Technique For Operation Effieciency

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 26
part 1 Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question TQM can never flourish if the staff are:Correct Answer Scared of their bosses , Worried about losing jobs , Afraid of being reprimanded if there are mistakes Your Answer Scared of their bosses , Worried about losing jobs , Afraid of being reprimanded if there are mistakes Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Quality problem solving tool is used to :Correct Answer Improve quality Your Answer Improve quality Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The concept of quality circle was mooted by :Correct Answer Prof. Kaoishikawa Your Answer Prof. Kaoishikawa Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer SMED Setup time reduction Setup time reduction 5 'S Cleanliness Total productive maintenance Muda elimination Waste elimination Waste elimination Poka-Yoke Error proofing Error proofing

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Allowing worker's to stop machine / assembly line if they believe that product quality is below standard' is an example of :Correct Answer Empowerment Your Answer Involvement Select The Blank Question Kaizen is ________ supported process. Correct Answer Management Your Answer Workmen Select The Blank Question Ratio of ________ to the number of pieces inspected is called fraction defectives. Correct Answer Number of item rejected Your Answer Number of item rejected Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Histogram always indicates :Correct Answer Only height Your Answer Percentage defect Multiple Choice Single Answer Question List of customers, to carry out parato analysis to identify customers who gives business includes :Correct Answer Present & past customers Your Answer Present & past customers Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Implication of Quality problem is:Correct Answer

Gap in performance Your Answer Gap in performance Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Steps to six sigma process consists of :Correct Answer Identify the work you do , Identify your customers , Map the process Your Answer Identify the work you do , Identify your customers , Map the process Multiple Choice Single Answer Question From scatter diagram the strength of relationship between two variables or associated set of data can be inferred from the examination of the shape of :Correct Answer Cloud Your Answer Cloud True/False Question Non-availability of files /document in time is a problem to be addressed by office TPM. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question ________ used to detect drop in air pressure. Correct Answer Buzzers / alarms Your Answer Locators Multiple Choice Single Answer Question TQM is a way to improve quality of product and service :Correct Answer Continuously Your Answer Continuously Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question The aim of education & training under TPM is :Correct Answer To develop abilities to respond quickly to abnormalities , To develop abilities to discover analyze malfunction Your Answer To develop abilities to respond quickly to abnormalities , To develop abilities to discover analyze malfunction , To have multiskilled employees in all departments Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer In scatter diagram, the strength of relationship can be determined By "correlation coefficient" By "correlation coefficient" The scatter diagram provides the technique to establish The possible relationship between a pair of variables The possible relationship between a pair of variables The scatter diagram displays The pair of data as a cloud of points The pair of data as a cloud of points The scatter is also known as Correlation diagram Correlation diagram True/False Question Flow chart is pictorial representation of the steps in production control. Correct Answer False Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Pareto's analysis underlines & operates philosophy of :Correct Answer Vital few = trivial many Your Answer Vital few = trivial many Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Pareto diagram always indicate magnitude of :Correct Answer

Defect Your Answer Influence of defect True/False Question By cutting the cost of quality, profitability decreases. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Check sheet is easy to use because it is :Correct Answer Simplest tool Your Answer Simplest tool True/False Question The flow charts are prepared to enhance the employees understanding of the process by indicating interrelationship within the process. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Abnormal variations can occur if :Correct Answer There are assignable causes Your Answer There are assignable causes Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Types of Poka-Yoke are :Correct Answer Prevention type Poka-Yoke , Detection type Poka-Yoke Your Answer Prevention type Poka-Yoke , Detection type Poka-Yoke , Standards type Poka-Yoke True/False

Question Control limits of control charts should be revised from time to time as additional data is accumulated. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question Kaizen is an excellent method to involve ________ to unearth & eliminate hidden waste. Correct Answer Employees Your Answer Employers Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question To reduce Muda of transport, techniques used are :Correct Answer Cellular layout , Method study , 5 'S Your Answer Cellular layout , Method study , 5 'S Select The Blank Question Cp for six sigma process is ________ Correct Answer 2 Your Answer 2 Select The Blank Question ________ participants in monthly meeting(MRM) Correct Answer GM, operation heads, corporate functional heads Your Answer Department heads & supervisors True/False Question Processing cost of a product is mainly decided by conversion process. Correct Answer True Your Answer

True Select The Blank Question Production in last shift & production plan for next shift is discussed during ________. Correct Answer Shift beginning & shift end/change meeting Your Answer Shift beginning & shift end/change meeting Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Material Supply on DSL basis helps :Correct Answer To eliminate handling , To reduce transporting , To reduce inspection Your Answer To eliminate handling , To reduce transporting , To reduce inspection True/False Question Inadequate maintenance of machine leads to muda of defects Correct Answer True Your Answer True True/False Question Most of the external setups are treated as internal setup. Correct Answer True Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Benefits from SMED are :Correct Answer Reduce work in process , Better average daily production , Increase capacity Your Answer Reduce work in process , Better average daily production , Increase capacity Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Typical examples of process benchmark are :Correct Answer

Procurement procedures , Budgeting , Recruitment Your Answer Procurement procedures , Budgeting , Recruitment True/False Question Low level of delegation is an example of muda in office. Correct Answer True Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Histograms are useful to :Correct Answer Measure the current pattern & extent of variation , Assess current conformance to specification & scope of improvement , Determine whether or not the process is in the state of control Your Answer Measure the current pattern & extent of variation , Assess current conformance to specification & scope of improvement , Determine whether or not the process is in the state of control Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question While preparing scatter diagram following precautions are to be taken :Correct Answer Data should be properly stratified & should be collected for full range , Scale selected should be right to avoid wrong conclusions , Data should be free from bias or undue importance Your Answer Data should be properly stratified & should be collected for full range , Scale selected should be right to avoid wrong conclusions , Data should be free from bias or undue importance Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Through continuous improvement in the process & procedures, kobetsu-kaizen is continuously improve utilization of :Correct Answer Worker, equipment & material Your Answer Workers & materials True/False

Question Every department should make their own rules of standardization. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Quality circle should consist adequate experienced members between :Correct Answer 8 to 10 Your Answer 8 to 10 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Number of kaizen in Group kaizen categories are :Correct Answer Two to three per year Your Answer As many as management decides Select The Blank Question Flow chart helps to provide clarity of the ________ without visiting actual spot. Correct Answer Process Your Answer Process Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Gap in performance = Ideal situation minus :Correct Answer Current situation Your Answer Current situation Select The Blank Question Seminar talks and video show are organized to introduce TPM concept to ________ Correct Answer General employees Your Answer General employees

part-2 True/False Question Process capability index Cp is a measure of capability of the process to meet the specification limits. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question Basic objective of control chart is to ________ the variation due to chance & assignable cause. Correct Answer Separate out Your Answer Eliminate Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Quality problem solving tool is used to :Correct Answer Improve quality Your Answer Improve quality Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Kaizen process is built on PDCA cycle, where P represents :Correct Answer PLAN Your Answer PLAN Multiple Choice Single Answer Question One Green Belt may head a team of :Correct Answer 20 employees Your Answer 20 employees Select The Blank Question Flow chart helps to dissect a process for better understanding & ________ of process.

Correct Answer Analysis Your Answer Analysis Select The Blank Question ________ analysis is a central tenet of Kaizen. Correct Answer Root cause Your Answer Root cause True/False Question Defects are not the consequences of human errors. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Benefits of Daily work management are :Correct Answer Improve resource utilization through gap analysis , Faster response to customer needs , Better communication Your Answer Improve resource utilization through gap analysis , Faster response to customer needs , Better communication Select The Blank Question Due to SMED, ________ time cuts down. Correct Answer Waiting Your Answer Waiting Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Limitation of quality circles are :Correct Answer Problems headed by worker group must be simple & within their limit , Unions in India are reluctant , Management is also not open for union Your Answer

Problems headed by worker group must be simple & within their limit , Unions in India are reluctant , Management is also not open for union Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In traditional manufacturing line :Correct Answer Cycle time is more Your Answer Cycle time is more Select The Blank Question Each quality characteristic has permitted variation & is equal to ________. Correct Answer USL - LSL Your Answer USL - LSL Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Assignable causes :Correct Answer Can be eliminated Your Answer Can be eliminated Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question After finding out the solution & working on it, the equally important job is :Correct Answer Prepare for the presentation of your work , Explain the progress by presentation to steering committee , Convince committee for financial help for running the project Your Answer Prepare for the presentation of your work , Explain the progress by presentation to steering committee , Convince committee for your next project True/False Question Gap analysis for production & dispatches is discussed in monthly meeting. Correct Answer False Your Answer False True/False

Question Most of the external setups are treated as internal setup. Correct Answer True Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Few main steps to construct a Histogram after deciding classes, class width & class boundaries are :Correct Answer Compute mid-point of the class (cell) & fill up the tally sheet determining the cell or class into which each value falls , Count the tally marks i.e. frequency in each class & construct a histogram by plotting a bar graph for each class , Analyze & conclude whether process is is meeting the requirement or not & take connective actions if needed. Your Answer Compute mid-point of the class (cell) & fill up the tally sheet determining the cell or class into which each value falls , Count the tally marks i.e. frequency in each class & construct a histogram by plotting a bar graph for each class , Analyze & conclude whether process is is meeting the requirement or not & take connective actions if needed. Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Pricing in JIT purchasing is done by Correct Answer Buyer and seller together Your Answer Buyer and seller together Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The first step in setup time operation studies is to time each setup, took, review task & :Correct Answer Separate internal & external setup task Your Answer Separate internal & external setup task Select The Blank Question Poka Yoke is ________. Correct Answer Simple technique Your Answer Simple technique

Select The Blank Question To find out root cause ________used Correct Answer Why-why Technique Your Answer Why-why Technique Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Steps to six sigma process consists of :Correct Answer Identify the work you do , Identify your customers , Map the process Your Answer Identify the work you do , Identify your customers , Map the process True/False Question Daily work management can also be extended to non manufacturing areas like procurement, QA, HRD etc. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question ________ % of quality problems are due to individual errors. Correct Answer 15 Your Answer 15 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Ishikawa diagram is also known as :Correct Answer Cause & effect diagram Your Answer Cause & effect diagram True/False Question Implementation of all 8 TPM pillar activities must start at a time . Correct Answer False

Your Answer True Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Review your efforts & success achieved Check Check Act about the causes found out Do Do Collect the initial data for the problem Plan Plan Actions further after reviewing the progress Act Act Select The Blank Question Technique involved in listing of setup task, establishing technological relationship between tasks, drawing arrow diagram is called as ________. Correct Answer Network diagram Your Answer Network diagram True/False Question U-Line layout is better than straight lime layout. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question Poka-Yoke devices under category use ________ to distinguish between similar parts which may be assembled in wrong position. Correct Answer Color coding Your Answer Color coding

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Benefits from the standardized containers are Correct Answer Minimization of transit damages , Ease in verification of quantity of parts , Automatic signal to supplier to replenish stock Your Answer Minimization of transit damages , Ease in verification of quantity of parts , Automatic signal to supplier to replenish stock Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Number of kaizen in Group kaizen categories are :Correct Answer Two to three per year Your Answer Two to three per year True/False Question Graph is a tabulated representation of the data which is easily understandable at a glance. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Time required to study blue prints / drawing is included in :Correct Answer Setup time Your Answer Setup time Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Actions that can be thought for the process having process capability is higher than specification tolerance are Correct Answer 100 % inspection is required , Reduce variability , Possibility of squeezing tolerances Your Answer 100 % inspection is required , Reduce variability Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Withdrawal kanban is presented by :-

Correct Answer C- kanban Your Answer C- kanban Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The aim of education & training under TPM is :Correct Answer To develop abilities to respond quickly to abnormalities , To develop abilities to discover analyze malfunction Your Answer To develop abilities to respond quickly to abnormalities , To develop abilities to discover analyze malfunction , To have multiskilled employees in all departments Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question To draw control charts, sample must be representative of homogeneous segment of production for which :Correct Answer The items of the sample should be from the same machine setting , The items should be of the same batch , Items should be made from the same raw material batch Your Answer The items of the sample should be from the same machine setting , The items should be of the same batch , Items should be made from the same raw material batch Select The Blank Question To eliminate muda of processing, ________ exercise is essential. Correct Answer ECRS Your Answer MOST Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Cleaning your own area/equipments gives benefits of :Correct Answer You know your self how to avoid dust , When you touch while cleaning you may find a fault , Saving of further failure due to dust Your Answer You know your self how to avoid dust , When you touch while cleaning you may find a fault , Saving of further failure due to dust True/False Question

Performance benchmarking does not involves comparison of financial ratios at the aggregate level. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Material Supply on DSL basis helps :Correct Answer To eliminate handling , To reduce transporting , To reduce inspection Your Answer To eliminate handling , To reduce transporting , To reduce inspection Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Chance causes :Correct Answer Cannot be identified Your Answer Cannot be identified Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The alternate meaning of seiso is Correct Answer Sanities , Cleanup , Dust free / scrab Your Answer Sanities , Cleanup , Dust free / scrab Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Production kanban is presented by :Correct Answer P-kanban Your Answer P-kanban Posted by MindGrill at 1:22 AM 0 comments

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Techniques for Operations Efficiency - 1 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Whatever you are doing you can do better by :Correct Answer Kaizen Your Answer Kaizen Select The Blank Question In scatter diagram "________" relationship is said to exist when value of 'y' somewhat increases as the value of 'x' increases. Correct Answer Weak positive Your Answer Weak positive Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question After finding out the solution & working on it, the equally important job is :Correct Answer Prepare for the presentation of your work , Explain the progress by presentation to steering committee , Convince committee for financial help for running the project Your Answer Prepare for the presentation of your work , Explain the progress by presentation to steering committee , Convince committee for financial help for running the project Select The Blank Question Poka Yoke designed to help operators to know immediately ________ of the defeat called detection type Poka-Yoke. Correct Answer On occurrence Your Answer On occurrence Multiple Choice Single Answer Question TQM is :Correct Answer A continuous activity Your Answer A continuous activity

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In cellular manufacturing system, the cells are designed so that the material flow within the cell and between the cells are :Correct Answer Minimized Your Answer Minimized Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Some steps for stratification are :Correct Answer Present the information in graphical form & study, decide if further stratification is required? , Define the problem & identify the stratification variables , Sort out data into categories & summarise information in each category Your Answer Define the problem & identify the stratification variables , Sort out data into categories & summarise information in each category , Present the information in graphical form & study, decide if further stratification is required? Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Review your efforts & success achieved Check Act Act about the causes found out Do Do Collect the initial data for the problem Plan Plan Actions further after reviewing the progress Act Check Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Implementation of TPM in Indian industries is difficult due to :Correct Answer Lack of knowledge of the TPM , Resistance to change , Fear to loss of job Your Answer Lack of knowledge of the TPM , Resistance to change , Fear to loss of job

Select The Blank Question ________ helps to generate creative ideas . Correct Answer Brainstorming Your Answer Brainstorming Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Zero problem are those where in objective is :Correct Answer To completely eliminate the problem Your Answer To completely eliminate the problem True/False Question Muda due to waiting during assembly, during machining processing is very easy to detect. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Recording of the entire setup operators focusing on hand, eye and body movements of the person doing the setting is done through :Correct Answer Video recording Your Answer Video recording Select The Blank Question Kaizen projects are managed by ________ Correct Answer Cross functional team Your Answer Management Select The Blank Question In traditional purchasing ________ inventory is required.

Correct Answer Plenty of Your Answer Plenty of LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

Select The Blank Question Kaizen projects are managed by ________ Correct Answer Cross functional team Your Answer Management Select The Blank Question In traditional purchasing ________ inventory is required. Correct Answer Plenty of Your Answer Plenty of Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Implementation of TPM in Indian industries is difficult due to :Correct Answer Lack of knowledge of the TPM , Resistance to change , Fear to loss of job Your Answer Lack of knowledge of the TPM , Resistance to change , Fear to loss of job Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Actions that can be thought for the process having process capability is smaller than specification tolerance are:Correct Answer Use of less precision machine , Possibility of squeezing tolerances , Reduction in inspection Your Answer Use of less precision machine , Possibility of squeezing tolerances , Reduction in inspection Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question Role of champions are :Correct Answer Approve six sigma projects , Remove road block in the path of six sigma implementation , Monitor progress of six sigma projects Your Answer Approve six sigma projects , Remove road block in the path of six sigma implementation , Monitor progress of six sigma projects Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Poka-yoke for employee not performing work as per established method is :Correct Answer Implement work standard Your Answer Implement work standard True/False Question Inadequate maintenance of machine leads to muda of defects Correct Answer True Your Answer False Select The Blank Question Histogram is a diagrammatic presentation of the ________ distribution of characteristics such as strength, diameter, etc. Correct Answer Frequency Your Answer Frequency Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Types of meetings held in DWM are :Correct Answer Daily PDCA meeting , Weekly PDCA meeting , Monthly PDCA meeting Your Answer Daily PDCA meeting , Weekly PDCA meeting , Monthly PDCA meeting Select The Blank Question ________ is responsible for effective implementation of action plan's under TPM. Correct Answer

Steering committee Your Answer Maintenance department Select The Blank Question ________ is an effect due to the muda of defect. Correct Answer Wear & tear of parts while disassembling Your Answer Wear & tear of parts while disassembling Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Participants of the groups for quality circles should be decided by :Correct Answer Employees coming together by their own enthusiasm Your Answer Employees coming together by their own enthusiasm Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Japanese concept of good house keeping is for: Correct Answer Good environment for quality products Your Answer Good environment for quality products Select The Blank Question Japanese believe that when they are ________ they are cleaning there minds too. Correct Answer Cleaning Your Answer Cleaning Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Initiative CA/PA for customer complaint is check point for :Correct Answer Response to customer complaint Your Answer Response to customer complaint Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question

Breakdown problem may be stratified by :Correct Answer Sections , Machines , Type of breakdown (e.g mech. Or electrical) Your Answer Machines , Type of breakdown (e.g mech. Or electrical) Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Customer contact staff need training in areas like :Correct Answer Questioning skills , Listening skills , Telephone attending techniques Your Answer Questioning skills , Listening skills , Telephone attending techniques Multiple Choice Single Answer Question To sustain the 5-S throughout the months best method is :Correct Answer Start surprise internal audits Your Answer Declare prizes Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Recording of the entire setup operators focusing on hand, eye and body movements of the person doing the setting is done through :Correct Answer Video recording Your Answer Video recording Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Remedial actions for error of misunderstanding is :Correct Answer Training , Checking in advance , Standardizing work procedures Your Answer Training , Checking in advance , Standardizing work procedures Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Missing parts is due to :Correct Answer Willful errors , Inadvertent error , Judgment error Your Answer Willful errors , Inadvertent error

True/False Question Flow chart helps to design new process. Correct Answer True Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question SWOT analysis is an important step in :Correct Answer Deciding what to benchmark Your Answer Data collection Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Quality circle should consist adequate experienced members between :Correct Answer 8 to 10 Your Answer 8 to 10 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Identifying key preventive operational functions and comparing these operational functions within the firm's own division & branches comes under :Correct Answer Internal benchmarking Your Answer Internal benchmarking Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Flow charts are drawn to document a process by charting the task performed and :Correct Answer The sequence in which tasks are performed Your Answer The flow in which tasks are performed

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