Y2 Ltp Term 3

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  • Words: 1,130
  • Pages: 2
Curriculum Area

Week 1 14/4

Week 2 21/4

Week 3 28/4

Week 4 5/5 (Ramadan)

Week 5 12/5 (Ramadan)

Week 6 19/5 (Ramadan) (PTs)

Fractions PT: Choose one quarter of the kittens and move them to the box.

Measure Time PT: Move the hands on the clock to

Position and Direction

show… Complete the missing dates on the calendar.

English & Guided Reading




Week9 09/6

Week 10 16/06

Week 11 23/06

Week 12 30/06

Risk and Change

Information report


Week 8 2/6

Risky Business



Week 7 26/5

Revision of phase 5

Alternative spelling oa, o, o_e

Compund words: sun+shine ink+well foot+ball

Word Window PT: spelling – children

Narrative The Wolves in the Walls GR Focus: Comprehension

Alternative spelling ay, ai, a_e, ey, eigh Progressive verbs in the present tense.

Revision – Number 4 operations and applying this to reasoning and problem solving, using estimation to check. PT: Column addition method


Revision – Measure Mixed word problems involving time, money, length, weight, temperature and capacity. (Zoo Project) PT: Which animal was 10km/h slower..? How much more does it cost…?


Alternative spelling i, igh, i_e, ie

Alternative spelling ee, ea, e_e, ey

Alternative spelling ue, u_e, ew

Alternative spelling some, thumb

Alternative spelling ou, ow

Alternative spelling au, aw

Alternative spelling hair, care

Progressive verbs in the past tense.

Commas in a list.

Apostrophes for contractions.

Apostrophes for possession.

Near Homophones

Word Window

Use correct terminology – noun phrase, exclamation, command, statement, question and suffix.

Risk and Change History Observe or handle evidence to ask questions and find answers to questions about the past. -

Ask questions such as: What was it like for people? What happened? How long ago? Use artefacts, pictures, stories, online sources and databases to find out about the past. Identify some of the different ways the past has been represented. Describe historical events. Describe significant people from the past. Recognise that there are reasons why people in the past acted as they did. Place events and artefacts in order on a time line. Label time lines with words or phrases such as: past, present, older and newer. Use dates where appropriate. Use words and phrases such as: a long time ago, recently, when my parents/carers were children, years, decades and centuries to describe the passing of time.


Cut materials safely using tools provided. Measure and mark out to the nearest centimetre. Demonstrate a range of cutting and shaping techniques (such as tearing, cutting, folding and curling). (Enhancement) Demonstrate a range of joining techniques (such as gluing, hinges or combining materials to strengthen). Use materials to practise drilling, screwing, gluing and nailing materials to make and strengthen products. Design products that have a clear purpose and an intended user. Make products, refining the design as work progresses. Explore objects and designs to identify likes and dislikes of the designs. Suggest improvements to existing designs. Explore how products have been created.



How many triangles are in the pattern?

Narrative The Day The Crayons Quit

What does the word bounding tell us? Why did Pog whisper?

Risky Business

Creative Curriculum

Shape Patterns

Alternative spelling oy, oi

Word window

Word window

Plants -



You and Me in the UAE (SS)

You and Me in the UAE (ME)

Morning Boards Home Learning Weekly Communication Progress Test Focus


Observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants. Find out and describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy. Use simple equipment to observe closely and record changes over time. Gather and record data to help in answering questions including from secondary sources.

Scientific Investigation Look for changes over time (plant seeds). Communicate our ideas in different ways. Use observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions, noticing patterns Lego We Do 2A – wb 14/4 2B – wb 28/4 2C – wb 12/5 2D – wb 26/5 2E – wb 09/06 2F – 23/06 2G – wb 12/5 Image and video capture -


Recognise common uses of information technology beyond school. Photography focus

Student is able to make comparison of events using words indicating time.

Student is able to explain his/her need for living within groups (families, communities).

Student is able to describe the basis of dealing with parents.

Student is able to provide examples for how others' feelings and opinions change over time. Student is able to explain different opinions regarding a certain incident. Confidently make new friends and treat friends well and with respect through behaviour that shows care, empathy, acceptance and support in different situations, including the use of problem solving to resolve conflict and deal with difficult situations.

Student is able to identify contemporary social problems (recycling, security and safety, pollution etc.).

Student is able to make comparisons of laws and rules applied at home and school.

Student is able to demonstrate his/her role in solving social problems. Identify in what ways people in the local community might be different from each other, accepting these differences, adapting behaviour to interact effectively, and being willing to discover new people and cultures.

Understand that sometimes it’s ok to be dishonest if you are saving one’s feelings.

Explain what friendship is and why maintaining good friendships is important, knowing that friends can have different backgrounds, opinions and interests.













Week 1 14/4

Week 2 21/4

Week 3 28/4

Week 4 5/5

Week 5 12/5


Week 6 19/5 (PTs)

Revision Materials Open ended investigations Which carrier bag is the strongest? Which bubble mixtures makes the biggest bubbles? Playdough experiment Mud kitchen?

Scientific Investigation Gather and record data to support in answering questions, including that from secondary sources. Communicate ideas in a variety of ways.

Typing Skills

Coding Espresso coding

Student is able to connect rules and laws and identify their impact on him/her and his/her community.

Student is able to explain some components of heritage in his/her country (occasions, Haq al Leila Festival, costumes, and songs).

Student is able to discuss the Emirati Al Sina'a authentic traditions (respond with Yes, Labih, Houd, Hedha).

Student is able to explain the importance of maintaining the national identity.

Show respect for a range of people and roles and understand that certain situations and objects also require respectful behaviour.

Explain the distinction between ‘tangible’ and ‘intangible’ heritage.

Discuss and/or write about examples of intangible heritage in the UAE.

Revision of topics

Wellbeing Transition to Year 3











Week 11 23/06

Week 12 30/06


Week 7 26/5

Week 8 2/6 (Eid)

Week9 09/6

Wellbeing Transition to Year 3

Student is able to identify the current ruler of his/her emirate.

Week 10 16/06

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