Testicular Cancer

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 405
  • Pages: 9
Testicular cancer By: Doye


Why I chose this?

chose this disease because this was the easiest disease available.

What is it?

It is a dis ea se t hat ce lls beco me cancero us in one or bot h t es ticles .

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About it Mo st ca ses a re g er m ce ll carcinoma. It develops in the t est ic les o f t he m ale re product ive syst ems. Mo st comm on a ges are between 15 & 35 . In t he U .S bet ween 7, 50 0 to 8, 000 diagnos es are made each y ear. A man ’s r isk of g et ting t es tic ular c ancer is 1 in 2 50 or 0.4%. It st arts in t he pros tat e

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Mos t men wh o get i t ar e of A fric an or Cau cas ian s.  It’s not com mon in Asi a and Af ric a.  It has increas ed by double wor ldwi de.  It has 3 pe aks wh ich are chi ldh ood, 25 to 40 and ages over 60.  Th e ger m cell s is really commo n in men ra ng ing from 15 to 35. 

Treatment The

tre atm ents tha t are us ed with tes tic ula r canc er . The y are s urger y, chem oth er apy a nd


Be for e 19 70, a young man with test icul ar can cer wer e dest ined to qui ck p rogr essi on a nd deat h fro m t he dis ease .  Thanks to adv ance s i n adjuv ant ther apy , t he re ar e not s o man y deat hs.  Due to the risk of metast as is , post adjuv ant may be offere d to t he pat ient. 

symptoms 

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So me of t he s ymptoms are a lump in a test icle o r h arden ing of a t es ticle. Blood in sem en Gen era l weak and feeling t ir ed. Lo ss of s exua l act ivit y.

My sources   

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Testicular_ca http://www.ricancercouncil.org/cancer-in http://www.nzma.org.nz/journal/118-122

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