Test 3 Study Guide

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HIST 1493 Guide for Test 3 Norton, Chapters 24-28 Oates, VII-XI (pages 151-305) Lectures 50 of these questions will appear on the test... 1. About how many European lives were lost during World War One? 2. What was the biggest economic problem for the nations of Eastern Europe after World War One? 3. To which of the following nations did the Allies owe the greatest debt after World War One? 4. What were the reasons American financial experts favored lending massive international loans? 5. Which body performed the executive function in the League of Nations? 6. The Locarno Pacts grew out of ________ fear that Germany would rise in belligerence again. 7. What did Article III of the Covenant of the League declare was an important goal of the League of Nations? 8. What was the focus of the Washington Conference? 9. What were the consequences of the Locarno Pacts?? 10. What nation most greatly hindered attempts at disarmament by the League of Nations? 11. What were the causes of the Great Depression? 12. The “Bonus Army” marched on Washington, D.C., to pressure Congress to... 13. How did Herbert Hoover believe that the economy could be revived? 14. Why did topsoil turn to a fine layer of infertile dust in the Dust Bowl region of the United States? 15. Franklin Delano Roosevelt won a landslide victory in 1932 because Americans 16. What prompted the 1919–1920 Red Scare in the United States? 17. The Eighteenth Amendment --18. In what year were were women first allowed to vote in a U.S. federal election? 19. What did the Immigration Act of 1924 do? 20. The Scopes "Monkey Trial" illustrated the heated debate between... 21. What caused the so-called Roosevelt Recession of 1937? 22. What did the 1939 Hatch Act do?

23. The Five-Power Naval Treaty of 1922 reflected... 24. The Dawes Plan... 25. Why did more and more Americans move out of the cities and into the suburbs in the 1920s? 26. Warren G. Harding’s administration and personal reputation were tainted by 27. The Twenty-First Amendment... 28. What did the Fordney-McCumber Tariff do? 29. The tax on foreign goods under the SmootHawley Tariff of 1930 30. Attacks from critics such as Huey P. Long and Father Charles Coughlin were partly responsible for... 31. To which act was the Wagner Act most similar? 32. One unintended consequence of Prohibition was... 33. What did Hoover’s Reconstruction Finance Corporation do? 34. The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 replaced... 35. What did the Fair Labor Standards Act do? 36. The Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act subsidized farmers to... 37. Economist John Maynard Keynes believed that depressed economies could be jump-started by... 38. Most New Deal legislation in the First Hundred Days was passed to... 39. Hoover’s attempts to end the depression differed from Roosevelt’s methods in that... 40. How did the New Deal assist farmers? 41. What were the consequences of the Tennessee Valley Authority? 42. Congress passed or created all of the following in 1933 as part of the First New Deal the following.... 43. Roosevelt reformed the banking and financial sectors of the economy by... 44. Why did many Americans criticize the Agricultural Adjustment Administration? 45. Buying stocks “on margin” refers to the practice of... 46. What did the Glass-Steagall Act do? 47. The Sacco-Vanzetti trial demonstrated... 48. What were the factors which contributed to the demise of the New Deal? 49. What did Roosevelt’s “fireside chats” do?

50. What were the components of the Second New Deal? 51. What was an effect of the Roosevelt Recession? 52. In the Four-Power Treaty of 1922, France, Britain, and the United States agreed... 53. Which event is generally considered to be the first belligerent act of World War II? 54. Which two countries were the first to declare war on Germany? 55. Against which country did the Soviet Union instigate an armed conflict in late 1939? 56. What were the first two western European countries that Germany invaded? 57. What best describes Germany’s standard invasion strategy at the beginning of World War II? 58. What major mistake did the Allies make in preparing to defend against Germany’s attack on France? 59. What happened at Dunkirk in May 1940? 60. Where was the French surrender to Germany signed? 61. Why did the British Royal Navy attack French warships at Mers-el-Kebir? 62. What was Germany’s initial strategy for conquering Britain? 63. What was the “London Blitz”? 64. Overall, the Battle of Britain is considered to be... 65. What was Italy’s primary role in the war? 66. What was Hitler’s primary justification for invading Russia? 67. What was the code name given to Germany’s plan to invade the USSR? 68. What happened to the Soviet air force during the opening days of the German invasion? 69. Which of the following was not a part of the Soviet defense plan against Germany? 70. On which region of the Soviet Union did Hitler place the highest priority? 71. Via what route did Russians manage to send some supplies to Leningrad during the German siege of the city? 72. Which country was the site of most of the Nazi extermination camps? 73. How did the Western Allies respond to Germany’s invasion of Russia? 74. What Japanese action created tension with the United States?

75. What U.S. action created tension with Japan? 76. Who was the Japanese admiral behind the Pearl Harbor attack? 77. What are the facts about the Pearl Harbor attack? 78. What was unique about the Doolittle Raid? 79. Which battle is considered to be the turning point for the war in the Pacific? 80. The Battle of the Coral Sea was a unique naval battle in that 81. During the Battle of Midway, Japan lost... 82. The Battle of Stalingrad was 83. Who met at Casablanca? 84. What was the focus of the Tehran Conference? 85. What was the significance of Guadalcanal to Japan? 86. Why was the Japanese capture of Rangoon such a bitter loss for the Allies? 87. What best characterizes the series of battles in the Pacific following the Battle of Guadalcanal? 88. What was the significance of Mt. Suribachi? 89. Which country instigated the conflict in North Africa? 90. Why did Allied forces invade Italy after it had already surrendered? 91. What was Monte Cassino? 92. The Battle of Kursk is best described as 93. After the Battle of Kursk, German forces 94. What was the code name for the Allied invasion of Europe? 95. The Allied invasion of Europe was primarily directed at 96. What was the location of the second major Allied assault into Europe in1945? 97. Why was the Luftwaffe so ineffective during the last part of the war? 98. Where did the Battle of the Bulge take place? 99. What were the V1 and V2? 100. Which Allied country’s forces arrived in Berlin first? 101. In the last six months of the war, what was the U.S. strategy for winning the conflict with Japan? 102. At what conference did the Allies set the terms for the Japanese surrender? 103. Joseph McCarthy’s political influence waned after...

104. In both the 1950s and 1960s, national income approximately 105. What did the G.I. Bill do? 106. America’s postwar economic prosperity was the result of ... 107. Truman fired General MacArthur for... 108. What was the Marshall Plan intended to do? 109. Why did Truman ignore his advisors and officially recognize Israel as a new and independent nation in 1948? 110. The imaginary line of secrecy and mistrust that separated the USSR and Eastern Europe from the West was known as... 111. The United States and the USSR distrusted each other after World War II for the following reasons... 112. How did the Taft-Hartley Act hurt organized labor? 113. In which U.S. presidential election did television first play a major role? 114. Kennedy’s doctrine of “flexible response”... 115. At which parallel did delegates at the Geneva Conference divide North and South Vietnam? 116. The Soviet Union’s brutal response to the 1956 Hungarian Revolution demonstrated the ineffectiveness of the U.S. strategy of 117. The CIA orchestrated a coup against the government of Iran and restored the pro-American ruler in 1953 because of... 118. Why did Great Britain, France, and Israel launch a surprise attack on Egypt in 1956? 119. Eisenhower cut many federally funded government programs in order to curb what he called 120. The fall of the French garrison at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 prompted... 121. The United States tried unsuccessfully to unite pro-U.S. Southeast Asia together under what treaty organization? 122. Which Kennedy initiative hoped to thwart Communist insurgents in Latin America by reducing income inequality in the region? 123. What were the consequences of the Cuban missile crisis? 124. The United States and the USSR came closest to nuclear war during ... 125. What did Kennedy’s New Frontier program seek to do?

126. The belief that the United States had to prevent the USSR from expanding and Communism from spreading was known as... 127. In which country or countries was the Truman Doctrine first put to the test in 1947? 128. Why did the USSR vehemently oppose the Marshall Plan? 129. NSC-68 proposed that the U.S. government should... 130. Why did Truman veto the McCarran Internal Security Bill? 131. What did Republicans in the House of Representatives create in order to hunt for Communist spies? 132. Future president Richard Nixon became nationally prominent in the late1940s when he... 133. The Red hunt and McCarthyism in the early 1950s were prompted by ... 134. Why was NATO created? 135. The Warsaw Pact was signed... 136. What did the National Security Act of 1947 do? 137. Who said, “It must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures”? 138. The Soviet satellite Sputnik I scared Americans because they feared that the USSR... 139. What incident ruined the 1960 Paris summit between Eisenhower and Khrushchev? 140. The collapse of Ngo Dinh Diem’s regime in South Vietnam prompted Kennedy to... 141. The leader of nationalist, Communist forces in Vietnam in the 1950s was 142. The Eisenhower Doctrine was aimed at bolstering key nations from Communist insurgents in... 143. What did the Eisenhower Doctrine demonstrate? 144. Why did Great Britain and France halt their attack on Egypt in 1956? 145. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg... 146. Truman’s liberal domestic policies were collectively known as the... 147. Along with the United States and Great Britain, which nations were given permanent seats on the powerful United Nations Security Council? 148. Who constituted the bulk of the Bay of Pigs invasion force?

149. Cuban leader Fidel Castro allowed the USSR to place nuclear missiles in Cuba after... 150. The Cold War was fought between the United States and... We will also have 5 multiple choice questions over assigned readings in Oates. Essay Questions (three out of these five will appear on the test) 1. In your opinion, was Roosevelt’s New Deal a success or a failure? Give your reasons. 2. Which had greater immediate effect on the American economy, the First New Deal or the Second New Deal? Which had greater long-term significance after the end of the Great Depression? 3. Discuss the issues surrounding the United States’ decision to use atomic bombs against Japan. What motives were behind this action, and what arguments have been made against it? 4. Explain how the situation in Europe immediately following the fall of Germany led directly to the Cold War. In your opinion, should the Western Allies have acted to oppose Soviet domination of Eastern Europe? 5. Why has the Korean War often been called America’s “forgotten war”? What purpose did the war serve, and what impact did it have?

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