Test Taking Strategies 2

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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 777
  • Pages: 21
Basic Rules for TestTaking Success • Rule 1: Know the parts of a test question and how to read them Stem Forms of a Question A 41-year-old, at term and a diabetic, arrived at the labor and delivery room in early labor. Which of the following assessment data should the nurse obtain upon admission? The assessment data that the nurse should gather include




• Rule 2: Read the question carefully before looking at the options; identify key words in the stem Note: THE STEM IS THE HEART OF THE ITEM!!!

• B. C. D. E.

All of the following behaviors are typical of a 3-year-old except Putting on make-up and playing grown up Reciting address and telephone numbers Throwing a ball about 5 feet Identifying animals from a picture book

Watch out for these words • First • Primary • Initial • Early • Best

• Most/ least • Most important • Priority • Except

• B. C. D. E.

An early sign of respiratory distress you might observe is Increased pulse rate Cyanosis Decreased pulse rate Clammy skin

• Rule 3: Identify the theme of the item, and base it on information provided in the stem. Don’t assume information that is not given.

• A husband was admitted to the ER in delirium tremens (DTs). This admission is his 3rd in 2 weeks. While waiting to see her husband, the wife said to the nurse, “What in the world can I do to help my husband get over his drinking problem?” The best initial response for the nurse is

A. Don’t feel guilty, I know this must be difficult for you. B. Let’s go into the lounge, so we can talk more about your concern. C. You need to convince him to seek professional help. D. How long has your husband been drinking?

• Rule 4: Answer difficult questions by eliminating the obviously incorrect responses first, then select the best of the remaining options. • Quickly reduce your options to only 2!

• Rule 5: Select responses that are therapeutic, show respect, and communicate acceptance. Eliminate responses that are bizarre, inappropriate or punitive.

• A patient is recovering from a colon resection for removal of a malignant mass in the large bowel. Following breakfast one morning, she tells the nurse, “I’m tired of waiting, I want my bath now. You’re never here when I need you.”

A. “What do you mean, I’m never here? I spent 3 hours with you yesterday.” B. “I’m sorry you’ve been waiting. Let’s get you comfortable now, and I’ll be back in 20 minutes to give you a bath.” C. “I’m doing my best. You know I have 3 other patients to take care of today, besides you.” D. “I must see another patient right now. She’s really sick today. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

• Rule 6: Know the basic principles that guide the practice of nursing.

• A 48-year-old woman was brought to the Hospital in a debilitating state with Helsink’s disease. Her husband states that she has become very unstable on her feet; her motor skills have become very spastic. She is becoming increasingly irritable and is having difficulty eating by herself. The couple appears very depressed.

Following the initial assessment, the best action for the nurse is to B. Give them a few hours of privacy so they can gather their composure C. Introduce them to other clients in the day room so they won’t feel isolated D. Get her settled in her room; give them a basic orientation to their immediate surroundings E. Assist her to ambulate in the corridor to regain her strength

B. C. D. E.

Activities that would be appropriate for her are those that would allow her to Compete with others Succeed at a task Engage in social interaction Tax her thinking skills

• Rule 7: Look for patterns in your performance and flaws in your thinking. Analyze your test-taking behaviors, then establish strategies to correct these problems

Common Test-Taking Errors • Not recognizing or remembering subject matter • Not understanding subject matter • Not recognizing item idea • Not recognizing principle or rationale for correct answer • Missed key word • Not reading all distractors carefully • Not understanding question • Reading into the question • Using incorrect rationale for choosing response • Changing the answer • Other

• Rule 8: Manage your time effectively during test-taking

• Rule 9: Do not change answers without good reasons.

• Rule 10: Choose options that are within the realm of nursing. Be able to differentiate the need for nursing judgment from the need for physician judgment

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