The Arteries

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 474
  • Pages: 20
Huang Juan

1.You must be present in every class. 2.You must enter the laboratory on time. Please don’t be late. 3.Once class comes to begin, you can’t quit from the classroom in the midway of the class. If you have some special problems, you can ask for leave. 4.When the class is over, you must clean the lab and keep the lab clean and neat.

The arteries

definition the blood vessels which convey the blood from the heart to all parts of the body

composition pulmonary arteries systemic arteries

characteristics of the distribution of

The the arteries

a. the larger arteries usually occupy hidden locations in the limbs, running along the flexor surfaces to avoid injury. b.They are segmental and intersegmental in character. The intersegmental character of the intercostals and lumbar vessels is obvious. c.The intersegmental arteries and vein are bilaterally symmetrical vessels d.The arteries in the trunk of body can be divided into the parietal and visceral branches. The parietal branches are distributed to the walls of the body, and the visceral to the internal organs. e.Many of arteries, veins and nerves are enclosed together in a sheath of fascia.

The anastomoses of the vessels A-A V-V A-V collateral circulation

I. The arteries of pulmonary circulation pulmonary trunk

Right pulmonary a.

Left pulmonary a.

II. The arteries of systemic circulation

1. aorta the ascending aorta the aortic arch the descending aorta

⑴ The ascending aorta

1 pair of branches --coronary arteries

⑵ The aortic arch

brachiocephlic trunk right common carotic a. right subclavian a. left common carotic a. left subclavian a.

⑶ The descending aorta thoracic aorta abdominal aorta right common iliac a. left common iliac a.

internal iliac a. external iliac a.

2. The arteries of head and neck common carotid a. external carotid a.

internal carotid a.

sup. thyroid a. lingual a. facial a. maxillary a. superficial temporal a. occipital a.

3. The arteries of axilla and upper limb subclavian a. axillary a. brachial a. radial a.

ulnar a.

superficial palmar branch

deep palmar branch

superficial palmar arch

deep palmar arch

4. The arteries of thorax thoracic aorta parietal b.

post. intercostal a. subcostal a.

bronchial a.

visceral b.

pericardial a. esophageal a.

5. The arteries of the abdomen parietal b. abdominal aorta visceral b.

inf. phrenic a. lumbar a. paired : middle suprarenal a. / renal a. /( tescular a.~ovian a.) unpaired: celiac trunk / sup . mesenteric a. / inf. mesenteric a.

6. The arteries of pelvis parietal b. internal iliac a. visceral b.

obturator a. sup. gluteal a. & inf. gluteal a. umbilical a. sup. vesical a. inf. vesical a. inf. rectal a. sup. rectal a. inf. mesenteric a. internal pudendal a. uterine a.

7. The arteries of lower limb femoral a. popliteal a. ant. tibial a.

post. tibial a. lateral plantar a.

medial plantar a. peroneal a.

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