The Enemies Of Good Government

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,075
  • Pages: 5
08/07/2010 08:11:00 ← Let us never forget that an enemy to good government is an enemy not only to Our Country, but to each and every Citizen of this country; for such an enemy has divested himself of all social sentiments and duties which are characteristics to the goals of good government. Such an enemy has degraded himself far below the rank and dignity of man and deserves not only to be classed with the lowest of the low, but also deserves our indignation and contempt, such are those traitors who under the pretense of leadership. These enemies are licentious disturbers, destroyers of the public peace and the public good, as well as the future of our Dear Country for whom so many have given their fortunes and their lives. ← ← Those within our government have expressed their disrespect time and again for the principles upon which this Country was Founded and through which it once Prospered. It has been proven that these politicians despise good government and sound policy through their presumptuous actions, they not only disregard for the legal standards set forth by the Constitution, but even disregard the Consent of the People themselves. This federal government is bound by the Compact of Agreement, made solely between the People of the Several States united only by the continuation and adherence of all articles within that Agreement by the parties thereof. When any party of such a contract either disregards or violates the articles upon which they agreed, then that Agreement is null and void. It should once again be obvious that there are those, enemies of both good government and the People, have Breached the Trust of that Noble Compact and trod upon every fundamental principle of Representative government. ← ← Therefore, in order that we may form a right judgment on the duty that has enjoined us by the Noble Text of that Compact of Agreement, for our Protection and the Prosperity of our lives, that we should now not take the necessary steps to ensure both our security and our future prosperity against all usurpations, against all despicable acts and legislations intent on our subjugation and the degradation of our Constitutional Republic. ←

← Had those we elected persevered the state of sound rectitude in their decisions and their behavior toward the Law of this Land, then we would be disposed to follow them and obey the legislations that they pass however, this is no longer the case. We must therefore, concede to our own conscience and those same principles that led our forefathers to reject the abuses and usurpations that pressed upon them, taking upon themselves the instruments of self-defense and preservation. ← ← Today, we are witnessing a multitude of absurd decisions and the most pernicious legislative acts that are contrary to every good principle of government and Proper Representation of the People themselves. We must understand that the doctrine of non-resistance, of unlimited passive obedience to those who are proving to be the worst of tyrants, concealing their villainy through the use of a light and insubstantial guise, posing in their treason, as Constitutional representatives bound by oath when they are providing us will all the evidence that reason should require to resist their cunning and destructive ventures. ← ← In such a state, should we not have the Right, nay not only the Right, but the Duty to make such persons, those who are enemies within our own house, paid by our own labor, who have injured our well-being and our future stability, repair the damages that they have heaped upon us and upon this country. Is it not within our Right and Duty to inflict Just Recompense and extract Punishment upon them for such heinous crimes against this People and this fair Country and in such actions hope that we will restrain them from doing the like in the future? ← ← Have we not witnessed that even the most basic necessity of our Liberty and our future Freedom is being rendered impossible, in most cases, to enjoy our lives in any tolerable degree without feeling the pressure from this government? Has not our resentment grown, lashing out at our own conscience that we now find ourselves in a state that can no longer be considered or even called a state of Freedom, but a state of the vilest slavery and dreadful bondage? ←

← Is it not the most perfect state of Freedom that consist of obeying the very dictates of right reasoning and thus appropriate actions both in maintaining and defending the very Rights that were secured for us by those who crafted the Articles of our Constitutional Compact? Our Fair Land has been lead into a fallen and degenerate estate; we have been betrayed by the actions of those who were entrusted to protect this Land and its People from the very dangers that they now impose upon us! ← ← Those within this government are saturated with the unbridled lust for power, unrestrained by our Consent and disrespectful of the very tenets upon which government, this government is obligated, by Solemn Compact, to uphold. These officials, forgetful of their oath, have forsaken the true design of good and civil government and that is to protect men in the enjoyment of Liberty. Thus, it should follow that such tyrants, through the use of arbitrary powers, are completely inconsistent with and subversive of the very standards upon which they have bound themselves by oath. Should we not therefore, be of the mind that consequently, all authority of such tyrants is both null and void, making our duty to their actions and their illegal legislations are equally null and void? ← ← When a People find themselves cruelly oppressed by The State, they have the Undoubted Right to cast aside such a yoke of tyranny and assert their Rights and their Liberty. It is however necessary, if such reasoning is considerable, to judge that they have both the sufficient power, and indeed, the strength to maintain their position, standing their ground in the defense of their Just Rights against their oppressors. So, the preeminent law is that of self-preservation, it is the first law and it is our indispensable duty to protect ourselves when all other means of redress have been exhausted and therefore we have the Right to Renounce all submission to such an abusive government. ←

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