The Black Hole

  • November 2019
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Black hole of course a curiosity of mine own, long term quest to know and became urgent for me to grasp of this knowledge. Similarly, there was a discovery of the black hole in the year 1969 A.D by some well known scientist. Through his ideas and some other most famous scientist, they reviewed the theories did discovery of the black hole. Under the theory of the general relativity and classical theory of general relativity came a lot of theories in the world. Only by the basic theory like that of great theory could manage to let other theory exist in the world, by its own intuitions, for opening up the new avenue; Simultaneously rest of the world started thinking about the white whole and white dwarf; I think which a revolution in the science again. It is the nature of the people that, we keep on thinking in a different way, be it opposite to what other have thought. Be it good or bad, no worries; but let us think this is the concept all of us have. Before the discovery of the black hole, there were two concepts regarding light. One was of the particles and the other was of waves. It’s not like that one thought light as a wave and other thought like a particles and leave it. People go on finding and even though if it is not right or wrong they remain as a general theory for the world. Most probably, these people will be awarded by the Noble prize in physics and most part of the science on the basis of their discovery. The concern is not that we live on to it. The dispersion of the light when the white light is made fall on the prism then it splits in to seven colors namely violet, blue, Green, indigo, yellow, orange and red. What will happen to the red or any other light a part from the white light if it is made fall in the prism? I am sure no one has ever done these experiments till now. Why do we leave out the questions which can easily be solved? The band of colors produced in the screen is called spectrum, which we all are familiar too. This mainly happens because of the various wavelengths present in the photons itself. In the year 1678, a Dutch physicist, Huygens got an idea of light being wave motions theory of light. Since it was not accepted so much like any other theories, in his time. Only because of two reasons behind this theory couldn’t be accepted they are, if the light were waves, they should bend around the sharp corners as the sound wave does. If light were waves, they could not travel through vacuum. In the concept of atoms electrons is being treated as a wave & the light treated as a wave. So the perplexing side of the light principles is many and uncountable for all of us. One side of the objects equations we see as a particles and other side of the objects as a wave. In the similar manner mass, speed, energy are to describe to particles and to explain the wave are the wavelength and frequencies and many more. When the light theory is not yet completed by the scientists how can any other theories to be completed by them? And, how come these people called professional scientist 1

THE BLACK HOLE UPENDRA NEPALI gets the Noble prize, is a grater questions. None of the theories have been completed as we discovered till now. Now the question is what is an electron, Particles or the wave? What is light a wave or the photons? Since the all objects exhibit at the times like wave in natures and other times exhibit like particles in natures. The question is not how the objects or the subject behaves but how we understand them either by the particles or the wave or else by the wave/particles duality. Electrons simply can’t be said whether it’s a wave or the particles. It’s even because they exhibit like both wave/particles. On the phenomena of infractions, refraction, diffractions and inference behave as a wave. Wave itself is not a wave but phenomena of the particles. We clearly knew that electrons are negatively charged and protons are positively charged then what is the problem in finding out, then what is what? So how J.J Thomas and his son did told the world that it was waves and the particles? When it can’t bend around the sharp corners as the sound wave and can’t go through the vacuum. That’s why I told myself this theory have lot of ideas that confused us since from it’s time of origin. Naturally there is the light and we all knew about it. However, all of us are curious enough to know what it has been done to us. Photons as a light or the photon is an ingredient of the light? Since the photo is the electromagnetic wave of the light and not the light itself. There is something beyond what we have been assuming about the light and need to have taken an action. There are particles, anti-particles and the super-particles so the reactions, interactions and formations, expansions and destructions is unknown to us, however all these have effected the gravity. These are the formations of the universe. However we, aren’t certain about what will happen, when and where? The light is still unknown to us what is it? Let us delve in to it deeply. So one person got the knowledge about the black hole and other about the light being particles and the wave, the questions is how would it behave with the gravity both particles and the wave? There came uncountable questions in the world. J.J Thomas and his own father got Noble prize for it because they told that light behaves like a particles and the wave. Till now it is not sure what the light actually is. It is necessary to find or to re-discover what actually the light is. It is perhaps urgent in the 21st century to know what light is. All the technology that we have seen today is based on the light theory like that of photography-rays and many others. We used to study about the light right from grade 5-10 and many classes. In those classes what I still remember is that light it self is not visible but in the present of other objects or the subjects it becomes visible. How did the light become wave or the particles when it neither has weight or the mass at all? What is the weight or the mass of the light is still unknown to us, and will surely be known very soon under the GUT or the unifications of the physics. Light is a delicate subject and can’t sustain itself. Those feelings regarding the light and which is of course a matter of bigger concern shall not left a blank space in finding out. Deepening of the light and discovering further will only let the blank space be filled up. We got to delve right in to the inner parts of the light, then and than only the light theory will be completed. Perhaps discovery of the light is not an easy subject. 2

THE BLACK HOLE UPENDRA NEPALI Particles/ wave duality means some time the light behaves like the wave and the particles. I don’t understand why would the light behave in a two ways, when origin is one? The spontaneous understanding is that it tries to characterized it self as a mum and a dad in absent of any one of them. Can it be, or is it the only scientist hypothesis that making us belief in them? It doesn’t mean that it can’t happen, it can be and it’s possible too. However there have to have a strong reason why it happened. The accelerations due go Gravity of the wave is faster than that of the particles, and it can’t be supported as the wave in the similar way to the particles. A particle, which is the smallest bit of the atoms do have the mass, weights and the space to occupy. So, the atom always has the weights and mass and occupies the spaces and has speed too, this is not only the difference that we have it. To enlarge in the context of the general impulse; what every one can think is very simple about the particles and the wave. When the particle have the weights and the mass and occupies the space and the speed, how can it be a wave? Not simply, because the well known scientist told or experimented, and came to know that wave and the particle are the inner parts of the light. We can’t deny that particles don’t have any roll model to play in formations of the light. We all that wave have been articulated in a simplest way such as disturbing objects. Wave is not an objects it’s abstract and invisible too. Wave doesn’t disturb neither particles nor to any other objects or the subjects, but it does make its own way to get away from the gravitational forces. More it gets away from the gravitational power more accurately it can flow as per its frequencies. Where there is weight, mass and occupies the space simultaneously the gravitational force attracts body. Proton, electrons and the neutrons are present in the wave/ particles duality, however they or the scientist have missed out to mentions. A particle too emits the light only when in one condition if the lights have fallen in to the particles. If the hydrogen and carbon no longer survives in the glowing ball of the sun, then those particles can’t emit the light itself. Blood too contains R.B.C & W.B.C and through this process do exist other materials for the blood. Particles don’t infinitely emit the light but only in the present of the wave it can emits the light. Gamma rays, x-rays, alpha rays, all the waves and functions in there own frequencies. These are the ray that is being impulse and repulsed by the waves. Can the particles let the rays exist in the world? Light is further understood as a photon which is electromagnetic energy and even this one behaves like the wave/particles duality. There are lot of perplexing ideas hidden in the theory of the light and the formations of the light. Normally, we don’t understand them and requires having lot of deeper studies in to it. There is a full of controversy and contrast in the light theory. Different people and various professional scientist too have unlimited views, which we normally can’t predict them. However, all of us have their own capacity to think and re-think all about the black hole. Basically which is again right, we can’t deny most probably have to welcome the ideas and the principle of known and unknown people in the world. Since we were discussing whether the gravity would support the particles or the wave. Gravitational force which is only linked with the particles and the power to keep each particle under its control is the principle of the gravity. Whatever that is visible or not visible, will fall under the gravitational power and come under control of it. Unlike, it the instrument which goes against this gravity is called anti3

THE BLACK HOLE UPENDRA NEPALI gravitational force of pull or push. The rocket which have full power to go against the power of the gravity that’s why it keepson going up in the space. Anything that is against gravity is called anti-gravity and the anti-gravity is more powerful than the gravity itself. Anti-gravitational force doesn’t mean that it’s absolutely wrong idea or the principle for the gravity. Since the light, which is absolutely a wave could come to other planets, just in comparisons to the particles. Particles don’t easily fall in to other planets but rather if the matter becomes dark matter there is a chance of falling to other planets. We have come to know these things. We could even see in the BBC, CNN, THE TIMES MAGAZINES and in many other scientific papers. A rock which fell on the earth was very cold in sensations. They were cold, not like the stones that we have in the home planets. I have been to may museums and had seen the rocks, the soil from the moon vice versa. These things aren’t like the one we have with us. What is gravity? Simply to general language the force which attracts every other bodies and keeps a balance in them so that there wouldn’t be any problems. The theory of gravity tells us that the speed of the light is fixed and can’t be changed. However the speed of the light is fixed and the heat and the radiations fluctuate time to time. Naturally, as all of us can observe it. That is why the theory of general relativity did an observation and told the world that nothing can go in the speed of the light. Till now nothing have ever been passed or gone beyond the speed of the light. If there is anything that can pass faster than the light, that is the light itself. How big are the stars and our homely planets? We are very much sure about our planets and it’s time of expiry too. What about the stars which seem to be pin points to us and still have a sensations of gravitational attractions. More or less we will have the gravitational attractions all the time in any planets. More or less the planets will have the gravitational forces in order to keep the balance to themselves and to others too. The gravity’s character is to give potential effect to other planets and keep in touch with oneself. What did MR. john Michel predicted was good idea about the stars too, he said those stars which are very much massive and heavy contains more of gravitational field and some of the unknown stars have same gravitational field until now. So that is the reasons why the black hole won’t let anything to get escaped from it too far. Even a single string of the ray can’t be escaped by the black hole. This is the formations of the black hole is being done. This was the concept about the black hole. One active gravitational field can manage to get all the control over all other active and inactive gravitational forces in the universe. Those bigger and the biggest planets and the smaller and the smallest planets do have an opportunity to makes us fell we can fly at any time, because of our weightlessness. Be it a biggest of big planets or the smallest of small planets still they have a chance of attracting each other all the time in whatever the case. Those are the fundamental side of the nature and none of us can do anything to it except to study it. When a planets loses it’s gravitational power and the magnetic power, they automatically do fell that they were discarded by the other planets. When other planets discard those planet don’t both gravitational and the electromagnetic power in they them, they surrender to other planets. So slowly, as the time passes they those planets which had lost there power of 4

THE BLACK HOLE UPENDRA NEPALI gravity again gain and sparkles the electromagnetic and the gravitational power back to back. What I even think is that both wave and the particles are negatively charged particles and wave can be the particles but not that of the particles being the wave. Since they aren’t neutral to themselves; they are easily recognized and characterized by it self. After the discovery of the particles what they thought was quite a serious matter. Whenever they discovered the atoms, they even thought the matter were continuous and will go on. The balance between the minus and the plus in the atom is the correct atomic structure. Perhaps it seems right too; more we used matters they were more and more in terms of gas, liquid and the solid. These all are matters and the matters can be divided in to two parts like physical and chemical changes. After we have over all understood the matter then come about the particles, atoms, molecules, protons, electrons & neutrons and quark. All are so systematized by the law of the physics none of us have ever predicted about the structure of the physics. Quark, which is grouped in to two group and they are again sub named in to six parts. These tows have played a crucial roll for formations of the particles and the atoms specially proton and the electrons and of –course the neutrons. Those six are up, down, strange, charmed, bottom, each of these flavor contains green, red, and blue. The principle of the exclusions predicted that any if two electrons in an atom spend a lot of time close to each other, then they contribute a repulsive or positive potential energy, implying that their energy level will be higher; if the electrons are orbiting in the same direction. He may be right or wrong but what we got to understand them is simply to ask as much questions as possible. By this method I am not trying to divert the idea about what they have said too. What I am trying to do is to clarify myself, what I even need is to understand from deeper level about the nature of the physics laws and the principle. If one electron is added to next electrons, than the power of the electrons is supposed to have stronger then the previous one, but the things opposes here. Scientifically, we got to accept and except the pragmatisms. Similarly, if one proton is added to another proton it becomes 2 protons, then why not electrons & neutrons? In the history of the science the black holes is only the unknown evidence that, must of us are unknown to us. The debate’s of the black holes is not of an easy task as we have thought. From past generations to the present generation all the scientists have thought and think about it. Till now; what ever discovery and the inventions have been done is still going on and will go on. The theory of light is still incomplete and of course a subject to find out. As far as we don’t complete the theory of the light, rest discovery will be incomplete too. The speed of the light depends up how big the stars are. As bigger as they are, they produce stronger light rays, which can travel faster then other stars light. Since we aren’t being able to define what light exactly is, how would we articulate what the black hole is? The brightness of the stars and the low emitting of the stars differ in sending the light in to the other planets. The more the mass of the stars are surer of being stronger in the magmatic field 5

THE BLACK HOLE UPENDRA NEPALI and the gravitational power too. When the stars are stronger with the gravitational and the magnetic power in its characters, they are sure of travelling faster then to others stars. So the massive and the compacted stars are strongest of all other stars to send the light faster. It even depends up on the contractions and the expansions of the stars in emitting the light. However the predictions of the stars are unknown to us so far, still we have a hope of finding it out how big the stars are in the future. If we knew all the stars structures and the size of the stars and the whole galaxies there need not find any thing a part from what we call now a unifications of the physics. Even if we knew the gravity power of all the stars and the galaxies, this would be the end for the quantum physics. Each and every power of the galaxies is what our main concern in the present world. The electromagnetic and the gravitational power are the prime concern of ours. Since, till now we haven’t found any other gravitational forces and the electromagnetic forces except the artificial powers. The gravitational force isthe guidelines for the universes. An elementary particle is not my bigger argument here. But, it is always best to understand from the lowest level before we reach to the next level. We had thought that proton, electrons, neutrons were the elementary particles’ only. There were so many know and unknown particles which we never think or thought at all. Quarks, which is subdivided in to six parts and each having similar colors a part from there positions. Green, the red and the blue, are the characteristics of the quarks. There are top, bottom, up, charm, down and the strange this is how it find its positions. Electrons, the protons and the neutrons and the atoms consist of several of quarks and those quarks can still act up on the any of them. The quark may or may not act exactly as positively or negatively charged particles. It spins in its own axis. The study of the black hole is certainly a good side of observations to us. The theory of black hole has supported the uncertainty principle through which the direct experience can be felt. The study of the electromagnetic and the gravity forces both of the weak and the strong will certainly help us to delve us one way or the other way of studies. The strength of the gravity and the value of the cosmology constant have done a great job in finding out the weak and the strong forces of the universes. Let us define the black hole and its formations too. How does the black hole form and how does it act up on the universes; which is crucial for all of us to know from its base. To know the black hole one has to know the recycle of the stars. If one understands the recycling of the stars, certainly one will know about it the black hole too. Moreover, the observations of the black hole will definitely help us to know the universal gravitational forces. All the forces as I thought that the black hole is what controlling it. Without the present of the black hole, we can’t imagine the universe. There are no limitations in the universe of the gravitational forces which are electromagnetic and the gravity. Certainly one can’t even imagine that the black hole could be so rare and strongest power to control the universe. The light waves can’t get escaped from it, which our mind can’t think. Let us see how the black holes get in to form that we had have thought. To know about the formations of the black hole one really needs to delve in to the life cycle of the stars. Stars are not simply formed as the general thoughts goes on. To form stars we certainly require a lot of things behind, just to be a 6

THE BLACK HOLE UPENDRA NEPALI complete black hole. Formations of the stars are of peculiar types, when mostly the hydrogen collides within itself due to the gravitational attractions, after the it collides then it contracts, the atom of the gas collides with each other more frequently at grater speeds, so that the gas mostly the hydrogen gets heated, ultimately they no longer bounce off each other, perhaps coalesce to form helium. The heat which is released in this actions and reactions makes the stars shines. It keeps on heating until it balance the pressure of the gas itself and the gravitational attractions, that it stops contracting. On the contractions and the expansions of the black within the hydrogen makes a grater changes we knew well, however instead of the hydrogen and the helium so other gas get more involved, then the reactions and the actions will change, so that the formations of it too changes. Anything can happen to the black hole if the hydrogen gas gets finished up, so that whether it will have an alternation or is the question remaining here. During the contractions the any particles gets attracted to each other and clump all together, and for the time of the expansions any particles moves faster than in the contractions, so they escape any kind of attractions toward each other, due to the nuclear or the electromagnetic forces. Due to the present of the electromagnetic or the nuclear forces in the universe it keeps on expansions and contractions, so what will happen if the contractions and the expansions stop? The formations of the stars will not be stopped until there will be a nuclear or the electromagnetic forces are present, and the gravitational forces is present. The big bang or the big crunch singularities and the hot big bang model didn’t consider in these issues. However it has time to think for us to know about it. as far as all the known scientist and the general beliefs is that gravity and the gravitational forces don’t have any positive or a negative activities, however it do support the negative and the positive charges in the universe. If the stars losses all the hydrogen and the helium, certainly each stars would have become a planets as of our home planets or the moon. There is a chance that the moon will be like our home planet. However it takes more time to be the homely planet like that of ours. Since it doesn’t occur spontaneously, as we thought so, it takes millions of years to be a complete planet. Since the stars and the planets aren’t negative and the positive charges, it takes a little longer time. In general the idea of the black hole is just modesty. Black hole is the end points of the supper mass called supernova. However, still all these are the hypothesis of the scientist in the world. Active and inactive spiral galaxies can make a huge difference in forming of the black holes. Neutral stars too can be a black holes if contains the hydrogen and the helium at least 20thtime that of the sun. The present heat of the sun is very smallest of what we can’t expect from the black hole. For the unifications of the electromagnetic, nuclear energy, gravity and the black hole are inexorably united, which do make a sense. Understanding of the supernova, singularity, speed of the light, high & low density, photons, gravitational and the orbit will certainly allow us to find the proper awareness about the black hole. Simply defining of the black hole won’t let us know what exactly what the black hole really is.


THE BLACK HOLE UPENDRA NEPALI Just to put questions after questions is not good, if we couldn’t describe the single questions. If the gravity have do support the positive or the negative sight it would effect both the activities, in the formations of the whole stars. All glowing stars, neutral stars, cool stars are the some of types of the stars, which all of us have noticed too. One side of the mind do tells us, that the black hole is not a stereotype (fixed idea). The ideas and the laws have lurked (hidden) within its own thought of imaginations which don’t really be a productive in the world. Though the idea of the black hole isn’t being articulated in a consistency, by the scientists, at least we can belief. I was just thinking what will happen if the gravity colliding with the other gravity? There is a gravity every one knows and if there is anti-gravity it would have been great for us, to look after. Even it would be great if we could find out the anti-gravity all the time and that too would help us to protect the gravity. However according to the quantum mechanics uncertainty principle rotating black holes would create and emit particles. Time-space is the reasoning side effects of the present physics. The quantum mechanics have certified that all particles are in fact waves, and the higher the energy of the particles, the smaller the wavelength of the corresponding waves. Quoted from ‘A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME’ the elementary particles are the ultimate building block of the nature as we all knew about it. I do think that prescriptive principles will lead us to the origin of the black hole as we expected too. With the inferences, reliable authority, self-reverence, self-abnegations, which will guide us to the black holes, which we till now didn’t discover it. Etymology (the study of the origin of the words and there meanings) can’t describe what exactly is the black hole, because these aren’t the reasons and the logics behinds. There isn’t a strong reason behind why we couldn’t know what the black hole is all about. We do understand that there is lot of predictions of the world in next 50-80 years gap, however all they predicted because of the nuclear power that have been hailed in the world surface. What I even think that the active and the inactive gravitational forces is there, which of course our latest physics need to know about it. We do even know that most scientists are leading proponent (supporters of the theory or the cause) of the imaginations and the knowledge, which is valid too. Without reasoning and the inquiries’ it won’t work most of the time in the world. Of course there have to have profundity (deep thought, idea) in the scientific research, which makes it more deeper meaning for the discovery. What can be the gravity? Negative or the positively charged, what it can be? Without finding out the character of the gravity I don’t think that we will be able to articulate what is what? Since the gravity is the main source which is taking full control of the universe, and no need to think that gravity will be negative, but only the positive. There are such a places in the world where there is a negatively charged but with the stronger gravity, such as the Bermuda triangle; It has the stronger gravity with so, it won’t let anything pass by, that’s why we are still in a puzzled with the gravity. Just because of 8

THE BLACK HOLE UPENDRA NEPALI the gravity being more than the required, it could pull deep inside the oceans all those aircrafts and the ships which ever tried to pass by. The picture of the universe was 1st empty, formations, abiding and ultimately destructions too. Of course before we could make anything that is supposed to be the empty and it’s true too. What I even think is that black hole is neither of the cause and the effects theory nor with the uncertainly principle, but with the principle of the gravity and the principle of the 1st 2nd 3rd motions laws and still the 4th law is required to come up. The genesis (origin/beginning) of the blank universe does have a something greater meaning of the universe, which we do need to know what, had happened before and after. Where there is plus, there will certainly be a minus, and divide too. This is not perfects logic that however all of us need to find out what the logic behind. This is universe is not a creations of one day, or a week. However there was predication about the earth, that it was made within 7 days, which is ridiculous and has no meanings. The entire universe have such a bigger spiral galaxies which none of us could count or come to up to date now. Rays, wave length, radiations are the properties of the universe. Latest what we have tried to do is that send the message from the earth by the micro wave to the other galaxies which is going to take next 30 years to reach there. However this can be a greater achievement if we could send the message to the other planets and get the reply very soon. Aliens, those living creatures who are living in the other planets are our assumptions, from our scientist.


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