The Cullens And The Food Fight

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,213
  • Pages: 6
The Cullen’s and the Food Fight!! Description: The title says it all! :D

Chapter 1 Emmet’s POV

I had always seen on TV about how humans throw around food. I forgot what it was called. I wonder if Bella threw around food too. Maybe she did. Right now, Bella was in the living room, sitting and watching TV. Jasper and I were supposed to babysit her until Edward and the rest of the family came back from the hunting trip. I decided to try the food throwing game. Maybe humans were supposed to catch the food. Well, I might as well try it on Bella. I walked to the kitchen to find some food. Jasper’s POV

I had a feeling inside me that was yelling ‘mischief, mischief’! Oh wait, that was Emmet’s feeling. I wonder what he was up to now. He always got us into trouble. And Bella hurt. Emmet’s POV

I grabbed some cooked noodles with my hands. They were slippery. I was standing behind Bella now. “Hey Bella!” I yelled. She turned her head around with a smile. Then when she saw what I was holding, that smile turned upside down. She started to get off the sofa and head for the kitchen door. “Oh no….. Put that down Emmet”, she whispered. Though I heard her. Jasper glared at me. Sending waves of calm towards me. I tried my best to block it. But instead, the noodles out of my hand flew in the air and landed on Bella’s head. “Emmet!!!” she shrieked. I burst into laughter. She looked like Medusa. You know, the woman with all the snakes hanging from her hair. Jasper turned around to hide his laughter. I walked over to Jasper and started laughing with him. Bella took the noodles out of her hair and aimed for me. I ducked and the noodles hit the back of Jasper’s neck. “Nice aim Bells”, I started to laugh. Jasper and Bella were glaring at me. Why me? I didn’t throw the noodles at Jasper. Bella did.

Bella and Jasper exchanged a smile and stalked towards me. Jasper disappeared and then came back with a bowl of ice cream. “Umm…. Come on you guys….. It really doesn’t have to be this way”, I pleaded. They smiled devilishly. Bella chucked the ice cream at me. But she missed. “Damn”, she muttered. “Come on. Get on my back”, Jasper told her. She stared at him blankly and then Jasper flung her on his back. They chased after me with ice cream. “Charge!!!” Bella laughed. We were out of the house now. They were chasing me down the highway. Bella had gotten me a few times. And now I looked like I just came out of a dumpster. “Get him Bells”, Jasper shouted. They were on my tail now. Bella aimed, and hit my head. “Ow”, I said. “Yeah, like that really hurt”, Bella giggled. I turned around and they stopped abruptly. Jasper was laughing like someone was tickling him like crazy. Bella just stared at my face. “What?” I asked confused. Bella fell off of Jasper’s back. She was on the floor now, rolling with laughter. She was laughing so much I was worried she was going to die of laughter. “Look……at…’re…….face……Em”, Bella said in between chunks of laughter. “Be right back”, I whispered and headed back to the house. I grabbed a mirror and stared at it. I gasped. I looked like a clown. There was pudding, banana slices, juice, pie, and chunks of cake on my face. They….will….pay!!! I snapped the mirror in half. I

returned to the place Bella and Jazz were standing. Behind my back, I held a large cake. What is vampire speed for? I had grabbed a cake at the Forks cake store. Well, it was more like I stole it. Without thinking about it, I smashed the chocolate cake right in to Bella’s laughing face. Her face turned red, not with embarrassment, but anger. “EMMMETTT!!!!” She shrieked so loud that Russia could probably hear her. “Uh-oh”, I whispered. Jasper was laughing and then he grabbed Bella and threw her onto his back. They chased me home, while Bella took pieces of cake off her face and threw them at me. “Leave me alone…or else I’ll call the cops!” I threatened. “Are you forgetting something, Emmet? Charlie is my father and he’s a cop!” Bella threatened back. “Oh yeah? Well he’s not the only cop in town!” I said back to her. “Stop it you guys!” Jasper interrupted our ‘conversation’. We were all still running. “It’s not over yet!” Bella shouted. I opened the door to the house and turned around. Bella grabbed more cake off her face and chucked it at me. But luckily, I ducked. Her face turned to horror, as she saw who, or what she threw it at. Jasper slowly put down Bella on her feet. I swirled around, and saw that one raging figure was standing there behind me. Edward. Uh-oh! He had chocolate cake all over his face. “I’m sorry Edward”, Bella apologized. Edward didn’t say a thing, he just glared at Jasper and me. “What have you done with my fiancée?” Edward shrieked.

“We had a food fight?” I told him. It sounded more like a question. I finally figured out what it was called. Food Fight! I looked around. There was nobody else here. “There all still hunting! I just came home to see if Bella was safe! And I come home to see this?” he pointed to Bella. “Yeah, pretty much”, Jasper said. We all stared at him. “Ughh. I am never, and I mean never leaving Bella alone with you two again!” Edward promised himself. “Thank you!” Bella sighed in relief. Edward stared at her in confusion. “I thought you would never say that!” Bella sighed again. “What do you mean?” I asked her. “Emmet, I think you might have some kind of glitch in your brain! You are an adult, but you act like a 5 year old!” Edward said. “So? Life is all about….. FUN!!!” I said. Duh! How could they not know that? “No, it’s not! It’s about responsibility!” I heard Esme’s voice behind me. It was only her. No one else. Esme glanced around the house to the flood of food that was covering her favorite things. “Emmet Cullen!! What have you done?!” “Nothing much”, I said. “Ok, maybe I did do a few things, but it was done all for…….Bella”, I stared at Bella. Hoping that she would get in trouble. “Really? I thought it was done-“, Jasper started to talk, but I put my hand over his mouth. “Psshh! Kids these days!” I waved my hand in front of me for exaggeration. I removed my hand and gave Jasper a look.

“Shut up! Emmet, you will clean all of this until it is spotless!” Esme ordered me. Bella giggled. “But-“, I was cut off by Esme. “No but, only clean!” she walked away. Jasper and Edward chuckled. “Come one Bella, let’s get you cleaned”, Edward dragged Bella up the stairs in human speed. Bella turned around and stuck her tongue at me like a 4- year old. Jasper walked up the stairs behind them. Well, I better get started.

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