Test Management Plan Ver 9_v2

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Espire Infolabs Private Limited Software Division

BizAgi_DotNet_Ver. 9_Testing Performance Test Plan Reference No.: ESPIRE/BizAgi/ BizAgi_DotNet_Ver. 9_TP Version: 2.0

May 08, 2007 Restricted

A-41 Mohan Co-op. Estate, Mathura Road, New Delhi-44, INDIA This document contains proprietary information of ESPIRE and is tendered subject to the condition that the information be retained in confidence.

Espire Infolabs Private Limited Software Division

BizAgi_DotNet_Ver. 9_Testing Performance Test Plan

Reference No. Document Name

Document Control ESPIRE/BizAgi/ BizAgi_DotNet_Ver. 9_TP Test Plan

Version No.


Document Status


Issue Date

May 08, 2007

Compliance Status


Review Period

One year from the date of release or earlier if required

Security Classification Restricted Distribution

Client, Project Team, Top Management

Authored by

Name Surinder S Grover

Role Test Manager

Reviewed by

Arvind Sinha

Software Head

Approved by

Arvind Sinha

Software Head

Released by

Lalit Sharma

Configuration Manager

Version 1.0 2.0


Document Revision History Release Date Change Description April 11, 2007 First definitive version. May 08, 2007 Additional scope of work incorporated

ESPIRE/BizAgi/ BizAgi_DotNet_Ver. 9_TP_v2.0 Page 3 Restricted

May 08, 2007

Espire Infolabs Private Limited Software Division

BizAgi_DotNet_Ver. 9_Testing Performance Test Plan

CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................5 2 OBJECTIVE....................................................................................................................5 3 SCOPE..............................................................................................................................5 4 LOAD TEST PREREQUISITES...................................................................................5 5 STAKEHOLDERS..........................................................................................................5 6 TESTING DEFINITIONS..............................................................................................5 6.1.1 Performance Testing: .........................................................................................5 6.1.2 Load Testing: ......................................................................................................6 6.1.3 Stress Testing: ....................................................................................................6 7 TEST ITEMS...................................................................................................................6 7.1 FEATURES / COMPONENTS TO BE TESTED.............................................................................6 7.2 PERFORMANCE COMPARISONS BIZAGI VERSION 9 (1 SERVER) VERSUS (2 SERVERS):...............6 7.3 FEATURES NOT TO BE TESTED............................................................................................7 7.4 TEST ENVIRONMENT [MACHINE CONFIGURATION AND CONDITIONS] ......................................7 8 TEST STRATEGY..........................................................................................................7 8.1 APPROACH.....................................................................................................................7 8.2 TEST MEASUREMENTS.....................................................................................................8 8.3 PASS / FAIL CRITERIA .....................................................................................................8 8.4 EXIT CRITERIA...............................................................................................................8 8.5 PERFORMANCE TEST PROCEDURE......................................................................................8 8.6 DELIVERABLES...............................................................................................................9 8.7 TEST ACTIVITY TRACKING.............................................................................................10 8.8 DEPENDENCIES & CONSTRAINTS.....................................................................................10 9 TEST RISK MANAGEMENT.....................................................................................11 10 ANNEXURE-1: WEEKLY STATUS REPORT........................................................12

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May 08, 2007

Espire Infolabs Private Limited Software Division


BizAgi_DotNet_Ver. 9_Testing Performance Test Plan

Introduction Biz Agi, Columbia has a product called BizAgi, which is used to create customized Business Process Management applications. Espire has been given the task of doing performance testing the “Consumer Loan Request” process of Personal Loan Application created on BizAgi Dot Net version 9. This testing will be an automated testing using Load Runner testing tool.


Objective The objective of this document is to provide an outline about the test plan which is to be used for the project.


Scope The scope of the document covers performance testing the “Consumer Loan Request” process of “Personal Loan application” created on Biz Agi Dot Net version 9 provided by Biz Agi, Columbia.


Load Test Prerequisites • • • • •


Assumptions, if any. QA & Load Test Environment setup Availability of Application on QA/Test environment. Known Issues/Defects, if any. Dependencies, if any.

Stakeholders Stakeholders Biz Agi, Columbia

Project Team

Espire Management


• • • • • •

Roles & Responsibility Carlos Marlon Coral O –Review/Approve Document Jesus Sanchez - Approve Document Surinder S Grover – Author Rajeev Singh – Tester/Configuration Manager Lalit Sharma - Tester Arvind Sinha - Approve Document

Testing Definitions


Performance Testing: Performance testing stresses the application’s processing capability and compliance with performance criteria under specific transaction requests and business functions loads.

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May 08, 2007

Espire Infolabs Private Limited Software Division

• •

BizAgi_DotNet_Ver. 9_Testing Performance Test Plan

Transaction requests and business functions are increased, held constant and decreased in defined steps. Frequency of Load is modified, while the processing time and the stability of the system are monitored and recorded.

Performance testing should: • Identifying potential bottlenecks of the system that decrease the overall system performance and prevent the application from functioning as intended. 6.1.2

Load Testing: Load Tests are "user-centric", based on response times. Therefore tests using realworld user wait-times or think times are run. Methodology: • Estimated frequency of each transaction. • Estimated user wait-time for each screen.


Stress Testing: A stress test is an attempt to find bugs. The server/application is stressed in order to make it fail. The following are observed: • Memory leaks • Race/deadlock conditions ( to be user specified ) Methodology: • Perform the Load test, but without any user wait-time, because the focus is "server centric" and not client-centric.


Test Items The “Consumer Loan Request” process of “Personal Loan application” created on Biz Agi Dot Net version 9, provided by Biz Agi, Columbia. Application will also be provided by client.


Features / Components to be tested • • • • •


Application Download Navigation process time between home page and different sections of the application Created script build on Home page display and evaluated performance. Transaction Time of overall site performance Transaction response time for application

Performance Comparisons BizAgi Version 9 (1 Server) versus (2 Servers): In above mentioned testing requirement, both Application Server & Database server are installed on single machine. As per client’s request on successful completion of

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May 08, 2007

Espire Infolabs Private Limited Software Division

BizAgi_DotNet_Ver. 9_Testing Performance Test Plan

performance testing of BizAgi Version 9, Espire will perform another testing by making Application server & Database server work on different machines. Hence comparison reports will be prepared based on- Analysis Reports generated when Application Server & Database servers is one (i.e. 1 Server) VERSUS Analysis Reports generated while Application Server & Database Servers are different (i.e. 2 Servers) for BizAgi (version 9). Perquisites for carrying above Comparison activity: • Start of above assignment, only after successful completion/signoff of ongoing assignment • The above comparison will be considered as separate assignment • Separate schedule will be prepared, agreed and adhered to, for assignment mentioned in section 7.2 • Server configurations, if different from below mentioned server configuration (refer section 7.4) will be provided by BizAgi 7.3

Features not to be tested •


Test Environment [Machine Configuration and Conditions] • • • • • • • • • • • • •

8 8.1

Functional testing of the application is not within scope of the plan.

Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition Service Pack 1 (build 3790) 1.60 gigahertz Intel Pentium 4 8 kilobyte primary memory cache 256 kilobyte secondary memory cache 1 GB RAM Board: Intel Corporation D845GVAD2 AAC18934-106 Serial Number: ABAD33532601 Bus Clock: 100 megahertz BIOS: Intel Corp. LY84510A.86A.0032.P12.0302191814 02/19/2003 40.05 Gigabytes Usable Hard Drive Capacity 32.70 Gigabytes Hard Drive Free Space Microsoft Corporation - Internet Information Services Version 6.0.3790.1830 The performance testing is going to be carried out on the evaluation version of Load Runner 8.0. This can only simulate test load for 10 concurrent users at a time. Moreover, this trial version is for a period of 10 days only after which it will have to be re installed on a different machine. This will require additional effort every 10 days.

Test Strategy Approach Load Runner will be used to record following scenarios: • Application Download

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May 08, 2007

Espire Infolabs Private Limited Software Division

• • • • 8.2

Navigation process time between home page and different modules of the application Created script build on Home page display and evaluated performance Transaction Time of overall site performance Transaction response time for application

Test Measurements • • • • • •


BizAgi_DotNet_Ver. 9_Testing Performance Test Plan

Average Transaction response time Hits/ Seconds Throughput Validating Number of Pass / Failed transaction Total number of transactions passed per second Error Statistics

Pass / Fail criteria As there are no specific criteria provided by Client these criterions are taken from industry’s best practices/standards: • Log an error for any page taking more than 30 sec to load in the browser. • 99% Transactions should be passed


Exit Criteria • • •


The Performance testing is performed and the results are compiled. The Reliability testing is performed and the results are compiled. In case of any exceptions, approval from the application stakeholders is required before release to production is carried out

Performance Test Procedure


Test Planning and Execution Task Name Resources Dependencies/Remarks (On T&M Basis) Critical Scenario Client to give signoff on the • Rajeev Singh Identification scenarios • Lalit Sharma


Load script development

Task ID

• •

Rajeev Singh Lalit Sharma

Dependent on server configurations (Database and Automation Tool) Dependent on server configurations (Database and Automation Tool)

Load test • Rajeev Singh 3 execution and • Lalit Sharma Script Rework (if required) Load Testing Appropriate documentation • Rajeev Singh 4 Analysis Report depending on time • Lalit Sharma preparation availability would be shared Review and Sign here Off * Reinstallation of Load Runner on new PC after every 10 days. ESPIRE/BizAgi/ BizAgi_DotNet_Ver. 9_TP_v2.0 Page 8 Restricted

May 08, 2007

Espire Infolabs Private Limited Software Division

BizAgi_DotNet_Ver. 9_Testing Performance Test Plan

Apart from above mentioned resources Surinder S Grover (Test Manger) will be first point of contact from Espire. He will be doing continuous monitoring and review of the activities being performed. He will be involved in preparation and maintenance of all the project schedules and provide project related updates on regular basis to Bizagi. 8.6

Deliverables After each load test execution, a Test Analysis Report will be generated and stored alongside the scenario and its results. The Report would include the following: a) Load Test summary b) Average Transactions Response Time c) Hits Per Second (wherever applicable) d) Throughput e) Total Number of Transactions (with different number of users -2/5/10 for different bandwidths – 128/512 & Max). f) Error Statistics (provided only if errors are found during testing) g) Scripts generated by Load runner. h) Graphs (Transaction Summary, Hits Per Second/Throughput, Page Download/Second, Download Component size, HTTP Response /Second (wherever required), etc.) i) Conclusion for each Analysis Report j) Comparison to be prepared on Analysis Reports prepared for (Bizagi version and the new reports to be prepared for (Bizagi version 9) – This comparison will be just for similar scenario’s in both the versions only (17 identified) NOTE: As agreed by client in the mail dated 03 May, 07  MAX bandwidth will be only used for all the scenarios left as on 03rd May, 07 left (13 scenarios), refer Section 8.6 (e)  NEW CASE scenario will be executed for 1 hour time limit with MAX bandwidth only, whereas all the remaining scenarios will be executed for default time limit with MAX bandwidth  Espire shall give Comparisons of Analysis Reports of Version & Version 9 for MAX bandwidth only & users as 2, 5 & 10, instead of complete one to one comparison as decided earlier before the start of testing of Version 9. Refer Section 8.6 (j) Deliverables for comparing Analysis Reports (1 Server) VS Analysis Reports (2 Servers on BizAgi version 9: a) Load Test summary b) Average Transactions Response Time c) Hits Per Second (wherever applicable) d) Throughput e) Total Number of Transactions (with different number of users -2/5/10 for MAX bandwidth only f) Error Statistics (provided only if errors are found during testing) g) Scripts generated by Load runner.

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May 08, 2007

Espire Infolabs Private Limited Software Division

BizAgi_DotNet_Ver. 9_Testing Performance Test Plan

h) Graphs (Transaction Summary, Hits Per Second/Throughput, Page Download/Second, Download Component size, HTTP Response /Second (wherever required), etc.) i) Conclusion for each Analysis Report j) Espire shall give Comparisons of Analysis Reports of Version 9 (1 SERVER) & Version 9 (2 SERVERS) for MAX bandwidth only & users as 2, 5 & 10 8.7

Test Activity Tracking A Weekly Status Report (WSR) will be sent by Espire to the Client which will list the details of tasks carried out together with pending activities. Please refer to the Annexure-1 for template of WST.


Dependencies & Constraints • • •

Proper Installation and configuration of application and software which is to be provided by Client Testers will go through the relevant document (FS/TS etc.) to gain the knowledge of the application to be tested. In case any specific knowledge about the software will be required, then the same would be provided by BizAgi.

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May 08, 2007

Espire Infolabs Private Limited Software Division


BizAgi_DotNet_Ver. 9_Testing Performance Test Plan

Test Risk Management S No.


2 3 4

5 6

Risk Description

Risk Complexity

Change in NonFunctionality related to High Performance (Includes Addition and Deletion) Change in Critical Scenarios (Includes High Addition and Deletion) Change in parameters of High Analysis Reports Functional Bugs or Show stoppers during Execution Code change during Scripting Code change during Execution


Mitigation Plan

Changes would undergo impact analysis to come out with new estimation plan Changes would undergo impact analysis to come out with new estimation plan Changes would undergo impact analysis to come out with new estimation plan All the bugs found in SIT and UAT should be fixed and tested by the client before performance testing can be done. Code Freeze

High Code Freeze High

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May 08, 2007

Espire Infolabs Private Limited Software Division

BizAgi_DotNet_Ver. 9_Testing Performance Test Plan

10 Annexure-1: Weekly Status Report To:

Week Start:


Week End:

From: Espire India

Report Date:



Pending TaskNew Tasks inTotal Total Tasks Availability / Out Of Office / Leave Plan from Previousthe week Assigned Completed Pending Weeks Tasks Tasks

o Total Man days on T&M:

Sl#Task Details


Expected Completion

Issues Issue

Date Raised

Date Closed

Responsibi lity


Date Closed

Dependenc y


Risks Risks Identified


Date Identified

ESPIRE’s Holiday Schedule – 2007 Sl#



1 2 3 4 5 6 7

New Year's Day Republic Day Independence Day Raksha Bandhan Gandhi Jayanti Diwali Christmas Day

(Mon) (Fri ) (Wed) (Tue) (Tue) (Fri) (Tue)

01-Jan-07 26-Jan-07 15-Aug-07 28-Aug-07 02-Oct-07 09-Nov-07 25-Dec-07

BizAgi (Columbia) Holiday Schedule – 2007 Sl#


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May 08, 2007

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