Enemies Of The State

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 8
ENEMIES OF THE STATE….HE/THEY JUST MIGHT BE IN THE OVAL OFFICE Americans do not be fooled….Have you ever heard of a “Wolf in a Lambs clothes”……Will Ladies and Gentleman I would like to warn you of such. I need to tell you of such a situation. In office Mr. George W. Bush is our President and Mr. Dick Chaney is our Vice-President or should I say the President and Vice-President of Corporate America and the MINIORITY elite. I like to let you know that I have published the WARNINGS of the tactics of the Administration. In this Blog, I will SPELL OUT the Charges that SHOULD BE levied against Mr. Bush and Mr. Chaney. I will also show you my Evidence of TREASON committed by both of these Men. TREASON IS AS FOLLOWS: TRE ASON - Th is wor d imp or ts a bet raying , tre ac hery , or brea ch of a lle gi an ce. The Cons ti tu ti on of t he Unite d St ates , Art . I II , d efines tre aso n ag ainst the Uni ted S ta tes to c onsis t onl y in levying war ag ainst them , or in a dhe rin g to thei r enemies, g ivin g them aid o r comfor t. This o ffen ce is p unished wi th de at h. By t he sa me ar ti cle of t he Const it ut io n, no perso n sha ll be c on vi ct ed o f trea son , unless on t he test im on y o f tw o wit nesses to the sa me over t ac t, o r on c onf essi on in op en co urt .. .

First and foremost, both Mr. Bush and Mr. Chaney for the last (8) years has turned their back on the American People. Have you looked at the Economy lately…..The American People are loosing their jobs because of NAFTA….The American People are losing their Homes because of a Financial Market that is a Failure. As it is said ….. Washington has DROPPED THE BALL!! Mr. Bush and Mr. Chaney has conspired with the Oil Companies to raise the prices so that they could receive the PROFITS and to secure THEIR OWN SELF INTEST….While initially ignoring the NEEDS OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

Then in 2001 on September 11th, the United States was attacked by the “Taliban” when insurgents snuck into the United and “Allegedly” crashed into the Twin Towers in New York. So, in turn the United States went into Afghanistan to “Hunt down” Osama Bin-

Laden. Now we have been in Afghanistan for the past 7 years. Shortly after that, Mr. Bush decided to have the United States invade Iraq. Mr. Bush claimed that Sadam Hussein was storing “Weapons of Mass-Destruction”…….granted I agreed that the United should have gone into Iraq if for nothing else then for the protection of the Kurds…to which Sadam committing atrocities against the Kurdish People. However, as time when on we found that Iraq did not have any “Weapons of Mass Destruction”…….. Yet, Mr. Bush today is now keeping our Troops over there for what he claims as “The Freedom of the Iraqi People”…….when in fact his main goal and purpose was to use our Men and Women in Uniform to become his private “Police Force” for the sole purpose to Protect his own SELF-INTEREST and PROFIT…being “Iraqis $79 Billion Dollar Oil Production per Month”……which by the way the “American People” are not benefiting from….NO instead We Tax Payers are still sending $10 Billion dollars a month to Iraq to BUILD UP THEIR ECONOMY……while our own Economy is in a state of DEPRESSION.

Mr. Bush has repeatedly ignored America’s Economy…..as well as the “True War against Terriosim” by ignoring our need to Once and For all to destroy the “Taliban”. The prime example is that Mr. Bush who is very close to the Pakistani Government, and knowing that Pakistan is openly supporting the “Taliban” and allowing the “Taliban” to have a Safe haven in Pakistan and still giving $10 Billion Dollars of American Taxpayers Money per Month. Because, Mr. Bush WANTS the Taliban to become a Threat to America and the American People……and his intentions is to divert the American Public away from the TRUE War against Terriosim and focus on the WAR to benefit his OWN SELF-INTEREST….and OIL PROFITS for His Large Oil Companies pockets. As you see Mr. Bush in doing this is IN FACT…. g ivin g them ( Pakist an ) a id o r co mfor t. This is an ot her Exa mp le of wh at Tre aso n is under t he LAW an d ho w he is in Direc t Vio la ti on of it .

Wh ile do ing al l this… .Mr . Bush h as repea te dly VIO LATE D the C onst it ut ion o f the Uni ted Sta tes in such a WI DE pr op or ti ons to incl ude DENY ING t he Ameri ca n Peo ple unde r HIS “P atr io t Ac t” of Home lan d Secu ri ty…. by sim ply den ying t he Ameri ca n Peo ple pr ote ct io n un der the 5 th A mend ment , 4 th Amen dmen t, and the 8 th Amen dmen t. Ex am ples under HIS SO CALL ED “P at ri ot ic Act ” he has a ll ow ed “ Il leg al Ele ct ri c Surv ei lla nce Tapin g”, Unde r

“mere suspensio n” he has t he rig ht t o Ki ck Open D oo rs of Inn ocen t Amer ic ans w ith ou t “Ca use” o r “Due Pr ocess ”, a nd by Il leg al De ta ining tho usa nds a t Gu at om ina l Bay…… Sure pr osecu te t he Guilty …. but , rele ase the Inn ocen t… .it ’s been ov er t hree yea rs plus… ..Y ou woul d thi nk th at “He wo uld h ave enoug h eviden ce to det ermi ne who is GUI LTY an d wh o is INNO CEN T”…. .A lso un der HIS “P at ri ot Ac t”, Mr . Bush a lso h as al lo we d th at for an y reas on… .o r for th at Fact for NO Rea son , h as the ri ght to open u p the M ail o f an y and al l Ame ric an’ s. Also un der HIS “P atr io t Ac t”, t ha t if you are a “susp ec t” t ha t you CAN NO T ret riev e C ounsel , no r ca n you “re ma in silent ” or be al lo wed to “self inc rimin ate yoursel f ”.

By Mr . Bush’ s Dire ct Vi ola ti on o f Amer ic an’ s the ir Basi c Rig hts , an d by t urnin g his Ba ck on the Ec on om y Bush in fact is “ levyin g war a ga ins t the A meri can Peop le” .

Mr. Bush has also Ignored the “Immigration Problem” that our Society is facing…..He is not just allowing American Companies to go Overseas and allowing “True American Taxpayers” to lose their jobs (Through NAFTA)……but what’s worse is that HE is allowing a huge In Flux of Illegal Immigrants to flood our Society and depleting our Social Security System, and our Social Programs to be designed SPECIFICALLY for only the “TRUE AMERICAN’S”. By doing this Mr. Bush has advocated “The North American Union”….his intent is to destroy our “Sovereign Boarders”….and is trying to Unite “The United States, Canada, and Mexico” as “One Nation”…therefore eliminating the Constitution and the Bill of Rights that we American’s hold so dearly. With this Mr. Bush wants to change the “American Currency” from that of the “Dollar” to that of the “Amero Currency”. His main Intent is to Destroy America for what it should be and for what it was……and to Develop and Design “His North American Union”…to which HE and HIS Self appointed “Elite Corporate and Banking Allies”…to control Us with his Iron Hand. So his Secret meetings with the Leaders of Both Canada and Mexico was done secretly and without the Knowledge of many members of the United States Congress….once again “Violating the Constitution” for under the Constitution it needs 2/3rds of Congress to ratify the Union of “another State”. Now, Bush is Leaving Office….so, he has pushed for a “successor to take over”…..this Successor is “Mr. John McCain” (The Republican Presidential Candidate)...Who himself picked as Vice President (Sara Palin) who has NO Knowledge on how Washington Works, and therefore be his

“Puppet”….who by the way has voted over 90% of what Mr. Bush’s Idealism.

Now You Might Think…that what I had been saying above…Is a Push for Barrack Obama….NOT EVEN CLOSE: For Here is Mr. Obama’s acts of Treason….and how he himself is against the American People in his Own Way. Sure he is an elegant speaker…..But, it takes more than an elegant Speaker, to move America forward into the Future.

Let me Tell you a little bit about Mr. Obama…First of all Mr. Obama does not believe in the American Anthem nor does he believe in the American Flag or for what it stands and has stood for. You see, Mr. Obama does not believe in putting his hand to his Heart when the Anthem is played and he has also stated that the “American Flag”… is a “Symbol of Oppression”…. According to the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171, During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform are expected to stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. When asking Mr. Obama on why he has “refused to do this” and why he refused to “wear the Flag pin” His reply was:

"As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking sides," Obama said. "There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression. And the anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all. It should be swapped for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing.' If that were our anthem, then I might

Mr. Obama’s is also not all what he “claims to be either”…..you see Mr. Obama proclaims himself as 50% Black and 50% white….Well in fact Mr. Obama’s true Ethnic Background is this. Bar ack Hussein Ob am a is n ot h alf b la ck . If elec te d, he wo uld be the first Ar ab -Ameri can Presiden t, not the firs t bl ac k Presid ent . Bar ack

Hussein Ob am a is 50% C au ca sia n fro m his mo ther 's side a nd 43. 75% Ar ab ic and 6.25% Afri ca n Negro fro m his fat her's si de. Wh ile Ba rac k Hussein Ob am a' s father was fro m Ken ya, his f athe r's f amily was m ain ly Ar ab ic . Bar ack Hussein Ob am a' s father was only 12.5% Afri ca n Negro a nd 87 .5% Arab (h is fat her's bir th cer ti fic at e ev en st at es he's Ar ab, no t Afri ca n Negr o) . F or more .. .. .g o to.. .. .

http: //w ww .a rc ad ea th ome .c om /ne wsb oy.p ht ml ?B arack_Husse in_Ob am a_ -_A rab- Am eri ca n, _o nly_6.25%25_Afri ca n

In fact Mr. Obama will be the First “Arab American President”. When asking Mr. Obama if he was a “Christian” and always followed the Christian Faith…Mr. Obama of course said “Yes”. Will that’s not TRUE: Mr. Oba ma st at ed “ I Nev er Pr ac ti ced Isla m” in fac t he pr ac tice d it dai ly at sch oo l, where he was regis tered a s a Mus lim a nd k ept t ha t fait h for 31 yea rs , unti l you r wif e m ad e you c han ge , so you cou ld run for offi ce . He sta ted t ha t his Sch oo l In Ind onesi a was Chris ti an – In Fact, he was regis tere d as Musli m there a nd g ot in trou ble in K or ani c Stu dies f or makin g faces (c heck your o wn b oo k) . On Feb rua ry 28, 2008. Kris to ff fro m the New York T imes a y ear a go: Mr. Oba ma reca lle d the o penin g lines o f the Ar ab ic ca ll t o p rayer, reci tin g the m wi th a first -rate ac cent . In a rem ark t ha t seeme d de ligh tf ully un ca lcul at ed (it 'l l gi ve Ala ba ma vote rs hea rt a tt ac ks ); Mr . Ob am a descr ibe d the c al l to pr ay er as 'o ne of the pretties t sou nds on Ear th a t sunse t. ' T his is just one exam ple o f wha t Pame la is t al king abo ut when she says 'Ob am a' s na rr at iv e is bein g a lt ered, enhan ced a nd mani pul at ed t o wh it ewash tr ou blin g facts .'

You See Mr . Oba ma is a “S tro ng Su pp or ter o f Muslim Terro rist ”…he ev en rece iv es l arge con tri but io ns to ward s his C am pa ig n from Kno wn Sup po rt ers of Terro rist . Here are s ome more interes tin g Facts reg ard ing t his.

The staffers who devised Obama’s internet fund raising campaign which rose in the neighborhood of $200 million so far. That is more than twice the total funds raised by any candidate in history – and this was all from the internet campaign.

What I learned from this insider was shocking but I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that when it comes to fund raising there simply are no rules that can’t be broken and no ethics that prevail.

Obama’s internet campaign started out innocently enough with basic e-mail networking, lists saved from previous party campaigns and from supporters who visited any of the Obama campaign web sites.

Small contributions came in from these sources and the internet campaign staff was more than pleased by the results.

Then, about two months into the campaign the daily contribution intake multiplied. Where was it coming from? One of the web site security monitors began to notice the bulk of the contributions were clearly coming in from overseas internet service providers and at the rate and frequency of transmission it was clear these donations were “programmed” by a very sophisticated user.

While the security people were not able to track most of the sources due to firewalls and other blocking devices put on these contributions they were able to collate the number of contributions that were coming in seemingly from individuals but the funds were from only a few credit card accounts and bank electronic funds transfers. The internet service providers (ISP) they were able to trace were from Saudi Arabia, Iran, and other Middle Eastern countries. One of the banks used for fund transfers was also located in Saudi Arabia (Which primary holder happens to be members of Osama Bin Laden’s Family)….GO FIGURE.

Another concentrated group of donations was traced to a Chinese ISP with a similar pattern of limited credit card charges.

It became clear that these donations were very likely coming from sources other than American voters. This was discussed at length within the campaign and the decision was made that none of these donations violated campaign financing laws.

It was also decided that it was not the responsibility of the campaign to audit these millions of contributions as to the actual source (specific credit card

number or bank transfer account numbers) to insure that none of these internet contributors exceeded the legal maximum donation on a cumulative basis of many small donations. They also found the record keeping was not complete enough to do it anyway.

This is a shocking revelation.

We have been concerned about the legality of “bundling” contributions after the recent exposure of illegal bundlers but now it appears we may have an even greater problem.

I guess we should have been somewhat suspicious when the numbers started to come out. We were told (no proof offered) that the Obama internet contributions were from $10.00 to $25.00 or so.

If the $200,000,000 is right, and the average contribution was $ 15.00, that would mean over 13 million individuals made contributions? That would also be 13 million contributions would need to be processed. How did all that happen?

I believe the Obama campaign’s internet fund raising needs a serious, in depth investigation and audit. It also appears the whole question of internet fund raising needs investigation by the legislature and perhaps new laws to insure it complies not only with the letter of these laws but the spirit as well.

So, you see my Fellow American’s……we have one Party who is being “Supported by Large Corporations” such as Oil….and we have another Party who is primarily being “Supported by Known Countries who practice Terriosim”……I ask you…..IS THIS WHO YOU WANT TO BECOME PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

This Is Why, that we American’s must “over through” the old establishment of “Washington”…and bring the Government Back to the “TRUE AMERICAN PEOPLE”…”THE LEGAL AMERICAN PEOPLE”….To Bring Back a Government “OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, AND BY THE PEOPLE”……

SO, when You go to the polls this November…..VOTE for the INDEPENDENT Party, or LIBERATION Party…..or Better yet….THE PATRIOTIC NATIONALIST PARTY…..Which by the Way, I am running for President of that Party…lol.

Thank You,

Richard W. Fredericks “aka” “Radical Rick” Patriotic Nationalist Party.

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