The Ego And The Higher Consciousness

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  • Words: 1,456
  • Pages: 3
The Ego and the Higher Consciousness As has been documented in various places we are made up of the 'ego' and a 'higher consciousness'. It is the ego that controls most of our way of thinking and doing things due to the power that has been given to it from the day of our birth. It is our higher consciousness that continues to reincarnate, learn and develop with each live that we experience. It is our higher consciousness that makes the choices of what lessons to learn with each reincarnation... So why are they separate? It has become this way due to expectations that have been placed on us by other people (usually beginning with our parents) and eventually ourselves. When we are born our ego and higher consciousness work together as one. They are a unit, a single entity. Our way of looking at the world in our early days, months and years is based upon the experiences we have brought with us from past lives and the 'excitement' of experiencing the new life before us. If a young baby could talk in it's first few minutes of life they would be able to tell us what they have come here to learn... Many people believe that when we are born all knowledge of what our lessons are to be, what our life path is is forgotten... I do not hold to this belief... I believe that our life path, our lessons are 'forgotten' due to the ego slowly gaining power and pulling away from our higher consciousness... As we grow from a baby to a toddler certain expectations are placed upon us... we are expected to 'play' a certain way, we are expected to 'communicate' a certain way, we are not allowed to do this, we are not allowed to do that... we begin to feel fear, shame and self-recrimination... all of this adds 'fuel' to the ego so it becomes, in a sense, 'larger'. It begins to pull away from our higher consciousness as it believes that to survive it must "do as is expected". there is no fight between the ego and the higher consciousness. The higher consciousness just 'talks' to the ego giving pure unconditional love... for it knows that this is a very major part of the life lesson - "to work together, to co-exist, to be as one, to be a single entity"... As we grow more expectations are placed upon us. Young children start to talk about past lives or even a 'spirit' who plays and talks to them everyday. Some people think that there is something wrong with their child and start taking them to Doctors and Child Psychologists (who pump them with mind altering drugs) to make them 'fit in' with their expectations.Others believe it is "just a phase they are going through" and slowly convince the child that none of it is true... the ego is given more control. From childhood to teenage years the body goes through major transformations. By now the ego has pulled far enough away from the higher consciousness that it is its 'own entity' and makes the decisions for the child/teenager... again more societal expectations have been placed on the individual. They are expected to learn a certain way, have certain beliefs, not question... From late teens to early adulthood they are now placing their own expectations on themselves due to

past experiences... "I can't do that"... "What will people think of me?"... "I'm not good enough..." This is the self-talk that the person hears from the ego... but in the background there has been a constant whisper of unconditional love and support, of knowledge that far surpasses what has been learnt so far, of a gentle guidance... As time goes on and the adult matures they begin to hear these other messages, in the beginning they occur through dreams. This is because the processes of the ego do not have the power over the conscious mind when it is resting. Messages are being gently placed into the unconscious mind which will come forward in the waking state. Eventually the ego hears these messages and becomes afraid. The self-recrimination (self-talk) becomes 'louder'. The ego is afraid of this 'new' voice as it is 'unknown' to them, the ego does not know what will happen, it begins to believe that if it was to listen to this 'other voice' that it would lose its 'own identity'... but this is not so. Let me put this 'inner battle' in a here and now example. I am sure you have heard the term 'batteredpartner-syndrome'. This is a condition where a wife (or husband) continually returns to a situation that is harmful to them. They remain in a situation that is unhealthy due to the abuse that is inflicted to them either physically,mentally or both. These individuals do this as they feel 'safe', it is a situation that they are familiar with, they know what to expect... they do not know what to expect if they were to leave this environment as it is not familiar to them. They become afraid and stay with what is known. It isn't until they take that step forward, to venture into the big unknown, that they begin to realise that what they were afraid of was only there to help them grow and develop in a safer environment. This is the same thing with the ego... it is afraid of what will happen and will come up with a myriad of excuses to not move forward. For some people this is where they stay... which is most unfortunate... for others the ego takes that step forward... This has occurred for a number of reasons. Here are but a few, I am sure that you will be able to come up with many more reasons why: The ego is becoming familiar with the 'new voice' and begins to recognise it as something from a dream. The ego 'feels' incomplete, like a part of them is missing. The ego begins to realise that its own self-limitations have been imposed upon it due to expectations from a very early age. With the first step taken the healing process begins... past hurts, lessons, experiences are felt again and slowly released. It is a slow process as it has taken quite a few years to get to this point. ACCEPT RELIVE - FORGIVE - RELEASE is the basic process that an individual undergoes. There is no right or wrong way for it to be done, it is purely and individual thing. Some people prefer to write down their past pains and then burn them in a ritual, others experience them physically then wrap it all in a golden ball of light which is sent out to the Universe to be dispersed. It is all an individual preference, some people use one method whereas use various methods dependent upon the situation that needs to heal. As this happens the ego moves closer to the higher consciousness and begins to close the vastness between them. The ego is not afraid of the 'unknown' as it has come to realise that it was 'known' all along, just temporarily 'forgotten'. So the next question is... if the ego never separated from the higher consciousness in the first place

would the same life lessons still have occurred? Yes... they would have due to the expectations that still would have been placed upon us by our elders... however the journey back to being in unison would have been shorter and smoother... For the new generations this ego/higher consciousness separation is only for a short time compared to our own experiences. This is due to the fact that they are coming into families who have a higher understanding of how things are and so instill these in the children from an early age. We as adults are learning from these children the beauty of the world that we live in, the 'magical' beings that co-exist with us, past lives and a variety of other things that we were deprived of in our early development. There are some children, however, that are and will be going through the same cycles that we have. This is because they have gone to families wherein the adults have not pushed pasted their own inner barriers. They have incarnated into these families to help 'show' them, that all is not as it seems. Eventually we will all exist in a world where no-one is controlled by 'ego'. Everyone will co-exist and live in harmony with themselves, with each other, with Mother Earth, with all living things... © Tania Collier April 2007

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