Tenses Bing.xls

  • Uploaded by: Erwin Syahruddin
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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,383
  • Pages: 4



Simple Present

Present Continuous

Present Perfect

Present Perfect

Simple Past

Past Continuous

Past Perfect

Past Perfect




Continuous Tense




Continuous Tense


S + Verb I - utk He,She,It + s/es

S + to be + V-ing

S + has/have + V III

S + has/have + been + V-ing

S + Verb II

S + was/were + V-ing

S + had + V III

S + had + been + V-ing


S + do/does + not + V I

S + to be + not + V-ing

S + has/have + not + V III yet just for negative

S + has/have + not + been + V-ing

S + did not + V I

S + was/were + not + V-ing

S + had + not + V III

S + had + not + been + V-ing


Do/does + S + V I

to be + S + V-ing

Has/have + S + V III

Has/have + S + been + V-ing

Did + S + V I

Was/were + S + V-ing Had + S + V III - utk when, lalu Simple Past - utk while, lalu tetap


* utk menyatakan habitual * utk peristiwa yg sedang action (kebiasaan sehari berlangsung/ at the time hari of speaking * utk general truth * utk perbuatan yang bersifat sementara

* utk prstw pd masa lampau * utk prstw yg dimulai pd waktu * utk prstw yg terjadi pd * utk prstw yg sdg berlang& masih ada hub.nya dgn lampau & masih berlangsung waktu tertentu dimasa sung pd waktu lampau sekarang sampai skrg bahkan sampai lampau * utk prstw yg sdg berlang* utk prstw yg telah selesai waktu yad * utkkebiasaan di waktu sung dimana ada prstw sebelum waktu sekarang * utk prstw yg dilakukan pd wkt lampau lain juga pd masa lampau * utk prstw yg baru saja lampau secara berulang-ulang (when) terjadi sampai sekarang * utk prstw yg sdg terjadi bersama-sama dgn prstw lain di wkt lampau (while)

* utk prstw yg tlh terjadi sblm prstw lain terjadi di masa lampau * utk prstw pd saat ber langsung - saat yg lain pd waktu lampau * utk prstw yg tlh terjadi di masa lampau * utk jawaban dr prstw yg tlh terjadi di waktu lampau

* utk prstw yg telah sedang berlangsung ketika prstw lain terjadi di waktu lampau

I get up at 5 everynight The sun sets in the west I write a story He goes to school I don't write a story He doesn't go to school Do I write a story ? Does he go to school ?

I have read for an hour They have heard it before I have just had lunch You have bought a book You haven't bought a book Have you bought a book ?

We have been waiting for him since 8 o'clock I have been writing some short stories since last year I have been playing I have not been playing Have I been playing ?

She came here last night I used to walk to school I wrote a story I didn't write a story Did I write a story ?

It was raining all night yesterday Rini was buying a book whe I meet her I was sleeping while he was studying I was writing a story I wasn't writing a story Was I writing a story ?

I had know him before you meet him My younger brother cried after he had fallen from bed We had arrived by the time the meeting began I had never seen it

We had been studying english for 3 year by last January He had been going to school He hadn't been going to ….. Had he been going to …?

for, for several minutes etc

for, since, all the day, etc

yesterday, last….ago, in 1974, etc

….when, while ….., …. As, after…, ….. Before, by the when, …by last ….., ….by yes all day yesterday, etc time etc terday, etc



We are sitting on the chair I am waiting for my turn He is going to school He isn't going to school Is he going to school ?

always, usually, generally now, still, at present, at every, once, etc this moment, etc

Had + S + been + V-ing

….by yes







Future Tense /

Past Future

Future Continuous

Past Future

Future Perfect

Past Future Perfect

Future Perfect

Present Future Tense



Continuous Tense



Continuous Tense


S + shall/will + V I * shall just for I & we

S + would/should + V I

S + will/shall + be + V-ing

S + would/should + be + V-ing

S + will/shall + have + V III

S + would/should + have + V III

S + will/shall + have + been + V-ing


S + shall/will + not + V I

S + would/should + not + VI

S + will/shall + not + be + V-ing

S + would/should + not + be + V-ing

S + will/shall + not + have + V III

S + would/should + not + have + V III

S + will/shall + not + have been + V-ing


Shall/will + S + V I

Would/should + S + V I

Will/shall + S + be + V-ing

Would/should + S + be + V-ing

Will/shall + S + have + V III

Would/should + S + have + V III

Will/shall + S + have + be + V-ing


"will" * utk prstw yad & decide pd saat berbicara * utk menawarkan sesuatu * utk janji mengerjakan sesuatu * utk ask seseorang mengerjakan sesuatu * utk meramalkan prstw yad * utk prstw yg akan pasti terjadi "shall" * utk penawaran / saran2 " be going to " * utk kejadian yg akan terjadi & sdh pernah utk diputuskan * utk menunjukkan apa yg akan terjadi

* utk prstw yg akan dilaku- * utk prstw yg akan sedang kan tapi rencana/ prstw berlangsung di waktu tsb tdk terlaksana tertentu di masa menda* utk prstw yg merupakan tang tawaran/perumpamaan secara sopan * gabungan antara future tense dgn present continuous tense

* utk prstw yang akan sedang berlangsung pada waktu ttt di waktu lampau

* utk prstw yg akan sdh selesai dilakukan di waktu mendatang

* utk pengandaian yg tidak mungkin terjadi karena syaratnya pasti tidak terpenuhi * utk perbuatan yang akan telah selesai di masa lampau/yg seharusnya sdh selesai di waktu lampau

* utk kejadian yg telah sdg berlangsung beberapa lama di waktu yad dan ada kemungkinan dilanjutkan pd waktu akan datang ketika prstw lain terjadi

Of course, I will do it I will lend you I promise I will come Will you turn on the fan ? Will I pass the test ? You will be eighteen next year Where shall we go ? I'm going to sent it It's going to rain

I would come to your party but I was very busy last night Would you like a cup of coffe, please? We should buy a shirt We shouldn't buy a shirt Should we buy a shirt ?



The students will be studying english in class at 8 o'clock tomorrow I will be writing I will not be writing Will I be writing ?

I should be watching TV at home I shall have written my by this time yesterday night storybook by next week I would be eating I wouldn't be eating Would I be eating ?

He would have told me if he had known it If you had invited her, she would have come

He will have been sleeping for an hour by 5 o'clock

Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense S + would/should + have + been + V-ing S + would/should + not + have + been + V-ing Would/should + S + have + been + V-ing * utk prstw yg seharusnya telah sedang berlangsung pd saat tertentu di masa lampau

I would have been studying French for 2 year by last july They would have been going there for 3 days by two days ago

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