Living Your Life With Gratitude

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  • Pages: 4
Living Your life with Gratitude About 5 weeks ago I began working part-time at a clothing factory. Now whilst this job is far removed from any previous work I have done it has given me the opportunity to examine how I live my life. Over the years I have heard many life ‘stories’ from people who believe that they are hard done by and that things just never seems to work out for them. I have heard people moan and groan about their lives believing they have been ‘cursed’ with bad luck. Yet I have also heard others tell how fortunate they are. People often get themselves in a rut thinking that their life repeats day after day. In fact, many take it for granted that the same story repeats itself everyday. For example: A teenager is asked to do the dishes. They go to great pains to make their parent/s know just how much they detest this chore. The parent/s gets annoyed and irritated by this as it is the same thing every night. A husband is sitting in the lounge room watching a football match on TV. Every time his team scores a try he whoops with joy. In another part of the house is his wife feeling disdain at this regular weekend activity A worker returns home from work tired and worn out. They throw their shoes off, slump in a chair and grumble about another bad day at work Someone is awakened by their alarm clock. They hit the snooze button. Yet another 5 minutes later the alarm sounds again. The person gets out of bed irritated and annoyed before their day has even began A family sits down to a meal that looks boring and tasteless. They have downturn faces as they eat the meal. It is the same type of meal that is dished up to them every night A child riding his bike falls and refuses to ride again. They ‘know’ that every time they ride they will fall off. The people in the previous stories all have one thing in common… they take for granted that everyday of their lives will be the same. They ‘know’, even expect, that nothing will ever change for them. They will always have the same problems day in and day out. The reason why this happens is because they keep focusing on the things that they don’t want in their lives. It is known as the ‘Law of Attraction’, which is one of the many Universal Laws known to man. There is a lot of literature about this law that has come available in a multitude of formats for people to learn from and implement in their lives However, there are many other laws that when also implemented into our lives, help to awaken us to greater knowledge. It also needs to be understood that one law does not work without the close relationship of other laws. In other words, no one law works on its own, they all work together at varying degrees to assist in manifesting our own ‘creations, our own ‘desires. The Universal Laws are not some new age thing. They existed before man took his first breath. They are the foundations upon which the web of life was first woven. They existed for a millennia of time and will continue to do so long after we are gone. They are not a secret and never have been. It has just been our own unwillingness to see beyond ourselves to realise what we had available to us all along. They are not for the exclusive use by

some people, they are for the use by all. We are the creation of our own thoughts, our own actions. Both in this world and beyond we have been the ones who have decide how our lives will be lived, where we will live and what will happen in our lives. We have been the creators of our world, of our lives. Pretty hard to believe by some but there it is… Our world is made up by millions of tiny microscopic particles. Each one of these reacts with another in the form of vibration. We are made up of these, inside each and everyone of us is another micro-cosmos of living energy, that enables us to walk, breath, sleep, eat and carry on with our three dimensional existence. This is a concept that was known by many ancient civilisations and is found in many manuscripts that contain their teachings of universal life, the cosmos, spirit, the universe and the one source from which we have all hailed from. It became ‘known’ to modern man in the findings of Quantum Physics. It was discovered that the Newtonian Theory was erroneous in its concepts of life, and how we began. The Newtonian Theory was very ‘mechanical’ and inflexible. Basically whatever was outside the box did not exist or warranted further study. In the early twentieth century Einstein published an article that discussed the concept of space not being three dimensional as had been previously believed. His research found that both space and time are connected by a continuum that has become know as ‘space-time’. It was learnt that these two aspects could not be thought of as separate from each other. This is quite the opposite of the theory that was postulated within the Newtonian concept of space and time. The article went on further to elaborate on Einstein’s theory of relativity. The findings that were published were not new. All the things that were written about have been known to mankind since the beginning of time. These ‘new’ findings can, in fact, be found within the teachings of Kabbalah, Buddhism, Tao, the Emerald Tablets of Hermes (Thoth). They are also found within the historical writings by the Sumerians, Egyptians, Aztecs and other ancient cultures. After Einstein’s article other scientists began to make more ‘discoveries’ about the Universe. Scientist’s learnt that the atom was also made up of protons, electrons and neutrons. These became known as sub-atomic particles and as more research was done by the 1950’s eighteen particles had been found. Since then more than two hundred sub-atomic particles have been discovered. Einstein’s theory of relativity also discussed that mass was not a substance but is a form of energy and energy, as we all know, is vibration. Einstein’s findings were further research by other scientists and these findings became the basis of Quantum Physics which literally blew the Newtonian Theory clean out of the water! Quantum Physics is still relatively new but the concepts and theories behind it is not. As has already been learnt all the findings were known to early civilisations and made available to all people. All of these teachings have shown us that we are the creators of our own realities. By focusing our minds on what we want (or not want) we bring it into our physical reality. Our thoughts, our actions, become a vibrational message to the universe. Everything that exists around us is because of the vibrational level that they are on. We can see things because their vibrational energies are of a low frequency. We have trouble seeing other things that we share our existence with because their vibrations are higher than ours. This is another Universal Law, the ‘Law of Vibration’. This law shows that everything in the Universe is in constant movement. Nothing stands still, ever. This movement or vibration is at varying speeds. The higher the vibration the harder it is to see.

We use the concept of vibration every time we turn on a TV or radio. We cannot see the vibrational waves that are moving through the air but we can see and hear the messages that are within these vibrations every time we tune into them. There is also the Law of Divine Love or Unconditional Love, the Law of Free Will, the Law of Polarity, the Law of Cycles and the Law of Oneness. Just to name a few. Each one of these laws has its own purpose. The Law of Divine Love teaches us love with no strings attached. It is an unconditional love given freely without judgement or prejudice. It is a love that consumes and heals, comforts and protects. It is a love that continues to give and never asks for a return. Unconditional love is pure and healing. Unconditional love enables us to accept ourselves for who we really are and not make demands of ourselves for not being thin or being to slow or this or that. It is allowing ourselves to be who we are and not some preconceived idea of what we are meant to be. Unconditional love shows us the truth in all things. The Law of Free Will is exactly what it says… free will. We are all beings who have to make choices for ourselves and learn from these choices. We have to accept responsibility of our choices so that we do learn and to enable us to move forward in our spiritual growth. It is our choices that help us become who we are. Everyone has a choice…. Yes EVERYONE. There are people who will put the blame on someone else for things going wrong. How often have you heard a child say, “But HE made me do it!” We are never forced to do anything it is our choices that puts us in the situations that we do not want to be in. If we have given our power over to someone else so that they have control over us it was our choice that made it that way in the first place. Free will also gives us the choice in how we react to situations as they occur in our lives. The Law of Polarity states that everything has an opposite. This law is seen in the teachings of Yin and Yang. It is also seen with each waking moment, night and day, male and female, hot and cold, negative thoughts and positive thoughts. The Law of Cycles teaches us that everything goes around just like the seasons. This concept is in the teachings of the Medicine Wheel. It teaches us that everything goes around in a circle and always, always goes back to where it first began. Just as the seasons cycle each year so do we. We go through phases of learning, reflecting, letting go and accepting. All of which repeats with each step we make in our lives. As we step forward on our life path our lesson will come to us so that we can continue to ascend higher. It is the cycle of conception, birth, death and rebirth. The Law of Oneness teaches us that we are all connected. All things that we see, and do not see, are connected. We have all come from the one source of creation and we will all return to the same source. We are all made up of vibrational energy (which, of course, takes us back to the Law of Vibration). We make the choices that reflect on what happens in our immediate environment. What we do has an impact, in one way or another, on our environment and ourselves. If we choose not to clean our homes it has an impact on our environment which in turn then reflects back on us. Think of what your state of mind would be if you lived in a dirty home… would you be joyful or depressed? These are just a few of the Universal Laws. There are more that also work in unison with the ones mentioned here. All of these Laws and the sub-laws are the building blocks of who we are, what the universe is based from and where we will go. Now, going back to the people in their ‘life stories’ they are allowing outside influences have an impact on what happens to them on a daily influence. But these outside influences are also internal influences. This is because they have externalised what they are feeling inside. They are externalising their fears, frustrations, anger, annoyance on issues that have been created by them. These people have put forth negative thoughts on themselves which becomes a living breathing thing that resides within them. They are fearful of making mistakes, they are irritated by what life

has put in front of them. So how is this stopped. How do people get themselves from a ‘bad’ life to a ‘good’ life? It is achieved by changing the thoughts running through our heads. By showing gratitude for what we have instead of focusing on what we don’t have. By being grateful for each day instead of grumbling about what the day ‘may’ be like. By enjoying the moment instead of worrying about it. By being who we are instead of being what someone else wants us to be. By being true to ourselves and our believes. By being grateful for being us. Each day when you wake up be grateful that you have another day to make a difference in your life. Use each day as another step towards what you want in your life. Focus on what you want. Make a list and put it somewhere that is will be visible. Don’t grumble about another bad day at work, be grateful that you are capable to work. Don’t complain about having to do a daily chore, be grateful that you will have something clean to eat from. Don’t look at your meal and sigh, be grateful that you have food to eat. When you look around you will find a magnitude of things to be grateful for. Being alive in a world where there are changes occurring all around us is a thing to be grateful for. All the damages that have been done in the past have been recognised and people are beginning to come together to amend these damages. People are beginning to see and understand the impact their combined efforts are having on our planet. I wake up each day and give my thanks for another day and gratitude for sharing it with all beings. I give thanks for the roof over my head. The clothes that I wear and the food on my table. I give thanks for being able to think clearly and to use my knowledge in a way that will help others. I give thanks for being who I am and not wanting to change anything in my life. By showing gratitude it changes your mind set. It allows you to see what it is you do have instead of focusing on the opposite. It allows you to put things into perspective and focus more clearly on your life path and where your next steps will take you. It allows you to hear the whispers from your higher self and guides who are always with you. It allows you to see the beauty around and within you. Having a positive mind pattern shows you so much more than you would normally see. Allowing your self to be who you are and accepting who you are allows you to be more open and ‘lightens your load’. It is hard work to be constantly negative. By being negative and focusing on everything you don’t have. Being bitter by what life has dealt you causes problems to your mind, body and spirit. You age faster, your health deteriorates at a faster rate. You shut yourself off from your higher self. You become crippled by the one thing you do not want, all because you have focused on it with all your energy and intent. You look sad and people tend to avoid you as they don’t want to feel your pain. Focus on the positive aspects of your life and it uplifts your mood and spirit. Makes you an open channel for universal energies to manifest more readily. Makes you look and feel younger and people want to be around you as you are full of light. You begin to love you, you begin to accept you and you find joy in the smallest of things. Life becomes easier and no longer a challenge. © Tania Collier October 2007

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