The Blessings Of The Covenant Of Grace

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”The Blessings of the Covenant of Grace” (1 John 5:11-12)

Introduction: Last week we saw the impossibility for anyone to be saved through the broken Covenant of Works, and what God did to remedy the situation and to bring salvation to His elect. God sent His Son into the world, and His Son came, taking upon Himself our nature. He stood as the representative of all His people, as Adam did his, and kept the Covenant of Works, which we could never have kept, perfectly, to merit for us a perfect and flawless record of law-keeping. But, as this was not enough, since man by his Fall incurred a debt so great that he would never be able to pay it back, Christ gave Himself up to be our Passover Lamb, the sacrifice to atone for all our sins, to remove our guilt by taking the wrath of God which was meant for us upon Himself, and He suffered and died in our place. The debt which we owed, if put in dollar figures, would be 1 with countless zeros behind it; it could not have been paid for by our measly 10 cents. We needed the measureless value of Christ’s atoning death. On account of Christ’s priceless work of redemption, He was rewarded with a people, the people that the Father chose from all eternity to be His. And His people, because of their relationship with the One who merited all things for them, receive many gracious gifts as well. And that is what we want to focus on more specifically this evening, what it is that Christ gave to His people. The book of 1 John is a letter written by the apostle John to show what are the true marks of a saving conversion to Christ. In it there are many tests and many promises, but the promises pertain to those who pass the tests. In the latter part of the book, John is arguing that if we receive the testimony of men, that is, if we will believe what men have to say, then we ought to receive God’s testimony for it is greater. That is, why should we believe man and not God who is absolutely sure to tell us the truth? The one who accepts God’s testimony is the one who believes in the Son of God, for God has told us that we should. But if we do not receive that testimony, then we are calling God a liar. What He has told us is this, that God has given to His people eternal life in Christ. The one who has the Son of God, the one who has believed in Him and embraced Him, who is now in Christ, and Christ in him, has this life. The one who does not have the Son of God, who is outside of Christ, does not have this life. But this everlasting life, which John refers to here, is more than just the endless extension of our natural lives. It is not just a never ending existence, rather it is a quality of life which includes many blessings, not only in the future, but also in the present, all of which Christ Jesus merited for us, by His perfect life and atoning death. And what I want you to see tonight is this, The Covenant of Grace guarantees to us a gracious Mediator, and salvation through Him, the gift of the Spirit to work faith

in us, and every spiritual blessing, in Christ Jesus.


First, God Freely Provides and Offers to Sinners a Mediator and Life and Salvation in Him. A. We Saw Last Week the Work of Christ Our Mediator in


Reconciling Us to God. 1 . Because man was fallen and completely unable to return to God, God provided One who would bring us back to Him. a. A s early as the Fall, when God was pronouncing the curse upon the serpent, He also was promising a Redeemer. b. ”AND I WILL PUT ENMITY BETWEEN YOU AND THE WOMAN, AND BETWEEN YOUR SEED AND HER SEED; HE SHALL BRUISE YOU ON THE HEAD, AND YOU SHALL BRUISE HIM ON THE HEEL” (Gen. 3:15). c. This Redeemer would crush the head of the serpent, and deliver God’s people from judgment. d. He does that which you and I could never do for ourselves. ti) We could never have crawled out of the pit that we had fallen into. The pit is bottomless. tii) We could not have talked God into sending His only-begotten and well-beloved Son for us. Why should He send His Son to die for us miserable creatures? tiii) But God out of His love for us, sent His Son to die for us, giving to us that which is priceless, that which we could never have obtained but by His infinite mercy. 2.

And everything which God has for His people, He has provided through our Mediator. a. Every sin which is forgiven us, every work which we offer which is laced with sin accepted by Him, every prayer we raise, all is done through Christ, and nothing apart from Him. b. Without Christ, all we would have is the certain expectation of judgment as we stand on the edge of the eternal fire and are eventually cast in. c. But in Christ, we have the true and priceless riches, free, full and everlasting.

B. But This Same Salvation that You and I Have Experienced in Christ Is Freely Offered to All to Partake of. 1 . The Gospel is to be preached to every creature under heaven. a. This offer is to be given to everyone that lives and breathes. b. Jesus said in Mark 16:15, ”GO INTO ALL THE WORLD AND PREACH THE GOSPEL TO ALL CREATION. HE WHO HAS BELIEVED AND HAS BEEN BAPTIZED SHALL BE SAVED; BUT HE WHO HAS DISBELIEVED SHALL BE CONDEMNED.” c. Paul said that you are reconciled by the death of Christ, ”IF INDEED YOU CONTINUE IN THE FAITH FIRMLY ESTABLISHED AND STEADFAST, AND NOT MOVED AWAY FROM THE HOPE OF THE GOSPEL THAT YOU HAVE HEARD, WHICH WAS PROCLAIMED IN ALL CREATION UNDER HEAVEN, OF WHICH I, PAUL, WAS MADE A MINISTER” (Col. 1:23). 2.

It is for this reason that God has established the church that it may publish abroad the good news of the


forgiveness of sins. a. This is the blessing which is only possible through the work of Christ that there might be good news to proclaim in the first place. b. But the church is authorized by her Lord to offer this Gospel sincerely to everyone who lives. C. And as We Think About this Marvelous Gift of Salvation, Let Us Not Forget that the Father is the One Who Gave It. 1 . J o h n tells us in our text, ”AND THE WITNESS IS THIS, THAT a n HAS GIVEN TO us ETERNAL LIFE, ANn THIS LIFE IS IN HIS SON” (v. 11 ). 2. It is the Father, who represents the Trinity in the Covenant of Grace, while it is the Son who represents God’s elect. 3. It is the Father who is represented in Scripture as the One who out of His great mercy and lovingkindness provides for us His Son as a Redeemer. 4. We are not to think of Christ, seated at the right hand of God, trying to stay His Father’s hand of judgment against us. 5. Rather, it was the Father’s good pleasure to send the Son that He might have Him represent us before Him and mediate the blessings of His covenant to us. 6. So the Father provides for us a Mediator, One who can bring us before God, to give to us life and salvation in Christ. 11. Secondly, God Gives to His Elect His Holy Spirit to Work in Them the Faith which Is the Only Condition of this Covenant. A. Faith Has Always Been the Requirement for Entrance into the Covenant of Grace. 1 . Though many might be included in the covenants which God made with His people, faith has always been the requirement for entrance into the reality of what was promised. a. To receive the blessing of the Abrahamic covenant, Abraham himself had to believe. When God took Abram outside and showed him all the stars, saying to him that as many as there are, so shall his children be, the Bible says, ”THEN HE BELIEVED IN THE LORD; AND HE RECKONED IT TO HIM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS” (Gen. 15:6). b. Even in the Mosaic Covenant the condition of faith was not exchanged for one of works, for the Law was added to the promise made to Abraham, it did not replace it. Paul says, ”WHAT I AM SAYING IS THIS: THE LAW, WHICH CAME FOUR mNnREn AND THIRTY YEARS LATER, DOES NOT INVALIDATE A COVENANT PREVIOUSLY RATIFIED BY GOD, SO AS TO NULLIFY THE PROMISE. FOR IF THE INHERITANCE IS BASED ON LAW, IT IS NO LONGER BASED ON A PROMISE; BUT GOD HAS GRANTED IT TO ABRAHAM BY MEANS OF A PROMISE” (Gal. 3:18-19). c. And of course, the New Covenant requires faith as well for entrance into the promises. J o h n says, ”FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD, THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, THAT WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM SHOULD NOT PERISH, BUT HAVE ETERNAL LIFE” ( J o h n 3:1 6 ) , and



But man, in his natural strength, is unable to believe in the Messiah, that is, to trust Him savingly. a. We might have gained entrance to the covenant by being born in it, but we do not necessarily receive faith by entrance into the covenant. b. We must never forget that the Bible says plainly that no one outside of Christ can ever do anything which is pleasing to Him. c. Paul says, ”THERE IS NONE WHO UNDERSTANDS, THERE IS NONE WHO SEEKS FOR GOD; . . . THERE IS NONE WHO DOES GOOD, THERE IS NOT EVEN ONE” (Rom. 3:11-12). d. And when many who were following Jesus turned back, He said, ”FOR THIS REASON I HAVE SAID TO YOU, THAT NO ONE CAN COME TO ME, UNLESS IT HAS BEEN GRANTED HIM FROM THE FATHER” (John 6 : 6 5 ) .

B. But what We Are Unable to Do in Our Own Strength, God Provides for His People Graciously through the Work of His Holy Spirit. Which Was also Merited by Christ. 1 . The work of Christ would not be of use to anyone if no one could believe in Him unto salvation. a. If Christ had done all these things for you, and told you that all you had to do was to believe and to reach out and receive it, what good would that be to you if you did not have within yourself the desire for Him? b. And if you did not have the desire to come to Christ, and could not find it in your heart to love and serve Him, then how could you ever be saved? 2.

Therefore God, in the unsearchable riches of His grace, provides the Holy Spirit to His elect, to work in them the faith which He requires. a. The Spirit is sovereignly given and sovereignly applies the work of Christ in regeneration. ti1


Without the work of the Spirit. it would be impossible for us to love Christ and embrace Him in the way that the Scripture says that His people do. c. All of Christ’s work would have amounted to nothing



if there was no one who was willing to receive what He offers to them. d. And so the Spirit is graciously given in the Covenant of Grace to make God’s people willing and able to embrace the only Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.


Thirdly, this Same Spirit Works Within God’s People all of the Other Saving Graces which Accompany Salvation and Promote Their Sanctification. A. The Bible Tells Us that Certain Fruits Will Exist in the Lives of His People who Are Justified in Christ. 1 . If true faith is present in the heart, then all of the other saving graces will be as well. 2. There will be repentance of sins. Peter said, ”REPENT, AND LET EACH OF BE BAPTIZED IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF YOUR SINS” (Acts 2:38). If you are Christ’s, then you must have turned from your sins for apart from this, you cannot be saved. 3. There will be godly character. a. There will be the experience and expression of love. ”BY THIS ALL MEN WILL KNOW THAT YOU ARE MY DISCIPLES, IF YOU HAVE LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER” (John 13:35). b. There will also be peace and joy. ”FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS NOT EATING AND DRINKING, BUT RIGHTEOUSNESS AND PEACE AND JOY IN THE HOLY SPIRIT” (Rom. 14:17). c. There will be a kind, gentle and patient spirit in every circumstance. ”AND SO, AS THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN CHOSEN OF GOD, HOLY AND BELOVED, PUT ON A HEART OF COMPASSION, KINDNESS, HUMILITY, GENTLENESS AND PATIENCE; BEARING WITH ONE ANOTHER, AND FORGIVING EACH OTHER, WHOEVER HAS A COMPLAINT AGAINST ANYONE; JUST AS THE LORD FORGAVE YOU, SO ALSO SHOULD YOU” (Col. 3:12-13). d. There will not be a haughty but meek character. ”BLESSED ARE THE MEEK, FOR THEY SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH” (Matt. 5:5). e. There will be self-control. ”FOR GOD HAS NOT GIVEN US A SPIRIT OF TIMIDITY, BUT OF POWER AND LOVE AND DISCIPLINE” OR SELF-CONTROL (2 Tim. 1 :7). f. And there will be an attitude of thankfulness. ”FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST CONTROLS US, HAVING CONCLUDED THIS, THAT ONE DIED FOR ALL, THEREFORE ALL DIED; AND HE DIED FOR ALL, THAT THEY WHO LIVE SHOULD NO LONGER LIVE FOR THEMSELVES, BUT FOR HIM WHO DIED AND ROSE AGAIN ON THEIR BEHALF” ( 2 Cor. 5:14-15). B.

And again, These Characteristics Are Not Produced in Our Flesh, but by the Spirit of God, Who Is Given in the Covenant of Grace. 1 . The Spirit works the grace of repentance. When Peter reported what the Lord had done among the Gentiles in Jerusalem, ”THEY QUIETED DOWN, AND GLORIFIED GOD, SAYING, ’WELL THEN, GOD HAS GRANTED TO THE GENTILES ALSO THE REPENTANCE THAT LEADS TO LIFE” (Acts 11:18).


2. The Spirit works within His people all godly fruits. ”BUT THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT IS LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FA1THFULNESS, GENTLENESS, SELF-CONTROL” (Gal. 5:22-23). 3. The Spirit also gives to us the ability to obey the Word of God. Speaking of the blessings of the New Covenant, Ezekiel wrote, ”THEN I WILL SPRINKLE CLEAN WATER ON YOU, AND YOU WILL BE CLEAN; I WILL CLEANSE YOU FROM ALL YOUR FILTHINESS AND FROM ALL YOUR IDOLS. MOREOVER, I WILL GIVE YOU A NEW HEART AND PUT A NEW SPIRIT WITHIN YOU; AND I WILL REMOVE THE HEART OF STONE FROM YOUR FLESH AND GIVE YOU A HEART OF FLESH. AND I WILL PUT MY SPIRIT WITHIN YOU AND CAUSE YOU TO WALK IN MY STATUTES, AND YOU WILL BE CAREFUL TO OBSERVE ALL MY ORDINANCES” (Ezek. 36:25-27). 4. The Spirit is to furnish us with everything we need to serve Him for this is why He recreated us in Christ. ”FOR WE ARE HIS WORKMANSHIP, CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS FOR GOOD WORKS, WHICH GOD PREPARED BEFOREHAND, THAT WE SHOULD WALK IN THEM” (Eph. 2: 1 0 ) . C. But again, Let Us Not Forget That All of these Blessings Are in Christ, and Apart from Him God Has Nothing of Any Great Value for You. 1 . Our text tells us, ”THIS LIFE IS IN HIS SON. HE WHO HAS THE SON HAS THE LIFE; HE WHO DOES NOT HAVE THE SON OF GOD DOES NOT HAVE THE LIFE” ( I John 5:11-12). 2. Yes, God does give to all of His creatures certain good gifts to sustain them. a. He gives to one great natural strength and power so as to do great exploits in the realm of sports or in battle. b. He gives to others great intellects and allows them to make profound discoveries. c. To others, He gives the power to make great wealth and riches. 3. But if God so blesses the heathen with these things, who in this world possess them, and then later they are cast into hell, then they must not be the true riches. 4. But God has reserved the true riches for His children in Christ Jesus. a. The quickening power of the Holy Spirit is priceless; you could never calculate its worth. Apart from it you could never know life. b. The rewards which he gives in heaven are forever, they can never be lost as earthly treasures are. c. It is to you who are in Christ that the true riches are commit ted. d. And it is because of Christ’s work that they are yours, they are given by grace alone. 5. People of God, rejoice in what Christ has done for you and seek with all your might to show Him your thankfulness by bringing forth the fruits of righteousness.


a. Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for that which the Son of God gives. b. Do not lay up your treasures on earth where moth and rust corrupt and where thieves break in and steal, but lay them up in heaven. c. Take hold of the true riches in Christ and bring forth the fruits of true knowledge, righteousness and holiness. 6. But if you are not in Christ this evening, then call upon the One who alone can change your heart and make you willing to come. And then embrace Christ, and love and serve Him, for He will not forget your labor of love which is offered in His name. And He will richly reward your labor through His grace. Amen. Let us pray.

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