The Beginning

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 21
BEGINNING By Layth (e-mail: [email protected])

Have you ever asked yourself that question?. Why am I here?, why was I created?, why do I exist?... Most people will touch on this question many times in their lives, but will quickly abandon its pursuit due to the lack of a 'reasonable' answer. In-fact, the real reason people attach themselves to a 'religion' is because of their overwhelming feeling that they need to be 'doing something' in this life, but are not exactly sure as to 'what'!. Christians will talk to you about man's 'First Sin' and how we need to accept Jesus (who died for us) to close that rift. Muslims will simply yell at you "you were created to WORSHIP" and will force everyone into the mosques and for women to cover their hair (if not face). Jews keep the reason we are here 'secret' to themselves since they think all humanity was created 'around' their presence. Buddhists think we are here in a series of incarnations and that we ultimately are one with the universe and creation....And the stories go on and on... In all honesty, it was the statement made by my sister which struck the cords of truth: "I do NOT want to be here, if there is a GOD, then WHY did He forcibly create me, send me to Earth to be 'tested', and then will throw me in hell for something I NEVER WANTED TO BE A PART OF!". The problem with her statement was, it was true!. I could not bring myself to explain how the GOD of Mercy and Justice would place people 'against their will' in a place where they have to be 'tested' , and then tell us all about 'Free-Choice' and how we all decide our own destinies!. After all, realistically speaking, there are only "2-choices" in this life: 1. Believe & lead a 2. Disbelieve and face the consequences of hell!.



Does that represent 'free-will'?. In-fact, according to most religions, even suicide is NOT an 'option' that people can pursue (so much for choices). I also could not bring myself to accept the story that we are here because Adam & his wife ate from the 'Tree' and we are bearing the sins of their actions by being tested on Earth (especially since GOD tells us:

"No person will carry the weight of another"! 35:18). The subject of our being here leads to many contradictions with the Quranic text which is why this article is being presented...A 'new' reading of the text (so to speak).

TRADITIONAL BEGINNING? The story of man begins in the Quran in Sura No. 2 with GOD addressing the Angels: "And your Lord said to the Angels: I will make a 'successor' (Khalifa) in Earth. They replied: would You make in it those who would corrupt in it and shed blood? we will always praise Your glory and awe at Your grace. He said: I know what you do not know" (2:30) This verse is always given as the beginning of our story... GOD and His Angels are already having a DISPUTE regarding this 'Khalifa' who is to be placed on Earth (Angels objecting strongly), and GOD is 'overriding' them saying that they do not know the future. Somehow, reading 2:30, it feels like we have started playing a movie from its 'mid-point'!. As I hope to later prove, this single verse is what has thrown our understanding into confusion and created 'false' images of 'why we are here'!.

IN THE 'BEGINNING' To understand where we 'came-from' we need to 'rewind' the story of mankind and re-examine the Quranic verses using our mind and knowledge of GOD's system.

1. GOD creates 'Man'. In the very beginning of our existence, GOD announces to His 'Angels' that he is creating a new creature (mankind) to serve Him:

"And your Lord said to the Angels: I am creating a human from a clay like material. So when I COMPLETE him and breath from My spirit in him you shall prostrate to him" (15/28-29) This announcement heralds a 'Controlled-Evolution' process which may have taken thousands or even millions of Earth years (time with GOD is different).

2. The 'Rouh' is given to Adam. Once man had adapted and progressed to the evolutionary level desired by GOD, then the 2nd phase of GOD's plan was put into effect: "Your Lord said to the angels: 'I am creating a human being from clay. Once I make him, and blow into him from My 'Rouh', you shall prostrate to him." (38:71-72) Most commentators of the Quran mistake this point (the giving of the Rouh) to be the 'beginning of life" or the entrance of the 'Soul' into man!. Even in Arabia today, we hear that when a person dies, people will pray on his 'Rouh' which has left his body (resulting in death). The 'Soul' is clearly mentioned in the Quran as 'Nafs' (not Rouh). Once a person dies, then it is his 'Soul/Nafs' that is taken from him and later judged (3:145, 3:185, 39:42, 6:151).

3. What is the 'Rouh'?. The 'Rouh' is not what gives us life, but it is the 'tool' we need from GOD to exit the 'Animal Kingdom' and be able to UNDERSTAND how we are to serve Him. "They ask you about the 'Rouh'. Say: 'The Rouh is my Lord's command. And you were not given knowledge, except little." (Quran 17:85) This is the 'ultimate' in gifts, the power to KNOW, to UNDERSTAND, to DIFFERENTIATE, to THINK. We do not see a bird sitting on a tree 'contemplating' why the wind moves the branches, or what drives the wind, or what allows the Earth to be suspended in space!.

Even though some creatures on Earth have larger 'brain capacity' than mankind, they are still 'unable' to think beyond the basic animal needs to 'eat, sleep, shelter, and play'!. No animal has the 'ability' to 'contemplate' suicide!, or to understand 'quantum physics'. This is the 'Rouh', it is best translated as the 'Spirit' from GOD which makes mankind 'who' and 'what' he is.

4. The Angels prostrate for the creation of man. Once the 'Spirit/Rouh' had been added to the mix of man, then the Angels were all ORDERED to acknowledge the uniqueness of GOD's new creation and to fall prostrate in humble servitude to GOD for what He had done: "We have created you, then We have copied you, then We told the Angels to prostrate to Adam..." (7/11) What will become evident in the next points of this article is that the Angels we NOT prostrating to 'Adam' as a person, or even a 'unique' being...However, they were prostrating to GOD for the 'creation' of Adam and the magnificence of His work!.

5. Adam is placed in 'Heaven' The place that Adam and his mate are allowed to reside in has been specially designed by GOD to offer the best comfort and protection for our species: "You have that you shall not go hungry or be unsheltered in it. And you will not go thirsty nor be touched by heat" (20:118-119) This is a special 'blessing' by GOD to allow us to exist in a place where He is providing for us all our nourishment, as well as not allowing us to be harmed by the elements.

6. GOD 'warns' Adam of Satan's goal. Again, being Who He is, GOD takes the time to 'inform' Adam and his mate that Satan has a vile objective directed towards Adam and his descendants. He should thus take heed:

"We then said, "O Adam, this is an enemy of you and your wife. Do not let him evict you from Paradise, lest you become miserable." (20:117) Where Adam was residing is a place of pure 'bliss' since it adheres to the 'System' designed by GOD (who is better than GOD as a provider?). Thus, Adam and his descendants would be safe as long as they stayed within the parameters that GOD has given them.

7. The 'Tree' is allowed to exist. Since the beginning of creation, GOD always allows 'freedom-of-choice'. Thus, although He created man and gave him provisions & sustenance, He also created an 'Exit' for those people who did not want to be under GOD's system and would rather have 'Independence'!. 'We offered the TRUST to the Skies, the Earth and the mountains, but they all refused to carry it and were fearful of it. But the human being carried it, he was wrong-full, ignorant" (33/72) Here we see a confirmation that this is GOD's system with all His creation (Earth, Mountain, Sky, etc..). However, the Earth was smart to know that it would have spun out of orbit as soon as GOD abandoned it, and the mountains knew that they would crumble or tip the earth off-balance if they were left to their own 'devices'.

8. Adam is 'warned' about the 'Tree'. GOD warns Adam of the 'Tree' and the adverse effects it will have: "Adam, you and your mate shall reside in the garden and you shall eat from where you wish. But do not approach this tree else you would wrong yourselves." (7:19) GOD has always given man the option to be 'masters of their destiny', but He has also told us that we CANNOT survive such a burden.

9. Satan entices Adam!. It may have been years, centuries, or even ages later...But Satan managed to deceive Adam to his own objectives:

"So Satan deceived them to show them their Bodies which had been shielded from them, and he said: Your Lord only forbade you from this tree so you would not be Angels or become immortals" (7:20) What is being promised by Satan (also in 20:120) is a BETTER LIFE than what GOD has provided them!. Satan is telling Adam: 'I know how you can be an Angel, live forever, and have unlimited power'!.

10. Adam eats from the 'Tree'. Accepting the advise of Satan was tantamount to 'Shirk' (thinking that someone/something can provide what GOD did not). "So they ate from the tree, and their Bodies were revealed to them and they ran to cover themselves with the leaves of the garden. And Adam disobeyed his Lord and was lost" (20:121) A stop is required at this point. Note that throughout the chronology of events, Adam has already been 'created' from clay/mud before the 'Rouh' was given to him. Therefore, to simply say that Adam had his 'Body' revealed to him is not accurate (was he invisible before that?), especially since GOD tells Adam that in heaven he will not go thirsty, hungry or be touched by heat (all are PHYSICAL elements denoting a PHYSICAL BEING). Also, if Adam was already a 'physical' being (which he must have been to eat from the tree), then why does he suddenly start covering himself with leaves from heaven (what had changed?). The way this scenario can be understood is in terms of 'dependency'!. Adam was always naked while he was in heaven (as was his mate), however, since they were adhering to GOD's system, they were offered protection from the elements and provisions by GOD (20:118-119). The simple 'act' of eating from the Tree caused Adam to be ABANDONED by GOD and His system (which offered protection, shelter, nourishment). Thus, Adam (being now independent) was 'exposed' and immediately had to fend for himself understood what he had lost by thinking that 'anyone' other than GOD can provide what is better.

11. Man commits Sin.

So far, we only have Adam eating from the Tree which gives him 'independence' from GOD's system of protection. However, Adam has only excersized a 'free-choice' that was offered to him by GOD (as it was offered to all other creation). Thus, Adam has not committed any 'sin' or 'crime' that he is punishable for (yet!). "And your Lord said to the Angels: I will make a 'successor' (Khalifa) in Earth. They replied: would You allow in it those who would corrupt in it and shed blood? we will always praise Your glory and awe at Your grace. He said: I know what you do not know" (2:30) We have come back to the very beginning of our article...The famous conversation in heaven between GOD and His Angels!. We have shown that man was created and placed in 'heaven' (not Earth), and that he had committed 'no-sin' to deserve any form of retribution or be required to 'respite' himself (after all, the tree itself was allowed to exist by GOD). It is here that the Quran tells us what 'went-wrong' for our species: "would You allow in it those who would corrupt in it and shed blood!". Man had 'sinned'!. This 'sin' (corruption & bloodshed) was a result of Adam seeking to be 'independent' from GOD and thinking that he could control his own destiny (pretty much what we are doing here on Earth).

12. Adam seeks 'Redemption'!. Adam and his descendants have sinned a great sin in the eyes of the Lord and needed to be 'Punished' for their crimes. This is where Adam plea's to GOD for forgiveness: "...Their Lord called upon them: 'Did I not enjoin you from that tree, and warn you that the devil is your most ardent enemy?. They said, "Our Lord, we have wronged our souls, and unless You forgive us and have mercy on us, we will be losers." (7:22-23) This is a 'predicament' which Adam has gotten himself into!. He has realized that without GOD's system he has failed and incurred a terrible retribution.

13. A 'Dispute' erupts in heaven!.

Now that mankind (represented by Adam) have committed a gross offence in the sight of the Lord (corruption & blood-shed), and since Adam has requested that he be given a chance at 'redemption', there came a great DEBATE in heaven as to what their punishment should be: "I had no prior knowledge of the heavenly community when they disputed" (38:69) As we have seen in 2:30, GOD had suggested that mankind be 'exiled' to Earth where they can redeem themselves back into His Mercy. The Angels did not think that man was 'capable' of redemption (especially after his gross actions) and this were not in-favor of allowing any 'redemption'.

14. Satan's role in the Exile! Satan is one of the great 'players' in this scene and he (and his followers) have contributed directly to the corruption & bloodshed that man was involved in: "He said, "O Satan, what prevented you from prostrating before what I created with My hands? Are you too arrogant? Have you rebelled?" (38:75) This verse makes it clear that the act of 'Prostration' was indeed intended for GOD ALONE as praise for His new creation (and not to Adam for who he was). The same example can be seen in 12:100 where Joseph's parents (the prophet Jacob) fall prostrate in-front of Joseph once they enter Egypt. Obviously, the act is directed towards GOD (giving Him praise) although the subject it is being done in-front of is Joseph.

15. Satan's Response Rather than seek humble forgiveness from GOD for his actions, Satan flaunts his racist way of thinking and how he is 'superior' to Adam: "The Lord said: What has stopped you from prostrating as I ordered you? Satan said: I am superior to him, You created me from fire and he from mud" (7:12) Satan was disillusioned, not by Adam's lack of knowledge or abilities, but by the 'substance' that Adam has been made-from (mud/clay)!.

16. GOD's Judgement on Satan Although GOD has already agreed to 'respite' Adam and let him seek redemption on Earth, Satan was a different matter: "He said, "Therefore, you must get out; you are banished. You have incurred My condemnation until the Day of Judgment." (15:34-35) GOD has told Satan that he will be 'punished' for his disobedience and this will be done on the day of Judgement when mankind is also judged.

17. Satan's Plea Rather than accepting his punishment, Satan plea's with GOD, not for FORGIVENESS, but to be allowed to take as many humans as he possibly can: "He said, "My Lord, respite me until the day they are resurrected. He said, "You are respited." (15:36-37) GOD allows Satan to try and take as many humans as would follow him.

18. Mankind & Satan are sent down to Earth Although GOD has accepted Adam's plea for redemption, He must still 'expel' him from heaven since Adam has 'tainted' himself by eating from the tree and committing his crime. GOD had 'foreseen' in 20:117 that Adam would be evicted if he listened to Satan (GOD keeps His word). "He said, "Go down as enemies of one another. On Earth shall be your habitation and provision for awhile. He said, "On it you will live, on it you will die, and from it you will be brought out." (7:24-25) Now both mankind & Satan are exiled to Earth, enemies to one another.

19. The rules are laid-out! Since GOD has accepted Satan's challenge to take mankind with him, GOD sets some 'ground-rules' which must be adhered to:

"You may entice them with your voice, and mobilize all your forces and all your men against them, and share in their money and children, and promise them. Anything the devil promises is no more than an illusion." (17:64) Satan can only 'entice' mankind with words, but he cannot have any 'physical' presence so as to 'harm' or 'force' man to prove his point (he may entice others to use force on his behalf).

20. GOD forgives Adam After banishing Adam and his descendants to Earth, GOD accepts Adam's plea for forgiveness: "Adam received words from his Lord who forgave him, He is the merciful forgiver" (2:37) This is GOD's system, once we are on Earth, we need to redeem ourselves through full SUBMISSION and ACCEPTANCE of GOD's words.

21. Adam's descendants are all WARNED before being sent to Earth. GOD is giving us all one last chance for redemption, and the instruction to mankind is crystal clear: "Recall that your Lord summoned all the descendants of Adam, and had them bear witness for themselves: 'Am I not your Lord?' They all said, 'Yes. We bear witness.' Thus, you cannot say on the Day of Resurrection, 'We were not aware of this.' Nor can you say, 'It was our parents who practiced idolatry, and we simply followed in their footsteps. Will You punish us because of what others have innovated?. We thus explain the revelations, that they may redeem themselves." (7:172-174) GOD has given us the 'guide-lines' prior to coming to Earth, and he has told us what is required of us.

Further Evidence: "If GOD were to punish the humans for their transgression, He would not have left a single creature. But He respites them for a specific, predetermined time. Once their interim ends, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor advance it." (16:61)

How can this be?. If we are born 'innocent', and if our children and many humans are also 'innocent', then HOW can GOD make such a SWEEPING statement!. He would not leave ONE creature!.

WHY DON'T WE REMEMBER? If we had all committed these crimes and made this solemn pledge to GOD, then how is it none of us remember?. Well, the fact of the matter is that we all DO REMEMBER very much. Have you never found it 'strange' that out of 6 Billion humans on Earth, nearly 80% have AUTOMATICALLY accepted the existence of some sort of 'god' without ever seeing or hearing him!. In-fact, whether that 'god' is called "Allah, Buddha, Christ, Ra, Jehovah, etc..", it makes absolutely no-sense that people 'freely' accept the very 'concept' of god without argument or fight. Even people who worship wood or idols as 'god' will automatically get a 'wrong feeling' inside (they can ignore this, or follow through like Abraham did). The greatest question we always here is: If a man lives on an Island and has never been subjected to Islam or the Quran, will he be held 'accountable'?. After reviewing what is above, the answer to that question is a massive 'YES'. Each person has 'instinctive' knowledge which he will be held accountable for, thus being exposed to religion or not has no significance on judgement!.

Further Evidence: "Those who violate GOD's covenant after pledging to uphold it, sever what GOD has commanded to be joined, and commit evil. These are the losers. How can you disbelieve in GOD when you were dead and He gave you life, then He puts you to death, then He brings you back to life, then to Him you ultimately return?" (2:27:28)

Here we have mention of the 'covenant' which we are obliged to uphold, as well as the matter of '2-deaths, 2-lives, 1-resurrection'!. If we were only from this Earth, then that would be 1-life, 1-death, 1resurrection!. They will say, "Our Lord, you have put us to death twice, and You gave us two lives; now we have confessed our sins. Is there any way out?" (40:11)

WHERE TO GO FROM HERE? As we hope you have seen from the above article, simply by 're-arranging' the sequence of certain verses we DRAMATICALLY change the story of mankind from one of 'honor' & 'prestige' to one of 'disgrace', 'humiliation' & 'sin'!. The 'chip' that we have been carrying on our shoulder should no longer even be there... In-fact, if you have understood the implications of the above article, then you would be very fast to get on your hands and knees and pray to GOD for FORGIVENESS & REDEMPTION!. This life is our 'last-chance' for parole before the 'pre-ordained' life-sentence of pain & suffering is carried out.

Under Supervision: Because this Earth is simply 'one-large-prison', we are being 'monitored & recorded' for our final 'Parole' hearing on J-day: "This is our record; it utters the truth about you. We have been recording everything you did." (45:29) "Two recording (angels), at right and at left, are constantly recording. Not an utterance does he utter without an alert witness." (50:17-18) Like the 'interrogation rooms' which have mirrors on the inside, and seethrough glass on the out...This is what best describes our situation. For this to be a 'fair' test, GOD and His angels REFUSE to be seen or evident by any of us (we would be on our BEST behavior if we saw GOD or the Angels watching and recording). Therefore, we are simply 'told' that this is

happening, and the weak ones will easily forget and go back to the 'evil' that brought them here.

What to do? We have no time to waste in bickering, spending money, attaining power & wealth...This planet is only existing for a 'temporary' period until all the guilty Humans & Jinn have passed through it (at our spiraling birth rate, that will not be too far now). "Then, Adam received from his Lord words, whereby He redeemed him. He is the Redeemer, Most Merciful." (2:37) In the example of Adam, we are to follow GOD's instructions given to us on how to attain 'redemption' in this life. "Those who say: 'Our Lord is GOD', then they Straighten themselves, they shall have no fear nor will they grieve" (46:13) And 'how' do we 'Straighten Ourselves'?. "GOD advocates justice, charity, and regarding the relatives. And He forbids evil, vice, and transgression. He enlightens you, that you may take heed." (16:90) FINAL WARNING! "Know that this worldly life is no more than play and diversion, and boasting among you, and hoarding of money and children. It is like abundant rain that produces plants and pleases the disbelievers. But then the plants turn into useless hay, and are blown away by the wind. In the Hereafter there is either severe retribution, or forgiveness from GOD and approval. This worldly life is no more than a temporary illusion." (57:20) The Story of Planet Earth This little planet which we all cherish and have no other place to call home, merely represents a drop in the ocean of our Universe. The Universe, with its immense structure, contains a myriad of galaxies, billions of stars and a countless number of planets. Even though our planet is very insignificant, God Almighty saw fit to bless this place and allow countless creatures and plants to live and thrive upon the Earth. God’s requirement upon these creatures was merely for them to live out their life cycles as ordained by God through nature.

Amongst the early residents of our Universe, and way before man was created, was a being known in Arabic as “Jinn”. This being existed in a separate dimension from man due to its unique physical structure, for the "Jinn" was made from the substance of "fire". “And the Jinn we created before from flames of fire” (15/27) The "Jinn" was the only being in our Universe that possessed a soul given by God Almighty. The soul meant that the "Jinn" had responsibility to bring peace and harmony to this Universe by upholding God's laws. With this responsibility came absolute authority in this realm making the "Jinn" answerable only to God. In return for policing the Universe, God grants the "Jinn" an immortal life whereby unlike non-soul beings, the "Jinn" can never die. Now, on tiny planet Earth as the centuries went rolling by, a creature called “Man” had emerged through God’s natural process just as so many other creatures before him had emerged and thrived or become extinct to make way for newer species. “And not a creature on the Earth, nor a bird that fly’s with its wings, are but communities like you are…” (6/38) Chaos Roams the Universe Millions of years ago, the inhabitants of this Universe (especially Earth) had caused major mischief and chaos in their individual realms by killing and fighting one another. God thus decided to intervene and give the inhabitants of our Universe a new police force from among themselves to fix whatever problems and injustice they had created. To get this job done God gives the designated police force a badge or sign to give them superiority and authority that they speak in God's name and represent His laws on Earth. That badge is the "soul" that God assigns to His deputies by housing it in their body. Since the Lord our God is a just and fair God, He did not force any creature to have the burden of policing the Universe and housing the "soul", but He gave the choice to a select number of His creatures for the task. We can take a wild guess as to which creature jumped at the opportunity: “We offered the TRUST to the Skies, the Earth and the mountains, but they all refused to carry it and were fearful of it. But the human being carried it, before that he was blinded by ignorance” (33/72)

It was the creature we all know as “Man” that opted for the task from amongst all the others present. The reason for any creature to want to carry the burden of policing the planet and carrying the “soul” is quite basic: 1. with the soul comes POWER & AUTHORITY over all other beings. 2. With the soul comes eternal life as coming in contact with God's essence makes permanent death no longer possible - IMMORTALITY. But the "soul" also brings responsibility towards God’s other creatures and laws. With the fulfillment of those laws comes a reward of being allowed to reside in a dimension nearer to God with bliss, luxury and happiness. But, if the soul is not properly nourished and fed with just laws and righteousness, then the body that carried it will dwell in eternal misery in the furthest dimension away from God...That is "Hell". “…Beware of a fire whose fuel will be people and stones, made for those who have rejected” (2/24) After the choice was made, God gathers His angels and ALL the creation that exist in our Universe and informs them that a new being has been selected to police the Universe and represent God's laws: “And your Lord said to the Angels: I am placing a successor on Earth. They replied: why would You give it to those who would cause havoc and shed blood? we will always praise Your glory and awe at Your grace. He said: I know what you do not know” (2/30) As we can clearly see from the above verse, the Angels were advising God Almighty not to give man this responsibility as they would only cause death and destruction like our species had done in our barbaric past. However, the mercy and wisdom of our Lord outweighed their suggestions and He continued with His plan to bring harmony to the Universe. Changes for the New Task After God took the covenant from the human being, He saw fit to re-shape and re-design man's body so that he would be ready to hold the responsibility of the "soul". Hence, a new being was created whom we all know as “Adam”: “The One who perfected everything and started the creation of man from mud. Then He let his descendants come forth from a murky liquid. Then He MADE him and breathed from His spirit in him…” (32/7-9)

“And when your Lord said to the Angels: I have created a human from a clay like material. So when I MAKE him and breath from My spirit in him you shall support him” (15/28-29) “We have created you, then We have COPIED you, then We told the Angels to support Adam…” (7/11) The above verses clearly indicate that man underwent a fundamental transformation, whereby he was reshaped into a more refined body and the breath of God placed life in his empty shell. Continuing in His infinite mercy, God Almighty decided to give this new human “Adam” the weapon of knowledge to achieve his task on Earth: “And God taught Adam all the ITEMS, then He showed them to the Angels and He said: Tell me the truth of these items?. The Angels said: Praise be to You, we do not know that except which You have taught us, You are the most knowledgeable, most wise. God said: Adam, tell them of these items. So when Adam told them of the items, God said: Did I not tell you that I know the future of the heavens and Earth and I know what we disclose and what you hide” (2/31-33) These “items” which God Almighty has taught Adam are the key essence of our technological innovations and the reason the human race is light years above all the other creatures on Earth. It is this special knowledge which has given us the tools to re-shape the our lives any way we wish. The “items” which were taught to Adam and then shown to the Angels to identify were probably some of the technological innovations, which we have all taken for granted (the car, plane, computer, telephone, etc..). Why not, when we are not even the slightest bit surprised that we have taken materials from the ground and turned them into an object that fly’s us in the air? Also, why is it that we are not the least bit surprised that we can talk to each other over thousands and thousands of miles, yet it sound like the other person is in the rooms next door. This covenant, which our ancestors made with God for the entire human race, is quite simple: We are collectively responsible for bringing law and order to this Universe in return for being rewarded with permanent life after the task is done. The "soul" that we house in our body will grant us immortality, but we have to develop and nourish our physical bodies so that in the end we will have the opportunity to permanently move up in dimensions to a more blissful place closer to God. The more we nourish our bodies through good work and righteousness, the higher the dimension we will be allowed to exist in. To clarify our duties towards God, the planet, and ourselves we have God’s book, which we are to follow and implement to the letter on this planet called Earth. We are also not to accept any other source for this law except that which we have verified and scrutinized as being from God.

“Do not uphold what you cannot verify, surely the hearing, the eyesight and the mind you are responsible for” (17/36) Supporting to the New Human’s Role. “And We told the Angels to support Adam, they all prostrated except for Satan, for he was an arrogant refuser. He was a rejecter” (2/34) “And the Angels all of them support. Except for Satan, he refused to be with the supporters” (15/30-31) After our Lord gave this new being “Adam” the trust for the Universe and supplied him with the "soul" and knowledge; He issued a declaration to all of His angels and the creatures of this Universe in order to witness the new responsibilities of this being and pay him homage. It should come as no surprise that the only being from amongst those present that refused to support Adam and pay homage was Satan, the representative of the “Jinn”: “And We told the Angels to support Adam and they all supported him except for Satan, he was from the “Jinn” and rejected his Lord’s commands…” (18/50) When our Lord God asked Satan why he refused to support man in his new role, Satan replied as follows: “The Lord said: What has stopped you from supporting as I ordered you? Satan said: I am superior to him, You created me from fire and he from mud” (7/12) “We told the Angels to support Adam, they all supported except for Satan, he said: shall I support to that which You have created from mud?” (17/61) “Satan said: I am better than him, You created me from fire and him from mud” (38/76) So, Satan thought that he and his species were still better suited than this new “human” whom God has selected to Police the Universe. This blatant objection of Satan, and his argument as to the feeble composition of the human being for the task led to a dispute amongst those present in the heavenly community: “I had no prior knowledge of the heavenly community when they disputed” (38/69)

The objection of Satan caused a stir amongst God's creatures as to whether the “Jinn” were better suited to carry on the task of carrying God's trust than this new “Human”. Then, at this fatal moment, Satan overstepped all his boundaries and challenged God Almighty: “Satan said: Do You see this creature whom You have preferred over me, if You grant me till the day of judgement I will make all his descendants follow me except for a few” (17/62) This was the breaking point, a challenge put forth by Satan towards God Almighty and the entire heavenly community to be allowed to prove himself as being more knowledgeable than God Himself. Satan’s Exile and Promise of Revenge. "The Lord said: Descend and exit, this is not a place for arrogance, you are belittled. Satan said: Give me leave until the day of their judgement. The Lord said: You are given until that time" (7/13-15) "The Lord said: Exit from here, you are rejected. And My wrath is upon you till the day of recompose. Satan said: My Lord, grant me leave till the day of their judgement. The Lord said: You are granted" (15/39) God expelled Satan and all those that supported his view from the dimension where God existed and confined them to our Universe only. However, before leaving, Satan requested that he be allowed to exist in our dimension as long as man was here so that he may prove their feebleness. God granted Satan his wish, not so much because Satan had asked, but because God wanted to leave no doubt amongst any of His creatures as to the capabilities of man vs. the cheap talk of Satan. "Satan said: For that creature which You have caused me to stray, I will stand in the way of Your righteous path for them. Then I will come to them from between their hands and from behind them and from their right and from their left, so You will find the majority of them unthankful to You" (7/16-17) The objective is clear: Satan is on a one track mission to seek revenge from the human race and try to take as many as possible with him to an eternal dwelling in Hell. So, in summary: 1. The “Jinn” were created a long long time in this Universe before man ever existed.

2. The "Jinn" were the only carriers of a "soul" which meant they they were responsible for upholding God's laws in this Universe. 3. Under the supervision of the "Jinn", chaos and destruction had taken hold of the Universe and our tiny planet Earth. 4. God searched for a new being to police the Universe and implement God's laws. 5. The creature known as “human being” opted for the task of representing God. 6. God reshaped the human into a more advanced body, and our father “Adam” was born. 7. God supplied this “new” human with built-in scientific knowledge to help ease his task. 8. God ordered all the Angels and all the other creatures to support the human being in his new responsibilities. 9. The representative of the “Jinn” (Satan) refused to support to Adam since he felt his race were still better suited and more superior for the task. 10. A dispute erupted amongst the heavenly community as to Satan’s claims that the new human can’t perform the assigned task. 11. God allows Satan to prove his claims by being allowed to stay with the humans till the time of their judgement. Adam in a Higher Dimension. God Almighty in His infinite wisdom and mercy did not place Adam and his mate on the physical Earth from which He had made them. But God gave Adam and his mate the luxury of existing in a higher dimension where they would be more able to perform their tasks and where they will never suffer from hunger or thirst. “Oh Adam, you and your mate shall reside in this garden and eat from its bounty as you wish…” (2/35) “…You have that you shall not go hungry or be unsheltered in it. And you will not go thirsty nor be touched by heat” (20/117-119) This place was only accessible to man due to the new mixture of his body and the housing of that magical thing called "soul". To achieve access to this dimension, God had separated man's primal instinct and animalistic thoughts

and allowed only good and righteousness to exist. Adam's PHYSICAL body did not exist in this special place, but it was left down on the physical Earth while Adam and his mate resided here and fulfilled their destiny. But then came the story of the tree: The Forbidden Tree “Adam, you and your mate shall reside in the garden and you shall eat from where you wish. But do not approach this tree else you would wrong yourselves. So Satan deceived them to show them their sin which had been hidden away from them, and he said: Your Lord only forbade you from this tree so you would not be Angels or become immortals” (7/19-20) “The Devil said: Oh Adam, shall I lead you to the tree of immortality and of power that will never fade?. So they ate from the tree, and their sin was revealed to them and they ran to cover themselves with the leaves of the garden. And Adam disobeyed his Lord and was lost” (20/120-121) The above verses very clearly point out the dramatic effect that the forbidden tree had on Adam and his mate by showing them their sin that had been blocked from them. No longer was the barrier present that was meant to protect man and only show him the goodness in himself which is taken from the soul that God gave him. In essence, what the tree had done, was to allow a being with two opposite extremes to exist, good & evil. Are we never surprised that the same being who dedicates his life to issues such as: freedom of speech, saving the rainforest, stopping wars, feeding the homeless, finding jobs for his fellow human race, winning Nobel prizes, etc.. is one in the same being who would put a gun to his own brother and pull the trigger over things as irrelevant as money or power. It is the same being who will dump tons of grain in the sea or burn the stock whilst his brothers and sisters in the world starve so he can make more money on the next shipment, it is the same being who without mercy killed tens of thousands of innocent men women and children when he dropped the bomb on Hiroshima & Nagasaki. Are we not amazed that this being "man" is a walking living contradiction. All this is what the forbidden tree did to mankind, a tree that left all of us in an eternal struggle with ourselves over doing what is right, or following our desires. The credit to this whole episode must of course be given to our friend Satan who will stay with us till our day of judgement. Satan, who played a crucial role in convincing our forefathers through deceit and lies to eat from the tree.

Satan -1 / Man-0 After blatantly disobeying God’s command not to approach the tree, we see Adam and his mate seeking forgiveness from God for their wrongdoing: "The said: Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves and if You do not forgive us and grant us mercy then we are truly lost" (7/23) "Adam received words from his Lord who forgave him, He is the merciful forgiver" (2/37) Our Lord God forgave our parents from their crime, however, it was too late for the damage was done and the body of our father was tainted with the fruit of the forbidden tree. Adam and his mate could no longer exist in this blissful dimension, but were forced down to Earth where their physical bodies existed. "He said: Go down from this, all of you. Either my guidance will come to you, so those who follow it will have nothing to fear and will not be sad" (2/38) "He said: Go down, you are all enemies of each other. And you shall have on the Earth a stability and luxury until your time" (7/24) On Earth, Adam and his mate found that millions of years had elapsed since they were first re-made and sent to the higher dimension (time is relevant only to WHERE you are). The shame of being expelled from the garden and having to roam the hard Earth was the inevitable destiny of our great foreparents.

Such is our history! What a miserable beginning!.

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