Teenie Weenie Justice The Teenie Weenie Policeman Was Suspicious

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 348
  • Pages: 4
Teenie Weenie Justice The Teenie Weenie Policeman was suspicious when he saw the Dunce dash out of the kitchen with the Cook’s biggest butcher knife and run down the Teenie Weenie trail toward the creek. He thought it best to follow and see what he was up to. He lost the Dunce’s trail but presently he heard voices and moving quietly he came to a mossy spot on the bank of the creek. Creeping behind a big stone he saw Gogo, the Sailor, and the Dunce eating huge pieces of strawberry. A strawberry lay on the ground from which several pieces had been cut. “Probably got that strawberry from Grandma Pettigob’s garden,” muttered the Policeman under his breath. “I’ll investigate this.” Stepping out from behind the stone the Policeman glared at the three Teenie Weenies. “What’s going on here?” he asked. “Eatin’ strawberry,” answered the Dunce. “Where did you get it?” asked the Policeman. “Bought it,” answered the Dunce between bites. “What did you pay for it?” questioned the Policeman. “Four doughnuts,” grinned the Dunce. “Where did you get the doughnuts?” continued the Policeman. “Cook gave ‘em to us,” answered Gogo. “From whom did you buy the strawberry?” “Ginky,” answered the Dunce.

“I’ll have to look into this,” said the Policeman. “That mouse very likely stole the strawberry and if he did you chaps will be liable to arrest for receiving stolen property.” The Policeman went off and after some search he found Ginky who, when questioned, admitted that he had taken the strawberry out of Grandma Pettigob’s garden. By the time the Policeman had returned to the strawberry feast the fruit had been completely consumed. “You fellows are under arrest for having stolen property in your possession,” announced the Policeman. “You must all be at the schoolhouse in the morning when the General holds court.” The next morning the three prisoners appeared at court and there the Policeman accused them of having a stolen strawberry in their possession. “Where’s the evidence?” asked the General. “They ate it,” answered the Policeman. “Not guilty,” announced the General. “Case dismissed.”

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