Thayer Vietnam's Defence Relations: China And The Us

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  • Words: 1,122
  • Pages: 22
Rajaratnam School of International Studies and Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore

Normalization China-Vietnam

United States-Vietnam


Cambodian Conflict 1979-91


Vietnam War 1965-75


1990-91 Normalization


1994 trade embargo lifted


1999-2000 Comprehensive Cooperation in the New Century


1995 Normalization and appointment of first DA


2001 Bilateral Trade Agrm.


2003 VCP Plenum


2004 annual defence dialogue


June 2005 IMET Agreement and intelligence sharing


No defence clause


2005 bilateral defence consultations


2008 strategic partners

DA = Defence Attache; IMET = International Military Education and Training

High-Level Visits China-Vietnam Z 2002-06 four visits by Vietnamese Defence Minister and only one return visit by Chinese Defence Minister Z Roughly equal exchanges by chiefs of General Staff, GPD and GLD (political/logistics) Z Exchanges by Military Region Commanders

United States-Vietnam Z 2000-06 two visits by U.S. Secretary of Defense and only one visit by Vietnamese Defence Minister Z 1994-2007: nine visits by Commander Pacific Command

Naval Port Visits China-Vietnam ™ ™

2000 Gulf of Tonkin delineation and Fisheries Agreement Nov. 2001 PLAN Jiangwei II guided missile frigate visits Ho Chi Minh City


April 2006 joint naval patrols in Gulf of Tonkin


December 2006 joint naval patrols in Gulf of Tonkin

United States-Vietnam ™

2003 USS Vandergrift HCMC


2004 USS Curtis Wilbur, Da Nang


2005 USS Gary, HCMC


2006 USS Patriot and USS Salvor, HCMC


2007 USS Peleliu, Da Nang; and USS Patriot and USS Guardian, Hai Phong


2008 USS Mercy, Nha Trang

Professional Military Education and Training China-Vietnam

United States-Vietnam

Z Extensive discussions on army-building


Extended IMET


Foreign Military Training:

Z Under consideration:


FY2003 & 2004 = nil


Exchanges in personnel training


FY2004 N = 20 (13 at APCSS)


Vietnamese participation at National Defence University suggested


FY2005 17 (9 at APCSS and 8 IMET).


IMET – English language and medical training

Other Defence Cooperation China-Vietnam

United States-Vietnam

Z Demining along land border


MIA-POW full accounting


Demining and UXE

Z Agreement on land border (1999) and subsequent demarcation


Agent Orange joint research


Humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (flood control)




Military medicine research (HIV/AIDS)

UXE = unexploded ordnance

Other Defence Cooperation Vietnam-United States ™

2003 Vietnamese observers at COBRA GOLD


May 2007 Vietnamese observers at Western Pacific Naval Symposium


2007-08 Vietnamese observers at annual mid-year US-Southeast Asia bilateral joint exercises

United States-Vietnam ™

1997 Proposed: tactical discussions and joint training exchanges in Jungle warfare


2002: counter drug trafficking


2007: send US officers and cadets to train in Vietnamese universities


2009 participation in SAR exercise?

Arms Sales & NDI China-Vietnam

United States-Vietnam

2005 NORINCO ammunition for small arms and artillery, military vehicles, and coproduction ammunition and heavy machine guns

1994 CINCPAC proposes equipment exchanges/sales

2003 David Lamb, LAT: ‘an attractive arms market’

2005 Defence Ministers discuss NDI cooperation

2005 US Ambassador: repair and maintenance mooted, USN to purchase supplies

2005 China’s Commission for Science, Technology and Industry visits Vietnam

2006 Secretary Rumsfield Vietnam to buy military spare parts

LAT = Los Angeles Times

Arms Sales & NDI China-Vietnam Z 2008 Vietnamese Deputy Defence Minister holds discusisons with China’s Commission for Science, Technology and Industry in Beijing; suggests cooperation in personnel training, frontier and coastal defence and ‘other fields’

United States-Vietnam Z 2006 Sec State sale, lease, export or transfer non-lethal defence articles and defence services authorized Z 2006 Presidential Memorandum Vietnam eligible under Foreign Assistance Act of 1961; but excluded from lethal end items or their components,

Arms Sales & NDI United States-Vietnam non-lethal crowd control devices and night vision devices. •

2007 International Trafficking in Arms Regulations amended to allow trade with Vietnam on case by case basis

2007 U.S.-ASEAN Business Council opens office in Hanoi

United States-Vietnam •

2007: U.S.-ASEAN Business Council hosts visit to Hanoi by U.S. Defense and Security Corporate Executive Delegation (ITT, Aerospace, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Oracle)

Former US DepSec Defense • ‘Perhaps the greatest opportunity over the next 15 years lies in Vietnam, where political reforms need to complement the economic reforms already well underway if the nation is to reach its potential and contribute more to the overall effectiveness of ASEAN. ASEAN has been central to the fostering of a regional consciousness and is a driver of proliferating pan-Asian groupings.’ – Richard Armitage and Joseph Nye, February 2007

Former U.S. Defense Secretary ‘[regarding rise of Chinese military] Washington must also maintain and expand U.S. alliances in Asia, including with Japan, South Korea and Australia, pursuing deeper military partnerships with the Philippines, Singapore, India and possibly Vietnam.’ Z William Perry, April 2007.

U.S.-Vietnam Strategic Cooperation Z Attended meeting of Proliferation Security Initiative held in New Zealand Z 2004 Attended CHOD meeting (Asia-Pacific CHiefs Of Defence) for first time, Tokyo Z U.S. Global Threat Reduction Initiative Z Shangri-La Dialogue (2008) Z US Chairman JCS met with Vietnam representative

Non-Permanent Member United Nations Security Council •

Since Vietnam has become non-permanent member of UN Security Council it has become “central to US PACOM [Pacific Command].”

Voted for new round of sanctions against Iran (March 2008)

Supported increased financial and logistics assistance for peacekeeping forces in Darfur (April 2008)

Expressed readiness to contribute to UN peace keeping operations (PKO)

Vietnam’s National Maritime Strategy to 2020 10th VCP Congress policy on maritime economy (April 2006) 4th VCP plenum ‘Maritime Strategy Towards the Year 2020’ (January 2007)

Sino-Vietnamese Friction 2007 •

BP oil and gas plans shelved temporarily (March-June)

Chinese naval vessels detain 4 Vietnamese fishing craft (April)

Chinese sink one Vietnamese boat and kill one fisherman (9th July)

People’s Liberation Army-Navy (PLAN) naval exercise in Paracels (November)

National People’s Council creates Shansa county level administrative district

Anti-China Student Demonstrations

Anti-China student demonstrations in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City on 9th and 16th December 2007

Sino-Vietnamese Friction 2008 •

Vietnamese students stage anti-China protests (9 and 16 December), China protests

China-Vietnam Steering Committee convenes (23 January)

China accused Vietnamese fishermen of attacking Chinese trawlers in Gulf of Tonkin (January)

Beijing ‘Summit’ of party chiefs (30 May-2 June)

Sanya Naval Base 5 Aug 05 to 28 Feb 08

Sanya Base, Hainan

Tentative Conclusions Z Vietnam faces an emerging contradiction between its foreign and defence policies. Z Vietnam seeks to leverage its external relations with China in order to boost economic development, Z Yet Vietnamese plans to develop its maritime zone in the East Sea has provoked a Chinese counter-reaction designed to scuttle this initiative.

Tentative Explanations for Vietnamese Behaviour Z Band-wagoning Z Accommodating Z Aligning Z Balancing Z Hedging Z Engagement Z Omni-enmeshment

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