Spin The Bottle With The Cullens & Jacob

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  • Words: 1,177
  • Pages: 3
Spin the bottle with the Cullen's & Jacob Chapter 1: Ridiculous idea! bpov We were all sitting around the living room Jacob came by to see how we were going. Emmett was board out of his mind, suddenly Emmett jumped and said "I have a brilliant idea" NO!!! we all shouted at the same time "Emmet last time u had one of your "smart"ideas i ended up getting drunk and dumping Edward But you haven't even heard my idea" Emmett moaned "I don't need to practically Edward can read your mind" I said smiling up at Edward. "Bella please? I promise i won't get you drunk this time" Bella scoffs. Then looks at Alice to tell her what to do. "Bella, it can't be possibly harmless!" Alice said with a smug smile on her face. "Fine" Bella said angrily stomping out of the room. "Where are you going?"asked Emmett. "To get the bottle!!!" Chapter 2: The game begins We all sat in a circle I next to Alice next to Jasper next to Emmett next to Jacob next to Edward next to Rosalie. Emmet placed the bottle down in the center of the floor. "Who wants to spin first"Emmet asked with enthusiasm. I slowly traced around the circle and Alice had propped her hand up. "OK Alice go ahead and spin" Emmett shouted. I watched the bottle turning and turning until it finally came to a stop in front of me. I gulped and choked on the air I breathed in. "Bella truth / dare?" Alice asked half jumping out of her seat. "um..........."I started turning to Edward to see if he could help me out but nothing there was just a poker face spread across his face. "Dare" I said calmly as possibly as i could. But my guess they saw right through me. Cause Emmet started smiling. 2 minutes later "OK Bella, I dare you to"Alice was cut off by a short growling sound coming from Edwards chest. "Edward it's just for a day and besides it is only for a dare." Edward sat back in his chair fuming. I looked up to Alice and told her to "continue" "OK i dare you to make out with Jacob for a whole 4 minutes and act like he is your boyfriend for a whole day" As she finished my mouth dropped open. I could hear everyone laughing except Edward. I had a quick glance at Jacob he had a smug smile on his face. I knew he would be looking forward to this. 4 minutes later Jacobs pov 4 minutes was up and Bella had finally stopped kissing me. I swear i saw Edward clench his fists together and attack me, but he remained calm. Anyway the whole dare wasn't completely finished I was looking forward to this seeing the bloodsuckers expression. we went back to our spots on the floor this time Bella had to come sit next to me because apparently i was her boyfriend for the whole day. I thought to my-self this is going to be the best freakin day of my life!!! Chapter 3:

Big mistake!

Edwards pov I looked at Bella and the mut god i hated him. He had is fingers inter whined with hers. I just wanted to rip his hand away from her. I felt waves of calmness from

Jasper probably. Damn

you Jasper.

Bella's pov I took a glance at Edward I felt sorry for him I practicably chanted in my head it's only for a day it's only for a day. I took the bottle and spun it waiting it to land on someone it slowed down with a stop and it landed on... Emmett. My eyes grew wider with excitement I knew Emmett would never choose truth. "Emmett truth or dare" "Dare of cause" OK... I dare you to go to Mike Newtons house and start unbuttoning your shirt and sing I'm to sexy for my shirt." "Shit, Bella... are you serious" "Yep!" Bella said popping the P at the end. "Your such a bitch Bella" Emmett said "Um... I'm not a female dog i take it that you mean Leah" "Whatever" "OK stop changing the subject and get on with the dare" "I swear i will get you back for that Isabella Marie Swan" Emmett left and went to his Jeep with us following behind "Oh... Emmett i should tell you we are getting this on video for Carlisle & Esme to watch". Rose said with a gleaming smile. And with that we all drove off to Newton's house Emmett climbed through mike's window with a cd in his hand. Mike was facing the computer. He didn't hear Emmett. Emmett look around until he found the cd player. Emmett's pov I seriously can't believe Bella is making me do this i will get her back... some how without Edward knowing. I know i'll do it the Emmett Cullen style. Hahaha i thought to myself.Shit, I forget Edward could read minds. Anyway I flipped Mike's cd player up and popped the cd in and hit play. The music started and Mike swung around on his chair until he saw me his eyes popped out of his head and back in. "E-Emmett what are you doing here?"he stuttered over my name then i started singing and dancing taking off my shirt. And walked forward to him grabbing him by the waist and waltz him around the room. Until I heard him scream I heard several giggles from Bella. God she was going to pay. I jumped out of the window and headed to our house. We've got it all on video" Jasper spoke up for the first time. "Shut the fuck up you jackass" I sat down next to the mut! I spun the bottle praying it would land on Bella but fortunately it landed on Edward even better Hahaha. "Edward truth or Dare" Emmett asked "Dare"Edward replied bitterly Chapter 4: Bella's gonna kill me Edwards pov OMG, i can't believe Emmett is making me do this Bella is going to kill me. "Edward you have to go to wall-mart and pretend the intercom voice's are god. And then you have to everything the voices tell u to do" Chapter 5: The End As we arrived at wall-mart I looked over my shoulder and saw Bella and Jacob Bella looked annoyed at Jacob. I turned around and headed to my doom. As I stole one glance at Bella I saw Jacob giving her gasoline and a match stick. She held it up and said "Hey Edward, watch this" She took the gasoline and match stick and shove it down Jacobs throat and then...

KABOOM!!!!! Jacob's arms came flying off and Bella came running into my arms the dare she had just finished. Jacob was lying on the floor and we couldn't put Jacob together again. The End (sorry to all the Team Jacob fans but it seemed funny don't get mad at me cause i'm a team Jacob fan too.) By Lucy & Kathy!!! 2009

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