Moses And The 10 Commandments

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,124
  • Pages: 16
The 10 Commandments DISCUSSION: 1. Choose a simple game familiar to all of your children, such as tic-tac-toe or maybe hide and go seek. Have the children tell you the rules of the game and discuss what would happen if you tried to play the game without obeying the rules. Help them see that rules are necessary for games to be successful and fun to play. 2. What other kinds of rules are there besides game rules? What are some rules in your home? What are some of the rules at school? in Primary? How do these rules help you? 3. Heavenly Father has given us rules to help us make right choices. In the 3rd article of faith, Joseph Smith wrote how important it is to obey the laws, or rules, of the gospel. These rules are called commandments.


Read Together - Mosiah 2:22


Exodus 20, Mosiah13, D&C 42

In Your Own Words: tell the story (review it in the scriptures or follow the summary on a following page) Using Pictures from: Pictures attached to this lesson, or Gospel Art Book: Picture of Moses


(ahead of time cut out a large set of tablets or draw them on a white board)

1. Create the 10 commandments by cutting out two tablets from construction paper. See following page labeled ACTIVITY & print out the strips of paper with the 10 commandments and glue each commandment to the tablet as you talk about it. (Tape finished tablets on a wall & leave out all week) 2. Coloring Pages for Younger children (see attached pages)

GAME: 1. Explain you can now play “Obeying the Law” game. Then sit back and wait a moment or two. If no one responds, ask: • Why isn’t anyone playing the game? (No one knows the rules.) 2. Point out that rules and laws help guide us and give us direction. NOW  Explain the rules of the game: Rules: Everyone choose a strip of paper from a bowl. Figure out which of the 10 commandments is being talked about.


Every member of the family gets a piece of licorice and a donut to make 10 OR – give everyone 10 items (10 small cookies, 10 candies etc.)


Making Tablets

 Cut out all 10 Commandment strips below  Cut out a set of Tablets from poster paper

1. THOU SHALT have No other gods before me 2. THOU SHALT Not make unto thee any Graven image 3. THOU SHALT Not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain 4. THOU SHALT Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy

5. THOU SHALT Honor thy father and thy mother 6. THOU SHALT Not Kill 7. THOU SHALT Not commit Adultery 8. THOU SHALT Not Steal 9. THOU SHALT Not bear False witness against thy neighbor 10. THOU SHALT Not Covet

GAME: OBEYING THE LAW  Cut into strips and place in a bowl: Some churches worship Mary the Mother of Jesus. (1) My ipod is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING! My POLLY Pockets are THE most important thing to me, my Computer is the most important thing to me . . . . . . (2) Kids at school say the phrase, “Oh my God” all the time. Should I say that ? (3)

Mom and Dad want me to do something, should I? (5)

Respect Life, we don’t watch movies that have a lot of violence! (6)

If you are married you always stay true to your spouse! ( 7)

No lying – not even small little ones! (9)

Do you want the toy your friend has? Do you want new clothes like the kids next door, do you want a house like your cousins, I want, I want , I want. . . (10) I really want that candy, no one will see if I stick it in my pocket, no one will miss it, its little, there are lots left! (8)

Let’s go camping this weekend, why not stay till Sunday night? (4)

The Story of Moses & the 10 Commandments Using the 5 Pictures with this lesson & the Map tell the story:

1) Baby Moses was found by Pharaoh’s Daughter: When Moses was born he lived in Egypt. He was an Israelite and there were many many more Israelite’s living in Egypt. This frightened the Pharaoh so he commanded that all baby boys born to Israelite Mother’s must be killed. Moses’ mother hid baby Moses till he was 3 months old. But it became to difficult to keep him a secret, so she made a basket and put him in the river. He floated away and was found by Pharaoh’s Daughter. She kept Moses and raised him as her son. Moses lived in Pharaoh’s house till he was 40 years old. 2) Moses became a shepherd near Mt. Sinai: Moses knew he was not an Egyptian and because he tried to protect an Israelite he was in trouble with the Pharaoh. Thus Moses fled to the Land of Midian which was near Mt. Sinai. He met a man named Jethro and helped tend his sheep and married one of his daughters. Moses lived there for 40 years. Then the Lord told him to return to Egypt to help the Israelites leave. 3) Moses Leads an exodus out of Egypt: (picture of Moses Parting the Red Sea) After many years of bitter slavery Moses helps the Israelites leave Egypt after the plagues convince Pharaoh to let them go. But Pharaoh is angry and chases the Israelites. Moses parts the Red Sea and the Israelites are able to cross safely while the Egyptians do not make it across the sea. The Israelites continue to travel in the wilderness in order to get to a better land, a promised land. 4) Mt. Sinai: also see the Map The journey from Egypt to Sinai took about 2 months. The Lord helped provide quail and manna to sustain them. During this period Moses taught them about Jesus Christ. Moses went up on Mt. Sinai many times as the Lord gave him instructions on how to lead the children of Israel. 5) Moses Receives the 10 commandments on Mt. Sinai After Moses had received commandments written on tablets he returned and found the people worshiping idols and full of wickedness. In anger, he broke the tablets of stone that the Lord had prepared. Moses returned again to plead forgiveness of his people. The Lord instructed two new tables to be prepared. Moses returned to the Israelites with the 10 commandments. Moses was also given instructions from God for continuing the journey to the Promised Land. The Israelites could again resume their journey.

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