The Ark Of The Covenant

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Reasoning The Scriptures

The Ark of the Covenant or The Person and Work of Christ By M.S.Mariadas and Y.R.Dinakaran Bible Students, M.B.S.A

The Character and use of The Ark Ex 25: 9-22, the first vessel God instructed Moses to Make was the Ark. All the others were of no value apart from the Ark. As the Symbol of Jehovah’s presence, all must take their relative value from it. Church has no value without Christ. So also the Tabernacle without an Ark. It is like a Body without sprit what the Ark was to Israelites, Christ ought to be to us – and ever present, all sufficient, solemn, and divine reality, a source of blessing that never failed when rightly approached, Let us then look at the Ark as a TYPE OF CHRIST, CHRIST “Emmanuel” –God with us Mat 1:23 1. The Origin of the Ark or the Revelation of Christ: Christ Jehovah himself revealed the plan and pattern of the Ark to Moses Ex 25:10-25. The whole scheme was divinely originated and divinely revealed. So the holy men of old who lived in the mount with God, to was given to testify of Christ as “ He that should come” – “God spake in times past by prophets” Heb1:1.Man apart from revelation, cannot find out God. “ Search the scriptures, for they are which testify of me” John 5:39. The fifty third chapter of Isaiah is telescope view of Christ, a vision of the pattern on the mount. They have told us beforehand that when it is come to pass we might believe. 2. The Materials of the Ark or the Character of Christ: “Make an Ark of Shittim wood .. and Thou shall overlay it with pure gold” Ex 25:10,11. The incorruptible wood speaks of him as the sinless in life and character. The wood grown in the earth represents Christ as our Kinsman( Perfect Human Nature) The Pure Gold above wood inside and outside – that Divine Qualities which was above ∗

Please see the Explanation given to the Common Pictorial Errors of the Ark, on page 12

The Ark Of The Covenant


Reasoning The Scriptures his Humanity and yet resided in it- His deity The Ark with its two materials, and yet the one chest, repeats the continuous testimony the two natures and the one indivisible personality of our Lord. The gold speaks of him as the ‘Fellow of God” Zech 13:7 “I and my Father are one” John 10:30. It is the Gold of His Divinity that gives power and preciousness, glory and beauty, to the wood of his Humanity. Incorruptible Humanity alone could never stand in the sinner’s stead. Christ is divinely fitted to represent both God and Man. Man needs one to represent him to God. This is what the Ark taught. This is what Christ does. If he were full of sympathy and tender compassion, giving to those who sorrowed beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the sprit of heaviness, it was because he was real and actual Man. Tabernacle in the Wilderness If he healed the sick, raised the dead, stilled the storm and did it all by a faith word, it was because he was God in Flesh, because he made his impeccable humanity the throne of the Godhead, as it is written “ In him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead Bodily ( Col 2:9) The divine nature is displayed over the form of a servant. Pure and holy mind, affections and will within and without blameless walk, meekness and obedience. God owns him as his Own. It is all gold though the form of the servant was there, with perfect human faculties and dependence – everything that belongs to man, sin apart (except sin). But spread all over, Ah! This is the glory of his deity. 3. The Anointing of the Ark or the Baptism of Christ: “Thou shall make an oil of holy ointment . . . and thou shall anoint the Ark “ Ex 30; 25,26. The Holy oil concerted the Ark of God’s appointed purpose, set it apart for a special mission. The holy oil represents the holy sprit, which comes forth from the father to consecrate and fit fro service, This holy oil was not to be poured upon man’s flesh. Ex 30; 32,32. The old man (nature) or selfish life is not to be sanctified, but put off. At the banks of Jordan Christ, the Ark of our testimony received his holy anointing, and was publicly set apart fro his holy mission. So he could say “ The Sprit of the lord is upon me to preach, to heal, to deliver, to recover, and to Set at liberty “ Isa 61:1. This Ark did for Israel and this Christ of God does for us the True Israel of God. 4. The Contents of the Ark or the Obedience of Christ: “And he took, and put the testimony (Law) into the Ark . . . . And put the Mercy seat above upon the Ark” Ex 40:20 The The Ark Of The Covenant


Reasoning The Scriptures Broken Law, which could only minister death, was here covered in the presence of God. And covered with a seat of Mercy. What a blessing! Man could not keep the Law, but the Ark could. Christ alone could say “Thy Law is written in my heart” (Ps 40:8). In him as our Ark, the broken law is shut up, covered in Mercy. By his cross he took it “Out of the way” Col 2:14. Looking up into his father’ face, he could say without fear “I have finished the work thou gavest me to do John 17:4 The righteous demands of God are fully met in him here God rests as he did of old, on mercy seat, between the cherubims saying “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” Mat 3:17. 5. The purpose of the Ark or the Atonement of Christ: “And there I will meet with thee and I will commune with thee, from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon the Ark” EX 25:22. The Ark was the place of meeting, and the medium of communion. This is what Christ, through his Atoning death, becomes to all who believe. In him we meet God and a broken Law, is the only way of acceptance by God “No man can come unto the Father but my me John 14:6 There can be no communion without propitiation “He is the Propitiation” 1 John 2:2. “We also Joy in god through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the Atonement” Rom 5:11 “God is in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself2 Cor 5:19. 6. The position of the Ark or the Intercession of Christ: “Thou shall put . . . . Ark . . . in the most holy place” Ex 26:34. The Ark stood continually in the immediate presence of God, on Israel’s behalf. The Mercy seat made continual intercession fro them. Although unseen within the veil, Christ, Our Ark, has sat down on High in the Holy of Holies he ever liveth to make continual intercession for us. Though now we see him not – the heavens having received him out of our sight – yet the Blood speaketh. What a comfort to know that the law which was against us is completely covered for us in the holy of Holies, and that in this mercy seat God delights to dwell and to give gifts unto men. 7. The Sprinkling of the Ark or the Appropriation of Christ: “And he shall take the Blood . . . and sprinkle it . . Upon the mercy seat . . . and before the Mercy seat Lev 16:14. The Blood of the Sin – Offering was put upon the Lid of the Ark Thus connecting the mercy with the sacrifice for sin. The Ark Of The Covenant


Reasoning The Scriptures The virtue of the Ark within the veil could be received by virtue of the Blood Shed without the camp, teaching us that Christ’ mediatorial work can only be appreciated by those who believe and appropriate his sacrificial benefits. Reconciliation and peace with God can only be enjoyed on the ground of atoning blood. To come before God without the blood was death. Solemn warning to those who lightly esteem it. The blood upon the mercy seat secures our acceptance before God: the blood before it secures our standing with God. How absurd it is to teach that the Church’s Blood is also counted as sin – offering to atone the world when the church itself has to secure and accepted before God THROUGH THE MATCH LESS BLOOD OF CHRIST?. It is Christ’ Christ’ Blood and his blood alone Has the Capacity and the Purity to atone and wash the sins of the Church, not only the church but also the World I John 2:2. THE VARIOUS POSITIONS OF THE ARK

In considering the different positions in which we find the Ark, we might look at them as TYPICAL of some of the relationships Christ Sustains towards his people.

The Ark of the Covenant (seen here being carried behind a cloud of smoke), mentioned in the Bible throughout the Old Testament, symbolized the agreement of faith made between God and the Israelites at Mount Sinai. The Ark supposedly contained the Decalogue (the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses), Aaron’s rod, and a pot of manna. The Ark represented God’s presence to the Israelites, who carried it with them while wandering through the desert and into battle. The Ark had disappeared by the time of the fall of Jerusalem in 587 BC, though it is mentioned in legends dating from after its disappearance.

1. Ark as the Guide of Israel or Christ leading His People: “The Ark of the Covenant of the Lord went before them Num 10:33 the Ark was to them an infallible guide. It went on before “ To search out a resting – place for them. Christ the Good shepherd goeth before his sheep. He leadeth them into green pastures, he hath sought and found a resting place for his people for “He maketh me (Them) to lie down” Ps 23:2. To lie down in peace and safety – Ps 4:8 without fear Prov 3:24, Ezek 34:15, Christ our Ark leads into rest before he leads in to service he says “Come unto me” before he says “ Take my yoke’ Mat 11:28,29. 2. The Ark in the midst midst of Israel or Christ upholding his People: When the Camp was pitched the Ark stood in the midst all the strength of Israel lay in the Ark as the token of God’s power. Just as the branches are upheld by vine, so were the twelve Tribes were upheld by the Ark. So is the Church upheld by Christ “He walketh in the midst of the seven golden candle sticks” Rev 2:1. He The Ark Of The Covenant


Reasoning The Scriptures is the strength of his people “God is in the midst of her she shall not be moved” Ps 46: 5 3. The Ark at the walls of Jericho or Christ over coming coming for his people : “ So the Ark of the lord compassed the city’ and “ The wall fell down flat” Josh 6:11,20. All took place according to the position of the Ark when the church of Christ does this nothing shall be impossible they trumpeted with all their might , but they trusted not in their trumpets, but in the Ark as the token of Jehovah’s Power. Men may find a pleasure in trumpeting (preaching, heralding) who have no real faith in the power of Christ’s presence to over come, but such blowing will gain no victory. They may shout till they are black in the face, but no wall will be overturned! 4. The Ark on the New Cart or Christ desiring his people: “Make a New cart . . . and take the Ark of the lord and lay it upon the cart . . . and see if it goeth up by the way of his own coast . . . . and the kine took the straight way 1Sam 6:7-12.Although Israel had previously sinned, yet the Ark of the lord seeks the straight way back to his people. So does the heart of Christ yearn for his right place among the his people. Which sin and unbelief had robbed him of while the Ark was away the glory of Israel departed? 1Sam 4:21 If the Lord is not with us “ICHABOD” may be written on all we do. But the lord taketh pleasure in his people “Behold I stand at the door and knock” Rev 3:20. 5. The Ark in the house of ObedObed-Edom or Christ blessing his People: “The Ark of the lord continued in the house of obed – edom the Gittite three months. And the lord blessed Obed –Edom and his entire household” 2 Sam 6:11. The holy on e(Ark) that stood within the veil. Now rests within the threshold of the home. He who inhabiteth eternally also dwells in the heart of the humble and contrite one Isa 57:15. Where ever Christ is received blessing is given. Some were afraid to receive the Ark but as many as received power and blessing came John 1:12. Some had no room for the Ark. Have you any room for Jesus in your Heart or in your Home? 6. The Ark in the Tent of David or the Christ a pilgrim with his people : “So they brought the Ark of God, and set it in the midst of the tent that David had pitched for it” 1Chron 16:1. The tent is the abode of the pilgrim. The Ark in the tent may be symbolic of Christ sojournyeing with his people as pilgrims and strangers on the earth. David as a man of war was only permitted to build

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Reasoning The Scriptures for the Ark a tent. The present condition of the Church is one of the warfare and pilgrimage.Eph 6:12, Ps 37:5. The lord therefore , as a pilgrim with his people has no fixed abode. 7. The Ark in the Temple of Solomon or Christ resting in Glory with his People: “And they brought up the Ark of the lord . . . . and they drew out the Staves” 1Kin 8:4,8. The house of glory has been finished. The Reign of peace has come. Now the staves of the Ark are drawn out, signifying that the wanderings are now ended, and that it has found at last its resting place. Surely the days of Millennial peace and glory are here suggested , when the whole earth shall be filled with the glory of the lord and when “ Hw shall see of the travail of his Soul and shall be satisfied” Isa 53:11. 8. The Ark between Ebal and Gerizim or Christ Judging his people: In Joshua 8:33,34 we see six tribes on mount Gerizim t bless, and six tribes on the mount Ebal to curse, and the Ark standing between ( see also Deut 27 and 28)The blessing and the cursing were according to all that was written in the book. By the word of the lord are they judged. We must all appear before the Judgment seat of Christ. Our works will either stand on Ebal or Gerizim to be burned or Blessed I Cor 3:13. Perhaps we have also here in type Mat 25:32 -46, where we see the cursed on the one hand, the blessed on the other hand Jesus in the midst. THE POWER OF THE PRESEENCE OF THE ARK

In looking at the power of the Ark in its various connections we wish to see Jesus and the power of his presence when brought into contact with him. 1. The Presence of the Ark is the Hope of the Humble: “And Joshua rent his clothes, and fell to the earth upon his face, before the Ark of the Lord Josh 7:6. Israel had fled before the men of Ai, defeated because of secret sin. This bows Joshua to the earth, humbled and helpless before the Lord. Secret Sin is the cause of much of our failure in service for God. Is we did realize, like Joshua, the dishonour such failures bring to Christ, we would be oftener on our face before him. Although the enemy has at times got an advantage over us, what a comfort to know that he hath said “ Lo, I am with you” and that “ All power is given unto me” Mat 28:18 -20. 2. The presence presence of Ark is the Glory of Israel : “ The Glory is departed from Israel, for the Ark of God is taken: 1Sam 4:22. Israel without the Ark of God is as a flock without a shepherded. Salt without The Ark Of The Covenant


Reasoning The Scriptures savour, a body without a sprit. What is more unless than savourless salt? Which is more helpless than a power less Christian ? “ And she said The philistines be upon thee, Samson And he awoke out of his sleep and said I will go as at other times before and shake myself and he wish not that the Lord was DEPARTED FROM HIM Judge 16:20. The presence of Christ is the glory of his church. The church or the believer will live and shine and triumph just in the propagation that Christ is living and shining in them he will not give his glory to another. 3. The Presence of the Ark Ark is the downfall of Heathenism: “Dagon∗ was fallen upon his face to the ground, before the Ark of the Lord, and the head of Dagon and both the palms and of his hands were cut of ( see fig) 1Sam 5:4 .No other god is able to stand before the Presence of Christ, Our Ark All the Powers of this world must yet fall prostrate and broken before him. Whose name is above every name? Bring the living Christ face to face with heathenism and it will fall headless and handless at his Feet. There may DAGONS in the heart, that exalt themselves against God, Such as pride, worldliness, Bad temper, Let Christ step on to the Throne of the Heart and these will fall down! 4. The Presence of The Ark is the perplexing of its Enemies: “What shall we do with the Ark of God of Israel?” 1Sam 5:8 “What shall we do to the Ark of the Lord” 1 Sam 6:2, Pilate said “ What shall I do then with Jesus Which is called Christ” Mat 27:22 “ And they were filled with MADNESS and communed one with another, what they might do to Jesus” Luke 6:11. The Pharisees were perplexed Like the philistines to send him away, the people of the Gadarenees – “And they began to pray him to depart out of their costs” Mark 5:17. when Christ by his sprit and word, comes before the hearts of the sinners there is perplexity still “ What must I do” ? either is submission and acceptance, or resistance and rejection. 5. The Presence of the Ark is the Rebuking of the Presumptuous: “ And he smote the men of Beth- Shemesh, because they had looked into the Ark of the Lord, even he smote of the people fifty thousand and three score and ten men ( 50,070)1 Sam 6:19 – as it is very improbable that the village of beth –shemesh should contain or be capable if employing fifty thousand and seventy men in the fields at wheat harvest, much less the they could all peep into the Ark on the stone of Abel, in the corn field of Joshua. The present Hebrew texts of this most extraordinary reading stands thus “Vaiach beanshey Beith Shemesh vaiyach baam shibim ish, Chamishim elephish” ‘ and he smote among the men of Beth- Shemesh( because they looked into the Ark of Jehovah) and he smote the people seventy men, Fifty thousand men’. From the manner in which the texts stands and form the great improbability of things, it is most likely that there is a corruption in the text or that some explanatory word is lost or that the number Fifty thousand has been added by ignorance or design. ∗

For More information about Dagon see the Separate column on page 8

The Ark Of The Covenant


Reasoning The Scriptures The VULGATE renders it thus “Et percussit de populo setuginta viris; et quinquaginta milla plebes” - “And he smote of the (chief) people seventy men, and fifty thousand of the (common) people. This distinction we Suppose St.Jerome, intended between plebes and populus which might think was warranted by the anashim and ish of the Hebrew text • The TARGUM of Jonathan is something similar to the vulgate “And he smote, besabey amma, of the elders of the people seventy men, ubekahala and of the congregation fifty thousand men” • SEPTUAGINT : follow the Hebrew text “ And he smote of the Seventy men and fifty thousand men” of the people is added by some copies • The SYRIAC has forty-five thousands less! It is as follows Dagon, Dagon the fishfish-god, god represented that deity as a “Wmacho Mario beamo manifestation of the same patriarch who had lived so chamesho alapin weshabein long in the waters of the deluge. As the Pope bears gurin” –‘And the lord smote the key of Janus, Janus so he wears the mitre of Dagon. The among people five thousand and excavations of Nineveh have put this beyond all seventy men. possibility of doubt. The Papal mitre is entirely • The ARABIC is nearly similar different from the mitre of Aaron and the Jewish high “And the Lord smote among the priests. That mitre was a turban. turban The twotwo-horned people, and there died of them mitre, mitre which the Pope wears, when he sits on the high Five thousand and seventy men” altar at Rome and receives the adoration of the • JOSEPHUS is different from all Cardinals, is the very mitre worn by Dagon, the fishthe rest, and has fifty thousand god of the Philistines and Babylonians. There were less, for he renders the places two ways in which Dagon was anciently represented. thus “ But the displeasure and The one was when he was depicted as half-man halfwrath of God pursued them so, fish; the upper part being entirely human, the under that seventy men of the village part ending in the tail of a fish. The other was, when, of Beth –Shemesh approaching to use the words of Layard, "the head of the fish the Ark, which they were not formed a mitre above that of the man, while its scaly, worthy to touch ( not being fan-like tail fell as a cloak behind, leaving the human priests) were struck with limbs and feet exposed." Of Dagon in this form lightening” here we find whole Layard gives a representation in his last work; and no fifty thousands omitted one who examines his mitre, and compares it with the Pope's as given in Elliot's Horoe, can doubt for a moment that from that, and no other source, has the pontifical mitre been derived. The gaping jaws of the fish surmounting the head of the man at Nineveh are The Ark Of The Covenant the 8unmistakable counterpart of the horns of the Pope's mitre at Rome - Two Babylon –Chapter VI •

Section I .The Sovereign Pontiff (Alexander Hislop)

Reasoning The Scriptures •

The three reputable MSS of Dr. Kennecott’s also omit fifty thousand men.

To lift the lid of the Ark was to remove that which covered the Broken LAW, and expose themselves to the “Ministry of Death” such must be the doom of all who presumptuously set aside the atonement of Christ. 1 John 2:2. “Uzziah rashly put forth his hand to the Ark of god, and God smote him for his error 2 Sam 6:6,7. The warning had been given “They shall not touch any Holy thing lest they die” Num 4:14. The Ark as the symbol of Jehovah’ strength does not need the hand of man to steady it. Eli trembled for the Ark and fell down dean 1 Sam 4:17, 18. Unbelief makes many tremble for the cause of Christ. What presumption to have thrown a rope to Christ while he walked on the sea, some wise men in these days seam more concerned about saving Christ that getting saved by him. 6. The Presence of the Ark is the Joy of God’s people : “ So David and all the House of Israel brought up the Ark of the lord with shouting and with sound of the Trumpet and David danced before the Lord with all his might” 2 Sam 6:15, 14. The manifest presence of Christ always brings gladness to the hearts of God’s people, and such joy is sure to provoke the sneer of the ungodly, just as the daughter of soul mocked David. If David danced with Joy when he thought of all that is meant by “The Ark with us” how more might we when think of all that is meant by ‘Christ in us’. Paul said Chris in us is the Hope of Glory! – Col 1:27. 7. The Absence of the Ark is the defeat of God’s people: “But they presented to Go up . . Nevertheless the Ark of the Lord departed not the out of the camp” Num 14:44. They went without the Ark and were smitten before the enemy. If we go in our own strength the same consequences will follow. Every Christ less effort is a failure in the sight of God, although it be rewarded with the praise of men “ Without me ye can do nothing” John 15:5. It is quite possible for a special effort to win souls – to be nothing but a fair show of Flesh. Peter toiled all night in a Christ less boat and ‘caught nothing’ Luke 5:5. But when he had the master with him he had good success Luke 5:6 THE LOSS OF THE ARK OF GOD – 1 SAMUEL 4:14:1-11

The capture of the Ark of god by the philistines was the sorest blow that had ever fallen upon the nation of Israel. The corrupt state of the priesthood was to blame for this national failure and disgrace. There is a closer connection between Holy living and national prosperity as the enemies of the Lord’ people are always aggressive when Israel is in a back sliding condition. Thus lusts of the flesh are sure to prevail when the soul gets out of communion with god 1. What the Ark signifies : It was the Symbol of the presence of God. It was the throne on which the Lord sat and from which he ruled and taught his people Ex 25:22. It was also the Mercy –Seat the medium through which he communed with Israel. What the Ark was to them Christ is to us, the resting place, the Medium of Communion and a channel of Revelation and blessing. 2. When the Ark was brought out: After they had been smitten before there enemies they said “ Let us fetch the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord out . . . it may save us 1 Sam 4:3. It is good to fall back on God in the day of defeat, but is the favour and help of God only to be sought after we

The Ark Of The Covenant


Reasoning The Scriptures have done our best to succeed without him? ‘Man’s extremity may be God’s Opportunity. But why should God’s opportunity only came after we have persistently ignored him till we are dead beat?. 3. The dread of Philistines Philistines at the Ark : When they understood that the Ark of the Lord was come in to the camp they were afraid 1 Sam 4:6-8. If the Ark represents the presence of Almighty God Jehovah who smote the Egyptians with plagues and wrought such miracles in the wilderness on their behalf then battling against the people of God they will be found fighting against God himself. These philistines understood and were afraid that none can deliver them from God of Israel. We Christians how often forget what the men of the world remember; if Christ is with us mighty works should show themselves and that the more closely we are identified with him in our work and warfare. The more difficult and desperate does their own condition appear. The ungodly still dread a man full of the holy Ghost. Well do they know that to oppose such the need to screw up their courage and “quit themselves like men”? – 1Sam 4:9 Luke 16:8 “The Children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light”. 4. Faith of Israel in the Ark : “ It may save us out of the hands of our enemies” 1Sam 4:3 It is quite clear that their faith in the invisible God had withered up into a superstition reverence for the material Ark. They worshipped the form but denied the power. The god deserted the Ark. Ps 78: 60 “ He forsook the Tabernacle of Shiloh, the tent which he placed among men”. The Ark was every thing for them, while he who inhabiteth eternity had no place in their hearts instead of saying “ Let us fetch the Ark” had they said “ Let us confess our sins and return to the lord” he would doubtless have saved them. Multiplying forms in religious services will afford no security against the inroads of the enemy. The gospel that is not in the power of the sprit of God is only the Ark with the glory departed. The philistines of today are in great force against the people of God, but let us see that our faith is not in the mere form of words, but in the God of the gospel “ The kingdom of God is not in word but in power” 1 Cor 4:20. 5. The Capture of the Ark : “ The Ark of God was taken” 1Sam 4:11. The object of their confidence was taken from them that their faith might be in God only. Let us learn from this:• That ungodly man cannot preserve the power of Religion: The dissolute and licentious Sons of Eli had the charge of the Ark of the Covenant 1 Sam 4:4. Oh! What a God dishonoring association!. Is it an wonder that the cause of God is turned into ridicule when self seeking and unprincipled men have the charge of the Holy things? They must be clean that bare the vessels of the Lord – Isa 52:11 • That the Lord will not protect protect forms when the sprit is gone : There is nothing in an empty dish to satisfy either God or Man. The pharisaic sprit always is ready to contend for the outward and the form because it is blind to the spiritual and the eternal. • That sin always brings defeat: defeat: If we regard iniquity in our heart the Lord will not hear. The secret Sin of Achan brought open shame in Israel. The disobedience of Saul led to the departure of God from him the wages of sin is death Rom 6:23

Encouragement to Prayer “Call upon me in the Day of Trouble, I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify me”Psalms 50:15 1. The theme -- -- ‘Day of Trouble’ 2. The Counsel -- -- ‘Call upon me’ 3. The promise -- -- ‘I will deliver’ 4. The Result-- --‘Thou Shalt Glorify me’ The Ark Of The Covenant



While the Jubilant philistines were bearing away the Ark as trophy, little did they think they were bringing the Judgment of God, down among themselves The Ark like the BIBLE may be a dead letter to some, but in the hands of the HOLY SPIRIT it is a two edged sword. It is always a solemn and critical thing to be brought into contact with that presence and power of which the Ark was the visible symbol, that power which killeth and maketh alive, that bringeth low and lifteth up – 1Sam 2:6-8. The experiences of the Philistines with the Ark of the Covenant are very much same as the ungodly now under the power of the gospel of Christ. 1. Their religion was completely upset : “Dagon∗ was fallen upon his face to the ground, before the Ark of the Lord, and the head of Dagon and both the palms and of his hands were cut of” 1Sam 5:3-4. They put the Ark in the Temple of their God thinking to keep both. But GOD AND DAGON cannot both rule in the same house. “Ye cannot serve God and Mammon” When Christ comes in, the false theories and opinions of men must fall. The Dagon of self may stand erect, and claim all the homage and worship till the Ark of Truth of God i.e. the Christ comes into the temple of the heart, then he must fall on his face before the Lord, and part both his dead and his hands (Thoughts and Actions). Until self is completely broken he will be set up again and again. Men still think that they have to do many and great things to merit the salvation of God, but when they come into the presence of Christ the Ark, their lofty thoughts and imaginations must fall down before him. 2. They were Severely Smitten: “The hand of the Lord was heavy upon them . . . . And he destroyed and smote them 1Sam 5:6. Not only was their God destroyed, but they themselves afflicted with painful tumors, The Ark of his presence brings no comfort or encouragement to those who are his enemies, nothing but the wounding and bruising of conviction and humiliation. “When he (the spirit of truth) is come he will reprove the world of sin . . . because they believe not on me John 16:8-9.The gospel will be the savour of death where it is not the savour of Life to the worldly antitypical Philistines 2 Cor 2:14-16. 3. They were utterly perplexed: “What shall we do with the Ark of God of Israel?” 1Sam 5:8 “What shall we do to the Ark of the Lord” 1 Sam 6:2. They had sent it from city to city, seeking to get it peacefully disposed of, but this only increased their suffering and alarm. We are solemnly reminded here of How others, in after years, sought to get quit of Jesus Christ, the Ark of God. Pilate , almost in the exact words of the philistines said “What shall I do then with Jesus who is called Christ” Mat 27:22. Paul was playing the part of these troubled enemies of God when he kicked against the goading pricks of the word of truth ( Acts 9:5). There is a tremendously important question that still presses with perplexing urgency upon ungodly men to whom the gospel has come. How are you going to dispose of the claims of God and of his Christ? SUBMISSION OR REJECTION. 4. They sent it away: They made a new cart, put the Ark on it , and with a trespass offering they sent it away 1 Sam 6:7,8. Suppose we read it thus “They made a new cross, put him on it and as a trespass offering they sent it away” The philistine would not have this Ark to over them. Away with ∗

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The Ark Of The Covenant


Reasoning The Scriptures it Christ, like the Ark was delivered up at the instigation of chief priest – 1 Sam 6:2 “And the philistines called for the priests and the diviners, saying what shall we do to the Ark of the Lord? Tell us where with we shall send it to his people”. The presence of the holy Ark of God’ covenant testified against them, but there was no repentance of Sin, no pleading for mercy, but a growing desire to get back to their former Ark less condition. They felt that they could not keep it and continue as they were. They must either send it away or be reconciled to God. How shall we escape if we neglect so great Salvation? 5. They had clear Evidence of it Divine Character: Character: “See if it goeth up by the way of his won coast, then the Lord hath done this: if not, then it was chance that happened to us” 1 Sam 6:9-12. Thus they had another proof in the manner of its home coming that the Lord God of Israel with it. Well they might have said as the centurion did, when he saw the manner of the home – going of the rejected saviour of men “Truly this man was the son (Ark) of God” Mark 15:39.The Gospel of god is still as the ‘Ark of the Covenant’ among men, mighty deeds are still being wrought through it false systems of religion fall down before it and the enemies of the Lord are smitten with terror in its presence. By its work it asserts its own DIVINITY, yet many, though fully convinced that it is of God, treat it as the Philistines did the Ark, they refuse to yield to its claims and politely send it away with an offering and remain the enemies of God. COMMON PICTORIAL ERRORS OF THE ARK OF THE COVENANT

Most pictorial illustrations of the position of the two staves which were inserted into the four rings of the Ark of the Covenant are incorrect. The prevalent depiction illustrates the two staves positioned in the rings of the ark as running parallel to the longest length of the ark, which is two cubits and a half. However, we note in 1 Kings 8:8 and again in 2 Chronicles 5:9 that when the staves were partially withdrawn from the rings of the ark, “that the ends of the staves were seen out in the holy place before the oracle, and they were not seen without [outside the Holy Place].” (1 Kings 8:8). This positioning clearly places the staves parallel to the shorter sides of the ark. See the picture at right The Correct Position of the Staves We may further note that Beazley cast for the ark “four rings of gold, to be set by the four corners of it; even two rings upon one side of it, and two rings upon the other side of it.” (Ex 37:3). In this particular usage, the primary Hebrew meaning of side is “a rib (as curved, lit. (of the body).” In The Ark Of The Covenant


Reasoning The Scriptures application, these sides are the shorter width or breadth of the ark, which is a cubit and a half, to either side of our Lord God’s Shekinah presence above the ark. Please note that two rings are attached to each side of the ark, and not to the front nor to the rear as they would necessarily have to be should the staves run parallel to the front and rear.

“He that hath my word let him speak my word faithfully. . .” -Jeremiah 23:28

The Ark Of The Covenant


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