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  • Pages: 7
TEN COMMANDMENTS Assignment Name: Franchezca C. Enriquez

Section: 1 - CLM

Subject: THED01

Date: 3/13/19


1. Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.



This commandment prohibits idolatry which means worshipping of false Gods and Godesses and the practice of polytheism which is belief in multiple Gods. It prohibits creating statues and Golden calves, worshipping emperors and such, and as well as praying to other beings otherworldly or not


God’s commanding us to have loyalty. This is through worshipping him and him alone. Our God is a jeaous God, that means he wants all our love devoted to him fully. We need to maintain and develop a strong personal relationship with him by praying, praising, and serving others in his name. We should accept him as our creator who has made us, nature, and everything we see. He is the saviour, the start, and the end. Thus, it is only natural for us to love him above everything and above al else. We should choose him.. always.

2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord, thy God, in vain.



3. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. (Thou shalt sanctify the holy day.)

This commandment prohibits the use of any type of inanimate or lifeless imagery. any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath,” in the worship of the living God. It prohibits to make any representation of him because it distorts and limits our perception on who and what he really is, this causes damage to our personal relationship with him It prohibits blasphemy or using God’s name to commit evil acts to corrupt and change the mindset of others


It also prohibits profanity.. .


Prohibits work activities on Sunday that requires great vigor, because that


This commands us to worship God in a proper manner. This dealts with questions like how we perceive him and how we explain him to others. We must not reduce God to a likness of a physical pbject because he is above all.


The usage of his name and saying “omg” is one way that we cross the line of this second commandmend. This is because using his name other than worshipping and praising and glorifying is a means to taint the sanctity of the creator who should be respected.


In the earlier times, the apostles were accused of blasphemy, when the accusers were actually the ones committing it.


The sabbath’s day is the Lord’s day, that is set apart each week. It commands us to

vigor andwould be for the worshipping of God -

4. Thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother, that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.


rest and worship God. Church members should participate in the sacred ordinance of the sacrament, and at home members should participate in uplifting activities that hep them see the lord, learn the gospel, and strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ.

Although this does not entail work that is of great need, like life and death situations because these commandments were born out of love and not selfishness and strictness. .

This prohibits the disrespect and disobedience of a child to an elder or to his or her parents. This is because they conceived us, thus we must follow their values as long as they don’t steer from the ways of God.


It signifies the covenant between God and man, meaning if one keeps it holy, he or she verifies and conducts lord as God the Father.


Commands children to give honor to their father and mother which conceived them and took care of them. This is through being obedient, by following their rules because they know what’s best for us. Being good students is a way to follow this and it makes not only our parents happy but also our teachers. By saying po and opo and also mano po we

show respect in the Filipino way.

5. Thou shalt not kill

6. Thou shalt not commit adultery.


Prohibits murder and aggression against brothers and sisters.


Prohibits immense hatred that causes the mind to think of a grave sin.


Forbids immora sexual activity that does not happen in the realm of married


For adults, they must respect and keep caring for their parents even when they become old and infirm.


Commands people to value life because it is God who has created it and he is the only one allowed to take it. This means that man cannot decide the death of the other, because man has to love the other despite being he is or her enemy.


One must not kill because it is an act of hatred and begets evil that surrounds it.


Killing another because of self defense just mitigates the crime but is not immoral.


Do not lust, that is what God commands. This honors human sexuality because the purpose of sex is to reproduce between 2

couples. This is called fornication..

7. Thou shalt not steal


This forbids having sex with a person that is not one’s spouse or partner, because whatever the circumstances it is considered cheating in both areas.


Forbids pornography, prostitution, homosexual activity, masturbation, group sex, rape, incest, pedophilia, necrophilia, and bestiality.


Forbids the act of taking someone else’s property.


Forbids cheating people of their money, property, depriving work, unjust wages, embezzlement, fraud, tax evasion, vandalism, and all that deprive people of their right to God’s gifts is included.

persons who have decided to be committed to one another in front of God and man by the form of marriage in church and state. This is why having sex outside that realm is immoral and is not commanded by God but abhored. -

God commands people to stay pure in heart and not involve onself with the temptations of the flesh like pornography and other forms of immoral activity..


Be chaste.


Commands us to respect and honor the possession of others. This is through being honest with one’s share and having equal allocation to the resources we al are entitled to. This means that self entitlement and selfishness is denounced.


God commands everyone to have

equality and a sense of better judgement for the good of all type of presonality wherein one thinks of others before obtaining more for himself (greed). 8. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

9. Thou shalt not covet they neighbor’s house.


Prohibits lying, may they be big or small, lies are lies.


Prohibits deception of others through false claims and deceptions.


This prohibits intentional desire and longing for immoral sexuality with a person who is not your wife or husband. This is because it is a sin in the heart and causes one to do actions that debunk all the other commandments.


Commands everyone to speak truthfully because God is the bearer of all truth and we are made in his image and likeness, that is why we should not lie. We can do this by not spreading fake news and not being scammers online.


This commands to keep the heart clean and mind clean from immoral thoughts from someone who is not your own. This means that if that woman is not your spouse and that man is not your husband, one must not think of them in a way that would lead to sexual desire.

10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his cattle, nor anything that is thy neighbor’s.


Connected with covetting and immora sexuality, this forbids or condemns theft and feelings of envy, greed, and jealousy on other’s property and status.


Abstain and control.


Commands people to be happy for other’s success and not covet or try to have what they have through crab mentaity. This also commands us to be contented and be satisfied.


Commands us to not steal not slander others because of our jealousy.


The Purpose and Meaning of the Ten Commandments. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.theten-commandments.org/ten_commandments-purpose_meaning.html

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