The Administration Of The Covenant Of Grace, Part 2

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”The Administration of the Covenant of Grace, Part 2” ( 2 Corinthians 3 : 6-81

Introduction: Last week we began to see how the work of Christ, which although it was yet to take place many years in the future, was applied even to the very first sinners in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were the recipients of the grace of God given in the Covenant of grace in that they were not immediately destroyed by the holy presence of God, but were again separated unto God from the devil with whom they had allied themselves, were given a promise of a coming Redeemer who would destroy the power of the serpent, and were given the gracious provision of animal sacrifices to die in their place for their sins, thus presenting a type of the coming Christ. We also saw how the covenant of grace was administered in the Mosaic Covenant, that, although that covenant was primarily a legal covenant with a reenactment of the covenant of works added to point them to Christ, yet it also had many gracious elements. The Old Covenant saints enjoyed many promises, prophesies, sacrifices, circumcision, and the Passover Lamb, which were efficacious to build up the saints in holiness, for they all pointed to the Messiah, in whom by faith they were saved. Our passage tells us that the Mosaic Covenant came with glory, but it was a passing glory. The apostle John tells us that there was grace in that covenant, ”FOR OF HIS FULLNESS WE HAVE ALL RECEIVED, AND GRACE INSTEAD OF GRACE. FOR THE LAW WAS GIVEN THROUGH MOSES; GRACE AND TRUTH WERE REALIZED THROUGH JESUS CHRIST” (l:16-171. But even greater is the glory and the grace with which the New Covenant comes, for it exhibits the fulfillment of the Covenant of Grace. But this Covenant of Grace is at the root of all of God’s gracious covenants, not just the Mosaic. It is like a fountain of grace which overflows throughout the ages with its channels being directed by God through His redemptive covenants. The Lord also directed its course to His people through the Abrahamic, Davidic, and New Covenants, besides the Mosaic. Abraham was promised that he would receive land, a seed which would be as numerous as the stars, and that through him all the nations of the earth would be blessed. David was promised that his offspring would be raised up to rule after him and that God would establish his throne forever. And in the New Covenant, we see the fulfillment of all of these gracious promises when Christ, the fountain of life is revealed. And so what I want you to see this evening is what we only began to look at last Lord’s Day evening, namely, The Covenant of Grace was administered by God throughout all the successive generations of man, from Adam until the end of the age, through particular covenants. First, I want you to see the further outworking of the Covenant of Grace through history, and then to see its fulfillment in Christ.


First, the Abrahamic and Davidic Covenants Were also Gracious Administrations of the Covenant of Grace. A. God Promised to Abraham a Land, a Seed, and a Blessing through that Seed to all Nations. 1. God promised to Abraham to give to him and his offspring the land of Canaan. a. In Genesis 12:1, the Lord appeared to Abraham and made



him a gracious promise, ”NOW THE LORD SAID TO ABRAM, ’GO FORTH FROM YOUR COUNTRY, AND FROM YOUR RELATIVES AND FROM YOUR FATHER’S HOUSE, TO THE LAND WHICH I WILL SHOW YOU.” After he left with his wife and nephew, there arose a dispute between his herdsmen and Lot’s which caused them to separate, Abram giving to Lot the first choice of lands. After they separated, the Lord appeared to him and said, ”NOW LIFT UP YOUR EYES AND LOOK FROM THE PLACE WHERE YOU ARE, NORTHWARD AND SOUTHWARD AND EASTWARD AND WESTWARD; FOR ALL THE LAND WHICH YOU SEE, I WILL GIVE IT TO YOU AND TO YOUR DESCENDANTS FOREVER” ( 13:14-15).

2. God also promised that He would multiply Abraham’s descendants to be as numerous as the sand by the sea, and that he would be the father of many nations. a. The promise of land would not be of much worth to him if it was only for the duration of his short years on earth. And so the Lord promised him that he would have numerous descendants. b. The Lord said, ”AND I WILL MAKE YOU A GREAT NATION, AND I WILL BLESS YOU AND MAKE YOUR NAME GREAT; AND SO YOU SHALL BE A BLESSING” ( 1 2 : 2 ) . C. And again, after Abram and Lot separated, ”AND I WILL MAKE YOUR DESCENDANTS AS THE DUST OF THE EARTH; SO THAT IF ANYONE CAN NUMBER THE DUST OF THE EARTH, THEN YOUR DESCENDANTS CAN ALSO BE NUMBERED” (13:16). d. And on another occasion the Lord ”TOOK HIM OUTSIDE AND SAID, ’NOW LOOK TOWARD THE HEAVENS, AND COUNT THE STARS, IF YOU ARE ABLE TO COUNT THEM.’ AND HE SAID TO HIM, ’SO SHALL YOUR DESCENDANTS BE” (15:5). e. And the Lord made this promise to Abraham when he was nearly one hundred, and Sarah ninety. 3. Lastly, He promised that through the seed of Abraham all the nations of the earth would be blessed. a. The Lord said in Genesis 12:3, ”AND I WILL BLESS THOSE WHO BLESS YOU, AND THE ONE WHO CURSES YOU I WILL CURSE. AND IN YOU ALL THE FAMILIES OF THE EARTH SHALL BE BLESSED.” b. In Acts 3:25, Peter, speaking to the Jews, says, ”IT IS YOU WHO ARE THE SONS OF THE PROPHETS, AND OF THE COVENANT WHICH GOD MADE WITH YOUR FATHERS, SAYING TO ABRAHAM, ’AND IN YOUR SEED ALL THE FAMILIES OF THE EARTH SHALL BE BLESSED.” C. All of these gracious promises were made to Abraham, but why were they made to Him? Was he of such sterling character among all the peoples of the earth, that God wanted to reward him? No. If justice were meted out to him, he would be found guilty of sin and under God’s just wrath. And yet, God singled him out, called him, and granted to him these gracious promises. d. Why would God promise blessing through him to all the nations? Was it because God knew that there would be many worthy people yet to be born and wanted to bless them? No. For apart from the


grace of God, no one would ever seek Him. B.

God Also Made a Gracious Promise to David that He Would Raise Up His Seed after Him and Establish His Throne Forever. 1 . David wanted to build a house for God, but God would not let him because he was a man of war. a. After the Lord had given rest to Israel from war, David began to think of what he might do to show God his devotion to Him. So he said, "SEE NOW, I DWELL IN A HOUSE OF CEDAR, BUT THE ARK OF GOD DWELLS WITHIN TENT CURTAINS" (2 Sam. 7:2). b. Nathan, knowing that David was a godly man, because the Lord was with him, told him to do all that was in his heart, saying, "FOR THE LORD IS WITH YOU" (v. 3). c. But the Lord sent Nathan back to David to tell him that he would not be the one to build His house, because he was a man of bloodshed. David said to Solomon, "MY SON, I HAD INTENDED TO BUILD A HOUSE TO THE NAME OF THE LORD MY GOD. BUT THE WORD OF THE LORD CAME TO ME, SAYING, 'YOU HAVE SHED MUCH BLOOD, AND HAVE WAGED GREAT WARS; YOU SHALL NOT BUILD A HOUSE TO MY NAME, BECAUSE YOU HAVE SHED MUCH BLOOD ON THE EARTH BEFORE ME" ( 1 Chr. 22:7-8). 2. But instead the Lord promised to David that He would raise up his son after him, and establish his throne securely forever. a. "THE LORD ALSO DECLARES TO YOU THAT THE LORD WILL MAKE A HOUSE FOR YOU. WHEN YOUR DAYS ARE COMPLETE AND YOU LIE DOWN WITH YOUR FATHERS, I WILL RAISE UP YOUR SEED AFTER YOU, WHO WILL COME FORTH FROM YOU, AND I WILL ESTABLISH HIS KINGDOM. HE SHALL BUILD A HOUSE FOR MY NAME, AND I WILL ESTABLISH THE THRONE OF HIS KINGDOM FOREVER" (2 Sam. 7:11-13). b. Again, who was David apart from the Lord's grace? If David were to get what he had earned by his works apart from the grace of God, he would have merited only hell. And yet God granted to him many precious promises.

11. And When the Time of the Fulfillment of all the Promises Arrived, Christ, the Substance, Was Displayed and He Fulfilled all the Promises Made in the Previous Covenants, by Establishing the New Covenant. A. He Brought in All the Blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant. 1 . Christ is the promised seed of Abraham, and those united to Him are the true offspring of Abraham. a. Christ is the One to whom the promises of Abraham were made, "NOW THE PROMISES WERE SPOKEN TO ABRAHAM AND TO HIS SEED. HE DOES NOT SAY, 'AND TO SEEDS,' AS REFERRING TO MANY, BUT RATHER TO ONE, 'AND TO YOUR SEED,' THAT IS, CHRIST" (Gal. 3:17). b. The Israelites were the natural offspring of Abraham and the Messiah came through that line as a son of Abraham. All were his natural seed, but not all were his spiritual seed.


c. But Christ is THE SEED to whom the promises were made. d. And those who are IN CHRIST, who are united to Him by faith, are the TRUE SEED of Abraham, the spiritual seed. Paul says, "AND IF YOU BELONG TO CHRIST, THEN YOU ARE ABRAHAM'S OFFSPRING, HEIRS ACCORDING TO PROMISE" (Gal. 3:29). 2.

Christ is that promised seed through whom all the nations of the earth would be blessed. a. When that promise was made to Abraham, it was nothing less than the gospel being proclaimed to him by God. "AND THE SCRIPTURE, FORESEEING THAT GOD WOULD JUSTIFY THE GENTILES BY FAITH, PREACHED THE GOSPEL BEFOREHAND TO ABRAHAM, SAYING, 'ALL THE NATIONS SHALL BE BLESSED IN YOU" (3:8). b. Christ became the source of blessing to the nations, because it is in Him that salvation is made a reality, it is in Him that forgiveness of sins alone may be accomplished. c. He is the fulfillment of that redemptive plan which brings the message of salvation to all the ends of the earth. As John the apostle viewed the glorified church in heaven, he said, "AFTER THESE THINGS I LOOKED, AND BEHOLD, A GREAT MULTITUDE, WHICH NO ONE COULD COUNT, FROM EVERY NATION AND ALL TRIBES AND PEOPLES AND TONGUES, STANDING BEFORE THE THRONE AND BEFORE THE LAMB, CLOTHED IN WHITE ROBES, AND PALM BRANCHES WERE IN THEIR HANDS; AND THEY CRY OUT WITH A Loun VOICE, SAYING, 'SALVATION TO OUR GOD WHO SITS ON THE THRONE, AND TO THE LAMB" (Rev. 7:9- 10). d. It is through faith in Christ that these blessings come to all the nations of the earth.


And it is in Christ that the fulfillment of the land blessing reaches its climax in the new heavens and the new earth. a. The land of Canaan was merely a typological fulfillment of the land blessing to Abraham, that is, it was merely an earthly picture of its more glorious fulfillment in the future. b. When we read in the New Testament the interpretation of that promise, we see that it did not refer to Canaan as the fulfillment, but pointed beyond it . In Hebrews 1 I, we read, "BY FAITH ABRAHAM, WHEN HE WAS CALLED, OBEYED BY GOING OUT TO A PLACE WHICH HE WAS TO RECEIVE FOR AN INHERITANCE; m n HE WENT OUT, NOT KNOWING WHERE HE WAS GOING. BY FAITH HE LIVED AS AN ALIEN IN THE LAND OF PROMISE, AS IN A FOREIGN LAND, DWELLING IN TENTS WITH ISAAC m n JACOB, FELLOW HEIRS OF THE SAME PROMISE; FOR HE WAS LOOKING FOR THE CITY WHICH HAS FOUNDATIONS, WHOSE ARCHITECT AND BUILDER IS GOD. . . . ALL THESE DIED IN FAITH, WITHOUT RECEIVING THE PROMISES, BUT HAVING SEEN THEM AND HAVING WELCOMED THEM FROM A DISTANCE, AND HAVING CONFESSED THAT THEY WERE STRANGERS AND EXILES ON THE EARTH. FOR


THOSE WHO SAY SUCH THINGS MAKE IT CLEAR THAT THEY ARE SEEKING A COUNTRY OF THEIR OWN. AND INDEED IF THEY HAD BEEN THINKING OF THAT COUNTRY FROM WHICH THEY WENT OUT, THEY woum HAVE HAD OPPORTUNITY TO RETURN. BUT AS IT IS, THEY DESIRE A BETTER COUNTRY, THAT IS A HEAVENLY ONE. THEREFORE a n IS NOT ASHAMED TO BE CALLED THEIR GOD; FOR HE HAS PREPARED A CITY FOR THEM” (vv. 8-10, 13-16). C. The true promised land is not merely the land of Canaan, but the entire world in its future glory. Jesus said, in the Sermon on the Mount, ”BLESSED ARE THE GENTLE, FOR THEY SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH” (Matt. 5:5). d. And Paul makes it clear in Romans 4:13 that God had not only Palestine in view in that promise, but the world, ”FOR THE PROMISE TO ABRAHAM OR TO HIS SEED THAT HE WOULD BE HEIR OF THE WORLD WAS NOT THROUGH THE LAW, BUT THROUGH THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF FAITH.” e. It is through faith in Christ, in whom the heavens and the earth will be renewed, that you may be a fellow-heir with Him. B.

He Fulfilled the Righteousness of the Law of the Mosaic Covenant. 1 . We saw that the Mosaic Covenant was the Covenant of Works added to the Abrahamic Covenant until the promised seed should come. a. ”WHY THE LAW THEN? IT WAS ADDED BECAUSE OF TRANSGRESSIONS, HAVING BEEN ORDAINED THROUGH ANGELS BY THE AGENCY OF A MEDIATOR, UNTIL THE SEED SHOULD COME TO WHOM THE PROMISE HAD BEEN MADE” (Gal. 3: 19). b. It was not given that anyone might be saved by it. ”FOR IF THE INHERITANCE IS BASED ON LAW, IT IS NO LONGER BASED ON A PROMISE; BUT GOD HAS GRANTED IT TO ABRAHAM BY MEANS OF A PROMISE” (v. 1 8 ) . c. Rather, it pointed out the sins of God’s people in order to point them to Christ who would deliver them from their sins. ”THEREFORE THE LAW HAS BECOME OUR TUTOR TO LEAD US TO CHRIST, THAT WE MIGHT BE JUSTIFIED BY FAITH. BUT NOW THAT FAITH HAS COME, WE ARE NO LONGER UNDER A TUTOR. FOR YOU ARE ALL SONS OF GOD THROUGH FAITH IN CHRIST JESUS” ( w . 24-26). 2.

Christ came under this covenant of Works in order to fulfill the righteousness of the Law that God might be able to grant righteousness as a free gift by faith. a. The Covenant of Works was reinstated, not only to lead us to Christ, but also that Christ might keep that covenant of works in order to merit a perfect righteousness for His people. b. The apostle Paul says, ”BUT WHEN THE FULLNESS OF TIME CAME, a n SENT FORTH HIS SON, BORN OF A WOMAN, BORN UNDER THE LAW, IN ORDER THAT HE MIGHT REDEEM THOSE WHO WERE UNDER THE LAW, THAT WE MIGHT RECEIVE THE ADOPTION AS SONS” (4:4-5). c. The definite article is not in the Greek here, and it may be rendered, ”UNDER LAW.” That is, it may


not be referring to the Mosaic law, but the Covenant of Works in particular. d. The Covenant of Works, which is trying to merit your own salvation by your works, will never issue in salvation. The Law can only condemn you. e. But Christ redeemed those who were under a system of works, by which they could not be saved, and brought life and immortality to the people of God, apart from their works, but by faith alone. C. And Lastly, He Is the Son of David Who Would Reign Forever on David’s Throne. 1 . God promised that He would establish the throne of David forever, and this He did by raising up Christ in the line of David. a. It was said of the Messiah that He would be the Son of David. Christ asked, ”’WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE CHRIST, WHOSE SON IS HE?’ THEY SAID TO HIM, ’THE SON OF DAVID’” (Matt. 22:42). b. But this One who was to be the Messiah was much greater than any mere man. He was the Son of God. Jesus asked them further, ”THEN HOW DOES DAVID IN THE SPIRIT CALL HIM ’LORD,’ SAYING, ’THE LORD SAID TO MY LORD, ”SIT AT MY RIGHT HAND, UNTIL I PUT ALL THINE ENEMIES BENEATH THY FEET”’? IF DAVID THEN CALLS HIM ’LORD,’ HOW IS HE HIS SON? (v. 43-45). c. They did not answer Him a word, because they did not understand that David’s Son would also be God’s Son and therefore greater than His father David. d. But Christ was born in the line of David, with David’s right to rule. 2.

And now Christ rules on the throne of David over His kingdom in power and glory, and He will reign forever. a. Christ came and restored the fallen tabernacle of David. In Acts 15:16-18, we read, ”’AFTER THESE THINGS I WILL RETURN, AND I WILL REBUILD THE TABERNACLE OF DAVID WHICH HAS FALLEN, m n I WILL REBUILD ITS RUINS, AND I WILL RESTORE IT, IN ORDER THAT THE REST OF MANKIND MAY SEEK THE LORD, AND ALL THE GENTILES WHO ARE CALLED BY MY NAME,’ SAYS THE LORD, WHO MAKES THESE THINGS KNOWN FROM OF OLD.” b. Christ is the Son of David, to whom all power and authority has been entrusted, who reigns over His mediatorial kingdom until the consummation of all things, ”FOR HE MUST REIGN UNTIL HE HAS PUT ALL HIS ENEMIES UNDER HIS FEET” ( 1 Cor. 15:25). c. Christ will reign as Lord over all things until the last enemy is abolished, which is death, and then He will reign forever with His Father in the eternal kingdom of God in the new heavens and the new earth.

D. Christ Is the Reality Exhibited in the New Covenant to which All the Promises, Prophesies and Types Pointed to, and the Lord Is Saying to You this Evening that Christ Is Your All and Everything, and If You Are to Enter into Life,


It Must Be through His Son. 1 . If you are to be one of the Gentiles blessed through the seed of Abraham, you must be in Christ by faith. 2. If you are to be a true child of Abraham, you must be united to Christ, which is only through faith in Him. 3. If you are to be an heir of the new heavens and the new earth, you may only gain this inheritance through Christ. 4. If you are to meet the requirements of the Law and to have all of your sins removed from you, you must turn from your sins and take hold of Christ by faith. 5. If you are to be a servant of the risen Lord, who reigns on the throne of His father David, then you must bow the knee to the King of Kings.

6. Each of you are either under the Covenant of Works, or

the Covenant of Grace; you are either in the kingdom of darkness or the kingdom of light; you are either of the devil’s children, or the children of God. The dividing point is whether or not you are in Christ and are trusting in Him alone to save and deliver you. 7. People of God, Christ is your all in all. Never let go of the One in whom are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Never stop seeking Him, never stop loving Him. If you are His, He will grant you the strength! Amen.

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