The Challenge August 2009

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First Baptist Church Calvert City, Kentucky Pastor: Minister of Music & Education: Secretary: Church Organist Church Pianist Custodian:

First Baptist Church PO Box 366 Calvert City KY 42029-0366 270-395-4600

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Bro. Jim Ewing Bro. Rick Johnson Donna Ford Vicki Madison Daron Sills Jim Owens

September 2009

The Challenge Children’s Church

for All Children from 4 Years to 2nd Grade (10:45 am Service Only)

Children will experience many of the same elements of a worship service as their parents . . . but in a way designed just for them. Children may leave the Sanctuary at the time noted in the bulletin and be picked up outside the Fellowship Hall after the service ends.

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Prayer Concerns for our Church Family

Church Mission First Baptist Statement United by the love of Christ, our purpose is: • • •

To tell others of the saving power of Jesus Christ To teach Christian discipleship using the Holy Scriptures as the text. To touch the needs of our fellowman by engaging in activities that will bring glory to His name.

Weekly Scheduled Events Sunday 8:30 A.M. Worship Service 9:30 A.M. Sunday School 10:45 A.M. Worship Service 6:00 P.M. Evening Worship

* Chuck Thompson – skin cancer surgery * Sue Bull – continuing chemotherapy treatments

* Tammy Holland – continuing chemotherapy treatments * The Family of Vickie Futrell

Other Prayer Requests

* Charles Crowell – Tracy Phillip’s dad - tests * Marshall Mann – lymphatic cancer diagnosis * Kevin & Evelyn Stokes – recovering at home * The Family of Tim Doom * Reggie McDowell (Tracy Phillips’ cousin) melanoma * Mary Brinn – adjustments after loss of husband * Boyce Birdsong (Helen Noles’ brother) heart problems * Alison Glettner (Larry & Doris Coursey’s daughter)bone

Tuesday 10:00 A.M.

Rehearsals Suspended until the fall

Wednesday 5:00 P.M. 6:15 P.M. 6:30 P.M. 7:15 P.M.

No Summer Meal – resume in the fall Prayer Service in Sanctuary Youth Ministry Bible Study/TeamKid Groups Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)

marrow tests

Convalescent CenterS Henry Ellis Cann Wilma Fay Farmer Louise Beckman John Dees (Britthaven) C.M. Jones (Gaither Suites) Faye Bloomstrand (Britthaven) Homebound

Linda Terry Edna Oakley Kathryn Johnson

Prayer Ministry

Visit First Baptist Church on the web at for scheduled events, pictures, and more!

The Prayer Room is open to all of our church family at any time. If you would like to be a part of our prayer ministry, we encourage groups to meet at these times: Sunday 10:30 – 10:45 Tuesday 9:30 – 10:00

“Fern Fest”

Wednesday 5:45 – 6:15 Thursday 10:00 – 10:30


Calvert City’s “Fern Fest” (honoring Jim Fern) Jazz Concert and Chili Cook Off will be held at Memorial Park on Wednesday, September 5. The full day of events will begin with the chili cook off at 10:00 am. For a $3.00 entry fee, at 2:00 pm, the public will receive a spoon and bowl and may sample the chili and cast their ballots. At 6:00 pm the Lions’ Club will be selling hamburgers. All proceeds will be used to support community projects in the Marshall County area. At 7:00 pm spectators will enjoy a free jazz concert by the Paducah Jazz Orchestra, directed by Doug Van Fleet. “Fern Fest” is sponsored by CADA, Marshall Co. Arts Commission and CFSB. Please bring your lawn chairs for this event.

General Fund Budget Needs Monthly* Budget Receipts Monthly Designated Receipts Monthly YTD Budget Needs YTD Budget Receipts YTD Designated Receipts Total 2008 Receipts

July $ 21,499.33 $ 20,151.73 $ 3,715.00 $ 150,495.31 128,939.40 $ 42,410.91 $171,350.31

DEBT RETIREMENT Debt Retirement Needs Monthly* $ 3,500.00 Debt Retirement Receipts $ 3,981.00 Debt Retirement YTD needs $ 24,500.00 Debt Retirement YTD Receipts $ 24,234.00 Balance due on note $ 254,690.03

Those Serving in the Military/Overseas Todd Broyles Brad Terry Zac Grimes

Travis Cano Mark Tieman Mark Miller (Iraq)

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Cory Joiner Chad Ward Chris Tucker

Ben Sewell Justin Stubbs

James Ward Murray Young

From Your Pastor

Minister of Music & Education

I’d like to start out by saying “thank you” to the many kind folks that have brought Cheryl and I fresh garden vegetables. Neither of us is very good in the garden … but we love fresh vegetables … so you have made our summer a great one!

“Strong Tower”

Jim Ewing

As we move into fall, and the kids return to school, remember that we will be returning to our regular weekday activities to include TeamKids, children’s choirs and the blessing of our Wednesday Fellowship Meal. I always look forward to what Jane Sills and Paula Musgrove are cooking up. Just a reminder, be sure to sign up in the hallway outside the church office so we can get a good count each week. Over the past few weeks, our deacon body has begun an intensive and introspective look at their ministry and ways to increase their contribution to the health and welfare of this body. There is a growing sense of excitement as we discuss ways to serve our church family and to help us become a more outward looking church. Please pray for them as they seek to be all that God … and this great church family … have called them to be. Starting September 20, I will begin a multi-week series on Sunday mornings taken from the first 11 chapters of the book of Genesis. The series is entitled, “In the Beginning: God’s Plan, Man’s Choice.” This series will take us on a walk through God’s original plan for humanity as embodied in the creation story and then how mankind’s choices shaped the foundation of the Christian faith as we know it. The text for each sermon will be on our website, and in the Wednesday Prayer Sheet, so let me encourage you to read ahead so you can get the most from our trip through this tremendous book. As a final note, at our most recent meeting of the Purchase Area Baptist Association, I was elected Assistant Director of Missions … the number two guy, if you will. I’m looking forward to serving the other churches in our Association and I will be sharing some more about what is going on in the days ahead. Let me say, once again, what a privilege it is to serve this great church family. I am convinced that God will do some amazing things through us as we stay faithful to Him. Please pray regularly for our church and ask that God might make the words of Acts 2:42-47 true for us: “They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles. And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need. Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.”

Rick Johnson

Knowing My King Proverbs 18:10

Children’s Choirs begin Wednesday, September 9th 5:45-6:30 P.M. Music Makers Choir Ages 5, K, and 1st Grade Meets in Children’s S.S. Area Young Musicians Choir Grades 2-5 Meets in the Choir Room Fall Wednesday Activities Begin September 9 All of our fall Wednesday night events will begin on Wednesday, September 9th, beginning with our fellowship meal at 5:30 p.m. All of our children and youth events will meet that evening. Pray that we will get off to a great start this fall and that we will add new people to all our ministry groups. CONTACTS! CONTACTS! CONTACTS! I strongly encourage all of our Sunday School teachers to call every person who is enrolled in your class for this fall. Make sure a personal contact is made to all of your class and prospective members “right off the bat.” If your people know you care they will be there. A personal contact will also let you know if some have moved away or have had some life changes that need your class’s attention. Clinical Pastoral Education Units I started my third unit of CPE on Monday, August 24th. We will have four or five in our group this unit. I will keep you informed as to my progress throughout these 16 weeks. Expectations for me will be ratcheting up during this unit so please pray that God will help me manage my time and efforts wisely. I look forward to how God is going to use this training in my life and ministry.

Together in Him, Brother Jim

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Upcoming September Events September 7 Labor Day (Office Closed)

News The Summer is officially over and this proves to send mixed emotions through the youth group. The summer has ended and that makes us kind of sad but the prospect of seeing our friends again every day is tempting us into excitement. We did a couple of activities to close off after. Everyone also went to see Abby sing at a “Paducah After Dinner” event. As always she did an amazing job. If you haven’t heard her I highly recommend you go hear her sing. The youth also enjoyed Jordan Colburn and Will Johnson being home for a couple of weeks. They may be in college but who ever really out grows the youth group? As the fall term starts we begin the system of promotions. Aaron has left us to go to UK and we have gotten a few new members of the youth. I recently learned that Leigh Ann takes the first month or so to watch how the youth adapts and shapes into its new character. She says that she uses this information to determine what we will have the most fun doing throughout the year. She’s having a bit of trouble planning much this year because we are all unusually busy. We still can be found at Dairy Queen on Wednesday nights hanging out and helping each other with homework. We’ve started a new Bible Study on the Gospel of John. Leigh Ann and Greg are tag teaming on this one. I’m personally excited about what the new semester is shaping up to be. As always, thank you for the prayer and support you all continually give. Elizabeth Kunnecke

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September 9 Monthly Member Meeting Meals, Children’s Choirs & TeamKids resume September 13 Lord’s Supper Service both Morning Services September 13 Grandparent’s Day September 22 First Day of Autumn

Fellowship Meals to Resume September 9 We would like to invite you to join us for our fellowship meals this year. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board by the office. If you would like to be on the list, please add your name, if you would not like to be on the list this year, please mark your name off. If you would like to come to a particular meal and you are not on the list, you may do so by signing your name on that particular day. However, please sign up by Tuesday of that week. The meals will begin at 5:00 pm on Wednesdays.

Grandparents bestow on their grandchildren The strength and wisdom that time and experience have given them. Grandchildren bless their grandparents with a youthful vitality and innocence that help them stay young at heart forever. Together they create a chain of love linking the past with the future. The chain may lengthen, but it will never part . . . Author unknown




September 6: Babies: Cherrie Ford/Emily N. 2/3 Yrs: Annessa Roberts PM: Judy Smith

N: Bill & Karen Kunnecke S: Jess & Kay Bennett

Jess Bennett, Chuck Thompson, Danny Sewell, Jack Norwine & Bruce Pace

September 13: Babies: Leigh Ann Northcutt 2/3 Yrs: Jo Beth Jones PM: Geraldine Northcutt

N: George & Connie Heater S: Ken & Paula Musgrove

Dale Smith, Landon Smith, Leroy Sewell, Mike Wiles, Cary Stokes & Jerry Devine

September 20: Babies: Anna Hodge 2/3 Yrs: Ronda Evans PM: Lisa Sills

N: Sam & Jo Beth Jones S: Oral & Letha Sickling

Lowell O’Daniel, Larry Coursey, Andy Pagel, Sam Jones & Conner Jones

September 27: Babies: Kathy Poague 2/3 Yrs: Leigh Ann Northcutt PM: Paula Wayland

N: Shirley Harrington S: Dale & Jean Smith

Oral Sickling, Phil Broyles, Andy Lyles, George Heater & Billy Pierce


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