The History Of Russia

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Russian History For a long time, I've envisioned of writing words on this topic. Now, it's time to look at the history of Russia. Like the Middle East, Russia's history is complex and controversial. It has its ups and downs. Most mainstream historians assign the regions of Africa and the Middle East as the precise origin of modern human civilization. From that area, tribes migrated from Mesopotamia into the land of Russia. Today, most of the Russia people are a mixture of Slavs, Tartars, and other various ethnic groups. The Cimmerian tribes were in ancient southern Russia

as early as 1,000 B.C. They were migratory as they existed in Asia Minor and Europe. Plainly, they have similar social structures to the Aryans. The Cimmerians are centrally the ancestors of the Celts (as found in Spain, France, and even Britain). The Assyrians called the Cimmerians the Gimirrai (The Assyrians viewed them as having red hair). They fought wars during the time of the Assyrian King of Shalmanesser V. Garstang and Gurney believe that the Cimmerians contributed to the destruction of the ancient Hittite civilization of Turkey in ca. 1200 B.C. The Cimmerians are famous for their war against Rusa or the King of Uratu-Tilgarimmu (or in Ararat) during 721 B.C. The Cimmerians, some of the Scythians, the Aryans, and like minded tribes are referred to as Indo-European peoples. They are also called Japthetic (as similar to Japheth, who is the son of Noah). Another ancient Indo-European group of people were called the Mitanni. They lived in a large area in Northern Mesopotamia, East Anatolia (or East Turkey), and Canaan. They worked in a state called Hanigalbat (in its capital of Washukanni). Artatama

II was a Mitanni King The Mitanni worked with the Hurrites as well. The Kingdom of Mitanni reached its peak in the 1300’s B.C. The Mitanni Kingdom was destroyed by the Assyrians and the Hurritic palces were subdued and assimilated by the Semites. Biblical scholars believe that these Celts are related to Gomer, the son of Japheth (from Genesis 10:2). The Celts and ancient Indo Europeans acts in clans, didn't have an early written language (from the early periods), the constructed a caste system, they venerate the oak, loved rivers for places of worship, and they were composed of other similarities. The Celts were present in Europe since the late Bronze Age of ca. 1200 B.C. The Celtic people plunded Rome in 390 B.C. and sacked Delphi in 279 B.C. The ancient Greeks called them “Galatoi.” The Scythians were widely existed in Russia by ca. 700 B.C. Early Irish chronicles believes that they have came from the Scythians. They were very diverse and historians to this day are confused on their origin. The Scythians were nomadic people. They traveled all throughout Eurasia and assimilated into different people that they have defeated (this included the Sarmatians, the Goths, the Aryans, the Saxons, and even the Celts of Ireland). The Germanic tribes are different in their migrations from the Celts (who migrated from Turkey into Western Europe). The ancient Germanic tribes migrated slowly from southern Scandinavia into Germany. There was the Nordic Bronze Age culture of ca. 1200 B.C. The climate even in 2700 B.C. in Scandinavia is much warmer than it is today (grapes were grown back then). The Jastorf culture (from the Iron Age) came in North Germany and Denmark by ca. 500 B.C. to 50 B.C. By 1 A.D., Germanic tribes spread further into Germany.

This image deals with Indo-European tribes expanding from Central Asia to throughout the world. The Scythians are called Dacae who reside near the Caspian Sea, the Messagetae plus Sacae (among those living in the east), etc. Herodotus claims that the Massagetae was responsible for the death of Cyrus the Great. The Behistun rock carved by Darius I in ca. 500 B.C. mention the Sacae. There were many tribes that called themselves the Scythians. There were also the Sarmatians of early Russia. They were popular in Russia from 200 B.C. to 200 A.D. New evidence point to a Iranian

relationship to the Sarmatians. It was very common for a migration of tribes among Iran, Central Asia, and Russia. Vernadsky states that "Turkestanian Scyths were undoubtedly Iranian. Many view the Sarmatians as having Iranian origin. We do know that they migrated into central Asia and the Pontic Steppes during the time of the Roman Empire. Note, many Iranian tribes and others hold on to the origin of the Slavic people. The Slavs made up a huge part of Russian history. The ancestors of the Slavic spread from 3 large tribes of the Venedi, Sclaveni, and the Antes. The Slavs originated from Eastern Europe. Historians believe that either the Lusatian culture and later the Przeworsk culture (part of the Chernyakhov culture), the Milograd culture, or the Chernoles culture (of northern Ukraine) are the origin of the Slavic languages. The Venedi tribes were definitely one of the ancestors of the Slavic people. The Venedi and other early Slavic peoples were known in ca. 2nd century B.C., but they come into full view by the 2nd century A.D. The Venedi or West Slavs lived on the Vistula River and eastward. Ptolemy wrote of the Venedae living in Poland by 176 A.D. (in Northwest Sarmatia). The East Slavs were the nomadic Antes (in the Ukraninian Steepes). The Slavs were a nomadic tribe in ancient times. The Slavs were also come into the Balkans by the 200's to 500's A.D. (even in the time of Justinian). When Justinian died, the Balkans was Slavic run as it remains in large measure today. The Slavs are definitely Indo-European. Some try to find Sarmantian and Iranian links to Russia. According to Clarkson, Jesse D.; A History of Russia; Random House, New York, 1961, pg. 13, the Sarmatians during the time of the Roman Empire could have Slavic tribes among them (and they spoke in an Iranian language). The Sarmantians lived near the Scythians and were very migratory. They even had women warriors on horseback. They were called Amazons by the ancient Greek historians. The ancient Slavic tribes of Alans, As Antes (The Antes was from the Alans and the Antes became the strongest tribe of the Slavs. Vernadsky said that the Antes were ruled by Iranian clans in the 100's A.D.), Ros, and Os have Iranian origin. The Ros was a subtribe of the As tribe. Strabo spoke of the Roxolanians or the Ros tribes living beyond the Sycthians. Therefore, the Sarmatians have relationships with the ancient Slavs. There was the Moschoi tribes of the Caucasus mountains that migrated into Russia. Russia became a big mixture of tribes and cultures from the time of the Roman Empire to the Middle Ages.

Learning more about Russian History is very interesting. A Jesuit was recently murder in Russia. Still, many Jesuits have big influence in Russia. The false Christ of Romanism was invented in the modern era by Constantine. He was a Roman Emperor. He was a murderer, a closet sun worshipper, and refused to be baptized until he existed on his death bed. Constantine centralized the powers of Rome with the apostate Church. He gave the title of Pontifex Maximus to the then Bishop of Rome. Over time, the bishop of Rome would evolve into the Pope and take the power that the ancient Roman Empire once acquired via corruption. The Papal Roman Empire exists to this

day as the Roman Catholic Church. In 476 A.D. the Western Roman Empire ended. The bishop of Rome calls himself the Pope by this time. The word Pope mean Father from the Latin language. The pope is blasphemously claims the titles of God from Holy Father, the Vicar of Christ or otherwise. In 330 A.D., Constantine moved his capital east from Rome to Constantinople. Constantinople is the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire or the Byzantine Empire. 1453 was the date that when Constantinople fell by the Ottoman Empire. To this day, Istanbul or Constantinople from back then is controlled mostly by the Turkish people. Constantinople is called by some as the second Rome. Some have called Moscow the Third Rome. Justinian was the famous Byzantium Emperor. The Byzantium Empire was huge at its peak under Justinian. It covered North Africa, parts of Europe, Jerusalem, Turkey, parts of the Middle East, etc. This peak about in ca. 550 A.D. Therefore, Byzantium became the enemy of Rome. The reason is that the Bishop of Rome or the Pope during that time claim universal spiritual power on every human being on the Planet Earth. The Pope to this day claims universal temporal power as well. Constantinople refused to submit to the Pope as well. In 606 A.D., Pope Boniface III would take the title of "universal Bishop" by the decree of Emperor Phocas. Phocas was a deceiver. How will the Bishop of Rome do battle with the Patriarch of Constantinople. The Papacy would utilize Islam and other means to crush the Byzantium Empire. That's why Islam is similar to Romanism in many ways. Now, here's more examples. Each

have roots from the ancient Babylonian Mystery schools. The Pope's mitre came from the Dagon false fish dog of the ancient Phoenicians. The god of Allah in Islam existed as a sun god in pre-Islamic times as well. Some sources like the Encyclopedia of Religion mentions that Allah pre-Islamic name can also correspond to the Babylonian god of Bel. Mohammad was the founder of Islam. He lived from 570 A.D. to 632 A.D. He married Khadija, who was a famous businesswoman. The Koran was finished by ca. 650 A.D. Now, both religions require mandatory fasting, they praise Fatima plus Mary, they follow a works-based salvation plan, they use pagan prayer beads, and Romanism recently teaches that Muslims can be saved (according to #841 of the Roman Catholic Catechism). They agree with crusades or battles. Each have a history of hating Jewish people and persecuting them. Both religions add books to advance their false doctrine (from the Apocrypha, the Quran, the Hadith, etc.). So, the Byzantium Empire would be defeated by many armies. Islamic groups took Jerusalem from the Byzantium (via Caliph Omar in the late 600's. Omar also takes the Temple Mount). By the 700's, the Byzantium was a fragment of what it was. Since Omar and others refused to allow the Vatican to give the Holy Land to them, the Crusades soon existed. Islamic leaders even call the Pope an infidel during the Middle Ages. The Islamic world during the Middle Age would spread into North Africa. Muslim radicals would attack Jewish people including even Bible Believing Christians (which are the Vatican's notorious enemies). The connection to Russian history is that these same bloodlines and false religions have used terrorism (under the philosophies of Bolshevism, Communism, etc.) to oppress the people of Russia just like the Crusades from back in the day. In 1054, Michael I

Cerularius (who was the Patriarch of Constantinople) disagreed with calling Pope Leo father. This disagreement over doctrine caused the modern Orthodox Church. Michael refused to make him to submit under the Pope's authority, so he's excommunicated. Papal doctrine says that it is no murder to kill a heretics (i.e. those deemed excommunicated. It's similar to Islam saying of killing infidel to get into Heaven). This was when the Byzantium Empire split away from the Papacy in religious terms. The 3rd Crusade in 1204 revolve around soldiers sacking Constantinople with Papal soldiers raping people (plus stealing people's lands). It wasn't subjugated by the Pope though. The Muslims soon killed and ruled Constantinople. Saint Sophia Mosque exists to this day in Turkey. The center of Orthodox spread into Moscow later on. The Greek manuscripts of Byzantium are driven west though into the Greek Universities of Europe. Later, in the late 1400's the Gutenberg press was created. The Bible was mass produced. Then, men like Erasmus was a great scholar. He gathered the Textus Receptus text, which is the foundation of the Bible (as found in the Geneva Bible, Tyndale's version, and of course the King James Version of the Bible).

There is the history of the Vikings coming into Russia. These people in Russia were called the Varangians according to the written records of the Slavs near the Sea of Azov. The Varangians would be maritime warriors and traders. This was apart of the bigger Viking Age in parts of Europe from ca. 700 A.D. to 1066 A.D. The Vikings were mostly Scandinavians. Tim Osterholm believes that the ancestor of the Vikings were of the Thracian tribes (plus the Heruls. Osterholm considered the Thracians to be descendants of the ancient Trojans. He writes very interesting information on this subject) and the Goths (or Germanic tribes). The are also described as a "ruddy and blue-

eyed, people", fighting with their own tribal factions. Spartacus was a Thracian auxiliary soldier in the Roman army who deserted but was captured and then enslaved by the Romans. He led a large slave uprising in what is now Italy in 73–71 BC. His army of escaped gladiators and slaves defeated several Roman legions in what is known as the Third Servile War. The Thracians also made musical and artistic developments in their lands as well. The Thracians according to Osterholm migrated from Thrace into Scandinavia as the Aesir. The Romans called the Aesir the Svear. The Svear population flourished in Northern Europe during the days of the Romans. Now, the Vikings integrated with the Slavic peoples in Russia. Therefore, a region in Eastern Region during the time of Viking influence there was classified as Rus. Rus according to pro-Slavic people were apart of Slavic people and proNormanist historians believe that they were apart of a Scandinavian ruling elite.

She is Empress Catherine I. Catherine created the Order of St. Catherine, which was a Knighthood for women.

Here is Peter the Great of Russia

The Protestant Reformation takes place in the 1500's. Especially, many Northern Europeans rejected Romanism in huge numbers. That means we can follow God without statues, venerating Mary, and no Pope forcing us to believe into something that's apart of false doctrine. The Jesuits was created by Ignatius Loyola in 1534. Their goals simply was to destroy the Protestant Reformation, rule Jerusalem for the Pope, have wars with nonCatholics (even Muslims), and create a Papal world empire. The Jesuits was a militia group created to try to stop the successes of the Reformation. This goal includes the fight against the Orthodox people of Russia. The Jesuits and the Vatican were involved in starting the Thirty Years War from 1618 out of Prague. It stopped in 1648. The Jesuits soon spread into

Russia. Peter I the Great was a great Czar. Peter I was born in 1672 in Moscow. He died in February 8, 1752 at the age of 52. He was a reformer and wanted to modernize Russia. He was Western advisors that influenced him. He built up the Russian navy. On September 12, 1698, Peter officially founded the first Russian Navy base, Taganrog. Peter encouraged the Russian people to adopt more Western clothing. He died mysteriously since he was in robust health, then he died of bladder problems. Some suspect that he was murdered. He wasn't perfect, but he at least expelled the Jesuits at 1719. He founded St. Petersburg, made protective tariffs, and created the Academy of Sciences in 1724 (under the Senate decree). He is considered a great reformer who worked with England back then. Peter realized that the Jesuits wanted political power not just harboring a religious agenda. The Jesuit mendled in the political affairs of European nations. That's why they were banned in Spain (in 1767), France, Portugal (in 1759), etc. during the late 1700's. Pope Clement XIV issued the Papal bull condemning the Jesuits. It's called Dominus ac Redemptor Noster, which banned Jesuits in Catholic nations. This decree was issued at July 21, 1773. The Jesuits soon contacted 2 Monarchs to help them. One was Frederick the Great of Prussia. He was the head of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry during the late 1700's. This fact utterly refutes the lie that the Jesuits had no connections with Freemasonry at all. The Scottish Rite came from ca. 1754, and by 1762 there were 25 degrees in it. In 1761 Stephen Morin was designated to introduce the Rite into the New World. He first established the Rite in Kingston, Jamaica and in San Domingo. On the mainland, Bodies were set up at New Orleans, LA in 1763, at Albany, NY in 1767, at Philadelphia, PA in 1782, and at Charleston, SC in 1783. The Russian Empress Catherine II of Russia also protected the Jesuits. Catherine was an adulteress who had mostly Germanic blood (she wasn't even a Romanov). His own son called her a whore. She allowed Freemasonry to spread in Russia (she is a protector of Freemasonry in 1763 until 1794 when she banned Freemasonry in her realm). Catherine protected the Jesuits. The Russian Empire expanded during her reign. The Jesuits thrived in the areas where the Jesuits weren't banned in Prussia and Russia. The rise of Napeolon came. His empire was temporary as European nations stopped his spread into Russia. Paul I was the czar after Catherine the Great. Alexander I came later on.

The good news of Alexander I was that he resisted the wicked Council of Vienna which wanted an European Union of the 1800's. He was wrong for dabbling into witchcraft. Alexander I lifted the ban on Freemasonry in Russia by 1810. Alexander I developed educational systems and allowed the Bible Society to exist in Russia. Allowing that was a good thing. According to Abbe Leone (in his Secret Plan of the Order), the Jesuits were suppressed in Russia (during May 18, 1820 under Czar Alexander I) for them trying to suppress the spread of the Bible in Russia. On August 1, 1822 the Czar Alexander I prohibited Freemasonry throughout the Russian empire. He soon died in 1825. Therefore, Alexander I banned the Jesuits and the Freemasons from Russia during the 1800's. Alexander II was more tolerant of Jewish people. Alexander II emancipated ca. 40 million serfs (that occurred in the spring of 1861. Russia developed a railroad system too), gave rights to Jewish people, and he signed the Constitution of Russia limiting the power of the Monarchy. He supported Abraham Lincoln in sending the Pacific fleet near San Francisco and his Baltic fleet to New York City. This was done to prevent France, Spain, and England from interfering with the Civil War. As many realize, the British government aided the Confederacy. Also, Russian and America were strong allies during the 1800's. Lord Palmerston also made free trade agreements with the South to purchase low priced Cotton from Slave Labor without tariffs , which is the real reason why they began seceding. They did

not want a protective tariff because they were dependent on the Dutch and the British to function economically. When Abraham Lincoln came to office, numerous states seceded from the Union. This was going according to the European elite’s Plan to cut the Nation in Half. Lincoln took the Gold Standard down, and Revived the Greenback and issued them directly into Infrastructure projects. This paved the way for economic growth. The wartime alliance between Russia and America was negotiated by the U.S. Ambassador to Russia named Cassius Clay (who was ambassador from 1861-1862 and 1863-1869). Russia worked with America since the 1700‘s. During the era of John Quincy Adams, Russia was a big trading partner with America. Russia in the 1800’s wanted to work with America in trade to act as a buffer against Britain since British forces defeated Russia badly during the Crimean War. Quebec and parts of Western Canada wanted to annex to America. Henry Clay gave speeches desiring Russia to industrailize with its manufacturing resources. Clay gave Henry Carey's book The Harmony of Interests: Agricultural, Manufacturing, and Commercial, (and hand-delivering) them to Alexander II, Gorchakov, Navy Minister Prince Dolgoruky, Grand Duke Constantine, and a host of other high officials and industrialists. The Emperor made his views known through his foreign minister, Prince Gortchakoff:

"This Union is not simply in our eyes an element essential to the universal political equilibrium. It constitutes, besides, a nation to which our august master and all Russia have pledged the most friendly interest; for the two countries, placed at the extremities of the two worlds, both in the ascending period of their development, appear called to a natural community of interests and of sympathies, of which they have already given mutual proofs to each other." Czar Alexander II was a great reformer in Russia. Alexander II was killed in the 1880's by Polish Roman Catholic Ignacy Hryniewiecki. There were pogroms of Jewish people in Russia, especially during the late 1800's.

Tzar Nicholas II and his family

The 20th century of Russia had very interesting historical details. Rasputin was from Sibera. He was once an advisor to the Romanov dynasty in the early 20th century. The Russian Revolution is more complicated than one sees. Communism existed from Thomas More and others before Karl Marx. The Russian Revolution was created by the Vatican/Jesuits and high level Freemasonry (especially among English Freemasonry and the Grand Orient Freemasonry) in order to end the pro-Orthodox Monarchy. A priest named Theodore Maly fought in the Revolution with the Cheka and the Red Army to defeat the mostly Orthodox White Army. Lenin hated the Orthodox religion and re-admitted the Jesuits in 1922. This was proven by Priest James J. Zatko. The Jesuit Edmund Walsh monitored the Russian Revolution. The Revolution was funded by the USA and Europe via large international banks (as controlled by the Knights of Malta, high level Freemasonry, and the Pilgrim Society). Bishop Edward Ropp was a key figure in the Revolution allying with the Bolsheviks to decrease the power of the Orthodox Church as well. Lenin (his comrade was Grand Orient Mason Grigori Zioniviev. Zioniviev was pictured with Henry Ford), Trotsky, and others were apart of this. Lenin's inspiration was Mikhail Bakunin who was a Mason and a Satanist. Bakunin wanted anarchy

and violence to fulfill global revolution. Trotsky at first didn't want violence. Although, later Trotsky used violence via his Red Army to kill the White Army plus those in his way. Many Jewish people were involved in that affair. Marvin S. Antelman's "To Eliminate the Opiate" in chapter 14 had information that Leon Trotsky cooperated with Lenin to execute Jews. Lenin's Jewish Section persecuted rabbis and religious Jews plus closed synagogues (and religious schools). Yet, many of these Jewish leaders were heavily Freemasons (like Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, and Armaud Hammer. Freemasonry is headed by Gentiles mostly not Jewish folks). The Torah forbids many aspects of Masonry. Also, the funders of both Revolutions were select Knights of Malta, Pilgrims, and high level Freemasons (which consist mostly of Gentiles). Additionally, I found out that most Jews in Russia from March 1917 to November 1917 were in non-Communist parties like the Zionist parties, Jewish Bund, or the PSR (i.e. social Democrats. The Jewish Bund and the social Democrats condemned the Bolshevik coup). The bankers' names who financed the Russian Revolution include: William Boyce Thompson (he was of the Fed who gave $1 million to the Revolution. Raymond Robins represented William Thompson of the FED to go into Russia. Robins is the head of the American Red Cross Mission.

Lord Alfred Milner and Bruce Robins met with Lenin as well as documented in Stan Monolieth's "Brotherhood of Darkness" which was created in 2000), Max May, Montagu Norman's Bank of England, JP Morgan, Milner, J. D. Rockefeller, Warburg, Kuhn & Loeb, etc. finanicaly aided the supporters of the Russian Revolution. Herbert Hoover in 1922 sent $55,994,588 to the Bolsheviks according to Stan as well. Other funders of the Soviet industries for decades were Westinghouse, 33rd Degree Freemason Henry Ford, CFR member/Pilgrim/Bonesman Averell Harriman, Exxon, Armand Hammer, and other American firms. Robert Schuller is a friend of 33rd Degree Freemason

Armand Hammer (as Hammer would finance even Billy Graham. Graham publicly called for people to embrace the new world order). Schuller preaches the Masonic Gospel of many religions believing in the same god, the emphasis of self-esteem, and the compromise of core religious Christian tenets. Armand Hammer is in the image to the right

of Vladimir Lenin. Armand’s father was Julius and Armand was named after the Communist arm and hammer symbol. Hammer funded the Soviet Union from Lenin to Gorbachev. He is one prominent international banker. He was loved by J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon, and other people who were supposedly anti-Communists. Knight of Malta William Casey was in favor of Hammer’s activities in Russia. Casey when he was the head of Export-Import Bank loaned Russia $216 million dollars on unprofitable ventures that Hammer wanted to carry out in Russia. Armand Hammer was the Chairman of Occidental Petroleum. Hammer was a friend of the Mountbattans and the Rothschilds. There is the story about Jacob Schiff. Schiff

wanted the Czar gone because of the Czar's persecution of Jews in the early 1900's. Russia in 1905 lost the Russo-Japanese War. According to Anthony Sutton and Dr. Stan Monlieth, Grand Orient Mason Jacob Schiff supported the Kerensky government, but opposed the Bolshevik Revolution (since Jacob Schiff was anti-Communist). There is a difference between wicked Masonic Jews and an innocent, normal Jewish person on the street who doesn't understand how world events truly occur. Also, the British Fabian Socialists supported the Communists including some of the British Labor Party like Sidney Webb.

There were 2 Revolutions actually. Many folks don't realize that. One was achieved by 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason Alexander Kerensky. Kerensky’s Revolution occurred in February of 1917. He opposed the Rasputinpuppet filled Imperial Duma. He lived from 1881 to 1970. Kerensky had a huge following as a member of the Social Revolutionary Party. Prince Georgi Yevgenievich Lovov of the aristocratic Polar Star Lodge was plotted with Kerensky to overthrow the Czar. He was overthrown by Lenin and Trotsky for being too moderate or burgoise. Who were the Mensheviks? They were different form the Bolsheviks. They were created in 1903 as a faction of the Russian Revolutionary Movement. It started after a dispute occurred between Vladimir Lenin and Julius Martov (both were members of the Russian-Democratic Labour Party). Mensheviks is from the Russian word of It started in the 2nd Congress of the the party of minor issues. меньшинство

(men'shinstvo, "minority"), whereas Lenin's adherents were known as "Bolsheviks", from bol'shinstvo ("majority"). Neither side held a consistent majority over the course of the congress. The Mensheviks were more moderate than the Bolsheviks and was more positive toward the mainstream liberal opposition. The Menshevik were united with the Provisional Government, while the Bolsheviks wanted to topple it. The Menshevik faction divided their support among White and Red Russians during the Russian Civil war (as the Civil War, the Red defeated the White Russians. The White Russians opposed the Bolsheviks). By 1921, the Soviet Union banned the Menshevik party (some of its member went into the Russian Communist Party). Noe Zhordania was a famous Menshevik leader and was the Prime Minister of Georgia. Martov died in 1923 in ill health. Stalin later took control and murdered almost all of the original Jewish revolutionaries for his hatred of Zionism. Stalin restricted how many Jewish people would go into Israel. Stalin had Trotsky (he died in Mexico via an axe attack) killed for Trotsky's criticism of Stalin of betraying the Russian Revolution. Trotsky wanted “World Revolution” or a fast passed pace spread of Communism worldwide. On the other hand, Joseph Stalin wanted Communism to gradually spread at one nation at a time.

*By 1920, the Bolsheviks started to take over the Russian oil fields. The Caucasus oil fields had slowed down, because the oil fields were not managed and water percolated into the wells. So, they allowed the American company called International Barnsdall (according to Pravda in its September 21, 1922 issue) give the Russians technology to get Russia’s oil fields to superintend the work. The chairman of International Barnsdall back then was a 32nd Degree Mason named Matthew C. Brush. In July 12, 1925, an agreement came about between W. A. Harriman Co. of New York and the USSR. They wanted to exploit the Chiaturi manganese deposits. The Harriman operating company was named Georgian Manganese Company. The man running the Georgian Manganese Company was against the Freemason Matthew C. Brush (according to Fritz Springmeier, he was a KT & a Shriner. Fritz wrote that Bonesman Harriman gave a loan to the Soviets. This was against U.S. law back then and it wasn‘t investigated at all). 32nd Degree Mason and Shriner FDR recognized Stalin’s dictatorship in 1933. Hitler’s Nazis were defeated in Russia in Operation Barbarossa (plus the Battle in Stalingrad) like Napoleon more than 100 years before the 1940’s. Stalin’s top intelligence man was Knight of Malta Prince Anton Turkul, who used Jesuits for his couriers. Stalin was an ally of Cardinal Gregory Agagianian. WWII ended by 1945. 6 million Jewish people were murdered by the Nazis and millions more were killed by the Nazis and the Axis Powers as well. Kim Philby was a triple agent for MI5, the CIA, and the KGB during the 20th century. The Soviet Union was indeed a nation that consisted of a dictatorship with concentration camps, other violations of political plus religious liberties, gun bans, abortion, snitch squads, secret police, and other evils. According to former KGB agent Vasili Mitrokhin in “The Sword and the Shield,” the KGB aided the Jesuit-influenced terrorist Irish Republican Army or the IRA plus Sein Fein. The religious liberty suppression in the Soviet Union is similar to the French revolution of the Edict of Nantes. The Edict of Nantes promoted religious

liberty in France. Protestants were suppressed of ministers, churches, and other liberties afforded to others. Therefore, they established underground churches in courageously expressing their right of conscience in worshipping God.

The Cold War began to end with the negotiations between Skulls and Bones member George H. W. Bush and pro-Grand Orient Lodge & pro-NWO atheist Gorbachev. They shook hands in 1989 (at the Island of Malta). 1989 was one of the most important times of the Cold War. This was when the Berlin Wall fell. It made Germany to become unified as one Western nation in the world stage. There were celebrations globally when that event happen. The Cold War one of the most significant times

in world history. I was born in the end of the Cold War. The Berlin Wall fell in November of 1989 when I was in the 1st grade of elementary school. I remember that time. The USSR was basically an experiment by the Elite in order to further control certain factions in world society. Stalin was pro-Jesuit and he was a murderer. In fact, he and others in the Soviet Union murdered more than 50 million human beings (most of whom were Orthodox Christians). Putin is no longer the President of Russia. Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev is the new President of Russia. He was ironically Vladimir Putin's chief of Presidential staff. By 1987, he graduated from the Leningrad State University. Some view that Medvedev is more liberal than Putin. Yet, still Dmitry is following Putin's policy of being aggressive toward Eastern Europe. The reason is that Russia wants to increase their hegemony in the world and they usually hate the influence of NATO in Eastern Europe.

So, it's a geo-political battle between the West and Russia for who would most politically influence not only Eastern Europe (but Central Asia, the Middle East, Asia, etc.). In

geopolitics and geography, Central Asia is called the heartland (according to the theory of Nicholas J. Spykman. He is called the godfather of containment. I know a lot of information on geopolitics and geography now) because of its vast oil plus mineral resources. The rimland is the periphery regions of Central Asia being in Eastern Europe, etc. The shatter zones are flash points in the world like India and China. So, Russia and America are competing for influence in the Heartland of the world plus the rimland in the geopolitical world. The shatter zones are going to have increased impact in the world stage in the 21st century, especially in the 2100’s. Dmitry Medvedev publicly supports a multipolar world. In other words, Russia doesn't want America or the West to handle most of the international crisis occurring on Earth. The future will be very interesting for Russia now in 2009. Barack Obama is now the President of the United States, so his relationship with Russia will be fascinating to watch. Barack Obama has meet inside of Russia. Both Obama and Medvedev are trying to play chess

instead of checkers in their foreign policy actions. Barack Obama in early 2009 have used tough rhetoric in criticism Russia’s aggressiveness toward Eastern Europe. Today, Russia is gaining some military strength. Russia is an ally of China, Iran, and possibly Turkey now. Authors like Webster Tarpley believe that the neoliberal crowd (people like Brzezinski) want to covertly have a conflict with Russia and China in later years (in order to get their resources and have bigger hegemony in Eurasia including the Middle East. Also, Brzezinski supported a strategy slicker than the neo cons in which you fund chaos in nations without the West directly using military force to attack so-called “enemies”). In other words, you play nations like Iran against each other. It has the largest merchant marine fleet in the world. By late 2009, Barack Obama didn’t allow America to fund missile defense systems in Poland and the Czech Republic. Both sides are trying to be moderate to each other overtly in order to solve the nuclear arsenal issue (which is a big issue to be discussed in the rest of the 21st to the 22nd centuries).

By Timothy

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