The Teenie Weenies Surprise The Children The Teenie Weenies

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,058
  • Pages: 6
The Teenie Weenies Surprise the Children The Teenie Weenies are so busy they hardly have time to sleep. There is such a demand for Teenie Weenie Peanut Butter, the tiny folks, no taller than a match, are working night and day making jars and pails of the delicious butter and it is all because the Dunce fell into a lunch box. The curious Dunce in his stroll near the Teenie Weenie village happened to see a group of children’s lunch boxes and of course he had to find out what was in them. He climbed onto one big box and just as he looked over the edge his foot slipped and he fell headlong into it. Fortunately he was not hurt, although he fell right on top of a hard-boiled egg. He rolled off the egg and tumbled into a jelly sandwich and wallowed about in the sticky stuff. He soon found he could not get out of the box and he began to yell for help at the top of his young voice. The Doctor, who happened to be passing, heard his shouts and came to his rescue. The foolish Dunce was pulled out and the Doctor soundly scolded the little chap for prying into the lunch box. “What were you doing in there?” asked the Doctor. “Oh, I was just seeing what I could find,” answered the Dunce. “Well, what did you find?” questioned the Doctor. “I found out a lot,” cried the Dunce, scraping some jelly off his sleeve; “I found out there wasn’t a single peanut butter sandwich in any of the boxes I examined.”

“Is that so?” said the Doctor, in surprise. “That’s funny. Peanut butter is so healthful and so good. I should think all lunch boxes would have a few sandwiches in them.” “I’ll bet those children don’t know how good Teenie Weenie Peanut Butter is, or they would have their boxes filled with them,” cried the Dunce. Of course, all the Teenie Weenies laughed a great deal when they heard how the Dunce had fallen into the lunch box, but they also were much disturbed to find out that none of the lunch boxes contained peanut butter sandwiches. The little folks puzzled over it a great deal and finally the Lady of Fashion had an idea. “I don’t believe those children have ever tasted Monarch Teenie Weenie Peanut Butter. If they had, I’m sure most of their sandwiches would be peanut butter sandwiches,” cried the little lady. “We might make some sandwiches and put them into their lunch boxes, and let the children see how good Teenie Weenie Peanut Butter is.” All the Teenie Weenies liked the idea and they set to work the next day to follow out the little lady’s suggestion. The little folks got some big slices of bread and they made great plates of the delicious sandwiches, which they carried over and slipped into the lunch boxes. When the children ate their lunches and found out how good the sandwiches were, they demanded peanut butter sandwiches for their lunches every day and their mothers had to buy it. That’s why the Teenie Weenies have to work so hard making Monarch Teenie Weenie Peanut Butter.

The Teenie Weenies All the Teenie Weenies are mighty fond of Monarch Teenie Weenie Toffies. There is nothing strange about that, for Teenie Weenie Toffies are made out of pure creamery butter, fresh cream, and pure cane sugar, and they have a wonderfully delicious flavor, quite different from most candy. The Dunce was so fond of Teenie Weenie Toffies and ate so much, the General gave orders to keep the greedy little chap out of the Teenie Weenie Toffie Factory. But every now and then he’d slip in, to get a bite of his favorite candy! One noon, while the machinery which packed the Teenie Weenie Toffie cans had shut down for lunch, the Dunce climbed up onto the machine. He jumped into a one pound can of Toffies, and was just about to throw out a Toffie, when suddenly—the machinery started! The motion knocked him flat on his back, and before he could shout for help, the machine clamped on the lid, and sealed the little fellow up tight, inside the can! Fortunately, the Cowboy had seen the Dunce disappear, and his yells for help brought a number of Teenie Weenies to the spot. “The Dunce is sealed up in that Toffie can!” shouted the Cowboy, “We’ve got to get him out in a hurry, or he’ll smother!” “Get a torch, and cut a hole through the can,” cried the Turk. “No—that won’t do!” shouted the Old Soldier, “The waxed paper wrappers on the toffies will catch fire! Get a drill, and put a hole in the can, so he’ll get air!” “Isn’t there air in the can?” asked the Lady of Fashion. “Why do you seal the cans without air? It’s dangerous! Oh, the poor Dunce!”

“We take the air out so the candy will keep fresh,” answered the Old Soldier. “We didn’t expect to be canning Dunces!” The Cowboy brought a tiny drill, and in a few minutes he bored a hole through the side of the can. “There!” exclaimed the Cowboy, as the air rushed into the hole with a loud hiss. “That will keep him going till we can cut a place big enough to get him out!” A number of tiny tools had been brought, and in a short time the Cowboy cut a hole through the side of the can. After several toffies had been pulled through the hole, the Dunce popped out his head. “J-j-jimminy fish hooks!” stuttered the frightened Dunce. “I c-c-certainly was scared! I-I-I was afraid I might be sold in that can, a-and g-get et up for a piece of toffie!” “Such language, Dunce!” cried the Lady of Fashion. “You should say eaten, not ‘et’!” “Well—et or eaten, I don’t want either one to happen to me!” grinned the Dunce as he climbed safely out of the can. Now sir,” said the General, “I thought you had orders to keep away from the Toffie Factory?” “Yes, sir, I did,” answered the Dunce. “I have tried to keep away. But honest, I just can’t! Teenie Weenie Toffies are too good! Once you get a taste of ‘em, you can’t leave ‘em alone!”

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