Te Rawhiti Marae - Play A Part

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NGA MAHI O TE MARAE / HOW THE MARAE WORKS Ngati Kuta and Patukeha appoint kaitiaki to manage and administer the affairs of the Marae. Each hapu elects four trustees to make up a unit of eight. The Te Rawhiti Marae Trustees are : Ngati Kuta Kaitiaki Mr Robson Erceg Mr Francis Hepi Mrs Helen Mountain Harte (Secretary) Ms Deborah Peacock (Treasurer)

Patukeha Kaitiaki Mr Te Ringa Witehira (Chair) Mr Joseph Bristowe Mr Richard Witehira

The Trustees are the kaitiaki of the Marae complex and everything which affects it. Their primary role is to care for the Marae as a ’taonga tuku iho’, a treasure handed down, for the tupuna, for the community and for the future. They are registered in the Maori Land Court. The Trust is bound by a Charter, ‘Te Tutohinga o Te Rawhiti Marae’ formed by the Hapu in which is the tikanga or tribal law specific to Te Rawhiti, and the legal requirements as a 439 Trust under the Trustees Act, 1956; as a Reserve under the Reservations Act,1993,1994,1995;as a Maori Reservation on Maori land under the Turewhenua Act,1993; and follows rules under the Administration Act,1963.

Trustee Areas of Responsibility for Marae Maintenance At present, the roles and responsibilities of Marae Trustees are akin to the governance role of a legal entity. The designated positions of the Marae Trust are determined by the Trustees as outlined: ¾ ¾ ¾

The Trustees select their own executive. In practice, the Trustees manage and do the actual work in each portfolio. They are working Trustees, where governance, management and operations combine in each portfolio. They allocate overall management responsibility and accountability on a portfolio basis in order to ensure the effective and efficient management of each area of the Marae as follows:

Position: Chairperson - Portfolio Responsibility Taumata (the Orator’s bench); Asset Management (includes Maintenance, Monitoring and Asset Register, assisting with bookings, kitchen supervision) Asset Manager-M Witehira Knowledge of Rules pertaining to the Marae; General supervision of Marae Position: Treasurer – Portfolio Responsibility Finances; Bookings; Resource Centre Administration

Position: Secretary – Portfolio Responsibility Record keeping; Website Management; The Monitoring of the Maintenance of the Charter; The Monitoring of the Strategic Plan Other key Portfolio Positions These are delegated within the Trustee membership for the following areas: Maintenance of Buildings: Main Building, Resource Centre Building, Mahi Toi Building (future plan), Caretaker’s Cottage (future plan); Maintenance of grounds; Water pump/pipes/tank Monitoring; Maintenance of Whakaruruhau and Artworks; Health & Safety Procedures & Monitoring There are also a number of sub-committees established to support, implement and administer Marae based functions and activities. They include the following: Te Komiti Wahine This committee are made up of women who both cater for and maintain the wharekai and wharehui for the Marae. Te Rawhiti Marae Development Committee This is a sub-committee of the Marae Trust, of some 10 members with a 3-person working party (Chairperson: Marara Te Tai Hook, Secretary: Helen Mountain Harte, Co-ordinator: Maria Mavoa) which has been established to oversee the Te Rawhiti Marae Renovation and Extension Project. It has its own bank account and Accountant who is Treasurer. It reports to the Trustees. In accordance with the MOU, one of its members is a Marae Trustee. Te Rawhiti Toi Maori Roopu This group is a gathering of artists and interested people who will design and plan the decoration of the Marae. It has its own budget granted from Waka Toi. Te Rawhiti Marae Resource Centre The administration and use of the Centre is to be established. The facility is available to the community through the Trust. Te Rawhiti Marae Archive Committee The Archive administration is to be established. It will hold the written material, taonga and electronic data of Te Rawhiti. Te Rawhiti Marae Strategic Plan This Plan was formed by the Hapu to forge a path forward keeping the Marae as a platform to unite people, to inspire people and to bring them together to assist them to determine their lives productively. It sees the Marae as central to future developments culturally, socially, educationally, environmentally and economically.

WHAT THE MARAE IS PART OF Environmental conservation through: Nga hapu sharing the island restoration goals of the incorporated society, the Guardians of the Bay of Islands with DOC, and the private landowners on the islands Nga hapu caring for the management of the resources in the district under the RMA-working with DOC, NRC, HPT, AANZ, FNDC other tangata whenua and land owners Nga hapu enhancing the fisheries in the Bay using their unique and innovative Plan based on conservation and traditional methods by collaborating with MoF, Recreational fishers,

Commercial fishers, Tourism operators, and other tangata whenua. It is to be submitted for Consent this year. Nga hapu being part of the Hapu/Iwi Technicians and Local government authorities under the Far North District Council, Te Waka Motuhake group discussing regulations and how they affect iwi Economic ventures: Nga hapu have two Employment contract units which apply for contracts for locals Nga hapu are partners in a joint venture in the Canterbury Charitable Trust which owns the exFrigate “Canterbury”. The frigate is to be handed over in February, 2007 from the Navy. Some local employment opportunities are envisaged from this venture. Nga hapu have a Charitable Trust, Iwi Whakatupu, which runs the shop on Urupukapuka Island at Otehei Bay called Otehei Mahi Toi. It encourages local artists to sell their craft by providing a market. There are fisheries ventures arising from the unique and innovative fisheries plans approved by MoF Conservation employment opportunities are, and will be, available for appropriately qualified locals. Many social and educational projects have been held and are planned on the Marae.








Helen Mountain Harte 4 Cheverton Place Kohimarama Auckland 1071 Fax: 095211835 Mobile:02175 5553




[email protected]

See TE IHI TOHORAA PEPA for donation opportunities

January 6, 2007

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