The Bless Group Lesson 2

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The BLESS Group Lesson #2 – “I believe in one God, Father, Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth,” Date: Sunday, September 27, 2009

PREPARATION: 1. The Objective: a. Learn the first line of the Creed and explain its meaning. b. Review the story of Creation

2. Handouts:

a. This Week I Learned / Focus on the Feast b. Class Schedule ** Hands-out below **

3. Vocabulary words:

a. Almighty – having absolute power; all-powerful;

4. Materials needed: a. Prayer corner supplies - Presentation Icon, candle, Bible and cloth to place on table b. Large poster board and the Nicene Creed printed out in large letters to make a poster; craft supplies to decorate Creed poster and color icon coloring pages - crayons, markers, glitter glue, scissors, and foam stickers. c. Handouts as stated above

5. Opening Prayer:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

THE LESSON: 1. Focus / Review:

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Introductions – review names of all present as new students may be present. Hand out school binders with Class Prayer sheet, first 5 pages of the Icon Coloring Book and last week’s handouts to the students who were not present last class. Children, especially the younger ones, can start coloring the icon pages after the introductions Review what the Creed is (the symbol of our faith and what we base our lives on), why we say it (to express our beliefs) and when it is said during the Divine Liturgy service (after the Kiss of Peace during the Great Entrance.

2. The Message: What does “I believe in one God, Father, Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth, “mean? Let’s look at it piece, by piece:

“I believe ...” means that I trust God enough to place the whole weight of my life with its hopes and fears on His love and power.

“ one God ...” – When someone says, “I believe in you,” it shows great trust in you. To believe in one God means that I place my whole

life in God’s hands. I promise to love, serve, obey and follow Him in all that I do. An idol is a false god. *** If I truly believe in one God, there will be no room for idols or false gods in my life. I will love and serve the one true God with all my heart, soul and strength.

“...Father ...” – Jesus taught us to call God “our Father” or “Abba”, which means “Daddy”. When we are baptized, God adopts (takes) us as His children, granting us the right to call Him “Father”. God is more than the maker of worlds. He is our Father who loves and care for each of us.

“.. Almighty ...” – Jesus healed the sick, calmed storms, and brought the dead back to life. We have a Father Who balances His great power with tender loving mercy. There are many times that we need help. We try and we try, but without getting done what is needed; because we rely only on our own strength. We forget that we have a heavenly Father who is almighty, who is willing to come to our assistance with tremendous power, who stand just waiting for us to ask Him for His help.

“... Maker of Heaven and Earth ... “ – God is so almighty that He created heaven and earth out of nothing. Maybe you wonder why God created everything? The answer is because of His love, which overflowed causing the world to come into being.

Now is a good time to review the story of Creation. Scholastic’s “Read and Learn Bible” has a great version with colourful pictures. (Pages 813) Read this to the class while they work on the activity.

3. The Activity: Create a Nicene Creed poster to hang in the Narthex of the Church. We will be using the following Apostle Creed poster as inspiration:

4. The Response/Homework: Work through this week’s “This week I learned” hand-out

5. Closing prayer More honorable than the Cherubim, and more glorious beyond compare than the Seraphim. Who without corruption you gave birth to God the Word. Truly Theotokos, we magnify you.

This Week I Learned – Lesson #2 This week we learned the first half of the first line of The Creed and its meaning. We also read the story of Creation.

Lesson Review: What does “I believe in one God, Father, Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth,“ mean? Let’s look at it piece, by piece:

“I believe ...” means that I trust God enough to place the whole weight of my life with its hopes and fears on His love and power.

“ one God ...” – When someone says, “I believe in you,” it shows great trust in you. To believe in one God means that I place my whole life in God’s hands. I promise to love, serve, obey and follow Him in all that I do. An idol is a false god. If I truly believe in one God, there will be no room for idols or false gods in my life. I will love and serve the one true God with all my heart, soul and strength.

“...Father ...” – Jesus taught us to call God “our Father” or “Abba”, which means “Daddy”. When we are baptized, God adopts (takes) us as His children, granting us the right to call Him “Father”. God is more than the maker of worlds. He is our Father who loves and care for each of us.

“.. Almighty ...” – Jesus healed the sick, calmed storms, and brought the dead back to life. We have a Father Who balances His great power with tender loving mercy. There are many times that we need help. We try and we try, but without getting done what is needed; because we rely only on our own strength. We forget that we have a heavenly Father who is almighty, who is willing to come to our assistance with tremendous power, who stand just waiting for us to ask Him for His help.

“... Maker of Heaven and Earth ... “ – God is so almighty that He created heaven and earth out of nothing. Maybe you wonder why God created everything. The answer is because of His love, which overflowed causing the world to come into being.

Questions to think about and talk about with your parents: What does it mean when someone says that he believes in you? What does Abba mean? When does God become our Father? Name some of the miracles Jesus performed that show that God is “Almighty”.

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