Test Plan Document

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,381
  • Pages: 7
Test Cases: Add Staff Page 1 of 7.

Aloha Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Feature Overview: This feature displaying the Add Staff Information. Also gives the facility of editing the details. Scope:The objective is that to check the UI for Add Staff Information is as per Specification or not. Automation Testing Tools /Scripts used (if any):None. Testing Status:-


Total no. of bugs % Complete (unassigned and open “A”)

Confidence level (High, Medium or Low)

Overall feature Status (Ready to ship or not ready yet)

Test Engineer

Note:Risk/contingencies/observations/suggestions:________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________.

Test Cases: Staff Summary. Page 2 of 7.

Aloha Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Test Scripts Test  Case No.

Test case description

Expected results


Check for Add Staff Page Status.

Add Staff page should be open; Ensure that the five titles ”Staff shift, Add Staff, Summary, ScheduleShift, Salary” should be present on the top right pane. Ensure that all the five titles should be displayed on the top right pane of the each Page. Ensure that all the fields related to Staff information are aligned Vertically. Ensure that all the fields are properly displayed aligned horizontally to respective field.


Check for Title fields in Add Staff Page.

Title fields should be labeled. Ensure that Title label and field should be aligned. Ensure that label should be clearly visible.


Check for “First Name” field in Add Staff Page

“First Name” field should be labeled. Ensure that “First Name” label and field should be aligned horizontally. Ensure that label should be clearly visible.


Check for “Middle Name” field in Add Staff Page.

“Middle Name” field should be labeled. Ensure that “Middle Name” label and field should be aligned horizontally. Ensure that label should be clearly visible.

Testing results  Pass/Fail 


Test Cases: Staff Summary. Page 3 of 7.

Aloha Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Test  Case No.

Test case description

Expected results


Check for “Last Name” field in Add Staff Page

“Last Name” field should be labeled. Ensure that “Last Name” label and field should be aligned horizontally .Ensure that label should be clearly visible.


Check for Gender field status In Add Staff Page


Check for Date of Birth field Status in Add Staff Page


Check for “Mobile Tel” field in Add Staff Page

Gender field should be essentially a Radio Button with a “Male” and “Female” title respectively. Date of Birth field should be essentially an Date Picker. Ensure that it should be enabled. “Mobile Tel” field should be labeled. Ensure that “Mobile Tel” label and field should be aligned horizontally. Ensure that label should be clearly visible.


Check for “Home Tel” field in Add Staff Page

“Home Tel” field should be labeled. Ensure that “Home Tel” label and field should be aligned horizontally. Ensure that label should be clearly visible.


Check for Status field in Add Staff Page

Status field should essentially drop down box, Ensure that all the options in the dropdown box are enabled. Ensure that Status field & ‘Status’ label should be aligned horizontally.

Testing results  Pass/Fail 


Test Cases: Staff Summary. Page 4 of 7.

Aloha Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Test  Case No.

Test case description

Expected results


Check for “Email” field in field in Add Staff Page

“Email” field should be labeled. Ensure that “Email” label and field should be aligned horizontally. Ensure that label should be clearly visible.


Check for Start Date and Leave date field Status for Add Staff Page Check for “Position” field in field in Add Staff Page

Start Date and Leave date field should be essentially Date picker. Ensure that it should be enabled. “Position” field should be labeled. Ensure that “Position” label and field should be aligned horizontally. Ensure that label should be clearly visible. Ensure that Position field is essentially Text Box.


Check for Job Title field Status for Add Staff Page


Check for Job Type field Status for Add Staff Page


Check for Next Appraisal field Status in Add Staff Page

Job Title field should essentially drop down box, Ensure that all the options in the dropdown box are enabled. Ensure that job Title field & ‘job title’ label should be aligned horizontally. Job Type field should essentially drop down box, Ensure that all the options in the dropdown box are enabled. Ensure that job Type field & ‘job type’ label should be aligned horizontally. Next Appraisal field should be essentially a Date Picker. Ensure that it should be enabled.


Testing results  Pass/Fail 


Test Cases: Staff Summary. Page 5 of 7.

Aloha Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Test  Case No.

Test case description

Expected results


Check for Address1 field Status in Add Staff Page


Check for Address2 field Status in Add Staff Page


Check for Address3 field Status in Add Staff Page


Check for “Town” field in Add Staff Page


Check for “County” field in Add Staff Page

“County” field should be labeled. Ensure that “County” label and field should be aligned. Ensure that label should be clearly visible.


Check for “Post Code” field in Add Staff Page.

“Post Code” field should be labeled. Ensure that “Post Code” label and field should be aligned. Ensure that label should be clearly visible.


Check for “Account name” field in Add Staff Page

“Account Name” field should be labeled. Ensure that “Account Name” label and field should be

Address1 field should essentially Text Box,. Ensure that Address1field & ‘Address1’ label should be aligned horizontally. Address2 field should essentially Text Box,. Ensure that Address1field & ‘Address1’ label should be aligned horizontally. Address3 field should essentially Text Box,. Ensure that Address1field & ‘Address1’ label should be aligned horizontally. “Town” field should be labeled. Ensure that “Town” label and field should be aligned. Ensure that label should be clearly visible.

Testing results  Pass/Fail 


Test Cases: Staff Summary. Page 6 of 7.

Aloha Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Test  Case No.

Test case description


Check for “Account No” field in Add Staff Page


Check for “Sort Code” field in Add Staff Page


Check for “Name Of Bank” field in Add Staff Page


Check for “Salary” field in Add Staff Page


Check for “Holiday Entitled” field in Add Staff Page


Check for “CRB applied for” field in Add Staff Page

Expected results aligned. Ensure that label should be clearly visible. “Account No” field should be labeled. Ensure that “Account No” label and field should be aligned. Ensure that label should be clearly visible. “Sort Code” field should be labeled. Ensure that “Sort Code” label and field should be aligned. Ensure that label should be clearly visible. “Name Of Bank” field should be labeled. Ensure that “Name Of Bank” label and field should be aligned. Ensure that label should be clearly visible. “Salary” field should be labeled. Ensure that “Salary” label and field should be aligned. Ensure that label should be clearly visible. Ensure that salary field is essentially an Text box. “Holiday Entitled” field should be labeled. Ensure that “Holiday Entitled” label and field should be aligned. Ensure that label should be clearly visible. Ensure that Holiday Entitled field is essentially an Text box. “CRB applied for” field should be labeled. Ensure that

Testing results  Pass/Fail 


Test Cases: Staff Summary. Page 7 of 7.

Aloha Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Test  Case No.

Test case description


Check for “CRB Expired” field in Add Staff Page


Check for “CRB no” field in Add Staff Page


Check for “CRB Received” field in Add Staff Page

Expected results “CRB applied for” label and field should be aligned. Ensure that label should be clearly visible. Ensure that CRB applied for is essentially a Date Picker. “CRB Expired” field should be labeled. Ensure that “CRB Expired” labels and field should be aligned. Ensure that label should be clearly visible. Ensure that CRB Expired is essentially a Date Picker. “CRB no” field should be labeled. Ensure that “CRB no” label and field should be aligned. Ensure that label should be clearly visible. Ensure that CRB Expired is essentially an Text box. “CRB Received” field should be labeled. Ensure that “CRB Received” label and field should be aligned. Ensure that label should be clearly visible. Ensure that CRB Received is essentially an Date Picker.

Testing results  Pass/Fail 


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