
  • October 2019
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  • Words: 696
  • Pages: 3
POWERS: Apportation - The ability to call for an object and have it orb to the caller. Astral Echo - Allows one to use people's essence to form telepathic links with them. Astral Projection - The ability to create a duplicate of your body/physical form through the astral plane. Blinking - The ability to move from one place to another in the 'blink of an eye' by concentrating on a person or place. This is exclusively a warlock power. (However it is said that Matthew Tate copied it from a witch) Cloaking - The ability to hide someone supernaturally from others. Cloning - The ability to create a duplicate of yourself in the physical plane. Deflection - The ability to deflect the powers of witches/warlocks away from yourself, and back onto the enemy. Elasticity - The ability to stretch parts of the body out in an elastic fashion Electricity Generation - The ability produce and channel electricity Empathy - The ability to sense human emotions. The owner also has the ability to alter emotions or transmit their own onto others Energy Balls - The ability to throw balls of energy, high or low-voltage. Fire-balls-The ability to throw balls of fire Fire breathing The ability to breathe fire. Fire-throwing The ability to throw streams of fire. It is an upper-level demonic power Flame-in/out To teleport with flames accompanying you Flight The ability to fly (similar to levitation) Forcefield Generation The ability create forcefields that block outside forces Freezing Breath (Cryokinesis) Blow cold breath Freezing Power Turns the target into ice Healing Touch The ability to heal others with the touch of a hand. Triggered by love. Invisibility The ability to become invisible Intangibility The ability to pass through another object or the ability to enter another person or object

Levitation The ability to raise/float your body above the ground Orbed Telekenisis Where you call for something and it telekinetically orbs to you Orbing An ability belonging exclusively to White Lighters, allowing them to transport themselves around Earth, and also to their home plane. Half-White Lighters can also orb, but neophyte ones can only orb in the same place. Psychokenisis The ability to move things one cannot see Pyrogenism/ Pyrokenisis The ability to produce fire/heat Reconstitution The ability to reconstitute ones body after it has been destroyed Sensing The ability to hear and locate charges Shimmering Ability to travel from one place/plane to another. So far used exclusively by evil beings. Smoking-in/out Teleportation with smoke accompanying you Supernatural speed The ability to move at unnatural speeds Synchronization The ability to copy and duplicate supernatural powers. Telekinisis The ability to move objects using the power of your mind alone. Telepathy The ability to read thoughts Temporal Stasis The ability to freeze time Thermodynamic generation The ability to produce heat energy Thought Projection The ability to make your thoughts come to life through drawings. An extremely rare power. Transmogrification/Shapeshifting – The ability to change form (of self and others) into animate and/or inanimate objects Water-capsule A column of water that surrounds a person and prevents them from moving X-ray vision The ability to see through material

Book Of Shadows A combination of spellbook, demonology and history. In this case of the Halliwell Family. It is a family heirloom dating back to the first witch of the Halliwell line, Melinda Warren. Each decendent has added their own spells and information to the Book. In the case of the sisters, it's where their powers were stored. Crystal cage Five cydarite crystals that when oriented in an east-to-west circle have the ability to create a cage of light with the power to contain a demon/warlock and reflect their powers back to them. Ouija / Spirit Board A spirit board is a flat board with letters, numbers and the words "yes" and "no" etched on the surface. When called on, spirits guide the pointer on the board to spell or select answers to questions. It is also known as a Ouija Board from the "yes", which translates as "Oui" in French and "Ja" in German thus spelling out "OuiJa". Scrying A spell used to locate someone or something. Requires a crystal and a map

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