The Five Spiritual Powers

  • June 2020
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Spirits Use Smell to Get Our Attention I am unable to explain the sickening smell of cigarette smoke throughout my town house. I am a non-smoker. My investigation began about a week ago, when I returned home from shopping. As I opened the door from the garage to the downstairs hall, I immediately detected the stench of cigarette smoke. Since there hasn't been any cigarette smoking in my home for the past twelve years, I suddenly surmised that a burglar was probably at work upstairs. Slowly but very cautiously, I checked-out the downstairs, then moved up to the main floor. Nobody here either. If a burglar was here he would surely be on the top floor. As I had been burgled some several years ago, I hesitated. Should I call the police? Should I get my baseball bat from the lower floor? I couldn't decide what action to take. I quietly waited and listened. There was not a sound, but the smell of cigarette smoke was beginning to cause me to gag. After what seemed to be an hour, it was in fact only a few minutes, I slowly made my way up to the top level. The guest room was my first entry. No burglar or sign of any intruder here. I moved a bit quicker, but with continued caution, moved from room to room. No intruder and no burglar, caused me to assume the burglar had come, burgled and exited my home. I wasn't frightened any longer, but another fear came upon me. What was missing? What was stolen? I checked and rechecked the entire house. Nothing was gone. Nothing was even disturbed! Something was out of sorts and my first inclination was my new neighbour. What kind of cigarettes do you smoke Sully? Why I haven't smoked in years. Why do you ask, he exclaimed? I briefly told Sully my story. I haven't had any company since moving in either, he said. The smoke must be coming from your neighbour on the other side, Sully quipped. No, I've been taking care of John and Lonnie's home while they are away, I said. There was only one other place where the smell could come from, the bush behind my property. Some under-age kids must be in there smoking. I went upstairs and gazed out my bedroom window onto the bush. Ahha, I said. As I saw something move... I rushed to get my binoculars. Two blue jays were playing or mating or whatever. I eliminated all the possibilities that I could think of, then decided to call my wife. Sharon , I've got a problem and I know only a sleuth like you can help me solve it. By the time I finished my story she interrupted and said, It's your mother! I immediately replied, You mean her spirit or ghost? She then went on to tell me that she also smelled cigarette smoke in her home only yesterday. What else could it be I said? Tonight there's a slight breeze outside and all of my windows are open. In spite of this, the entire house simply reeks of cigarette smoke. What do I do next? Oh yes, one other thing. My mother of eighty-nine years, passed away on February 21st of this year. She was a heavy smoker up until a few years ago, when she entered a medical centre for the aged. It's all up to you now my friend. How do I get rid of this sickening smelly cigarette smoke? So, this is very likely your Mother, trying to let you know that she is around... a good way to get your attention, she probably felt that you disapproved of her smoking...So, the first thing I suggest is that you address her directly... something like, "OK, Mom, I know you're here now, do you have a reason for coming just now, is there something you want to say?" Then listen, notice whatever thoughts feelings or sensations come up - let your imagination play, see what comes up... usually there's some purpose in

these visits, something Mom wants to resolve or tell you about, or some event coming up that she wants you to be prepared for, or just to be able to tell you she loves you and know you realized it was her around... You could tell her also that the smell is disturbing and ask her if she could send the smell of roses when she's around instead... Hope that helps some, Lotsa LLLove, Daniell

Spirits connect with folks those who can see, hear, feel or otherwise sense them, an ability that comes naturally to many people. Most of us discover that we are mediums through some spontaneous event - a visit from the other side... a fascinating wake up call. Here we delve into spiritualism, the world of spirit, and the mediums who connect with them.

Why do these spirits come to me? Like everyone else, I was puzzled by my first encounters with spirit, wondering why me? Even when it was a relative coming, I wondered why they would pick me among the dozens of others they might have visited. My guides once answered this question with a big laugh, "What, you didn't know? You have a sign out on the astral plane, sayiung "willing to take messages, one one condition, you give me the message and go." Many of us are natural mediums, born with the ability to connect with spirits on the other side, perhaps a result of work we have done in previous lifetimes... I can't say for sure why... why is anyone gifted with any particular talent? The gift of mediumship though appears to be obvious to those on the other side.... as if all of the natural mediums on planet earth are lit up like radio beacons so any spirit who needs help can find them. As you will see in the many letters contained in these pages - and the many more in our spiritual advice section, spirit usually has a purpose in connecting with us, in allowing themselves to be seen.. many are confused, all want help. Some don't even know they are dead, and are wandering around in a kind of limbo-state, stuck somewhere between here on planet earth and the astral plane. But it does take a certain amount of training, a basic understanding of the role of a medium, to effectively offer help.... and to protect oneself from the lower astral enenergies that can come in when the channel is open... these energies can wreak havoc in our lives unless we know how to clear them from our spaces regularly... and avoid the problem altogether. There are many forms of spiritualism, channeling is one that many have come to know, a way of connecting for guidance with entities from other dimensions as well as our higher selves. To be a medium means that you will meditate often - and deeply. Victoria summarizes what being a medium is all about: Being a Medium is like acting as a direct line between those in Spirit and those who live on the earthplane. The three things that I learned in training is that to develop and to be effective you have to practice the three "H"s, HUMILITY, HONESTY AND HUMOUR. The greatest Mediums I have ever met are humble and normal people. They wore suits and were well groomed people who fit in anywhere. It is important that we be creditable people even though we may considered weird or strangely gifted by some. A willingness to share what we know, to be forthright and direct with answers, and then to laugh, not only makes it easier to develop and enhance one’s ability as a Medium, but also to enjoy being a Medium.

Unexplained Visitors If anyone has any insights, please email me. The problem is, we moved to a house 10 months ago, and the kids and I have had strange experiences. •

Shoes misplaced and showing up days later.

Necklace seen on a shelf and 15 minutes later, seen intricately wrapped around a microphone cord.

A checkbook inexplicably missing, found 2 days later in one of the family cars.

Car seat adjusted

Doors shutting etc...

I think some of this is too mischievous and wonder what the "visitor's" problem is. Thanks for any insights. Suzanne Hmm, some spirit is definitely wanting your attention here! I'd be curious to know whether previous residents in your home had similar experiences and when this all started... My best suggestion for now is to start talking to this spirit, tell it that you are no longer amused by its antics... that it is dead, and needs to move on to the light where it will find its own home... tell the spirit that if it has a message to deliver, then deliver it, you're listening and noticing and then be gone... I would also do a little investigation into the history of the house you are in and the area, the land you are on and is around you. If you can get a sense of who might be visiting you, it can be a bit easier to get them to move on. hope that helps a bit... Lotsa LLLove, Danielle Spirits drop in unexpectedly for a lot of reasons... often just for a last good-bye, to let a loved one know they are safely across... often they have a specific message to pass on... Some are trapped... and yet others are intent on possessing a body... one of the most frequent reasons for seeing spirits is to give us a wake up call, a Knock on the Head, to help us see that there is so much more to life than our outer senses recognize.... the world is much larger than we are taught in geography... and far more complex. Here we invite you to explore the world of spirit... Love Psychics Home Get A Psychic Reading | Shopping Cart | The Global Store About Us | FAQs | Testimonials

Spirit Mediums Making Connections with the Other Side Spirits connect with folks those who can see, hear, feel or otherwise sense them, an ability that comes naturally to many people. Most of us discover that we are mediums through some spontaneous event - a visit from the other side... a fascinating wake up call. Here we delve into spiritualism, the world of spirit, and the mediums who connect with them.

Why do these spirits come to me? Like everyone else, I was puzzled by my first encounters with spirit, wondering why me? Even when it was a relative coming, I wondered why they would pick me among the dozens of others they might have visited. My guides once answered this question with a big laugh, "What, you didn't know? You have a sign out on the astral plane, sayiung "willing to take messages, one one condition, you give me the message and go." Many of us are natural mediums, born with the ability to connect with spirits on the other side, perhaps a result of work we have done in previous lifetimes... I can't say for sure why... why is anyone gifted with any particular talent? The gift of mediumship though appears to be obvious to those on the other side.... as if all of the natural mediums on planet earth are lit up like radio beacons so any spirit who needs help can find them.

As you will see in the many letters contained in these pages - and the many more in our spiritual advice section, spirit usually has a purpose in connecting with us, in allowing themselves to be seen.. many are confused, all want help. Some don't even know they are dead, and are wandering around in a kind of limbo-state, stuck somewhere between here on planet earth and the astral plane. But it does take a certain amount of training, a basic understanding of the role of a medium, to effectively offer help.... and to protect oneself from the lower astral enenergies that can come in when the channel is open... these energies can wreak havoc in our lives unless we know how to clear them from our spaces regularly... and avoid the problem altogether. There are many forms of spiritualism, channeling is one that many have come to know, a way of connecting for guidance with entities from other dimensions as well as our higher selves. To be a medium means that you will meditate often - and deeply. Victoria summarizes what being a medium is all about: Being a Medium is like acting as a direct line between those in Spirit and those who live on the earthplane. The three things that I learned in training is that to develop and to be effective you have to practice the three "H"s, HUMILITY, HONESTY AND HUMOUR. The greatest Mediums I have ever met are humble and normal people. They wore suits and were well groomed people who fit in anywhere. It is important that we be creditable people even though we may considered weird or strangely gifted by some. A willingness to share what we know, to be forthright and direct with answers, and then to laugh, not only makes it easier to develop and enhance one’s ability as a Medium, but also to enjoy being a Medium.

Unexplained Visitors If anyone has any insights, please email me. The problem is, we moved to a house 10 months ago, and the kids and I have had strange experiences. •

Shoes misplaced and showing up days later.

Necklace seen on a shelf and 15 minutes later, seen intricately wrapped around a microphone cord.

A checkbook inexplicably missing, found 2 days later in one of the family cars.

Car seat adjusted

Doors shutting etc...

I think some of this is too mischievous and wonder what the "visitor's" problem is. Thanks for any insights. Suzanne Hmm, some spirit is definitely wanting your attention here! I'd be curious to know whether previous residents in your home had similar experiences and when this all started... My best suggestion for now is to start talking to this spirit, tell it that you are no longer amused by its antics... that it is dead, and needs to move on to the light where it will find its own home... tell the spirit that if it has a message to deliver, then deliver it, you're listening and noticing and then be gone... I would also do a little investigation into the history of the house you are in and the area, the land you are on and is around you. If you can get a sense of who might be visiting you, it can be a bit easier to get them to move on. hope that helps a bit... Lotsa LLLove, Danielle Spirits drop in unexpectedly for a lot of reasons... often just for a last good-bye, to let a loved one know they are safely across... often they have a specific message to pass on... Some are trapped... and yet others are intent on possessing a body... one of the most frequent reasons for seeing spirits is to give us a wake up call, a Knock on the Head, to help us see that there is so much more to life than our outer

senses recognize.... the world is much larger than we are taught in geography... and far more complex. Here we invite you to explore the world of spirit... More Spirit Connections More On Angels and Spirit Guides Ask the Medium About Spirit Connections Get a Spirit Reading

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Responsibility At this time yesterday, one of my coworkers was reading the morning news on the internet and he called out that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. Some of us looked over his shoulder as the news broke, viewing the horrifying images and reading the terse reports. We watched in astonishment as the second jet smashed into the other tower and listened to our radios to hear of the third plane attacking the Pentagon. My gut tightened and my hands trembled as I thought of all the people who had gone about their regular, ordinary lives, just like they did on any other morning, only to experience this terror. At times like this, it becomes so easy to draw the line in the dirt, to separate Us from Them. We have to believe that we are Not Like That. We want to think that the others are wrong and we are right. We are angry, and we want retribution and revenge. We want Them to feel the pain that they have inflicted on our neighbors. We want Them to hurt as badly as we do. We are smug in our self-righteousness, because They struck first. We regress to a primal state, the unthinking place deep within the core of our bodies that is terrified of dying and convinces us that we must lash out to protect ourselves. We want blood. But this is not the place that should determine our actions. As humans, gifted with intelligence and spirituality, we must not act from our animal core. Along with these gifts comes the responsibility to use them for the betterment of the world. It is our duty to make choices from our mind and spirit, from the sacred parts of us that are linked with every other life in the world. When we act from our primal animal selves and do harm to other people or our world, our divine spirits are dimmed, shadowed. This is true regardless of whether we are striking first or retaliating. Harming another harms us. We truly are one in the spirit. At the same time, we think about protecting ourselves. Surely I have the right to safeguard my life and the lives of those I care about. Surely as a nation, we have the right to safeguard the lives of our citizens. Surely it would be best if we could

take out the monsters responsible for this bloodshed and terror, so that they cannot inflict pain on anyone else. Surely this would be right and good, because we are Not Like Them. We forget that we are indeed like them, especially when we cry out for blood and vengeance. I believe that this is the message in the "turn the other cheek" example that Jesus gave us. There are not easy answers. I do not think that it is wrong for our nation to protect its people, and I do not think it is wrong for individuals to protect themselves and their families. I recognize that this protection may mean violence. But I believe that choices must be made from the unity of mind, body, and spirit, which means acting out of love and not simply from primal, animal fear. This is true as a nation and as individuals. It is our responsibility, our duty to carefully weigh the consequences of our choices. We must understand how our actions will affect the people around us, the nations around us. We must recognize that we are all connected to each other through the Divine. We must love our adversary, even as we strike him or her away. In the wake of these suicide bombings, we all want retribution. Thousands of lives were lost yesterday in senseless, loveless violence. But we become Just Like Them if we allow our primal fear of death to make our choices for us. In truth, we are really Just Like Them anyway, as much as we try to convince ourselves otherwise. But Just Like Them, we are unique and wonderful creations, made in the image of the Divine. Just Like Them, we carry the Divine spark within us. Just Like Them, we go about our daily lives making choices and taking care of ourselves and our families. We may think we are better than Them, but this is dangerous pride. Our sins may not affect as many people, but anything is a sin that diminishes the divine within us, that harms others, that strains the connection with the immanent and transcendent Divine. It is our sacred responsibility to act in love now, rather than reacting in fear. This may mean attack to capture the people responsible for the violence we experienced yesterday. But this attack must be made out of love, or we have become the monster as well. My heart aches for all the people who lost their lives, for those who lost family or friends, for all the people who are helplessly waiting to find out if their loved ones are alive. We are all diminished by this staggering loss. The world will never seem the same again. © 2001 Heather Mina

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