Tenancy Contract Cm[2]

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  • Pages: 6
AGREEMENT For letting a room in a flat on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy DATE: 1st December 2009 PARTIES: The Landlord: Helen Kogan The Tenant: Chris Morgan PROPERTY: The master bedroom and ensuite at and being known as Flat 7, 71 Charlwood Street, London, SW1V 4PG fixtures, fittings, effects and appliances itemized within the inventory and (where applicable) together with a right in common with all others entitled thereto over and through the common parts (but not limited to) kitchen, lounge, additional shower/bathroom, entrance hall, stairs, landings, paths and driveways. TERM: A term certain of 12 months commencing on the 12th December 2009. RENT: £700.00 per Month subject to any increase in the rent which the Landlord may hereafter be entitled pursuant to Section 13 of the Housing Act 1988. PAYABLE: In advance by equal Monthly payments without any deductionwhatsoever the first payment to be made on the signing hereof. To be paid (together with the DEPOSIT) as set up by direct debit into the following account: Account name: IAHK Lloyds TSB Bank Sort code: 309461 Account number: 0007007 DEPOSIT: (a) £350.00 payable on the 12th December 2009 such to be retained by the Landlord as security for performance of the Tenant's obligations and to be repayable to the Tenant only after the end of the Tenancy and after deduction of any sums required to compensate the Landlord whether wholly or in part for any breach of obligation on the Tenant's part. (b) Where the Tenant comprises more than one person the deposit may be repaid to any one or more of such persons and such repayment shall discharge the Landlord from any further liability. (c) If at any time during the Tenancy (whether by reason of any deduction made by the Landlord or for any other reason) the amount held by the Landlord in respect of the deposit is less than £350.00 the Tenant will be required to pay to the Landlord such amount as is required to increase the amount of the deposit to the full amount and such amount shall be paid by the Tenant within 14 days of a written demand for the same being sent to him. (d) There shall be no liability upon the Landlord to pay interest upon the deposit. (e) This deposit will be dealt with under one of the Governments' approved schemes pursuant to The Housing (Tenancy Deposit Schemes) Order 2007. 1. The Landlord lets and the Tenant takes the property for the term at the rent payable as above. 2. Where the context admits: (a) "The Landlord" includes the persons for the time being entitled in reversion expectant on the tenancy.

(b) "The Tenant" includes the person deriving title under the Tenant. (c) Reference to the property includes reference to any part or parts of the property (d) Words importing the masculine include the feminine and the singular the plural and vice versa. 3. The Tenant hereby agrees with the Landlord as follows:3.1 To pay the said rent at the times and in the manner specified. 3.2 To share equally with the co-tenant the payments for Council Tax and water rates in respect of the property and all electricity, light and power which shall be consumed or supplied on or to the property during the Tenancy and the amount of all charges made for the use of the telephone (if any) on the property during the Tenancy. 3.3 Not to damage or injure the property or make any alteration to it. 3.4 To preserve the furniture, fixtures, fittings and effects including the carpets from being destroyed or damaged and not remove any of them from the property. 3.5 To keep the interior of the property including decorations, doors, windows, furniture, fixtures, fittings and effects in as good condition as at the start of the Tenancy and make good, pay for the repair of or replace all such items thereof as shall be broken, lost, damaged or destroyed (fair wear and tear and damage by accidental fire only excepted). Deterioration of the interior caused by nicotine/tobacco smoke is not reasonably considered "fair wear and tear" and the Tenant will be held responsible for the cost of any damage rectification or redecoration resulting therefrom. 3.6 To deliver up to the Landlord the property, furniture, fixtures, fittings and effects within the property at the commencement of the Tenancy or such items which shall have been substituted for the same, at the expiration of the Tenancy in the same clean state and condition as it was in at the beginning and to remove all personal furniture and possessions. 3.7 Leave the furniture, fixtures, fittings and effects at the end of the Tenancy in the rooms or places in which they were at the beginning of the Tenancy. 3.8 To permit the Landlord or the Landlord's Agents or contractors upon giving reasonable notice to enter upon the property at all reasonable times for the purpose of repairing and decorating the property or of carrying out and completing any structural or other necessary or proper repairs to the property or of examining the state and condition of the property and for the further purpose of examining the state and condition of the interior of the property and the furniture, fixtures, fittings and effects. 3.9 To report to the Landlord as soon as possible any disrepair or defect within the property. 3.10 Not to sublet or part with possession of the property. 3.11 To use the property as a private residence of the Tenant only and not to carry on or permit to be carried on from the property or any part thereof any profession, trade or business whatsoever, nor to let apartments in, nor to receive lodgers or paying guests on the property. 3.12 Not to place, fix or suffer to be fixed to the exterior or windows of the property any notice board, sign, advertisement, poster, aerial or satellite dish. 3.13 Not to do or permit to be done in or on the property or any part thereof any act or thing which may be or become a nuisance or cause damage inconvenience or annoyance to the Landlord or the Tenants or the occupiers of any adjoining property or which may render void or voidable any policy of insurance in respect of the property or which may cause the premium of any such policy to be increased. 3.14 Not to use the property for the purpose of storing, distributing or the taking and/or smoking of cannabis or cannabis resin or any other dangerous drug other than those prescribed by a registered medical practitioner. 3.15 To pay for the professional cleaning of the property and all the contents thereof at the end of the tenancy where it is deemed to be reasonably necessary.

3.16 Not to use or store in the property or any part thereof any Calor gas, paraffin or any flammable liquids of whatever nature nor any equipment for the use of the same. 3.17 Not to glue stick nail tack screw fix or fasten (whether with blu tac, sellotape or similar materials) anything whatsoever to the interior or exterior of the property without the Landlord's prior written consent. 3.18 Not without the prior written consent of the Landlord or Landlord's Agents to remove or alter the carpets or any of the furniture, fixtures, fittings and effects within the property at the commencement of the Tenancy (or any replacements thereof) or any of them and to clean or pay for the cleaning of the carpets which shall have been soiled during the Tenancy (reasonable wear and tear excepted). 3.19 To keep the drains, gutters, gullies and down pipes of the property clear and the chimney's (if any) swept and to keep clean the windows of the property and replace all broken glass with glass of sufficient quality. 3.20 Not to use the property or permit them to be used for any illegal or immoral purposes or in contravention of any statute, regulation or bye-law. 3.21 To permit the Landlord or the Landlord's Agents at reasonable hours in the daytime within the last 28 days of the tenancy to enter and view the property with prospective tenants or purchasers. 3.22 Within 7 days after receipt of any Notice given or Order made by any competent Authority in respect of the property to give full particulars thereof to the Landlord and to take all reasonable steps to comply with the same and to join with the Landlord in taking such other reasonable action in relation thereto as the Landlord may decide. 3.23 Not to keep or suffer to be kept in or upon the property any dog, cat, bird, reptile or animal of any kind without the previous written consent of the Landlord such consent, if granted, to be revocable at will by the Landlord. If the said consent is given the Tenant accepts full liability for any consequential damage. 3.24 Not to carry out any servicing, repairs, modification or otherwise to any motor vehicle in or upon the property nor to park or store any caravan, mobile home or goods vehicle at the property. 3.25 To keep all refuse outside the property in the bin(s) provided and to keep such areas designated for refuse tidy at all times. 3.26 Not to order any works repairs or alterations in respect of the property or otherwise or to enter into or purport to enter into any contracts on behalf of the Landlord without the Landlord's consent. 3.27 Should the Tenant seek to terminate this agreenent, at least one month's written notice is to be provided to the Landlord. 3.28 Where applicable to maintain and keep the garden, driveway and pathway around the premises clean and tidy, to mow the lawns as often as necessary, to keep the flower beds free from weeds, not to lop, top or cut or damage any of the trees or bushes and not to alter the character or layout of the garden. 3.29 To carry out within one month of the service of a written notice all repairs or other works for which the Tenant is responsible and if the Tenant shall fail to comply with such notice then the Landlord may enter upon the property with workmen and carry out such repairs or other works at the Tenant's expense and such expense shall be recoverable as arrears of rent and payable within 14 days of written demand. 3.30 Not to leave the property without making full and proper arrangements to prevent damage to water pipes and tanks by freezing and in default to pay the cost of repairing any burst pipes or tanks and of making good any consequential damage occasioned thereby such expense to be payable within 14 days of written demand. 3.31 If the property is to be unoccupied for a consecutive period of 25 days or more to give prior written notice thereof to the Landlord. 3.32 To retain all services for the provision of electricity, gas, water services and telephone for the benefit of the Landlord on termination of the Tenancy and not to remove the telephone from the property nor to cancel any contract with British Telecommunications Plc or any other provider of telecommunications to the

property. 3.33 Not to install or permit to be installed any additional telecommunication equipment without the prior written consent of the Landlord. 3.34 If any locks shall be installed or changed without the prior written consent the Landlord shall be entitled to enter the property and remove the same at the Tenant's expense such to be payable within 14 days of written demand. 3.35 The Landlord shall be entitled to make a reasonable charge to the Tenant, payable within 14 days of written demand, if the Landlord is required to visit the premises as a consequence of the Tenant being locked out for any reason whatsoever or if the Landlord has to replace any lock or key as a consequence of the Tenant losing any key or having the same stolen. 3.36 If any cheque given by the Tenant in payment of rent or any other monies due and payable under the terms of this agreement is dishonoured an administration fee of £35 per dishonour will be payable by the Tenant to the Landlord such to be paid within 7 days of written demand. 3.37 In the event of any supply of water, gas or electricity to the property being disconnected as a result of non-payment by the Tenant of the whole or any part of the charge relating to the same or as a result of any other act or omission on the part of the Tenant then the Tenant shall repay to the Landlord all costs incurred as a result of the re-connection of such service (including any arrears) upon demand. 3.38 To pay half the appropriate licence fee payable in respect of the use of the television set on the premises during the term. 3.39 Immediately upon the signing hereof the Tenant will share equally with the co-Tenant in the payment of all services (where supplied to the property) for which he is liable including (but not limited to) Council tax, water rates, gas, electricity, fuel oil, cable television services, telephone and linked telephone services for the burglar alarm (where fitted). 3.40 Not to paint or decorate either the interior or exterior of the property without the prior written permission of the Landlord or the Landlords Agents and then only in a colour scheme and using such materials approved in writing by the Landlord. 3.41 To replace all electric light bulbs, fluorescent tubes and electrical fuses as and when necessary and (where installed) to regularly test and keep in good working order any smoke or carbon monoxide detectors. 3.42 To sweep all working chimneys and flues at least once every 12 months and in any event at the end of the tenancy. 3.43 At the end of the tenancy to make proper and adequate arrangements to have mail forwarded to the Tenant's forwarding address. The Tenant acknowledges that such arrangements are his sole responsibility and are not the responsibility of the Landlord and that the Landlord will not be responsible for any loss which the Tenant may suffer as the result of mail not being forwarded after the expiration of the Tenancy. 3.44 At the end of the tenancy to return to the provider any goods, electrical or otherwise, hired by the Tenant or Licensee and to pay all costs and charges incurred by the Landlord as a result of failure to do so. 3.45 To pay to the Landlord, on an indemnity basis, all costs, fees and expenses (including vat) incurred by the Landlord (including, but not limited to) Solicitor and other professional advisors in respect of: (i) The recovery from the Tenant of any rent or other monies payable by the Tenant to the Landlord. (ii) The enforcement of any of the provisions of this agreement. (iii) The service of any notice. 3.46 That in order to comply with the Gas Safety (Installation & Use) Regulations 1998 to ensure:(a) The ventilators in the property are not covered or blocked. (b) Brown or sooty build up on any gas appliance is reported to the

Landlord immediately. (c) The Landlord's contractor is permitted entry with reasonable notice for the purpose of all inspections, repairs and maintenance of all gas appliances and equipment. 4. By following the due process of law, and without prejudice to the other rights and remedies of the Landlord, the Landlord may terminate the tenancy if: 4.1 The Rent or any part of it is in arrears whether formally demanded or not. 4.2 The Tenant is in breach of any of the obligations under this Agreement. 4.3 Any of the Grounds of Schedule 2 of the Housing Act 1988 apply (these grounds allow the landlord to seek possession of the Property in circumstances listed on the ground). 4.4 A Notice is served under Section 21 of the Housing Act 1988 (Section 21 gives the Landlord a right to end an Assured Shorthold Tenancy without any specific reason, though only after any fixed term has ended, or in operation of a break clause). 4.5 The Property is left abandoned and unoccupied for a period in excess of 14 days without the Landlord's consent. 5. If the rent or any part thereof or any other money payable by the Tenant under the terms of this Agreement shall be unpaid for 14 days after the same shall have become due then interest will be payable from the due date until payment is made at the rate of 5% per annum above the Bank of England base rate from time to time both before as well as after any Judgment. 6. The Landlord hereby agrees with the Tenant as follows:- That the Tenant paying the rent as aforesaid and performing and observing all the agreements on his part herein contained shall quietly possess and enjoy the property during the tenancy without any interruption from the Landlord (here meaning only the party hereto personally and not any other reversioner) or any person claiming under or in trust for the Landlord. 7. This agreement shall take effect subject to the provisions of Section 11 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, if applicable. 8. All or any monies which become payable by the Tenant to the Landlord as a consequence of any breach of the several covenants herein contained shall be treated as a debt due from the Tenant to the Landlord and shall bear interest at the rate specified in clause 5 above. 9. Any notice served by the Landlord on the Tenant shall be sufficiently served if sent by standard first or second class post to the Tenant at the property or the last known address of the Tenant or left addressed to the Tenant at the property. 10. The Tenant is hereby notified under Section 48 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 that notices (including notices in proceedings) may be served on the Landlord by the Tenant at the following address:Flat 7, 71 Charlwood Street, London, SW1V 4PG This address must be in England or Wales and must include the postcode.

SIGNED by the parties hereto the day and year first above written.

SIGNED by Helen Kogan

SIGNED by Chris Morgan

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