Week Week Week Week Week Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Tues 20 27 3 10 17 24 July July August August August August
Ngā wā
ENGLISH Listening, reading, viewing
Week 7 Mon 31 August
Week Week 8 9 Mon Mon 7 14 Sept Sept
Week 10 Mon 21 Sept
Transactional Writing Explanations, Expositions NEMP(Assessment)AsTTle EOY Listening and active engagement Comprehension- meta cognitive approaches (refer Overviews for in depth coverage explanations) Te Reo integration throughout delivery
Speaking, writing, presenting Mathematics and statistics
Integrated Theme (Social Sciences, Technology, Science, Health, The Arts, eLearning, Inquiry, Environmental Education, Thinking Hats) Key Competency Focus
Health & Physical Education Education/Sport Taha Māori
Geometry Numeracy (6 weeks) Problem Solving Transformation Students in strategy groups Using the four Describe the transformation/s; mathematical reflection, rotation, translation or Snapshots C to be completed operations to make enlargement; that has mapped 2 digit, 3 digit number follow ups conclusions. one object onto another Record in an Position and Orientation organised way and Create and use rectangular and talk about the rotation based co-ordinate results of systems to specify locations and mathematical describe paths. explorations. An inquiry into How the World works A CLOCK WORK WORLD HE AŌ HĀERE PAI recognising common life processes that all living things need, and explain how these can take place in different ways. • Stream animals have needs • Stream life can be sustainable Using data that we have collected, design a system to improve stream life (Kidspeak- look at what we know about stream life, how can we make it better) eLearning-using a variety of tools to show our understanding of stream life and how it works, and also how it can be sustained. Managing Self Thinking - participating and - Thinking about Thinking, Multiple Intelligences contributing - using language, symbols and text Circuits Maraerobics Winter Sports- Jump Jam- Te Reo Kori
Integrated throughout delivery- Mihimihi, Whakapapa, Nga kōrero ā waha Influences on our whakapapa and our identity Nga pukumahi mō te Wāhanga Tuatoru ō te tau Rua mano mā iwa. Te wiki ō te Reo Māori, Speech competitions, Winter Sports, Kapahaka, EOTC