Arteries 2

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 7
Arteries Aorta - Asending aorta branches  Right coronary artery  Left coronary artery - Arch of aorta:  Brachiocephalic --- Right subclavian --- Right common carotid artery  Left subclavian artery  Left common carotid artery - Descending aorta branches (at chest):  Lower 9 posterior intercostals (3-11) arteries  subcostal artery  Bronchial arteries (right + left)  Esophageal artery  Pericardial artery - Descending aorta branches (at abdomen + pelvis):  3 anterior visceral (single) --- Ciliac artery --- Superior mesenteric artery --- Inferior mesenteric artery  3 lateral visceral (paired) --- Renal artery ---- Suprarenal branch ---- Anterior branch (apical, upper, middle, lower branches) ---- Posterior branch ---- Ureteric branches --- Suprarenal artery --- Gonadal artery  5 lateral abdominal wall (paired) --- Inferior phrenic artery ---- Phrenic branch ---- Suprarenal branch --- 4 lumbar arteries  3 terminal branches --- Right common iliac --- Left common iliac --- Median sacral artery

Coronary arteries: - Right Coronary arteries  Right marginal --- Sinuatrial nodal branch --- Right atrial --- Right clonus branch --- left atrial  Posterior interventricular artery --- Atrioventricular nodal branch --- Septal branches -

Left coronary arteries  Circumflex branches --- left marginal  Anterior interventricular artery --- Left conus branch --- Septal branches --- Diagonal branch

Subclavian artery branches: (in left, direct from aorta. In right, from brachiocephalic artery) - First part: 1- Internal thoracic artery --- (1-6) anterior intercostals arteries --- pericardiophrenic artery --- Superior epigastric artery --- musculophrenic ---- (7-9) anterior intercostals arteries ---- Phrenic branch 2- Vertebral artery --- Meningeal arteries --- Anterior + posterior spinal arteries --- postroinferior cerebellar artery --- medullary arteries - Second part 1- Costocervical trunk --- Intercostals artery --- Deep cervical artery 2- Superior intercostals artery --- Posterior intercostals artery of 1st + 2nd IC spaces 3- Deep cervical artery -

Third part 1- Superficial cervical artery 2- Suprasccapular artery

Axillary artery branches: (continuation of subclavian artery, ends as brachial artery) - First part 1- Highest thoracic artery (superior) - Second part 1- Thoracoacromial trunk 2- Lateral thoracic artery - Third part 1- Subscapular artery 2- Anterior circumflex humeral artery 3- Posterior circumflex humeral artery

Brachial artery branches: (continuation of Axillary artery, ends as radial + ulnar arteries) 1- Muscular branches (front of arm) 2- Nutrient artery to humerus 3- Profunda brachii artery 4- Superior ulnar collateral artery 5- Inferior ulnar collateral artery

Radial artery branches: (continuation of brachial ends as deep palmar arch) 1- Muscular branches (front of forearm) 2- Recurrent branch (anastomosis around elbow joint) 3- Superficial palmar branch (to join superficial palmar arch) 4- Dorsal digital arteries  Arteria radialis indicis (to index)  Arteria princeps pollicis (to thumb) 5- Deep palmar arch  Branches to wrist joint  Branches tp join the digital branches of thr r superficial palmar arch

Ulnar 1234-

artery branches: (branch of brachial artery, ends as superficial palmar arch) Muscular branches (front of forearm) Anterior ulnar recurrent artery Posterior ulnar recurrent artery Common interosseous  Anterior interosseous --- perforating branch  Posterior interosseous 5- Deep branch (to join deep palmar arch) 6- Superficial palmar arch

 4 digital arteries

Celiac trunk (arise from aorta at T12) 1- Left gastric artery: --- Gives few esphogeal branches 2- Splenic artery: --- Pancreatic branches --- Left gastroepiploic artery --- Short gastric arteries --- Splenic branches 3- Common Hepatic artery: --- Right gastric artery --- Gastroduodenal artery: ---- Right gastroepiploic ---- Superior pancreaticoduodenal artery: ---- Posterior branch ---- Anterior branch --- Left hepatic artery --- Right hepatic artery: ---- Cystic artery

Superior mesenteric artery branches: (arise from aorta just below celiac artery) 1- Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery 2- Middle colic artery (gives right + left branches) 3- Right colic artery (gives ascending + descending branches) 4- Ileocolic artery:  Superior branch  Inferior branch: --- Anterior cecal arteries --- Posterior cecal arteries: ---- appendicular artery 5- Jejuna branches (arcades) 6- Ileal branches (arcades)

Inferior mesenteric artery branches: (arise from aorta before its bifurcation by 3.8 cm) 1- Left colic artery (gives ascending + descending branches) 2- Sigmoid arteries 3- Superior rectal artery

External iliac artery: (branch of common iliac artery) - deep circumflex iliac artery - inferior epigastric artery --- Pubic branch --- cremastric artery

Internal iliac artery: (branch of common iliac artery) - Anterior division branches  Umbilical artery --- Superior vesical artery  Obturator artery  Inferior vesicle artery --- Artery to vas deference  Middle rectal artery  Internal pudendal artery --- Inferior rectal artery --- Deep artery of penis --- Dorsal artery of penis --- Urethral --- Perineal --- Artery to bulb  Inferior gluteal artery  Uterine artery  Vaginal artery - Posterior division branches:  Iliolumbar artery (lumbar + iliac branches)  Lateral sacral arteries  Superior gluteal artery (superficial + deep branches)

Femoral artery: (continuation of external iliac artery) - Superficial branches 1- Superficial circumflex iliac artery 2- Superficial epigastric artery 3- Superficial external pudendal artery - Deep branches 1- Profunda femoris artery --- Medial femoral circumflex --- Lateral femoral circumflex

--- The perforating arteries --- ends as 4th perforating artery 2- Descending genicular artery

Popliteal artery (continuation of femoral artery) - Muscular branches - Articular branches  Superior medial genicular artery  Superior lateral genicular artery  Inferior medial genicular artery  Inferior lateral genicular artery  Middle genicular artery - Terminal  Anterior tibial artery  Posterior tibial artery - Sural artery

Anterior tibial artery (anterior compartment of the leg) - Muscular branches - Anastomotic branches (around knee, ankle, joints) - Ends as dorsalis pedis artery: --- Lateral tarsal artery --- arcuate artery --- First dorsal metatarsal artery

Posterior tibial artery (posterior compartment of leg) 1- Peroneal artery  Muscular branches (to lateral compartment)  Nutrient arteries to fibula  Perforating branches 2- Muscular branches (to posterior compartment) 3- Nutrient arteries to tibia 4- Anastomotic branches 5- Medial + lateral planter arteries

Done by Dr.Wala’a Gholam

Hnbaby 2007

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