The Eighth Day Watch: A Study

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  • Pages: 7
THE EIGHTH DAY WATCH A Study ‘For a day of vengeance is in MY HEART And the year of MY REDEEMED has come. And I looked But there was none helping And I was astonished that there was none upholding. So MY own arm saved for ME and MY wrath upheld ME. And I trod down peoples in MY displeasure And I make them drunk in MY wrath And I bring down their strength to earth.’ Thus says hwhy Let me recount the kindnesses of hwhy And the praises of hwhy , According to all that hwhy has done for us And HIS great goodness toward the house of Yisra’el, Which HE has done for them according to HIS compassion And according to HIS many kindnesses. And hwhy said: “These are MY people, Children who DO NOT ACT falsely,”

And HE became their Savior and becomes our Savior. Yeshayahu 63: 4 ~ 8 The BESORAH Page 527 “For Tsiyon’s sake I AM not silent And for Yahrushalayim’s sake I DO not rest, Until her righteousness goes forth as brightness And her deliverance as a lamp that burns. And the nations shall SEE your righteousness And all sovereigns SEE your esteem. And a NEW NAME shall call you, Which the mouth of hwhy designates.” 1

“I have set watchmen upon your walls, O Yahrushalayim, Which shall never hold their peace Neither Day nor Night:. You that make mention of HWHY Keep not silence, And give HIM no rest, Till HE establish, And till HE make Yahrushalayim a praise in the earth.” [YashaYahu 62:1, 2, 6 &7 The BESORAH Page 527] “Then they said to each other, “We are not doing right. This day is a DAY of GOOD NEWS And we are keeping silent. And if we wait until morning light, Then EVIL shall come upon us. And now, come, Let us go and inform the house of the sovereign.” [2 Melakim 7:9 The BESORAH Page 449] “And Yasra’el dwelt in Shittim And the people BEGAN TO WHORE With the daughters of Mo’ab.” “And they invited the people of Yisra’el To the slaughterings of their mighty ones And the people of Yisra’el ate and bowed down To their mighty ones. Thus Yisra’el was joined to (The LORD/BA’AL) And the DISPLEASURE of hwhy burned against Yisra’el [Bemidbar 25:1 ~ 3 The BESORAH Page 219]


“And let them NO longer slaughter their slaughterings to demons, After whom they WHORED. This is a LAW FOREVER for them throughout their generations. And say to them ‘Any man of the house of Yisrael Or of the strangers who sojourn among you, Who offers a burnt offering or slaughtering, And does not bring it to THE DOOR Of the Tent of Meeting, to do it to HW HY, That man shall be cut off from among his people.’” [Wayyiqra 17:7-9, The BESORAH Page 170] “I AM THE DOOR. Whoever enters through ME, He shall be saved And shall go in and shall go out and find pasture.” [John 10:9 The BESORAH Page 1138]

HWHY permit us to please YOU. For this is YOUR Command – NOT a suggestion: “And in all that I have said to you

TAKE HEED!!!! And make NO mention of the name of other mighty ones, Let it NOT he heard from your mouth.” [Shemoth 23:13 The BESORAH Page 127] “And on the Eighth Day…” [Wayyiqra 9:1 The BESORAH Page 158] …HWHY Shall appear to you.” [Wayyiqra 9:4 The BESORAH Page 158] He who possesses MY commands and guards them, It is he, who loves ME, 3

And MY Father shall love him who loves ME “…And I shall love him and manifest Myself to him.” {He who possesses My Commands and guards My Commands} [John 14:21 The BESORAH Page 1144] “If anyone loves ME, He shall guard MY Word, MY Father shall love him …And We shall come to him and make Our stay with him.” {If anyone loves ME, he shall guard MY Word…} [John 14:23 The BESORAH Page 1144] “…This is THE WORD which HWHY commanded you to do, So that the esteem of HWHY shall appear to you.” [Wayyiqra 9:6 The BESORAH Page 159] “On the EIGHTH DAY … …They went to their tents rejoicing and glad of heart For all the goodness that HWHY had done For HIS servant David and for Yisra'el HIS people.” [1 Melakim 8:66 The BESORAH Page 418] Cleansing the Altar: Ezekiel 43:18-22, Page 645 Making atonement for the Altar: Ezekiel 43: 19-26, Page 645 ‘And when these days are completed it shall be, On the EIGHTH DAY and there after, That the priests make your burnt offerings And your peace offerings on the altar And I shall accept you,’ Declares the Master HWHY .” [Ezekiel 43:27 The BESORAH Page 645]


This is describing the Third Temple, yet to be built. Notice there is still a SIN offering. I wondered why this would be? Offerings are made for 7 days to cleanse and atone for SIN And then on the 8th, we are accepted. SIN is still a factor today And even will be in the 7th Millennium (thus the 7 days). Our Messiah makes a final end of “SIN” during His reign. The last enemy to be destroyed is death. The wages of SIN is death. In the present we still die. Our salvation is accomplished through the Messiah’s blood But not yet implemented completely – but will be on the 8th day. ---------------------------------------“And from Yahusha Messiah, OSwhy The Trustworthy Witness, The first-born from the dead, AND The Ruler of the SOVEREIGNS of the EARTH. To HIM who loved us AND Washed us from our sins in HIS own BLOOD, And has made us sovereigns and priests To HIS Elohim and Father, To HIM be esteem and rule FOREVER and ever. Amein” [Revelation 1:5 & 6 The BESORAH Page 1302]

Our Father Cannot dwell among us As long as there is uncleanness among us. Our King of Kings & Master of Masters Will finish the work HE came to do For HIS Father and ours. May HE bless us & permit us to be with HIM as HE completes this task.


No wonder everyone Went rejoicing to their tents For all the goodness that HWHY had done. Noted how many, many times in the cleansing process the phrase “Wash their garments” is used. The Book of Revelation brings this to mind: “And one of the elders responded, saying to me, “Who are these dressed in WHITE robes? AND Where did they come from?” And I said to him, “Master, you know,” And he said to me, “These are those coming out of the great distress, Having washed their robes (Believed in HIS Son & Kept HIS Commands) AND Made them WHITE in the blood of the Lamb. Because of this they are before the throne of Elohim AND Serve HIM day and night in HIS Dwelling Place. (“…Which shall never hold their peace day nor night…) AND HE who sits on the throne shall spread HIS Tent over them.” [Revelation 7:13-15 The BESORAH Page 1307] --------------------------------------------Washing our robes or garments Seems to be synonymous with Belief in HIS Son AND keeping HIS Commands. In some translations, Revelation 22:14 is translated “who wash their robes” In the place of “those doing HIS Commands”.


In looking at the 8th day concept and the cleansing process, Both blood & oil were sprinkled 7 times before HWHY, With the remainder being poured on the head. Oil, as well as blood Was put on the Priest (and sinner’s) right ear, right thumb & right toe. Oil = The Spirit & The Torah Blood = Word = The Spirit & The Word working in UNITY As we HEAR (ear), Guard/DO/Grasp (thumb) and WALK (toe) IN HIS Commands. [Wayyiqra 14 with Shemoth 29:7 and Mattithyahu 26:7] “And HE gave him the Covenant of Circumcision. And so he brought forth Yitshaq and circumcised him On the EIGHTH DAY. And Yitshaq brought forth Ya’aqob And Ya’aqob brought forth the twelve ancestors.” [All Yisrael] [Acts 7:8 The BESORAH Page 1161] COVENANT of Circumcision is the COVENANT of the 8th Day: D Renewal, Rebirth, Restoration – ALL things made NEW! D Removal of the flesh D Set-apart by the Father through the Son [Through love obedience]: HWHY MEKADDISHKEM D We go through the Son and His 7th Day Reign’s final cleansing. This cleansing is to be accepted by the Father on the 8th Day as we are to be a brand new (reborn) people! D The Father reigns the 8th Day!!! D The Father dwells among us forever. D HE is our HWHY. We are HIS people!!! 4/20/11 11:44:01 AM PWHS * 8/22/11 9:40:52 AM Mountain Time Amein & Amein


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