The 10 Commandments Of Anarchy

  • Uploaded by: COLONEL ZIKRIA
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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 537
  • Pages: 2

First off, a couple definitions for you if you're a certified idiot or something.. anarchy (n) 1. Absence of government. 2. Lawless confusion and political disorder. 3. General disorder anarchize (v) 1. To promote or foster anarchy. 2. To support or condone anarchistic ideals. boutonneire (n) A bouquet or flower worn in the buttonhole. Now let's talk about 'em one at a time.. (I). While in the act of anarchy, any form of government (Officer McLeary - you remember him from the signing files, don't you - The local Mayor, Governor, Senator, or any such) has a pronounced detrimental effect on your freedom. The general idea is to avoid all this. (II). As most anarchy is against the law to some degree, it's certainly "lawless", and the general idea is to raise havoc and create mass panic, "disorder" sort-of encompasses all this. (III). No one's asking you to be specific -- Be as general as possible while anarchizing. Diversification is the sign of a true anarchist! (IV). Anarchizing is just that - COMMITTING anarchy. Now you can't quite commit something and not "promote or foster" it, can you? (V). If you don't support it, ABORT THIS FILE IMMEDIATELY. Your kind disgusts me, and I hate getting within 10 feet of you. Your mega-conservative ideals revolt even ME, the most conservative of all Thought Police! (VI). Ignore VI.. And now, what you've ALL been waiting for! (Drum roll, please..) THE 10 COMMANDMENTS OF ANARCHY 1. Thou shalt NOT commiteth anarchy while legally imposed upon by any

traffic control device. (Like a red light, stop sign, etc..) 2. Thou shalt NOT commiteth anarchy involving anyone over 3 inches taller than, or 45 pounds heavier than thou. 3. Thou shalt NOT commiteth anarchy in the presence of any Agent of the Law. (See (I)) 4. Thou shalt makest every attempt to avoideth commiting anarchy in a 4- or small 6-cylender car. (Chases are an integral part of anarchy, and you DON'T want to be on the losing end of one!) 5. Thou shalt carry at least 2 instruments of physical abuse for every 3 people in the car. (Such instruments would include baseball bats, crowbars, thick metal poles, 6+ inch hunting knives, .44's, rifles, and the like.) 6. Thou shalt NEVER commiteth anarchy whilst alone. (C'mon, don't be TOO much of an idiot..) 7. Thou shalt make every attempt to avoideth committing anarchy in any car lacking a FULLY function horn, fully functional brakes, or a frame. 8. Thou shalt keepeth each door locked at ALL times, unless opening it is involved in the anarchy. Thou shalt be fully prepard to roll the windows up at any point. 9. Thou shalt direct thine anarchy at a high rate at homosexuals, members of the negroe race, small children, mentally retarded citizens, employees of any institution thou happenst to be patronizing at the time, and people wearing paisley clothing or boutonneires. 10. Thou shalt make every attempt to avoideth committing anarchy with any members of the female gender in the anarchizing crew. (Such members tend to be more readily offended by crude sexual jokes, and repeated fondlings.) Remember, have fun, and ALWAYS respect The Spirit of '86!

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