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  • December 2019
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Weirdness: Buckler’s Wand of Weirdness is a strange and unpredictable artifact that randomly generates any number of weird effects each time it is used. (Activating the rod is a standard action.) Typical powers of the rod include the following. Note, with any casting, there is a 20% chance of the effect backfiring on the wielder. Buckler’s wand of weirdness can be used 5 times per day. In a GURPS universe, the wand itself is a mana enhancer, and can function under any circumstances, even a negative mana world or in the presence of a mana dampener. However, this does not necessarily mean that random, wild waving of the wand produces any effects. It must be waved in a purposeful and artistic manner such as that recognized by (for example) a magician, band conductor, painter, or caligrapher. Note: This does not mean that the wand cannot be set off accidentally. If you deliberately poke someone with it, for example, there is a 50% chance it will go off. If you use it to write in the dirt, or start using it as a drumstick, there is a 25% chance it will go off with each letter written or hit to the drum. An act of will on the part of the user increases the chance that it will go off. Anyone can use Buckler’s wand of weirdness. d% 01-02 03 04–05 06-07 08–09 10-11 12-13 14–15 16-17 18-19 20-21

22-23 24–25 26–27

28-29 30-31

32–33 34–35 36-37 38-39 40-41 42–43 44 45-46

Weird/Wondrous Effect Goodberry: 2d4 berries each cure 1hp (max 8hp/24 hours) Random major image: DM’s discretion designed to cause the most chaos among party (Will DC 25 to disbelieve) Slow creature pointed at for 10 rounds (Will DC 15 negates). Good Hope: Wand’s target (whether friendly or hostile) gains +2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks Faerie fire surrounds the target. (25% chance of improved faerie fire) Summons a tempter devil to haunt the wielder or one of his friends. (30% chance to summon a succubus or lillithu). Animate objects: animates nearest 10 objects to attack whoever happens to be closest to them. Animated objects last 24 hours. Deludes wielder for 1 round into believing the rod functions as indicated by a second die roll (no save). Pass without trace: all party members leave no tracks. Summons sentient bowl of petunias from the plane of D.A. (the bowl of petunias casts as a blind third lvl sorcerer). Random Mass contagion (Fortitude DC 19 negates). As contagion, except that it affects one creature per two caster levels, no two of which can be more than 30 feet apart. A ranged touch attack is required against each creature. The disease acquired is random. This effect targets the individuals nearest to the wielder first, regardless of whether or not they are allies. The wielder himself is not affected (unless the rod backfires, of course). Irresistible dance cast on target (no save). Wielder learns target’s surface thoughts (as with detect thoughts) for 1d4 rounds (no save). Zone of peace 1 hour 60 foot radius (120 ft diameter). When this is set up, anyone entering the zone is compelled to proclaim whether he will respect the truce of the zone, this declaration is a free action. If he aggress to honor the truce, he is protected by a sanctuary spell until he leaves the zone. While in the zone, everyone must make a will save (DC 20) to make any attack (even in response to another’s attacks on him) within the zone, and suffers 6d8 points of divine damage even is he successfully makes his save. He loses his sanctuary when he attempts to commit an act that violates the zone, but must still continue to make saving throws when he attempts to commit further acts of violence. Loki’s Veil: changes the appearance of the party to match that of a notorious local group of brigands/bandits/toughs, etc that is wanted with a high reward offered. Transformation is total (sound, feel, smell, etc), completely convincing to any observer, and lasts for one week. (no save) Flash flood: causes a nearby flash flood at random origin and distance. 30% chance that the flood will be centered on the rod’s wielder (this chance varies based on the local topography). The strength of the flood is enough to uproot small trees, collapse decent sized houses, and generally cause havoc (especially in an urban setting). Duration of 5 minutes. Wall of water moves at around 50-70 kilometers per hour. This can be dangerous. Heavy rain falls for 1 round in 60-ft. radius centered on rod wielder. Summon an animal—a hippo (01–25 on d%), large monstrous scorpion (26–50), mouse (51–70), Auroch (70-90), or phoenix (91-100). 33% chance summoned creature will attack the wand’s wielder rather than obey him/her. Note: if a phoenix is summoned, it is never subject to the wielder’s command (but is not hostile either). Locate object: gives the target or caster (50/50 chance) the precise location of the most valuable object in a 10 mile radius, though not identity of the item itself. Contingent curse on the target (based on, and appropriate to, the target’s flaw). Will save DC 18 to avoid. Impersonal version of “commune” with one yes or no question: e.g. “Welcome to the Olympus hotline. We appreciate your patronage. For a list of questions frequently asked of Zeus, say ‘1’…” Lightning bolt (70 ft. long, 5 ft. wide), 6d6 damage (Reflex DC 15 half). Gargantuan vermin: turns nearest insect into an indiscriminately irate gargantuan vermin (DM can improvise stats if necessary). Change weather: immediately begins to change the local whether (10 mile radius) into something completely

47 48–49 50-51 52–53 54-55 56–57 58-59 60–61 62-63 64–65 66–67 68-69

70-71 72-73

74-75 76–77 78 79-80 81-82 83–84 85-86 87-88 89–90 91–92 93-95 96–97 98–100

opposite of that which would be expected for the area (e.g. starts snowing in Cairo, Egypt). Changes last for 24 hours. Antimagic field: 30ft radius centered on wand’s wielder. No magic works within this field. This field also suppresses the wand’s properties. Cloud of gnats pours forth and flutters around for 2 rounds, blinding everyone (including wielder) within 25 ft. (Reflex DC 14 negates). Improved mass owl’s wisdom: owl’s wisdom on everyone in a 60ft radius. Lasts 4 min. Enlarge person if within 60 ft. of rod (Fortitude DC 13 negates). Animal shapes: allies polymorph into random 14-20HD animals (Fort DC 25 to resist, can fail voluntarily). Change lasts for 1 week. Deeper Darkness, 30-ft.-diameter hemisphere, centered 30 ft. away in direct line from rod. Shatters all glass/crystal/things-of-that-nature within 15ft radius. Magic items get a Fort save (DC 14) Wheat grows in 160-sq.-ft. area before the rod, or grass existing there grows to ten times normal height. This provides cover in the same way that obscuring mist does. Cause Fear: One creature (nearest) of 5 HD or less flees for 1d4 rounds (no save). Fertile womb on nearest woman (fort save 17 to avoid). Random affliction on Buckler’s Wand of Weirdness wielder (no save). Repel metal/stone. Repels Metal and stone from the target with a force equal to target’s mass multiplied by gravity. Therefore, if the weight of the stone/metal being repelled from the target is actually greater than that of the target, then it is the target that is repelled from the stone/metal. Normally irritating, this can be deadly if the target is, for instance, rock climbing 300 feet above the valley floor. Spike stones: on all ground in a 50ft radius from the wielder (including the wielder’s square). Magnificent tent. Like magical mansion, except that the dwelling conjured is a tent, with clean but simple chambers formed by numerous cloth dividers. The place is furnished with simple furnishings, and contains sufficient foodstuffs to serve a hardy but simple meal to three people per caster level. The house is served by two unseen servants (who remain invisible at all times) who obey the caster to the best of their ability). Duration: 1 day per level. Prismatic Spray from the tip of the wand. Fireball at target or 100 ft. straight ahead, 6d6 damage (Reflex DC 15 half). Creates door to the underworld. Bless you back to the stone age: wielder and everyone within 50 feet are deluged in holy water, equivalent of 20 flasks on each person. And yes, this does mean 20 flasks worth of dmg to undead. Command plants on target (or the plants nearest the target), as cast by a 15th lvl ranger. 50% chance Invisibility covers rod wielder. 50% chance it covers the target. Whispering wind brings one random person within 20ft (the wielder is included in this potential pool) a piece of information that is very useful to them. Note, this does not include predicting the future (such as giving them the winning lottery number). 25 gallons of beer pour in a torrent from the tip of the rod. Cramps for 1d6 rounds (random roll to see who within 60 feet gets them). Every action attempted requires a fort save (DC 16) if fails, takes 1d10+10 dmg and does not act. If successful, victim takes half dmg and acts. If the action was casting a spell, the victim loses the spell whether he fails or makes his save. Shimmering colors dance and play over a 40-ft.-by-30-ft. area in front of rod. Creatures therein are blinded for 1d6 rounds (Fortitude DC 15 negates). Massive Lightening Bolt from the tip of the wand. 15d6 dmg. Reflex save DC 20 Wielder (25% chance) or target (75% chance) turns into the opposite gender (no save). They keep their wis and int, but must reroll (best 3 out of 4d6) cha (with a +2 mod if the change is to female, -2 if the change is to male), and str and con (with a –1 mod if the change is to female, +1 if to male), and dex (+1 if to female, -1 if to male). Flesh to salt (or stone to flesh if target is stone already) if target is within 60 ft. (Fortitude DC 22 negates).

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