The Beginning

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 2,112
  • Pages: 3


In the beginning only god the sole entity exziested ,god knew that he woulld be alone in this light that he alone has the power to command all that is at this time, at the start of creation light was only seen , this was for there was no inequities and no opposition to god ,god was the sole rule of all the protons and nuetrons and neurons ,So in gods himself he saw the only bieng that would serve him and be loyal to any test,god decided to separate 1/10 of himself , he watched this entity from himself and decided to call to it , and for the entity having no knowledge of life , the entity became aware, that entity did not see with eyes for it had none it saw through its knowledge, and understood all that was was at that time ,which was that it was a coicience that was not separate from all the neutrons protons and neurons, by what it wanted the atoms agreed and worked together to do , thus it knew it wass part of this light which had parts in it that worked as one with all .God wanted this entity to become something that god could not be , this was a form , an image somethin that could be described and something that had no power as his and yet be able to use it ,so god told this entity to think , and this entity listening like a child listenning to its mum concentrated unknowingly that it was changing into a form by having seperate concience to the light which at thirst was part of in all its thoughts , as time passed god had given this entity information of what god wants to do and why god created him and how this the entity listened to and enjoyed ,and since gods rule was the sole rule that exziested this entity from god was not feared nor questioned,god gave this entity the future and god spoiled him knowing that his lack of knowledge and understanding would bring the entity to a complete image of want and need ,when the body of this entity had developed god called him and said open your eyez my servant my tool of creating, and this bieng opened its eyez and saw for the first time light with out sharing this that is seen , and this was very hollow to what he was first part of but for the lack of knowledge and understanding his curiosity kept him from asking god to sees this deed that he is commiting upon him and return him to his first state of time , for time started when he was created from god,god called him after a time and told him to make a creature that can be seen as a image of himself but not the same , so the servant looked upon the vastness of light and said it has been asked so let it be done ,and the servant sow man , a creature that has no belief of what is right other than himself for he was the first of his kind and immidiatly the creature looked upon the servant and became full of fear and hate for man sow gods only creation ,not that man understood his hate and fear at that time and even now,when the man felt all these feelings the light which gods servant was created in burnt the man ending his exziestance , this was not understood by the servant only god, the servant called again and again man was created and again man was rejected by the light surrounding the world and this was done by the servant until frutrationed settled in the servants thoughts , and god sow this and

knew that his servant will have hardship thruogh the life of man and excepted it for the future was his servants and not mans,god called why do i not see what i hav asked of you my servant , and the servant replied ,my god i have no ability of keeping this man alive he sims to reject the laws that are yours and mine and this light of life is rejecting his life from exziesting , god said think of what you need to do ,and the servant thought and sow that without the lights ability of seeing what is ,the servant can creat man and light will not see his lifes exziestance ,so the servant looked into the far light which surrounded the world and said i want and all went dark ,the world was filled with darkness and the light had gone away ,the servant asked god do u see what i have done ,my only friend that is loyal and ready to do my bidding has left me after my own wish to pleaze you god ,for you are the entity that made me to be your loyal friend, god said do not worry it is there it has just covered itself so what you are going to do can be done,now my servant complete what i have asked and the ervant said where is man , and man appeared ,and god said he is not alone my servant follow hima nd see his deeds and what chooses to be as him,so the servant followed and sow women and men and sow them have lust ,hate greed ,power ,deciet ,and want ,and he stayed until the servant was liked and accepted ,but when the servant had commited deeds that are not accepted by god the servant could not go throught the wall that seperated this world and his ,and the servant cried ti god and god sow who is calling ang let him in, for with all the deeds of man the servant is the servant of god he is not swayed or changed from god , that is why god separated 1/10 of himself to create the servant for only himself would not look at god and want what god has ,the servant stayed away from man until his rage grew for it and decided to destroy man , but god called him and said this man is to much of us for you to kill it is an evil if you do this , the servant asked how long is there life and god said 100,000 years , the servant said i will decrease the life ,first i must place them away from me all together and place them in earth , so earth was created and the servant was sent to earth to create man , and in doing so he sow what he had created and asked adam and eve give me your daughter and you can live here in this garden , and unknowingly of the side effects of rejecting the servant they said no, and got rejected from having a easy all peaceful life .The servant was on earth before adam and eve and since he had destroyed the dinosaurs with the power of fire which he flew in the sky and harnesed in his hands and threw to the ground which stopped oxygen ,which killed all life at that time he after throwing adam and eve waited for a few hundred years and heard god say if you dont go and staye daround them my plans for you will not be complete,so the srvant went to eve in her sleep and tolled her of on ebiest that is like man but looks has eyez like animals and fur and to sleepm with him , so she did go them they were harmless biengs and one she sow appealed to her his skin was not darkened by the sun and his face showed emotions of care so she slept with him without adam knowing m the servant was able then to enter her body and be as ababy to them with still some of the knowledge of what he was,cane she named him ,and he grew with her love for him and she became pregnant from adam for god said adam is upset with the love eve has for there son cain which he adam has no love or care for ,and when she had able , adam became proud and vengeful ,adam wanted cain

to feel the hurt and to die from it , so he tried to kill cain in which made him see that cain is not as the other biengs or animals , he does not fall nor does he bleed ,but adam sow cain does be resentful , which fired up adam vanity ,able and adam tried together many times ,until one day cain and able were in the field toiling when god called the servant who had forgotten god ,servant they are laughing at your not understanding of there actions ,eve is not loving you no more for she has been beaten until death which you have brought back from your love for her ,if you do not do somethin the future is not going to be what i want it to be for you, so the servant got up in a mad rage and picked up a bolder the size a large pillow and smashed ables skull and turned to god and said im goin to finish this all now ,which was that the servant was going to go and kill adam as well ,but god straight away took all of the servants knowledge of who he is away and left him there bewildered about what he was,the servant also known as the servant of god went and stayed with biengs that looked like man but had the eyez of animals and fur and there he taught them how to procreate with eve and there children ,adam never had children outside from eve ,this is why his face is still seen in the western world,adam did kill many of thoes biengs that eve slept with and he was hated by them until the servant taught these new biengs which were half from eve and half from the biengs which looked like man but had eyez of animals and fur how to fight how to kill and how to hate,which made them more aggresive than the children of adam and eve , these people who were half controlled earth for thousands of years and the servant remained alone in the desrt which to him was peaceful for he was never excepted , inside all men knew he was only one , no other was ever going to be like him,and his life did not age nor end.One day god called his servant which the servant was still bieng left with no memory of who he is ,and told him to go and see what my people are doing and so he did after god manupilated his thoughts ,and the servant sow that the people of half were in control and had beaten down the children of adam and eve they had no strenght just fear and this did seem unfair so he asked god to take away the people who were commiting deeds upon them that werenot accepted morrally, god said i will put these people away from populated areas and they will die but not be dead for i have them to do my bidding and so the children of adam and eve started to rise in power and in a few thousand years he the descendent of adam and eve was adviser to king totecamen which from the teachings of the servant gain control of a region which got called rome and from there sow the arrival of god into his servants body which god accepted by there deeds the ending of man , for no more were they close to god or his servant and no more can there deeds be washed away,gods servant stayed upon man and gave them all the means of what man wanted ,techknoledgy ,weapons knowledge , wealth ,health,and control,and in all the servants doin man the children of adam and eve were conspiring of destroying gods servant ,for they feared him who was more powerful more intelligent and he was serving god with no hesitants, they tried misleading him from god by getting him to comiit evil deeds and lustful deeds by having greed by having control but none worked and only by gods want the servant moved away from them until the 20th century when god said i have brought you here to know who you are just like the beginning for you are the ending as well

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