Team Teaching Stage

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 715
  • Pages: 2
FACULTAD DE HUMANIDADES EARLY ENGLISH TEACHING PRACTICE Vise II 2009 TEAM TEACHING STAGE Name of student teacher: Nicol Smith Estay Name of School: Colegio Parroquial Santa María Goretti Number of students: around 750 Date: Class: 3º Medio B Task 1: For the following questions describe as accurately as you can the type of work performed as the guide teacher assistant: 1. What kind of activity did you perform the first time your guide teacher asked for your help? How long did it take? The first activity my guide teacher asked me to help him with was to create 10 sentences in Spanish so the students could translate them into English. He told me to do 5 and he would do 5 as well. It took about 30 minutes to do the activity and correct it. 2. What were the students doing before you started helping out? Who gave the instructions, you or your guide teacher? It was the beginning of the class so they were doing nothing. In terms of contents they were checking some of the last class exercises to remember what they had to do next. The instructions were given collaboratively; we both gave the instructions and helped every student that needed assist. 3. How did the students react? Describe the atmosphere of the room and the levels of engagement in the room. They were really noisy sometimes, but they reacted well, and agreed to do the exercises. Whenever they had doubts they called my guide teacher or me. The class atmosphere was nice; everyone was working and helping each other. Though there were some that starting talking or doing some other things but we called their attention once and then they continued. I am really glad of the class I was assigned to do my VISE. 4. What other assignments were asked you to do? How often? There was a time when my guide teacher was absent for 2 to 3 days because his wife had a baby, so the school hired a substitute teacher, who was a History teacher with a mention in English. Those days I had to do practically everything. My guide teacher left some activities to carry out, so in terms of material we had

nothing to worry about. But I had to give the instructions, to answer any kind of doubt and to check the exercises on the board. We had little time to check them so I did them orally. I asked “Who has nº 1 wrong?” when someone said “I have” I asked “and why do you think that is wrong?” The students stood quite for a bit thinking, and then they answered why they thought it was wrong. Surprisingly they realized their mistakes and all of their classmates checked their answers as well. And then I gave them some other exercises on the board to see if they had understood the contents. After that, when my guide teacher came back, I just remained helping him with the activities but never taking such an important role in the class as the main teacher. 5. What activities or resources did you propose? Were they used? How effective were they? I proposed to do a group activity in which they had to construct sentences by themselves, but with words missing, so then they could exchange their sentences with other students and see if they could do the exercise. Obviously my guide teacher and I kept checking their sentences so that they were understandable and correct. 6. Were you asked to prepare any kind of special audio visual material for the required assignments? How did the student like it? No, I wasn’t asked and the time I was in the school didn’t allow me to prepare any kind of special audio visual material. 7. Did your guide teacher provide feedback on your performance in the classroom? How often? How did you react? He was always providing me feedback and advices. We continuously spoke about how we could help the class to improve the learning process and which activities would be suitable to perform in class. My reaction was full of respect, because he is a lot more experienced than me in this field. And I was really happy to receive constructive criticism on my performance as a teacher.

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