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{1r1uenb c euole

c {lasuep c perrnb>e c 6ur:npur o saurl c uolstl o an6uol G

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s s s

poued V8 plro^ VL ,{1gue1srp V9

poro^o)stp g

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]!r.u!l ptatJ {;aso;:

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a.lrnbua )

]!pne g a)eJ I

Jeo )

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V€ JOltuotu VZ e{a VL

'enanbeql dunf ue) ',ltxalg,se q)ns ,splo^ euos ,urs1a6 lnq 1r .asryadxeJo......'.(Z) (8)alqeuosealeJa^opasnuaoqa^eqlsnurplo^ nnauer{g;ens1 le;n:tyed e ;o abenbueloq] Jo yed ,{es'sl }l Jl q6noue}ou st asn {:uenbelJ,oslv .fteuorprpeql ur o6 ;o ue) ]laloJaqeldoedJosassel)pue sa6e]uaioJJrp {q pasn'""" (9) sr plom e }eq} paqsrlqe}so aq }snu }l


.auo au e "" " (S)ro bulueetulreql pa6ueq)a^eqfueuorprpaq1ur{peerlespro^ Jraoso} 6ur1:eqrse lla1nse 'aoesn;e:rd{1' "" (?) pue ueou {aqi leqm 6urpuelsrepun'sproan '... ..(E) rno)ssro}rpl nnauroJ 6ur1oo1 'uoq] osn{eql nnoqpue asna;doadsproMqrlqm """" (Z){1;n;elet {aq1 .siededsnneu e sautze6eu; 's)ooqJo sporpunq6urpee;se llamse ']aollsor.l]uo se6esnnnauloJ punor6oq] o] ........ (r,) (u)e6urdealsa^lo^ut]l 'slq]ssasse o] )rorlnpreq pue aurlJo ]ol e sa)el 1r1ng.a6esn:srrannsue 1:rnb aql ifueuot})lp aq] olut ]46 o] a^rasapsplom rlnauqlrLlnn""' ' (O)seueuor]lrpgo sra;rduuor eq] op n1oH

soueuo!l)!o o csv ]do


eln6r; )



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'(O)buruur6eq eql lp a;dulexe ue st sloLlJ'deb qceeslu lsoq (o .ro'c 'g oy)lernsueqcrLl^oprcoppue oloq xal oql peel ,g-1 suorlsenbrog ^

tci €' ].nu,{-$ gg * n* q


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Paper 'l Re a d in g a n d Us e o f € r " lg lis h

re rs an


olsqtcr< 9-16. read the text below and think of the word whichbestfits eachgap. Useonly one word in eachgap.

s a- ::r.a"nple at the beginning(0). il{rrirlr 3--


ary?The I a(n ) ;azi n easn d ricalusage, a new

: -:':'experiencedoneof (0).... ..LU.q5F.........,youareinaminority,becausetheyaffect98% : - :: :'r. Also known (9) .... ........'brainworms', they are thosecatchytunesyou can't .....out of your head- likethe catchytune by KylieMinogue.Another(1.1) * : - : : : - rs'stucksongsyndrome',which betterdescribes it, if (12) poetically. 'frrPri e r

".tur " l'"

-: j :-:'.vn that it affectsmen and women with equalfrequency, but that in women it lasts . . . ...'andthey find it moreannoying.Most earworms- about 75% - are causedby songs :- -::'-mental music(14).. .... muchlesseffect.

re rt can l rticular ime before

. - : :s';chologists havebeenworkingon this problem,but so far all we haveis a description of the : cure(15)............. it. So,if you find you havea banaltunerepeatingin your head, s to distract(16) ..........

... with a mildlydifficulttasksuchas doinga crossword.

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'outo)oI slea^ut auot6^q (y7)reqynl eq lelo ut ....... (€Z) lqnop ou llr^ araql'{epo} asnsnJo }sotuaqn}....' aq] ut olqeltene aue)aq ll Z6gLur lnq lef e ut oue) 1sl; alsedaq1 'xtul aq] o] pappese^^ ,eurra:{;6 urnrluorls (77)a:npat o] pue burppe{q alsedolur apeu olaM slapnnod 1eq1fin1ue:Ll]61aq] ltlun ],useMl! ,lleJ ul 'euols]utg palapnod pue {auoq ,asuafut,sr.r6lp;en pa}stsuo)q)lqm Jo """'Ud qlaal aq] ol adr:ale q]!/\^dn eue: pue srapnnod ur sa^rserqe preq 6ursnlsure6ealdoadpoureMsuersJod aLl]ralel ' ql eal q aq]


lwn s l u d DNUISNI oAI ) N IHI

(O Z )o l 6 u unoneg pue ' sl l oqsl al s{ o paqsn;) se q)ns sontserqe

burppe{q elsedqloolI;tea stq}uo penordrur sueutoupue qaalg aLll 's:e6ur;or.llrlllm Lllaa] . orl] oluo paqqnrse^^lt (6t) lserlrluenb leq^^ul pue - sllaqs-66aperepnnod pue qilru 'sa^ooqxo paropMod- sluarpa.rour eq1nnoul ........(gL)ou aM'l!{ldde olnnoq uo }Jollnq repnnodq}oo}roJ sadoerga; suerld{61}uat)ueaql aa}sedq}oo} pue saqsnlqoroJaqop .. a;doadplp ]eqan]nq 'arourro,(ep e........... (tt) qsnrqsn Jo ]sol4 ']l op o] {ennlseq all} se elsedqloolpue sallsnrq]e pa^urea^ orl ot.........jijdnbA1........tOl , ^ anr6renesn Jo aJ pue aurlnor{;reprno;o yed sr q}aa}rno 6uruea;3 ^






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0 :eldurex3

'SHgIIgl TVIIdVC Nl srar sue;no{ e1u6 '(g) 6uruutbeqoql le eqdurexa ue st erall1'au!laues aqt u! de6 oql ul sllJ pro^ e turol ol soull aql lo auos lo pue eq11esleltdecut splom aLllosn 'Molaq Uol aql pees,tr7-25suorlsenblo3

r{s!!6rr3 sCIasf-} pLre 6 u ; p e a g

L roded

Paper 1 Reading

rforma word

and Use of English

F3{). completelhe secondsentenceso that it has a similarmeaningto the first sentence,using the Cb nd changethe word given. You must use betweenthree and six words, includinglhe word given. rn aa-pe (0).

'llllllihal as =rr each other five yearsago.




ErT're ftihedwith the words 'haven'lseen each otherfor', so you write:

.-:.:N FIINK


ltc nssing words lN CAPITALLETTERS.


llllllllh : car even though he doesn't have a driving licence. -rl'Tnlryry EIIIIIE ffin uq,!q!*r: car ...

a driving licence.

IESUME l1lrruffi finrr : €quest by email, but I haven't receivedan answer yet.

ncf IESH

lllllllf,flrf; fifil' :'eguest by email,but he lllfryc mr:





aet a moveon we'll missthe train.

[]!rt 'l

u MEr

to catchthe train.

h m i-E rrErs feelingtoo lazyto do the washingup. 3tilfiilEm) *c sc fle m 1m h

to do the washingup.

-re:o stop poking my nose into her affairs and go away.

:m *€ .........


and go away.

tve met we promisedto call or write often, but we haven't. promisingto do so.



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9e 'uo spueqralll ]a6 o] palueM slsileltnblsour In6 oq] alam osaq]pue dn daal o1 pa166nr1s s.tarnpeJnueu raqlo 'luaudrnbele)rJpalauorJ o)ualaJlalul punorbl:eq uo umop ]n) ]eq] dn1:rd;o adft nnoue q]r^ Inedsal uosqrgposr^ale pue lalse)olells ropual oq] q]!/\^ tS6L ul poMolloj'lapour,lnedsal, uosqrDZS6Laql 6uraqrelse:oloIor.llo] laMsues,uosq!D ^q ))rq] oue) suotleldepepue seopr ou lem e ur ualJoos se 'pue ]sauleaur 6urob1obft;enu eql ']seJpue ^ nnop'a;{1s6ut1:e;pue apnn 6utaqro; 's,uosqrg se qlns 'srornpeJnueuror.l}o{q pasrrrlrnse^ pue 'uo pa]loq )lau aql pue {poq }eU e Ll}rnn rrege a;duls e sem'palle) aq o} aue) }r se la}selalal aq1 'le1rn6 )lrpalo {poq-prlosaq} a:npord-sseul o} }sru or.l}se^^'0s61ut lapual oal }eLl}}qnop ou s,ororl}'e:uera;ald '{ep e 6ul1e1s q)rqnnropuol pue uosqrgsio)eu re}rn6aq} uaa^}oq fi;enu aq} srql o} sonur}uo) ]noqllM preoq 'pueq o^eq ur e spuauJ o^eq ro lelrn6 )u])alo {e1doqnnlo llor pue ))oi o}ut areoqnnasoql Jo llrA 'losrn:erde se auej Jo '6uno1 lolsal lsruoqdoxes aq] lleHllou ,u, )lou aq] olu! popnpurse/\^eq 'erapue8 6lg aqr;o 6ureqalrdsa6 se q)nssra{e;duroq {q poluongursenn a;{1ssrqq6noql'}p;equlauobuefq'aut} or.{};o1sue1rn6 zze(leat6 rotllo ]eqlJo )ro^ aq1{e;dplno) pue nnau)aH 'pueqaq}Jo uorpasuqy{ql ar.l}Joyed leqloue lsnf ueq} lou aq o] reltn6aql palue^ aq losrnorduul ]ear6V 'olosreln6 )upala aLl]Jo laauordaq] aq o] ptesst or{^^ zzefluet;;uqoq] roue 'dn1:rduerlsrrrl)arpeq) aq] palle)aq o] aurelsrql '{poq Molloqs,re1ln6 aq} 1sue1:nb olut palunourse^ teql dn):rd padeqs-req q]rm arou e dn aLUe) lalnpeJnueu lelrnb aq]'uosqtg l:edu.ro: 'saruable)rsnu 'poo}s aql ssor)eaplesranarourpue e;qere;ardsenn6ur{e1d;o 'a;{1s-qsrued5 1a11e; oql alls ro aq altqm aq} urro'pue}s e uo {;;eluozuoqburlsarlaq}tapar{e;o lsueltnbaqlJo luorJur 6un;s1oupue'de;s,.ra{e;d se^ pue unrurunleJo apeurpue olloqsennre1rn6aq] Jo {poq aq1 'onrper}}eunpue {1;nq senn'q6noue ^ s!q] pa)rom1rq6noq11e ']uaua6uere 1nqlper;r;dueaq ue) leql sgeu6rs lelullalo olut suotlelqrns,6uu1s aql Ua^uo)o1 sr qof s,dnprdaq1 's6uu1soq] rapunpa:e;dlro) e qlr^ 's6urjlss,relrn6aq] punorelenoue turoj o] pua ol pue pe:e;dslaubeuraoqsasroq;o :red e Jo ]no opeursem ,ue6 6urft1,alll uo dn1:rd eql dn pa1:rd']uaunrlsutaq] Jo a6prrq " , ';eu6rsaq] paua)eamq)rLl^suorlerqrA aql uo pa:e;duaq^ la^a^ oq 'seuoqdor)rru uo]]nq uoqre)asaql 'ounlo^ olotrtla6 ol sofueqpue sutlotn ut uaql 6utpnd pue sra]lr.usue;1 euoqda;a16urldepeua^a 'sluaurnrlsurpa6uuls{1r;dureo} s{enn}ualoJJtp ue pasnpue 1no6utfu1uoaqpeq a;doad{ueu '1eq}o} roud 'punosaql {rldue o1 dn1 rel="nofollow">rd>rlau6eurol1)alo 'l€61 u! paluo^ursennleltn6,ue4 6ur&1,s,ra))equa))ru le)rn6 )upala InJssal)ns {;lelrrauruto) }srUallf 'JJo)oo] s;e1rn6Jo uorle)Urldr.ue aql ]eq] s0Z6L aL{} fulsnpur 6urprorer pue aq] ur burlserpeorq orper'sreleadspue sauoqdol)l.uut suotlenouut gllnnsenn ;;aslt raq}eloq} pa}rnsparnpord{aql ll lng 'salua6reqlo lou ]nq ')rsnu z0lunorpue ueileMeH Jo punos{6uenn1 ounosaql 'nnetn {u.t ul 'pa)npor}urorom1n6 ueql rall}er s6ur.r}s le}au pue 'poo^ ueq} raL{}elle}ou Jo apeu ualJopue labrelnnouaraM]nq 1eltn6)tlsno)eaqi qll/\Ase 'patpoq olloq llrlsoraM{aq1 'rapno;}r 6ur1eu ^ A es ')tsnuluelemeH ;o s{ennut pue 1e}rnbaq} Jo sleua}eupue adeqs'azrsr.l}oqur suor}e^ouur leranas - amau) oL{/\^ - pue )rsnu pueg 6rg;o ftue;ndod ur asu aq} q}!nn'fun1ua:qrgZoU};o srear(,{yrq11sl; eq_ ']no paumorp]06 selrnO)rlsno)epue 'sserqpue sunrp uror;{gureuburnns pue lennodlraql 1o6sgt, pue sgz, pue spueg 6lg aL11 :rapnol6ur{e1d senuanra66rq1e6ur{e;d}ueau urn} ur stql 'posns}uounl}sut;o {1auen Jo ueroqunu oql se^ os pue ozrsur bursear:ur aran spueq:rsnurre;ndod'sprennuo pue sOZ6 L aq] Jo spueqburnns 6lq a,.lro1 q6norql'sua)uo)lleq-)rsnupue s088L aq] a)urs'{e;dur araMsalroJlaq}o 'peu s}ueledrraq}a^up to {ouue 'opJeqo1 6uno{ aq} ro} {ennreq}ouese 'llor pue ))or q}rnn6uraqo}ut auo) }ou plp relrn6rupe;e aq1

'ual aLllogburptoccelsoq slll >lultllno[ qc;qrvr(g ro 9 'reynb Jo^sue eLllasooqc'gg-Lgsuollsenbto3 clJlcaloeq1;oArolsrqoLllmoqe alclyEuB peol ot 6ulo6ole no1

qsl,6u3 d"{}asn pr",r?nulpeag L roded

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Paper 1 $Q**xd*ng and Uss e:lf Kr "lg*{ s*:

ie answer(A.F ,',asthe favouredguitarof perhapsthe most innovativeguitaristof the '60s,JimiHendrix. --:de s, guitaristswere ableto changetone,volumeand pitch,get other soundsby : - .-: amplifier, rubbingthe stringsagainstanythingthat happenedto be around,and by ."=::s equipment.Hendrixdid all thesethingsand more,gettingmoresoundsout of the :":-=oeforehim.Hehadthebrilliancetotakeyouanywhere-thatsomepeoplewishedhe ., - : ::iract from his geniusand hugeinfluence. 'e, annoyor - to the big € numberanc ; Bandsof the ,',,ned out. : knew?,",aysof :' and often .'.',the sounc! :nres.But it ::stry itselfir

*: n impulsebehindthe electrification of guitars? getting s and othervenueswere bigger. -o longerbe heardabovethe other instruments. - : so importantin Big Bandmusic. -:ed to givethem the power and rhythmof drumsand brass. ,',' ter sayabout Hawaiianmusic? :l countrymusic. :'eferredgenre. ::out a changein the sizeand shapeof guitars. ;:d by its popularityin the early20thcentury.


rn 1931, iry rngout l 'rg them in :d on the :o form rvert the : "vorkedwe I ^ and was g uitarist 'iss the -nted into ! :zz guitarist i'to be more nat other i's suchas n' RollHall I . eard of ,:atin9a :dy electric olted : Now and fast, ; by the :ackground ': the guitar-:

. : :he modifications to the guitarin the early20thcentury y ::l designed for Hawai ianmusic. ' :- iar soundtoo metallicfor histaste. , :ed to certaintypesof music. *ake the guitarsany louder. l!il '

1' f

i, + il . t,

evelledat the 'FryingPan'guitar? ' -: : : g and heavyto playconventionally. * - :. ::Jsed vibrationsthat sooiledthe sound. - ; - ::'sts didn't likethe way it looked. , " - : :-: cestway to amplifyguitars. :

: rr : aboutthe guitaristCharlieChristian? .: .-= i rst to usethe Gibsonguitar. . - .=: gritariststo be as importantas horn players. : j -::. ily influencedby jazzguitaristDjangoReinhardt. . j :-: 'i rst to improvisea rockand roll guitarsolo.

" :: i: : aboutthe electricguitarbusiness in the 1950s? !- : ::,'cd of rapidprogress and innovation. : ":-: cnly two companies in the competition. r r ' ::: : 'eferredFender's to Gibson's. : - ::'s .',erequicklyand crudelymade.

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'o^ol pue /\Aou)no^ s66rgaq1106llrlspue arrl noI slred osorl]dr)s ue) Jr no^'lllls Zrollpoue oneqaq ],usaoc 'llom sbutr.llrlnor.l no^ uroJut ol suorssar6rp ool arp araqf .06 ol aloqMauoslob on,arln ^ueu ]nq 'le )ool o] '6ur{rpa uena'{;ano;ue}Josr aprsftlunor arl} 'sa1 'uosealalqtulalstp u lo; aptsfulunolaLllJo alpprLuaql ul ]leq e o1 6urr.uo:;lesrnor(puU uaLll'ollr{nne ro; peads1e 6uo1ealper ,unJ no{ l;tegqsl}li8 uo sem | }loJI uaqm 'q6noq} 'saur} aromaraqf 'paLl)}aJ-reJ }tq e saut} }e Jt leutu;) poo6 |1es,ll 'pultu tonaN']a)leul {euout aq} alpplJro suor}e)ol{lunras-qbrqo}ur }earq o} nnoqpnllsul Iq lueau aq )u!tl] ],uop I lnq 'qloq saopslql ipnllsur pue lqbt;applnoLls s)ooq leql ptes:r1u: obe-6uo;y 6tg uer.rpyuor; pedxe alln)eqrltlou - uorleurolur q]rM pe1:edsr pue sq17{gaq e }e ur sqbrann )ooq srLlf

c '))u] aq] po)lom seq pue ,6ur1unn st aq lanouJo pull eql ol a;,{ls eso.tdstq paldepeseLlaq ]eq] en6le plnomI lng 'alqrsne;durr pulJ aq] oruospue esoldprdur;{;Jensn 1o;d ,s66tguo paJJaantlebaue peq seqslql ]eql slure;duo:preaqa^eqI 'se:e;dasaqlJoOueqaq11e6ol ueg ro; sa6edr(ueu pue aut] sa)e] l! pue aroJaqJo preaqJanaus,aqsauluno) slrsrnolaq lno )ooq stql ul ja;ll JosolllleoJ lel)ospue sltelapaq] uo luerlluqsraq 'slanouuopuol stq ul 'sat)elrdsuo: lanel-q6rq Jo ppom aq] olul pue 1eqo16 6uto6 'r{tolula}lensn,s66rguol, arn}redape sr la^ou stql 'lonouq)ea q}l/\^ra}}aq s1e6aq pue - 6utltrxapue )llstlealrlloq ]l aleu pue lqou e aqulsoppue &1 plnoqs{"ql - uel aq osrnof .o}um Jo uel aq {es pnnor:ezl.td{lelalll aq} osne)oq}snf }ou pue - slenousuleH uag ,s66rgupupVJo ueJ6rq e r.u,p ) 's,uouaursse aAllelonopue aledsse oq ue) aso.rd,s66rgasne)oqoueqs e sr q)tq^ '6urppedaltl suaas]ol e pue ,sa6ed sr)ooq oqI'peoua^o uor}euroJuls,}le}l ro; areldaq} slq}e)rl la^oue sr}nq ,Jlas}r 699{;teeu '6uo;rfuen ul Sutleut:se; sl ll Jo otuos'sla)leu {auou aqt 6ul{e;dro spuouetp6urlea1s se q)ns 'auopale to )ro^ s6urr{l rq ute;dxao1 sesnedosleaJPataql 'rfu1uno) aq] Jo snlelsleln]ln) pue )tuouo:e ';errlr;odaLl]uo uorssarbrp tlst{essaue 146ellnoltqmsnncils ;enouarl} Jo a:ed aq} uor}eut}sap eu q)ea 1e 'I;e1eun1lo;un:6uoJeIldsur ^ Outnous6urqtburdael1epoo6 ftan {1;ensn srs66rg'peJ u! aqol6 aq16ursson-ssr;> 'fio}ura}rerlrrueJun ul ulltl spu$ uag ')ooq rv\ouslq) ul 'Lusllear {11116 pue s1o1d e1e:trlurJror1} loJ se lla^ se a)uo}uasaq} Jo la^al aq) le parlupe aJepue pJeoqaq] ssor)e;e;ndodale srJJeH ueg do> uopuol str.l]noqe slo^ou,s66rgueppv I 's{epro; - pauteuo}ueno{ daal llrm)ooq srql 6urqlJo pul) tno{ s,1eq}}r}nq'puelumolg ueq o}ur pe{er1sseqs66rg'{1r;eal Iyrp ul papunolb{;urrl (lleuloN .a^arlaq ol preq punoJI q)lqm '(6ut11e1 aq1Iorlsep plnol }eq} }ar)ase sassassod 1ou ru,|){urouo:a 1eqo16 osleJarq} puouelp sltll-'s! peolqe)tloxa nnoqlsnf {enuo: o1 e;d.rndsuJn}- Ournou-grnns pue ost)ard,;e:ruouo:a ,i;;ensn- aso.tdstq oloLll ;rosubtero;uo alqeuoJruolssolsuaos s66rg pue Jalq] puouerp e qlle) o] plJo6 aql punole r{eurnofe uo sn pue 'sureg uog 'ororlsrL{sale} aq 'q6noq1')ooq }sa}elslq} ul .uopuol ,Jrn} slq lnoqe ;n;lq6tsursl all pue 'lanouauu) e ur eso.rdssalqleappadxe l,uop noI lnq - umolg ue6 ,{es 3)llun- uaDll/ln-lloAA {;;ereuabole slanousrp 'l;qnd ur auo q}lm uaasaq },uplnompue sla^ou{ds .rodo:;o real) rools {;;etaua6oqm asoLl}Iq peer are s)ooq asoqmra}um aruab e se uorlelndel e seq s66rg ueupy *'*


'Jaillrwlsalol,s66t11 uoupv uo ]uawwo) sJaMatAaJ JnoJ

'a3uo uel{} ojotrJ uosoqc sl af^al sqJ- 'O-V s/v\al^aloql uloJl asooqc 'OV-L9 suo4senb Jol 'Iooq B lo sl^onol lno, ppol ot 6ulo6 aJB no^

qs ;gfi u3 t o a s n p u e F u lp e e g I le d e d



Paper 'l Re a d ln g a n d Us e o f E n g lis h


I reviewsmav ilUllhrlrl]li* r:E':

llil ,,, 'r!n


steer clear

1, i ',i- A'sopinionthat partsof the plot are implausible?


i i ',:' 3 s opinionthat the book needscutting?



tten - unlike tout his home :iill,4,r'".* lund the re - usually iiamond und hardto f that'syour

-- :-e othersthat Higgs'prosesuffersin the new book?


:- -:, iewerC about how Higgs'prosehaschangedin the new book?


niredat the t findshim rgs moving an essayistic r explainho s fascinating nearly800 J evocative

sayne can :iting- and al and into I realities of pagesfor on Higgs' hisprose

{drian Higg l meant is all good Rail;you ysidefor no ;r:mewhere rr?5till,you

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,(1ruen rg 'uorlrledurolaq] go 6uraaspue anrpeJue qrSLaUt 'ulaq] a)ll ],uplp aqs asne)aq{;ureu qlaqezrll 'l {q paurelalsemqrqm - Jlosurqpreaq Llloqoq o1 6urleesJo uorleurqulo:e {;qeqotd '6uru.roo;b e peq oq^ - 1111ftuap1 {q pasodurspreaquo xe} e s,11 s,uau ,rosa;{1sur spuaJ}}uaJJn)Jo 'uorlrpe;lpue arn]ln)uo puedap{eu 'oo1'srq1 {q pad;eq'{preaqssalsem'a}el ,{ue1epue;6u3ur 'ualll o] paperue I;eurnuebora^ uauom asne)oq 'a)uessreuau aql 'LUor.{} e;onns1q6ru)pue uaualqou pue pa^lo^aspreaq]eql apnl)uol],ue) a^^]eql sueou se6y elppry11 eql 6u;rnp,ur,ure6eelenn lsotu spreaq'anr1:edsrad aruapr^aprlosJo ))el aLll'raMsueaq] re^aleqM le)uolstqoql o] 6urutnleg


'snlelsler)ospue q]6uel1s'uopsrm[1rur;n:seu.r cqlootusaLl]ueq] ualplltllpue sreuyed {y;duaxa o} uaasele spleaqasne)aqsrall}oul arou a^eqalnsrq aq] ]eql oqs ol e:uaprna{ue ^ abeun;d saleuluopard1t a;tqnn'preaqe a^ell o1tnanduap aq alaq] s! 'soleu alou ]lel]]e o1 peubrsep ur LUreq o] suaaslr 'sarn]ln)auos ul 'spuarluorL{se; aleu Jo pu!) p sl ]l Jl 'sLulalfueuorln;o^o s,porrad aql pue suor]rperlpue suorldrunsse {ue uau {ueu pue uarplrql'uauromauop },useq lernlln)uo 6urpuadappaue^aneq]sedaql ut spreaqspiemol auo burneqlou 'lle raryy iasodrndfueuorlnlo^a ue rnres,(aqloc zpreoqe;o lurod aq) st 'peJ u! ']eLlM sapnlr]]ennoqsa;dtuexa aJosaq]uolJ aasuel aM ^


'luer.uqsrund 'sro)srq^pue surnqaprs e seJJo]n) aq plnol 'oq ]eq] pue q6noql'saulrlauroi 'saq)elsnou srannod all] Jo InoJllaJroreannaq] Jr pue 'papre6ar lllnnuol;o ssa; Itq6tq ala^ spleaq'{1;elaue6 saurlauos'spreaqql!^ saurlauos:ileLller)eJraq] }sel aq} ur 'peJ ul 'tropsrnn pue ftrubrp;o ;oqu{s e ala^ pue 6uo; qllm paluauuadxa6uo;aneque61{es o} }ln)rJJrp unnolO alam spleaqetpulut 'sau!] ]uaoue ul lllls srlr ]sel lllm slql 6uo;nnoqqbnoql l)leqauo) e Jo 'saurzebeu ']leJ ul ]!q e apeulo^eqspreaq,(;luerar LV pue sluaua;ddns{epunSaq} ro - s}aar}s uorr.lseJ aql uorJ atuof ]snuruorqseJ Jo lno ro ur oJespreaq '^^OJe AtUeUO] - Uorlexel 'pUoM lo raqlall^ os urapou aq] uq{enns ]ou 'pue ro anarloq uorlnlona [6o;oq:Isd 'srr1r;od ]ou )! ou anequaanbpue s6u11 leuosradaq1 Jo salqroJ []ar:os pue arn]lnl :{pn1sJo spla4;o a6ueraprnn e olur 6urddrpa^lo^urue) spreaq;o fto1slqaql olur )ool ol']eql ueq] ]! o] arou sr araql sarn]lnl 'pooputfureq fuensennq]61aql otuosur qbnoqf :uorqseJ o1pafqnsare 'arueleedde alrqm'ua^eqs-ueap sburql]sotuo)tl 'splea€ ued ]sotuaq] roJsenn{rnluer ;euosrado1 6ur1e;al




'asn ol poou op no{ qcrqanqderberederye auo s! areql '(gU-ly) deb qceo sll} t{crq^ ouo oLllC-V sqder6eledaLlltuorl asoorlC sqder6eledxrs 'spleoq lnoqe alclpe up r.uorllceJlxoue peor ot 6ulo6 are no1 lcerlxo aql urorl po^ouar uoaq onel,.l

{-{sltmuS j.$ ps,"'xpare 6u;p;3ag L r oded



Paper 1 Kexa$xrxgane$ LJ_sq* *f Kr-xg&6sh I

j I I


rxtract. ou do nc


- --:':-ce betweenthen and now is that in _ .- trends L' Lr r uJ would vvvur u gv gl rlast d> r for years, - =se 5, tut yedr even -:: ,.,- le nowadaysthey are moreshort_ ' s.ggeststhat they are drivenby the ashionratherthan any moredeep: : : or culturalundercurrents. Indeed. .. er moreserious, evenbiological, : - c; tivatingfacialhairthan mere

hile * : ^archwho disapproved of beards .-e Greatof Russia. He had travelled wanted to make Russia more '-d as well as modernising the military ': , 'g the infrastructure of hiscountry, r : tax on beards.Anyonefailingto ' ',ashumiliatedin publicby havingit G '. :ff .

'to r the a bit lrs ,r th l

r mes with lI I

l i,

_t ;erve t'J e ti



.-,^,ards bea'rds havevariedgreatly ' : ::L in termsof their appearance -:: :tey saidaboutthe wearer.For Egypt,the richand powerful :; "cient ,'.'hich were dyedand sometimes :- -terwovengold thread.

At first, it seems,the Romanswere as a rule a hairybunch,beingroughand manlyworld conquerors. Laterthey took to shaving,while their servantsremainedbearded;then,when an emperorgrew a beardto hidethe scarson his face,beardscamebackinto fashionamongthe affluent classes. The beardhad a briefresurgence in the 1960s when a few pop and rockmusicians startedto sportthem; and we shouldn,tunderestimate the influencesuchpeoplehaveon the youth of the age.Hippieswore them too, but therewere far fewer hippiesabout than peoplenow suppose, despiteWoodstock. Biologyand evolutionary psychology woulo seemto backsomeof this up. Beardsare a sign of maturityand they alsoincrease the perceived sizeof the jaw which,apparently, makesmen more attractiveto the oppositesex.As one psychologist says,beardscommunicate an heroicimageof independence, dependabiliry, resourcefulness and an abilityto do manly things.

: - :eardshasshownthat if this is , -. :i'-cocking,then its purposeis .-':':ss other men than to attract .: s:x, to show who is the more ':: !!,henyou think about it, beards - " r^:age in a fight.And opinionis :: ,',rether women are in fact more :: t::!'ded men;somesurveyssay : *-= saythey aren't.



cJ) l\)



m a -{ l\)


asrauroJarroJ ura)uo) fieurud aql lou suref:r;;el1arann


aapr^uorleusr ue;qordaL{}}eq} pelsa66ns1rsr


{pear;eue oseor)uro1 slesodord araq}are ia6req: 6urlsrxe


isa6req:uorlsebuorol uorllsoddoaraq]se^


aldoad}eq} paLurel) }r sl Zuodsuer]:r1qndo] srel ;a;ards{ennle;;rnn


z)rJJerlur au!] ]sou aq] alse^^srelnuuol op

nc l [-]Grl [-lstl


isa6req:uorlsabuo:alrdsepposeorlursuef rr;;er1aneq Zsluauo^ordurpelsa66ns Jo uorluau ou aroLl]s! aa6ueq:Jo rno^e1ur ]soure;doadaq] aro^ ro; {ed ol sabreq:uor}sabuoro} a^r}eulaqeue arall} s! asluaula^ordurr [1rr qrrqrlnu1

'ocuo ueql olor.uuasoqceq Aeu suollcosotlt '(l-V) suollcossLllruoJ,asooqc 'gg-Lv 'yg1'1 pue b lo1 aql edo.lnl ul selllc ur uorlsebuooclgerl lnoqe salclye uorl slcp;lxoo^Upeol ot 6ulob ole no1

qsgg6cl3 36 {3s1"}p{-rt3S *rgpeerg

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SA. Forquest)i

.: : :-:en at or nearthe top of the -::!::: c ties- thereare several : - :: : cn - recentlywon an award - :: ::.:l measures tO dealwith the it was concerns -: :-s, oecause :' :: ution ratherthan congestion ---: :,ct;on of the Ecopass in - = ^:roductionof a congestion -: -'easuresdidn't go far enough. congestion chargesand ' y about it, but in Milanit .::"-cout closeto 80% of the people ' : Theresulthasbeena 30% on lil uI in the Lne Ltty city Lentle5, centres,dno and a - :) . =- ssions. AIso,10 millioneuros ':- 'nprovingalternativemeans -- 's cublictransitand bike-sharino :-s rroneyfor what are called ::'-:iures likecyclelanesand

41 r8n


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=: -:ation as the traffic-jamcapital , - r' ,,/eto work thereyou can -: .cend over20 minuteseach - :ris amountsto morethan --= city is fightinga losingbattle =. :essivenoise,and stress;and -::: io improveair quality Some . '-:: -: s a victimof its own success: - : -s nessand employmenthub, .-:^ as Porsche, Boschand Daimler ': :rea, and it is in the Baden: :^ ,,^.rhich is one of Germany's top : -, A mainfactoris the continued :---n economyas a whole,which '=:se n consumerspendingand, - -; fuel prices,a high demandfor - -as led to increased congestionin

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- - - : - : ly vyingfor top spot in the _ ::-:*::s to makeit a bicycle-friendly , - ::::':rng to one trafficdata provider; : i =i? srendabout96 hoursa yearin , -' : I =sl te fewerpeopledrivingtheir

,i rr '

: -s .esseslikeUber;the car hailing - : s about 82,000carson its books. : ;^cp online.Maybeit'sthe price

that must be paid by a successful city: it is one of the world'smost popularcitiesto live,work and visit, which makesit one of the busiest. Therehasbeena hugeincrease in population, aswell as in economic growth,which meansmorebuildinqand roadworksand moretraffic. D LosAngeles Perhapsit'sthe way LosAngeleshasdevelopedsprawlingbut denselybuilt,almostforcingpeople to drive- that makesit the USAsmost congested city,and secondon the listof hoursspentstuckin trafficper resident.Urbanplannerssaythe solution is to build moremasstransitso thereare more options.But a think-tanksurveyingthe problem saysthat road expansionis the more cost-effective solution.The formerarguethat congestionhas economicconsequences, resultingin a lossof up to $13 billiona yearin wastedtime and money and proposeeasingcongestionby reducing roadcapacityand encouraging alternatives such as walking,bikingand masstransit.The latter, acceptingthat personalcarswill alwaystrump mass transit,proposebuildingmoreroadsand,especially, tunnels.Thesewould allow peopleto quicklycross congestedareasand keepoff surfacelevelstreets. Thiswould be expensive, but someof the billions would be recoupedby the roads'electronic tolls. Opponentssayyou can't buildyour way out of congestion, and that it would simplyencourage moreurbansprawl. E Brussels The problemin Brussels is so bad that peoplejoke the Belgiantrafficjam shouldbe put on the World Heritagelist as a culturaltreasure.Theaverage commuterby roadspendsabout 85 hoursa year stuckin traffic.A numberof factorsare in play here:for a start,morethan 5O%of the population usetheir own carsto get to work, go shopping,and so on; as the mainadministrative and employment centrein the country it attractsworkersfrom neighbouring towns and countryside, and most Belgians preferlivingin the country.And as the 'capital'of the EuropeanUnionthereare a large numberof bureaucrats and functionaries from all overthe continentwho, for reasonsof securityand convenience havetheir own cars.With a healthy economyand a middle-class lifestylecentredon the car- tax incentivesmakeit easyfor employersto providecompanycars- therewas nevermucheffort madeto developpublictransport.Theauthorities hopeto reducecongestionby 29% by 2018.The plan is to providealternativetransportmethods: pedestrianzones,cyclelanes,moretramsand buses,and an expandedmetro system.As a further disincentive, they alsoplanto increaseparkingfees.



m ct) -{


'alqlssodse leJ se sploM aL{}u! passoldxasuotuldoaq} }o asn a)eu 'qstnnno{;t feu no1 umo lno^ asn plnoL{sno^ }nq 'uotssn)srp .lo6suetno{;o Uoddnsul suosea,Eurnrb'tunlnllrtn) looqls aq} uo daa>;o1 lueyodull a.lotu r spafqns asaq] Jo r{)!q/!AuleldxeplnoL{sno1 'so}ourno{ ul spafqnsaL{}Jo onn}butssn:stp{essaue a}llM

,,'salnllnlpue nnaudn suadopue uotleut6eutaq] solelnulllsuV,, pue ]Uldsulea] qleo] syods,, ,,'drqslapeal ,,')lo^ Jo plroMaq] pafqns snotlose lou sl )lsnlA,, ou pue .ro;uorlerederd :uolssn)s!paql u! passa;dxasuoluldoauo5 Ue. s].tods . )lsntll


:Molaqsolou aql apeu a^eqno^'suoseajleDueuu unln)ulnl loor4)saq] ulolJ spefqnsureual 6ulun: ]noqe uolssn)stpotpere o] paualstlseq ssel)lno1

'uotlsenbstLlllomsuelsnu no1 'e1[1seleudo:ddeue u! splo^ OqZ-OZZ u! Jo^sue .rno[ e1t.t11

{{$a}nxi!r"r! {}S,rr'}&r-, U}


z )aded

Paper 2 \Afniting


,,np- :: one of the questions2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriatestyle. ,|lln" drlTl

'q&,ci?-i .:l an emailfrom a friendaskingif you would liketo go on holidaywith them.Write a replyto -r,&': r:::::nghis/herinvitationbutsayingyouwouldpreferadifferentkindofholidaytotheonehe/ ltruuin:;l|{::.: 3 .e reasonsfor your preference.





, $1t r 1lp". 3"' ,r 11 r i' i,1 .re1u a re a s tu d e n th a s a b i g tra ffi cprobl em,w hi chi sbecomi ngadangertopedestri ansan da

forthetowncouncil explainingwhyyouthinkprivate ,-ir':'::':,: ution.Youdecidetowriteaproposal rrr:!, : :f ::'ned from the town centreand suggestingalternativemethodsof transportor waysof 1:

rrationfor nT,:r: :: :: ege is thinking of startinga work experienceschemewith localbusinesses and industries. "rtlilmuun rfllw:.;,f : ,'-::k, insteadof the usuallessons,studentswould visit officesand factoriesand get involved lfiftFrrrfiar--:-:="'unningof thebusiness.Youhavebeenaskedtosurveytheopinionsof thestudentsandto .* i -?:,:-: cn the advantages of sucha scheme. and disadvantages rp new wo 'lllllrre


subjectsit I


-{ m U) -{ 1\)



m a N

'6urnuppeq roJ uosearureuraq] lou aJeseuoqdallqoru ) 'suorurdo s,ueuroql q);nnsaeibesrp {11e:rseq aq5 g 'ro; adoq uer {aq} }soq aq} are sa;nseau au aql V ^ iasuodsals,ueuon aql st ]eqM


'q6nouaqsleq],uaresolnseauaq] s)ulq] aH ) '00011o] pasteraq plnoqssauuaql qutq] aH s 'sa;nseouorll Jo ssaupr;lsaql Ll]t^ pasealds,ag V all] sl ]eqM Zsolnseounnauaq];o uorurdos,ueuJ


'6urnupuaq^ souoqdelrqou 6utsnlnoqe 6ur1le1a1doad o^ ] lea{.1 lllm no1

eerqI lcerlxl 'auu alqenle^Jo alse^^e s,]rs)utq] aH ) 'suaddeqleqM aas pue ]ren o1 no{ roJ ra}}aq s,}l g 's{epesaqtluerleduroo} ole eldoeg V e6urq;o ust)t]u) uteu s,ueu oLllst ]eq6 i6urq:1enn 'uo sr.IaqqyuoluMo1 uaqnn6ur1.loms,or.ls ) '1xausuaddeqleq^ Mou) ol luarledurs,eq5 g 'drsso6lsalel aql qllm dn daal o1 ror.{smolle}l V 26urqrlenneburqlnoneJuerlom aq1seop{qp1 '6urq:1enn aburqlnoqe 6ur1;e1 spuouJoA l reoq lllm no1

oMI lcerlxf lolloq aq ol poalue;enbsrraqleamaql ) 'suorle:fe]ssa]eLlar.lS g 'Luaq]q]r^ uarplrq)aq] eneqg,uonnIaql V apeolqeob o1 6urlue^ JoJuoseels,ueulomeq) st ]eqM 'peo;qe lanel] ol enrsuadxa oo] s,ll ) 'peorqe6ul1;ane.r1q]lm paloq s,aH S 'peolqela^el]o] plo oo] er,{aqls)ulq} aH V aft1uno: umo raq] ur {eprloqo} }ueM ueu aq} seop{qry1 '{eprloquo ob o} araqm6urssn:slp a;dno:e leaq no1

euo lcerlxl 'lceryo rlcpa rol suorlsenb ol l aJe aJoql 'JeoLlno[ leqan bu;plocce lsoq slll qclL{M(C ro g 'V) ro/nsueoql asoorlc '9-1 suorlsenb ;o3 'slcel}xe lualoJJlpoelql leoq llt^ no1

{s€}&nx-!t L&"r*'!z :!,n&qv}

*3*-x;uagxgl t loded


Pa p e r 3 l-isten i ng


completethe sentences e ro#essortalkingaboutthe historyof forensicscience.For questionsT-14, r sl't


-l m V) N


-{ m U) N

'{6o;ouqral pulqaq plro^ aq} uolJ optq uer {aq1 O '6urua1earq1 pue 6ul1;nsur euroraq{aq1 ) 'sllr)slet)osJo ))el s,{epo1to; a;qrsuodsar {1;oqnn sr 11 S 'slltls let)os;o luauldo;anapalll uo pa;Ja ue seL{}l V abeuealpue {6o;ouqla} utapou }noqe {es e;ne1saop}eqM OZ eJnor^eqaq 'paurl)apseq uorlesJa^uol ue aql g Jo 'uotlesleluol ]lnpe puelslapun1,uop6uno{ aq1 ) 'asla^uo)o] A oq uoJpltq)ltaql q)eal ],uop slualed g '6ul.lf poo6 e st ssauapnl llq olull V V Jo ]eql eal6e ol uJooseinel pue JJafqlog 6l 'Jnotnpqaq peq JoJsosn)xa6ur1eu.r lsnf sr aqs qulql aH C 'I1l;rqrsuodsal a)el plnoqsuolpltq);o e6leq: ul asoLll ) 'dn 1q6no.lq{;tadotd }ou ale {aql slurql aH g 'llneJIaLl) s! ll sa^orloqoH v lle aslaOeuaal;ouorurdos,elnel o1 puodsalJlof saopnnoH 8 t 'aneqaqol nnor{lq6nel lou ale r(aq1 O '{lsnornardueq} s^epemouaslom s,}l ) ']lneJraql {larrlua }ou s,}t}eqf S 'lt ]noqe auop oq uel leq] 6urqlou s,oJoql V elnorleqaqe6euae]lnoqe {ldurr etnel saop}eq4 LL fluoqlne ut asoq]pedse;slpa;doadapeu ]l C f1a1:osuo spaJJaantlsod peq ]r ued lsou aq] loJ ) ';o penorddesrp oq ol lnotneqaqllaql luenn],uprpsla6euael g 'uaq] Jo )u!ql sraqlo ]eqlvtare) te6uo1ou aldoa4 V L,aluaraJap Jo qleap, oql ]noqe {es;;a1 saop}eq6 9L 'sllol] laulalut ueql la]]aq ou ate {aq1 O 'arleaq] aq] ur auoqdlno{ 6ursnse 6urq}aues eq} s,}l f 's{ep aseq}}qbrslptllrxpJoo} lle ue t}r }eqf g 'sllr)sler)os))el o] uaes 6uno{ aq} }eql V asllalJJafalop)aueoq] Jo lurod uleu oql sr leq6 SL 'leaq no[ leqm ol burp.rocce (O lo C ,g ,y) laansueoql osooqc lsoq sU Llclq/vl 'rtepol suotlsanblo3 ssouopnjlnoqp slsrleurnofonq puBra^ a!rualutup uaa/t^loquotssnoslpolppJp leoq llr^ no^

6u;ua4sg1 t loded


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(a^qA )

eaurll oarJ lnol( u! op ot asool.l)spuauJ rno^ pue no^ plno^ sarlrnlpe asaLll r{)!q1 Jo v oleptpue)

aq lq6rur faql nnoqpue saullsed eseql o1 a;doad sperDe leqan{es pue ,sornprd aqr Jo onnl areduo3 's{enn}uolaJJlput soAlasuaq}6u;fofua a;doad Moqs sa;npld rnol '6EI e6ed uo sarnprdaq} }e )ool g alepfpue) luauutelraluf a^q6

2.re;ndodlsotu aql s! Iulql no{ op 6u;ddoqs;o s(ennosaq}Jo r{)!q1 g aleptpuef

'ole q)eo Jo salnseoldpue sa6eluenpe leLl^ pue alaql doqs o1 le;eld lq6;ur a;doad aq1Iqnn {es pue 'sarnprdaq} onq aleduor o1 no{ alll p,l Jo 'sare;dpue sfervrlualaJJlpu; burddoqsaldoadMoqs sarnprd rnol .g9g a6ed uo sarnprdaql ]e )ool v aleptpue)

6 u rd d o q 5 'salnptd s,lauyed 'rnoI lnoqe uotlsenbJauq e romsueo] oslepue ,alnuru e lnoqe ro, u1y1o uo uaqlJo o^ ] lnoqe )le] ol pa)se aq lllm noA 'se'lnprdaalq] uant6aq q)eo no{'}so} aq};o yed rtqt ut 1;rnn

(salnuru.r ,) SIEEI (arou rq6 / LAr4M)

;6url.ronn 7 Fur{pn1s atu!} q)ntu oo1 puads o} a1eq no{;ea; nor o6 ia;l; .lno{ uo a)uonput }sotu aq} peq seq oq6 (a^q1 ) aarnlnJ oql u! op ol a{!l no{ plnonnIroM }eq4 (a^q^ ) zlaulalu! aql uo pueds nod op atu!] qlntu /l^oH (a^qnd altstnol aM lsoLl nor( p;nonn{rlunor u6laro; q)!q6 zspualtJ q]!r,il\q)nol u; daa>;no{ {enn uletr| aq} sl }eq^ aslsatalu!lo satqqoqfue aneq noI o6 (a^qnn/ Zq)!qM) ;a6en6ue1raqlo fue fpnls noI o6

. . . . . . . .

iqs;16u36ururea;lnoqe lsour {ofua noI op }eq4 2qsrl6ug6ul{pn1s uaeq no{ aneq 6uo; nnog aataql/alaq op no{ op }eqAA auolJ no{ ale alaq6

. . . .

:se;duexaauros )se llr4 Jauruexoaql (salnuru 7)

aJealoH 's:tdol 1e'reue6 alotu Jo euo ]noqe pue;;es.rno{}noqe suorlsanbnna;e no{

{so1nu1urug g}


v )oded


..(- rnutes) (Seebelow') ,em€ popular and high-risksports that people do and a questionfor you.to discuss. time to look at the task. (pause15 seconds) frdr€ 3o"'rri€ ?*h r :*:: other about the advantagesand disadvantagesof doing these sports' nfiich sport you think is the most dangerous'

What are the advantagesand disadvantagesof doing these sPorts?


Extreme skateboarding

1f uin : ir o" ng


5 n'nn-tes) lJl3silOn5.

@ yq.r think some people take up dangeroussports? n firrnk sports should be compulsory at school?

(Why? I Why not?)

rryrtant is sport culturallyto a country? B tilritt sportspromotefriendshipand cooperationbetweencounfties?

do? most professional sportsmen / sportswomen make a good living from what they ffi good models? role make ilnnq*famous sportsmen / sportswomen


ry?) -{


CN -.'| 1\)


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'uor1nl1od lsure6eal]]eq 6urso1e (lqou) 'lee{ aq} Jo pua aq} Iq pal;a olur (auol)

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e (aq) ueaM]nq spreaq6utxe]ro; a1u:odr{r.l

v """' 6urnupaltq/!^ ......... sauoqd6ursn]noqe s^^ellepllls se (luaualdLul) ' sa!}l)ul uot}sabuor;o urelqo'ldaq1 € .(ep {q {ep (nnol6) lleq lel)e' ul suolqsel Z .saunlua)aq] la^o r(1leal6 (ften)""""" 'adotn3q6no.lql el}) ..

o} olIsops,}eal9aq} la}ad I .'................:..;....'...............''... aq loue auef e|ssnuaslulopotU .e|q;ssodsorulloruoss! la^ sue auo ueql olotN 'llllol palloc otlt ul slalcelq u! sqJa^oql lnd

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.-l 'xoq aql u1sesetqdTsPlorn posn slalleul aslnocslp otll lo auos le loo'l 6u1snsacueluasoql a1e1duo9'z lsol lo sual oulpear aql ul


u o lle p !lo su o c


Co n s o lid a t io n Gnarxrrnan

f'e s€ntencesusingthe words in the box. i:,: -:











....had he had suchan experience in his life before. couldJohnplaythe guitar;he was an accomplished flautist................. :

. ............

: -: he was afraid

in time to catchthe 10.30train. .......... the dark.

Terry'sopinionabout the film. playsany sport.Justthe odd gameof tennisnow and again. ' q-': i- this book.lt doesn'tbelong .......... me. " rrr ri- r t;s ............. your interviewtomorrow? r'!


you're going to the library,could you take this book backfor me?

ru i l t r*r r l" : ' 3c e5and w a s

.......... th e runner-up i n tw o more events.

:cr*ect option. --',:- :refer/ would'ratherliving in the countrysideanyway.

li"T!.dr :,- s getting worse,despite/ althoughfewer peopledriving into town. -:^ed / wos namedafter the jazz guitaristCharlieChristian. rnr::r{1 -E rllv,;r,!::'z atwayspreferring/ will alwayspreferprivate carsto public transport. r"'i,rr;5 ,.,:-

won an award lastyear for its effort to clearup congestion. oashions ltri : -:^ moy/ would last for years. ' 931, people wereexperimented / had beenexperimentingwith all sorts of microphones ^;

took me nearlytwo hoursto get to work this morning becauseof the traffic.

-s- ;.:. -orv long this trend losts/ will last.

-{ m ct) -{ l\)


: ?9 i -{

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oldutexaoilli 'z aslcloxf ul suollecollocisaselqdpaxll aql 6ulsn sacueluas


peru lrtPoqauuos; rl jo lnoJ 6


lq6u o] L

asryadxeTr(Pnls Jo J ssaulsnqUMOS,AUOa



a^llp o]


ler)os v plalJe € a6utqo1 Z

peoua^o p q)]e/\A ) ollleq 6utso1e q slll)s e


llel o] | 'suollecollocTseselqdpox[ aleu ol splo''Aaql qcle4

suolqsel 9 'a6uot4toqs/ paull-iloqs/ wJal-uoLlsuolllutJapr(qlsoule ale pealds salll) uaqM s se ol pollalal s,]l 'sqlnqns elotl 6utleel) ',spleMlno wotds / nnots 1 iltsuapueqln V IPqM 1 'sruelqold)UJell a^eq sallrr urapotu 11e'6ur1eedstr11o4d11/ '{lpootg ol pua/ ilwtl I pouad(u)e s'olaql € ,(essernor(JoJ]lp/\Ao1 paleda.rdu,l au!] aql aH z .sa^laqsaq1dn 1nd ol pall] aq uaqM lenuew uollDwrolut/ uo\)rulsu / a\r aq] peal ]'uplp 'unqle ^^au lels dod aq1 'llq e lnoqllnn slea{ a^u la}JV L seq apeu e raq qllM ltaaotat l ryoqaw(-f/ I,N^aJluellllJq rotnsuelcarloc aql osooqc

Go n so lid a tio n VocabularY



in the sentences'

hn r'"t

i i i

l/ sPrawl.

""""" the minister'sspeech' Fot6tors drowned ofquotationsisgreatfordipping..........ifyou,relookingforinspiringideas.

b c d e f

but l'm not very keen on the idea' though,as a rule,I don't go to such 'events. but I don't think they go far enough' as he'sworried about Pollution' becauseshe keepsher ear to the ground'


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