The Dangerous Foods For Dogs List

  • April 2020
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Vegetables: 1. Garlic & Onion - can damage their red blood cells and cause anemia. it also contains thiosulphate which if eaten in large doses can cause an increased heart rate. 2. Broccoli - contains isothiocynate which if eaten in large quantities can cause an upset stomach 3. Avocado & Avocado Leaves- Avocados are high in fat, may cause an upset stomach, vomiting, or pancreatitis (See Fatty foods). Avocado also has Persin which causes heart and lung damage. 4. Guacamole - Also contains Person. (see Avocado) 5. Eggplant Leaves 5. Mushrooms (Wild) - some wild mushrooms are poisonous and can cause abdominal pain, anemia, liver and kidney damage. 6. Green sprouts & "Green" Potatoes (if it has a greenish colour) - contains Solanum Alkaloids, which are not easily digested and can be harmful to dogs. 7. Tomatoes - contains Atropine which is the same ingredients for Chloroforms. In dogs, overdose in Chloroform paralyzes your dog's respiratory center and can also shut down the heart. 8. Corn cobs - can choke your dogs. Fruits & Nuts: 1. Nutmeg - acts a a hallucinogen in large amounts which can cause tremors, seizures, and even death. 2. Nuts - has a high Phosporus content which can leave your dog bladder stones . 3. Macadamia nuts - if eaten in large quantities (6 or more) can cause fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, swollen limbs, musckle weakness (specially the hind legs) and paralysis in the hind legs. 4. Grapes and Raisins - can cause vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, lethargy, kidney failure and can even cause death. **any fruit with seeds or pits that can be swallowed - some of them contains toxins such as arsenic in apple seeds and apricot pits.

Drinks: 1. Coffee & Tea- like chocolate it also contains Theobromine & Caffeine (see Caffeine) 2. Alcoholic- isn't "poisonous" but dogs will get drunk much more quickly than a human, if they consume enough alcohol they can die of alcohol poisoning unexpectedly fast. Alcohol poisoning can cause coma and death. **note about alcohol: just like babies are not able to absorb alcohol well into their bloodstream, it's the same for dogs. the body's volume also has an effect wherein if you let your dog drink a can of beer, they will get drunk faster much like how women gets drunk quicker than men because of their body volume which is lesser than a man's. 1

3. Dairy products (milk = cheese) - dogs are lactose intolerant (they lack the enzyme needed to digest dairy). it can cause excessive gas and diarrhea. 4. Caffeine - in humans it makes us hyper. in dogs, it can cause a rapid heartbeat, tremors and even seizures. *note: any soda like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, etc. also contains caffeine. Meat: 1. Bones (chicken, pork, fish) - most types of bones will splinter, and these splinters may become lodged in the dog's throat or cut their intestines. 2. Liver - contains a ton of Vitamin A and too much of it causes Hypervitaminosis A: Vitamin A toxicity. Effects of Hypervitaminosis A can cause liver problems, osteoporosis, excessive skin dryness, idiopathic intracranial hypertension (this is the reason why humans can't eat polar bear, seal, and husky livers because it contains too much Vit A for humans to consume. Some animals livers have lower levels of Vit A and can be eaten by humans) **note: to avoid Hypervitaminosis A, do not feed your dog more than 3 servings of liver and never raw. If your pet is taking Vit A supplement, he or she shouldn't have any. 3. Eggs (Raw) - besides salmonella (duh) which thrives in this kind of environment, raw egg whites also contains Avidin. The yolk is very high in Biotin and if the whole egg is fed, the avidin in white and the high biotin in the yolk cancel each other out. Biotin (Vit B) deprivation can lead to weakness and hair loss, retardation of growth, decreased litter size (pregnant dogs), skeleton deformity and in extreme cases paralysis of the limbs. 4. Salmon (Raw) - can cause Salmon Poisoning Disease which can kill your dogs in a matter of days. Eating a raw salmon can also cause letharfy, loss of appetite, vomiting, bloody diarrhea and death **Rich, fatty foods (meat, vegs & fruits) - can cause pancreatitis Miscellaneous in Kitchen: 1. Baby food - if it contains onion powder. (See Garlic & Onion) 2. Uncooked Java Beans 3. Aluminum Foil - can cut a dog's intestine, causing internal bleeding. 4. Plastic food wrap - can cause choking or intestinal obstruction. 5. Cassava root 6. Salt - too much can cause pancreatitis, stomach problems, and bloat ( if a dog drink a lot of water too quickly after eating salty foods, which traps gas in the intestines and may kill them). 7. Yeast Dough - When consumed, the yeast dough expands in the intestine and can cause uncomfortbale gas and even rupture the stomach or intestines. 8. Moldy or Spoiled food - can cause diarrhea, vomiting, seizures and damage to internal organs. Miscellaneous in Garage/Yard: 1. Anti-freeze - dogs love the taste of it but it can cause kidney damage. 2. Mistletoe - can cause vomiting and abdominal pain 3. Acorns 2

*** Boric Acid, Brake Fluid, Cleaning Fluids, Kerosene , Lead, Petrol Tar, Tinsel, Turpentine, Woodstains, Metal Polish Miscellaneous in Bedroom/Bathroom: 1. Mothballs - contains Napthalene which causes can cause muscle tremors and seizures. 2. "Sugarless" Gums and Candies - contains the sugar substitue "Xylitol" which if eaten in large doses can cause a dog's blood sugar to drop and also cause liver damage. ***Shoe Polish, Nail Varnish and Remover, Deodorants, Deodorisers, Hair colourings, Perming solutions, PhenolRubbing Alcohol, Soap, Suntan lotions Toys: 1. Rawhides, cow hooves, and pig's ears (sometimes produced as dog toys) - are hard to digest and may cause vomiting or diarrhea. Cow hooves are hard enough that they can break a dog's tooth, and sharp splinters can become lodged and cut the intestinal tract. Medicines/Drugs: 1. Tobacco, Marijuana (duh) and Aspirin 2. Medications - drugs like aspirin and Tylenol can be lethal. Always take note of your size versus your dog. Different sizes of humans/dogs react differently on certain medications. 3. Sleeping Pills 4. Laxatives **Also please note that nicotine patches are toxic and so is nicotine chewing gum. 10mg per 1kg is a toxic dose. Other Household Poisons: ***Fungicides, Herbicides, Insecticides, Rat poison, Bleach, Detergents , Dye, Disinfectants, Drain Cleaner, Furniture Polish, Matches, Paint and Remover, Coins that contains Nickel. WHAT TO DO IN THE CASE OF POISONING

Contact your Vet for immediate advice. Making the dog vomit is sometimes the best thing to do but not in all cases. Bring your dog to the surgery and also bring the poisonous substance/container. They will need specific details from the labeling to determine the course of action needed. It is also helpful to know the quantity consumed. Do not wait and see how the animal is, always act immediately even if the dog initially shows no symptoms.

**edited by A.M. Ignacio for FemaleNetwork Pets Corner ©05072009 


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