Black hole singularity, the complex plane, the higher dimensions of imaginary numbers and complex physics When you take the square root of a negative number, you get an error in your calculator. The square root of a negative number i.e. -1 is demoted in mathematics as i, called the imaginary number. The mathematical functions surrounding the imaginary number are in the typical complex ‘w’ plane. Mathematicians, physicists, and engineers deal with that in a subject matter called “complex Numbers”. When complex numbers are used to make interpretations in Physics, it is called the Complex Physics that is slightly off the mainstream physics. Scientists and engineers all over the world are busy extending the complex physics into the higher dimensions and black hole singularities. Some interesting correlations are coming out. The super string theory fits like T in the Complex Plane around a Limit Cycle around the singularity of black hole. The computer simulations now confirm existence of higher dimensions. The black hole is the entry door to the higher dimensions from our 3-D space time curvature.