavens. The chart of doom

Note the squares formed by Venus to Saturn and Moon and the opposition to the Sun and Mars with the large interplanetary black hole in between.With Rahu and Ketu also conjoining this a turbulence will be created which can lead to earthquake like situations for the Earth(inVirgo-the seventh of the Sun) and in the lives of the inhabitants of this area.

Planets at 90 degree(three signs apart) are in square aspect and at 120 degree(four signs apart) are in trine aspect. A trine brings balance and poise but a square or opposition(180 degree) bring in imbalance and changes.

Inter- planetary black holes A Black hole is formed when a quadrant (3 signs) or trine(4 signs) has no planet in it at a particular time. Blank signs are dead signs or they are black holes. Mars –Saturn –Venus square and opposition is dangerous indicating great disturbances in the gravitational and magnetic fields of the Earth. The Venus- Mars gap is dangerous when the Sun and the Moon joins the square.

The sister’s (Venus and the Earth) fight for their share upon further complication by the belligerent brother becomes ominous . The plates move. Quakes happen under the surface of the Earth and in the lives of the people ruled by these signs where Venus or Mars is located with evil aspects. And if the day is a Tuesday or a Friday the result is more certain.

The equation of the Big Bang is this. Figure of the heavens

It is believed that at the beginning of a kalpa the seven planets and Ketu are united at the first point of Aries with Raahu at the first point of Libra. This sapta graha combination shows the rising tapasa(sunrise). How was life born on the earth? Do new viruses come from the outer stars and comets? It is known that not even a single hair fall down without the almighty gravity’s knowledge. Life originated on the Earth also as a result of the association of atomic particles under the influence of gravitational and electro magnetic forces.It is as a result of these that the winds are generated,the thunderstorms are created and life molecules are born. Earth quakes do occur in the lives of people frequently.But they become

recognised when the magnitude is large enough to affect a large area and the lives of many people. One of the causes for the down fall of the Bhadra(Bharata-Harappa) civilization is cited as the occurrence of devastating earthquakes.Even today Civilisations are threatened by earthquakes and tsunamis. Can we predict them in advance with precision of time and accuracy of magnitude? If we can achieve this the casualties can be minimized. Mars and venus are the planets having orbits on either side of the earth’s orbit and hence their positional changes has a definite role in the incidents of earthquakes. 1.the San Francisco earth quake Date:18-April-1906,Wednesday Time:5:12 a.m Magnitude :7.8

The main shock of the quake was followed by firestorms. Gemini rules San Francisco. Wednesday is ruled by Mercury lord of Gemini and Virgo.Interestingly Virgo and Capricorn are signs for India and Gemini and Cancer are signs for the US. Thus Bhaarata and the US are close relatives. The Figure of the heavens for the quake:

In the Sign figure Jupiter the significator of the year is in Gemini squared by Saturnfrom Pisces indicating a period of stress and strain and termination of life.The Sun the significator of the month is in Aries ruled by Mars conjoining mercury thus linking Gemini and Jupiter to the

Sun.Mars and Venus are conjoined between the Sun and Jupiter. The Moon(significator of the day) is in the sign of Saturn. The day of the evil decided by Jupiter and Saturn is executed on Wednesday ruled by Mercury associated with the Sun and when the Moon transited the sign of Saturn(the black hole). Now observe the black blank hole in the horoscope from Neptune toUranus.This is called a kaala sarpa yoga which means the sarpa(snake) Raahu-Ketu has swallowed the planets.But kaala is time and darkness.Sarpa is cakra(cycle,hole).Thus the gap formed is a black hole.Black holes swallow up everything and forebode doom. In the physical plane this is the point of anti matter and anti gravity which has to bring in a Bigbang.The point of the Earth

being the seventh of the Sun is at the mid point of the chasm or black hole experiencing the imbalance and the onslaught of the gravitational force ofall other planets.In the 1/3 note the Saturn Mars opposition and the Jupiter-Venus square. Saturn is in Cancer(the US).Venus is in Virgo where it is considered debilitated. It is the sign of the setting Sun. In 1/9 Mars squares Saturn and the Moon and Mercury are conjoined in Gemini indicating the location,since aspected by the Sagittarius Sun and Jupiter.Venus and Saturn are in opposition. In 1/12 Venus ,Saturn, Mercury and the Moon form square aspects.In 1/16 Venus and Jupiter square Sun and Saturn(the black hole) in Gemini and Moon and Mars are in square aspect. In 1/40 the

Sun,Mars,Jupiter and Saturn square is there.In 1/60 Mercury,Venus andJupiter in Cancer square the Sun and the Moon in Libra(the sign of Venus and sign of the flood-a Friday part of the day) and oppose Saturn in Capricorn.For the Venus in Cancer Saturn and Mars are in the . seventh and eighth houses. In the traditional astronomy of the Bharats Uranus ,Neptune and Pluto are not considered ,the system being a function of the 3and 4(3+4=7 =days,planets),3x4= 12(signs) and 3x3x3=27(asterisms or lunar mansions).Initially the asterisms were 28(7X4) which were later modified into 27(9x3).

2. the California earth quake Date:28-jun-1992 Time : 4:57 :31 a.m PDT Location :N34°13´W 116°26´ Magnitude=7.3 The figure of the heavens :

In the Sign chart Mars and Saturn are in square aspect. The Moon in Gemini (the US) square Jupiter in Virgo.The Sun and Venus are associated with Ketu(Mars) in Cancer.Mercury forms a square to Mars in the sign of Venus.The Sun and Venus have Rahu, Uranus and Neptune in the seventh and Saturn in the eighth denoting calamities.The year (Jupiter) is

affected by Saturn through its lords opposition to Saturn.The day(the Moon) and the month(the Sun) are in the signs of the US.In 1/3 Saturn and Venus are in conjunction in Gemini.Venus in the house of death oppose Mars .In 1/9 the Moon is in the house of death. Mars ,Saturn and Jupiter are in conjunction on the MC (on the position of the Earth) oppose the Sun.Mercury oppose Venus in Libra.In 1/12 the Moon and Mars are in conjunction.In 1/16 Venus and the Moon oppose each other and the Sun and Mars are in opposition. In 1/40 the Sun in Gemini square the Pisces Saturn,oppose the Sagittarius Venus and square the Virgo Neptune.Mars and the Moon are in the house of death.In 1/60 the Aries Venus opposes the Libra Mercury and square the Capricorn Saturn.Gemini has Mars and

Neptune in the seventh squaring Jupiter and Pluto on the MC. Note the black hole formation in the Sign and 1/12 charts. 3.the Latur –Maharaashtra (India) earth quake Date:30-Sep-1993 Thursday Time :03.55 .47.5 am IST. Location :N18.07°E 76.62° Magnitude:6.3 Focal depth :12 km The figure of the heavens:

In the Sign chart a debilitated Venus is in Virgo,the sign of India opposed to the Pisces Moon.Mars in Scorpio ,the ruling sign for Maharashtra squares Saturn in Aquarius.Jupiter,the Sun and Mercury

are in the sign of Venus foreboding destruction.Note the blackhole from Venus to the Moon.In 1/9 Venus and Jupiter square Mars and Saturn in the seventh of Scorpio.In 1/12 Venus and the Moon are in Capricorn which is also considered as the sign of India.Here also a great black hole is presentcovering seven signs.In 1/16 Venus,the Moon and Saturn form a square and the Virgo Mars and Pisces Jupiter form an opposition indicating death along with a Mars to Uranus blackhole.In 1/40 Saturn and Mars are in conjunction and Venus is in Scorpio,the house of death squared by the Leo Jupiter.The Capricorn Sun and the Libra Moon form a square. In 1/60 the Sun in Scorpio is opposed by Venus in Taurus and both square Saturn and Mars in Acquarius.And the moon is in Virgo in

a trine to Venus facilitating the event and forming the evil 6/8 aspect to Saturn, Mars and Jupiter. 4.the Chamoli –U.P(India) earth quake. Date:29-March-1999 Time:00:35:13.4 IST Epicentre:N30.41° E79.42° Focal depth:21 km Magnitude :6.8 The figure of the heavens:

In the Sign chart Jupiter and the Sun are in Aries indicating the year-month agreement with Mars the killer.

The Moon is in Virgo forming an opposition to Mercury in Pisces.Venus and Saturn in Taurus oppose the Scorpio Mars.From Saturn to the Moon there is a black hole formation.In 1/3 the Virgo Venus and the Moon oppose the Pisces Mars to bring in death.In 1/9 the Capricorn Mercury,Saturn and the Moon square the Aries Venus and the Libra Mars and oppose the Cancer Jupiter.In 1/12 the Virgo Venus and the Moon are squared by the Gemini Saturn on the MC and oppose the Mars in Pisces.Note the black hole from Mercury to Mars.In 1/16 Venus and Mars are in conjunction in Capricorn.In 1/40 ,the Scorpio Moon form a square to the Sun,Venus and Saturn in Aquarius.In 1/60 the scorpio Saturn and Moon are in opposition to Venus and Venus and Mars form an evil 6/8 aspect.

5.the Hector Mine,California earth quake Date:16-oct-1999 Saturday Time :2;46;44 am PDT Location:N 34° 36´ W116° 16´ Magnitude :7.1 Hypocentral depth:0.01 km. The figure of the heavens:

In the Sign chart note the presence of Mercury the significator of the US in the death sign of Scorpio opposed by the Taurus Jupiter and Saturn.The Moon, the next significator is in Capricorn squaring the dying Libra Sun.Venus is in Capricorn, the sign of death and squared by the Sagittarius Mars.The Saturn- Venus arc is a black hole.In 1/3 the Gemini Sun is

squared by the Virgo Venus and Saturn.The Capricorn Moon form a 6/8 aspect the Leo Mars.Mercury the significator is squared by the Sun, Uranus and opposed by Venus and Saturn. In 1/9 also Mercury in scorpio,the house of death is opposed by the Taurus Saturn.The Moon and Venus in Pisces on the MC of Gemini is squared by the Sagittarius Mars.There is a blackhole from Saturn to Mercury(if Pluto and Neptune are excluded).In 1/12 Mercury and Jupiter in Taurus are opposed by the Scorpio Venus,Mars and Saturn along with Rahu.In 1/16 also Venus and Mars are conjoined on the MC of Gemini and the Sun,Mercury and Saturn are in conjunction in Aries.There is a black hole between Saturn and Jupiter involving Gemini.In 1/40 see Mercury,Saturn and Neptune in Gemini and Venus and Mars in

Cancer.The Libra Sun squares Venus and Mars and the Moon is in the Sun’s sign.There is a huge black hole between Jupiter in the sign of death(Scorpio) and the Gemini Saturn .In 1/60 Mercury and the Moon are opposed by the Scorpio Saturn. Venus and Mars in Libra are squared by the Cancer Sun. There is a long black hole from Saturn to Mercury and the Moon if we exclude the lone outer Uranus in Pisces. Thus the creation of black holes and the affliction of Mars and Venus cause earth quakes here also. 6.the Bhuj – Gujarat(India) earth quake. Date:26-jan-2001 Friday. Time.08.46a.m IST Location:N 23.399° E 70.316° Magnitude :7.6

Depth :17 km. The figure of the heavens :

In the Sign Venus in Pisces aspects Virgo the sign of India.Saturn(the black hole) in the sign of Venus is opposed by Mars from the house of death.Scorpio also rules the Bombay Gujarat area. Mars is squared by the Sun,the Moon,Mercury,Uranus and Neptune from Aquarius.In 1/3 Venus and Mars exchange their sign locations with Venus moving into the house of death.Black holes are present in the sign and 1/3 charts..In 1/9 Mercury (the lord of Virgo),the Moon and Saturn(the lord of Capricorn) are in square and Saturn squares the Sun in the

house of death.In 1/12 the Moon with Mercury is in the sign of death. And Saturn the black hole squares them.The Gemini Mars opposes the Sagittarius Venus.Excluding the Uranus there is a black hole between Mars and the Moon. In 1/16 the black hole is a dominant one from the Sagittarius Venus and Jupiter to the Gemini Mars.The Sun in Scorpio is squared by the Leo Mercury,Saturn and the Moon.In 1/40 also a black hole is there from the Gemini Saturn to the Scorpio Moon and Mars. Saturn opposes the Sun and Mercury and Venus forms a 6/8 to the Scorpio Mars and the Moon. In 1/60 there is a black hole between Jupiter and the Moon.Venus and Mars are in conjunction in Capricorn.Saturn squares the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius. Also Saturn squares Jupiter and forms a 6/8 to the Sagittarius Moon.

7.the Sumatra-Indonesia earth quake or the GreatTsunami of 2004. Date:26-dec-2004 Sunday. Time:07.59 LMT Magnitude :9.3 Location :N 15° E 97° The figure of the heavens:

From the figure of the Sign it is seen that Jupiter in libra is in the ruling sign of Indonesia with Ketu the planetary significator for it.Jupiter is squared by the Cancer Saturn and the Capricorn Sun.Mercury ,Venus and Mars are in conjunction in Sagittarius opposing the Gemini Moon.From the Sun to the Moon there is a black hole extending through

four signs(excluding Neptune and Uranus).In 1/3 Mars and Saturn are in square and there is a great black hole beginning with Mercury and Venus and terminating in Mars.In 1/9 Mars square Mercury and Venus. The Sun is in conjunction with Saturn(a black Sunday) and from the Cancer Venus to the Aquarius Sun is a giant black hole.In 1/12 the Sun square Mercury, Saturn and the Moon.Mars is in 6/8 to Mercury, Saturn and the Moon.From Saturn to Mars is a great black hole. In 1/16 also there is the square of Mars and the Moon and Mars forms a 6/8 to Saturn .The Sun, Mercury and Venus oppose Jupiter conjoined with Mars.From Venus to Jupiter/Mars is a huge black hole. In 1/40 the Sun and Mars are conjoined in the seventh of Libra and square the cancer Venus and Saturn.Here also there

is a long black hole from Mercury to Venus.In 1/60 the Sun is in the sign of death and its lord Venus is in Scorpio,the house of death.The Virgo Saturn squares the Sagitarius Mars.The Moon squares Neptune the significator of the seas and Venus which opposes Neptune.Here also a large black hole exists from the Moon to Jupiter. Thus the presence of evil aspects and very large black holes in this Horoscope resulted in an earth quake of very high magnitude and subsequent disturbances in the ocean resulting in the Great Tsunami of 2004 which killed several lakhs of people and inflicted heavy damages which mankind can never forget. This study shows that the influence of the outer planets from Saturn is practically nil as the great Jupiter blocks

their influence and in the figure of the heavens visibility extends from Pisces to Virgo only.Thus the planets Jupiter,Mars, Venus,the Moon and the Sun have one sign in the visible area and Mercury has two signs.Mercury is considered as a planet of duality. The signs from Libra to Aquarius are under the plane of the Earth and hence their influence is of a black hole showing negative gravity represented by nisa-night or Sani-Saturn. And Saturn has both signs in this area and its orbit is outside the orbit of Jupiter. The outer planets being even outer to Saturn has influence in a similar manner and their presence is equivalent to absence creating only black holes.

When and where the next major earthquake or tsunami will occur?

For finding this just erect the figure of the heavens as illustrated and note the Venus -mars ,Saturn -Jupiter afflictions and the black holes.Similarly locate the planetary and sign affinities of various nations of the Earth. From such datas we can know the area to be affected by a quake next on a date decided by Jupiter,the Sun and the Moon. From this study it is clear that no weekday has any particular evil attached to it since the earth quakes occurred on all days irrespective of the name of the day. Friday is evil for a Christian ,but it is the most holy day for a Hindu and a Muslim.Similarly Saturday is holy for the Jews. A day changes only by the sound or its name.The great tsunami happened on the holy Sunday.

Similarly 13 is not an exclusive bad date as the earth quakes occurred on other dates also.Also there are different calendars followed by different people which give different number values for the same date.For example the dates of the Hijra year or the Samvat year need not agree with that of the Gregorian year. The evil happens only when there are evil planet combinations to execute the event. Earthquakes happen on all days and dates. But the evil planetary state was common.Hence there is no need to be afraid of any day and date combinations unless there is an evil planetary combination. If the Earth on which we live is affected to such an extent by the planetary

combinations what will happen to the small beings like us who have such combinations in the horoscopes ! Apart from the Moon the planets likely to influence us most are Venus and Mars the closest neighbours of our Earth by their relative position and Jupiter and the Sun by their relative sizes.

Conclusion of Mission Harappa With this paper we are concluding the Harappan Mission we began with Bharata the language of the Harappans.During this mission we have identified the language of the Harappans to be Bharata. We have opened up a window for science to look into the field of the mysteries

and occult practices of various cults and religions. We have seen that the gods of the dominant religions have evolved from the same Sun(fire) god of the Bharats or there is only one Sun god with different names as stated by the Rigveda:1.164.46 and RV:2.1.3-7 “ He(the Sun) alone is Agni,Indra,Mitra,Varuna,Garuda,Yama, Vaayu,Vishnu,Aryama,Amsa(Hamsa), Vaisvaanara,Brahma and Rudra.” Then why members of one religion should dislike gods and places of worship of other religions? There is nothing divine about it. It shows ignorance and intolerance born out of it. And finally if we are able to develop the science of prediction handed over by the Bharats into a prediction system by which loss of life and damage of properties

can be avoided or minimized , the vision of this mission will be fulfilled.

The Cause of Earth Quakes and the Mystery of Friday the 13th This work explores the cause of earth quakes and tsunamis in the light of the astronomy and astrology of the Bharats and opens up a window for scientists to explore the fields of the occult arts and religious mysticism.The secret tenets are now laid open.The role of the aspects of the planets and the interplanetary black holes in the creation of earthquakes is explained in detail.The basis for the equation of everything, the weekdays,the signs and their lords,the nakshatra dasa system etc.are discussed in detail. Another find is that the star of Bethlehem is Bethlehem itself.The planetary symbols used by the Harappans are also analysed. Finally it is shown that Friday the 13th

has no reason to create mass panic.It is just like all other days !


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