Charter Of Te Rawhiti Marae

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Te Pere-Te Mauri o Patukeha me Ngati Kuta


Te Rawhiti War Memorial Dining Hall

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Ko Tangaroa

Te Kaiwhakairo, ko Moka Puru, Patukeha ki Te Rawhiti


WHAKAATURANGA / Identification

Whakatauki Ko Rakaumangamanga te maunga Ko Ipipiri te moana Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te waka Ko Ngapuhi te iwi Ko Ngati Kuta me Patukeha nga hapu Ko Te Rawhiti te Marae Ko Tangaroa te Tekoteko Ko The Rawhiti War Memorial Hall te wharekai Tihei Mauri Ora!

Created by Nga Hapu o Ngati Kuta me Patukeha Ki Te Rawhiti 2001-2006 Mauri Ora

4 He Waiata mo tatou Putake /A Waiata of our Origins The waiata, “Rakaumangamanga” composed by Henare Clendon, confirms our origins and direct link to the whenua. The first verse is reproduced as follows: Ko Rakaumangamanga, ko te maunga rongo nui, E tu mai nei, kei te marangai Ko te herenga kupu o nga tupuna Ko Rakaumangamanga, no Hawaiki e. Rakaumangamanga is the well-known mountain Standing to the east The binding word of the ancestors Rakaumangamanga is from Hawaiki.


TE WAAHI O TE MARAE / The Location

Te Tawa Iti Bay, Te Rawhiti, Bay of Islands

Created by Nga Hapu o Ngati Kuta me Patu Keha Ki Te Rawhiti 2001-2006 Mauri Ora

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Te Rawhiti Marae land was gifted by Te Paea Rewha (2.0 shares). The land was set aside as a Native reservation for the common use of the Maori people of Rawhiti for the purpose of a meeting-house site-NZ Gazette, 11th April,1946. On February,1971, the purpose was re-defined to add.”and recreation ground. Ria Hori Hakaraia donated 1.0 share in the Omakiwi, now Te Rawhiti, Block, the location of which is being researched. Legal description is: Block number is 2A2A 2A1. Title order date 21/01/1942. See copies of original documents in Te Rawhiti Marae Procedural Manual. 7.0

NGA TAANGATA WHAI PAINGA / The beneficiaries and members Nga hapu o Ngati Kuta ki Te Rawhiti and Patukeha ki Te Rawhiti



The Maori Reservation Regulation Act 1993,1994,1995. It is registered as a 439 Maori Reservation Trust under the Ture Whenua Maori Land Act, 1993. The Trustees Act, 1956. The Administration Act, 1963. See the Te Rawhiti Marae Procedural Manual for details 9.0

NGA WHAKAMARAMA O NGA KUPU / Interpretation of Terms “Te Rawhiti Marae Trustees” shall be referred to as “the Trust.” “Ngati Kuta and Patukeha” shall be referred to herein as “hapu” or“nga hapu”(plural) This Document shall be referred to as “the Charter.”

Created by Nga Hapu o Ngati Kuta me Patukeha Ki Te Rawhiti 2001-2006 Mauri Ora



TE TIKANGA O TE RAWHITI MARAE / The Traditional Rules of our Marae The tikanga for Te Rawhiti Marae is Ngapuhi with Ngati Kuta ki Te Rawhiti and Patukeha ki Te Rawhiti traditional derivations only. This forms the basis for all activities on the Marae property. See “Te Rawhiti Marae Tikanga” Chapter in Te Rawhiti Marae Procedures Manual.

Te Rawhiti Marae on the day of the blessing of the Cenotaph and the Roll of Honour Board. The Dining Hall was built in 1947. Toilets in foreground.

Created by Nga Hapu o Ngati Kuta me Patukeha Ki Te Rawhiti 2001-2006 Mauri Ora

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TE WHAKARITE KAUPAPA O TE MARAE / Marae Governance Te Rawhiti Marae is to be governed by the Te Rawhiti Marae Trust for the hapu.


NGA MAHI O NGA KAITIAKI / The Functions and the powers of the Trustees The Trustees, elected by their hapu, by the Marae Trustee Selection Process, at a Triennial General Meeting, are effective immediately. They are further ratified by Order of the Maori Land Court to administer the Marae. Their function and powers are outlined as follows:      


To govern, administer and hold overall responsibility for the Marae and all of its facilities, resources and proceedings; To uphold the tikanga and cultural values of the Marae at all times; To hold and administer the land on which the Marae sits; To administer and manage all monies derived from the Marae; To administer and oversee the usage of the Marae such as hiring the facility and holding hui and other gatherings; To participate in the Taumata duties where possible or be learning the duties required. To participate in the Kaipowhiri duties or be learning the required duties

WHAKATAU KAUPAPA MO TE PUTEA / Financial Management The Trustees hold the ultimate responsibility for the management of all finances relating to the Marae. Their functions and powers involve the following:    

  

To open, operate and maintain bank accounts deemed necessary by the Trustees for the functions and operations of the Marae; To ensure the delegation of three authorised signatories to bank accounts – whereby all Marae cheques/payments are to be signed off by a minimum of two of the three delegated signatories; To apply for and acquire any licenses, permits or orders necessary for the operation of the Marae; To endorse and oversee any fundraising initiatives for the Marae, which is approved and deemed necessary by the Trustees and Marae beneficiaries; and to ensure that no illegal activities are undertaken. To keep and maintain separate, accurate and up to date records and accounts in relation to the Marae which are available to the beneficiaries for viewing To produce to the Court, at any time for examination by the Court, all records, books of accounts and vouchers in possession or control of the Trustees. To maintain a Minute Book of Trustees’ meetings and resolutions which record all transactions, dialogue and decisions made by the

Created by Nga Hapu o Ngati Kuta me Patu Keha Ki Te Rawhiti 2001-2006 Mauri Ora

8 Trustees, in regard to Marae financial matters and for all other matters, and for the Minute Book to be available to the beneficiaries upon request. 11.1.2 Te Arotau o nga Kaitiaki /The Trustee Eligibility a b


The Trustee is able to whakapapa to Ngati Kuta ki Te Rawhiti or Patukeha ki Te Rawhiti The Trustee must be a “worthy appointee” who is not : a bankrupt, in prison, a minor, mentally unstable, convicted of a crime carrying a sentence of more than six months within five years of that conviction. The Trustee should live in Te Rawhiti, if possible

11.1.3 Te Whiriwhiringa o nga Kaitiaki/ Trustee Selection Process There are to be eight Trustees, four from each of Ngati Kuta and Patukeha. They are selected by the hapu and are effective immediately. Given that all eligibilty factors above are hapu-approved, the AGM, Triennial election and the Maori Land Court approval are necessary formalities . 11.1.4 Te Wa Mahi o nga Kaitiaki/Trustee Term of Office The Trustees serve a three year term, and are eligible for re-election, should they and their hapu so wish. 12.0

NGA HUI MO NGA HAPU ME NGA KAITIAKI / General Meetiings 12.1

Hui –Tau / Annual General meeting An Annual General meeting to report back to the beneficiaries a each year. b There is to be 21 days prior notice of time and place of the meeting by newspaper advertisement in the district where the Marae is c Hapu members are expected to attend. d The meeting will be chaired by a Trustee or a person nominated by the Trustees e The Trustees must attend unless an apology is received f: The Trustees must present to the meeting the following: An Annual report of the preceding 12 months, comprising (a the Chairman’s Report, outlining the overall administration of the Marae and Marae affairs (b The Annual Financial Accounts, for the previous 12 months to the current meeting. (c The Last AGM Minutes (d The Trustees’ proposals for the next 12 months g

The hapu have an opportunity to express their views in relation to the administration of the Marae

Created by Nga Hapu o Ngati Kuta me Patu Keha Ki Te Rawhiti 2001-2006 Mauri Ora


A Kuia /Kaumatua hui, May,2006 From left: foreground,) R Willoughby, Te Ringa Witehira, Moka Puru, George Riley, Russell Hook, Matutaera Clendon, Katarina Puru Hemara (obscured) , Te Aroha Mere Rewha Van der Heyden


Anything else of relevance can be distributed to be discussed, provided the Chairperson has been notified


Hui a-Toru-Tau /The Triennial General Meeting A Triennial General Meeting is held every three years. It must have 21days prior notice in the newspaper of the district giving time, place and agenda a The hapu attend to elect new Trustees b The Chairman’s Report reports on the last 3 years up to the current meeting. c The Financial Report details the accounts of the last 3 years up to the current meeting. d The Last Triennial Minutes are read. e Give the opportunity for the meeting to express their issues


Hui a- Marama mo nga Kaitiaki / Monthly Trustees Meeting

a c d e

The Monthly Trustees Meetings are held on the second Sunday of the month at the Marae, the date for the next announced at the end of the meeting. Meeting procedures are that: The quorum is 60% of the registered Trustees Two of three signatories will sign a cheque The Financial accounts are to be tabled and distributed Trustees’ Areas of Responsibilty Reports are tabled and distributed

Created by Nga Hapu o Ngati Kuta me Patu Keha Ki Te Rawhiti 2001-2006 Mauri Ora

10 f g


People who have an issue to speak to may attend if the Chair has been given prior notice The hapu may attend if they so wish but have no voting powers and may not unduly disturb the meeting

Hui a-Rereke / Special General Meetings A Special General Meeting may be called to address an urgent matter. At least two trustees should be present and a quorum should agree to the meeting on-line. The electronic replies should be filed as legitimate consent and participation for meeting decisions


Hui a-Karere Rorohiko / Special Urgent On-Line Meetings Special Urgent-On-line Trustees Meetings may be conducted when requested by a Trustee. The electronic hard copy of the email is filed as the participation in the Special- On- line Meeting where an urgent resolution is required. The quorum will be 60% of Trustees. see Te Rawhiti Marae Procedures Manual for details.


NGA WAHANGA HEI TIAKITANGA I TE MARAE /Trustee Areas of Responsibility for Marae Maintenance The designated positions of the Marae Trust are determined by the Trustees as outlined:

 The Trustees select their own executive.  They allocate overall management responsibility and accountability on a portfolio basis in order to ensure the effective and efficient management of each area of the Marae as follows: Position: Chairperson - Portfolio Responsibility Taumata Asset Management (includes Maintenance, Monitoring and Asset Register, assisting with bookings) Knowledge of Rules pertaining to the Marae General supervision of Marae Position: Treasurer – Portfolio Responsibility Finances Bookings Resource Centre Administration Position: Secretary – Portfolio Responsibility Record keeping Website Management The Maintenance of the Charter Created by Nga Hapu o Ngati Kuta me Patu Keha Ki Te Rawhiti 2001-2006 Mauri Ora

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The Monitoring of the Strategic Plan

Other key Portfolio Positions: These are delegated within the Trustee membership for the following areas: -

Maintenance of Buildings Main Building Resource Centre Building Mahi Toi Building (future plan) Caretaker’s Cottage (future plan) Maintenance of grounds Water pump/pipes/tank Monitoring Maintenance of Whakaruruhau and Artworks Health & Safety Procedures & Monitoring


Te Rawhiti Marae Procedures Manual for more details

From right: Ida Maioha, Henare Clendon, Rongo Hakaraia, Puti Puru, Tarau Titore, Jim Te Tai, George Te Tai, Sue Te Tai, Tikapua Tenana, Mack Parkes, Tawera Harvey, Taurangi Clendon. th Foundation Pupils. Te Rawhiti Native School 50 Jubilee. 1904-1954

Created by Nga Hapu o Ngati Kuta me Patu Keha Ki Te Rawhiti 2001-2006 Mauri Ora

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TE WHAKATAUNGA MO TE RARURARU I WAENGANUI I NGA KAITIAKI / Trustees Conflict Resolution In the event of any conflict arising within the membership of the Marae Trust, the following procedures are applicable: 1 2 3


The Chair person may initially advise and adjudicate the matter; A hapu-trustee meeting may be called to discuss the matter; Where necessary, the Chair may chose to appoint an appropriate mediator, in order to reach a resolution.

TE WHAKATAUNGA MO TE RARURARU I NGA KAITIAKI ME NGA HAPU / Conflict Resolution between Trustees and hapu 1 2 3 4

The trustee must meet with their hapu and discuss the matter. If the matter is not resolved, the hapu may: The Chair person recommends that the trustee meet the Kuia and Kaumatua Council on the Marae The hapu may remove the person from the position and notify the Trust in writing of the decision The aggrieved Trustee may take the matter to the Maori Land Court

See the Manual of Procedures for details 17.0

TE TAATARI KAUTE ME TE AROTAKENGA O NGA KAITIAKI/ Trustee Evaluation and Audit The Trustees are to conduct a self evaluation performance assessment every 12 months and an outside evaluation by a community-approved team of three to assess their performance annually. These external assessments are seen by the respective hapu. See Trusteeship Requirements and Procedures in the Te Rawhiti Marae Procedural Manual


TE RAUPAPA MAHI O NGA NOHOANGA O TE MARAE/ Marae Bookings Procedure The reservation request may be verbal, by letter or by email. The following procedures apply: 1 a b c

A booking Form is sent out with details including: the full name of the applicant the particular activity the proposed date, time, duration and number of people

2 3 4

A Health & Safety Liabilities Form is sent out for signing A Basic tikanga Form is sent out Any further information is asked for if necessary

Created by Nga Hapu o Ngati Kuta me Patu Keha Ki Te Rawhiti 2001-2006 Mauri Ora

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The application can be accepted or declined by the Bookings person with consultation with the Chairperson and Assets Manager.

See Te Rawhiti Marae Procedural Manual for details 19.0

TE KAUPAPA O NGA WHAKATUUPATOTANGA /The Health and Safety Plan The Health and Safety Plan is to remove legal liability from the Trust for accidents on the property. This plan must be developed by at least three Trustees and the Assets Manager, beginning with the identification and registration of hazards and the means to reduce and remove each hazard on the Marae property and in the buildings. This is to be the responsibility of the designated Trustees and the Assets manager. See Te Rawhiti Marae Procedural Manual for details


Te Kaupapa o Nga Mahi o Nga Komiti-awhina o Te Marae / Marae Operations: the Sub-Committees of the Marae The sub-committees of the Marae Trust act upon particular powers and duties allocated to them by the Trust. Te Rawhiti Women’s Committee This sub committee cares for the Marae Buildings particularly the kitchen, the toilets and the Wharehui and equipment. It helps with catering for hui. Its activities will be formalised Te Rawhiti Marae Development Committee This committee is a sub committee of the Marae Trust. Its function is to develop the Marae buildings and property for which it will raise funds and manage the building of the Marae. It has a Memorandum of Understanding with the Trustees. It has a bank account in its own name. It has its own executive. Te Rawhiti Marae Toi Maori Roopu This Roopu will form a working committee which will be responsible to the Marae Trust. Its administration and operations are to be decided. It does not have its own bank account but it has its own budget. Te Rawhiti Marae Resource Centre Committee This will be administered by the Marae Trust. It is a facility available to the community to use for word processing, photocopying and eventually emailing. Its administration involving a committee is under consideration. It is housed in the former Kohanga Reo Building. Te Rawhiti Marae Archive Committee This facility will have a committee to administer it. It will be answerable to the Trust.

Created by Nga Hapu o Ngati Kuta me Patu Keha Ki Te Rawhiti 2001-2006 Mauri Ora


Te Rawhiti Marae Cenotaph


TE WHANAUNGATANGA O TE MARAE KI NGA KOMITI O TE RAWHITI/ The Relationship of the Marae with the Te Rawhiti Committees The relationship needs to be defined formally. Te Rawhiti Maori Committee This committee has been in recess for three years. It represents both hapu and the whole community. It was, and still is able to be, a forum for the wider community’s issues outside the Marae property, to be debated and actioned. The Kaingahoa Trust This Trust administers the Whanau Marae of Patukeha Hapu ki Te Rawhiti. There is a working relationship with this Marae. This Marae may take the overflow from Te Rawhiti Marae. The Te Rawhiti Works Trust Is an employment Charitable Trust based in Te Tawa Bay. Hauai Enterprises is an newly formed employment Trust based in Hauai Bay, which is operating under the Ngati Kuta Hapu Charitable Trust. Ngati Kuta ki Te Rawhiti Hapu Charitable Trust This is one of the two major hapu in Te Rawhiti. It provides half of the Trustees for the Marae. Its Trustees convey Hapu messages from the Trust to the Marae Trust Patukeha ki Te Rawhiti Hapu This is one of two major hapu in Te Rawhiti. It provides half of the Trustees for the Marae. Its Trustees convey Hapu messages from the Trust to the Marae Trust The Haahi groups There are several Haahi in the Te Rawhiti area. They unite to perform multidenominational services on the Marae for Tangi and for other hui. See Te Rawhiti Marae Procedural Manual for details

Created by Nga Hapu o Ngati Kuta me Patu Keha Ki Te Rawhiti 2001-2006 Mauri Ora



TE WHANAUNGATANGA KI TE IWI WHAANUI / The Relationship to the Community The community includes the groups which are affected by, and affect the Marae. These are defined as those which are those of hapu, tribal, residential, commercial and governmental connections, nationally and internationally. The relationships are explored in the Te Rawhiti Marae Strategic Plan.


TE HUARAHI O TE TIROHANGA / The Direction for Strategic Movement

O Matou Tirohanga Whaanui – Our Vision Ki te pupuri ki nga taonga tuku iho e o tatou tuupuna mo nga uri whakatupu ake Hold fast to the treasures handed down by our tupuna for the benefit of the present and future generations O Matou Uaratanga – Our Mission Ki te whakatinana I o matou tirohanga whanaui me o matou tumanako o tatou Marae To maintain the Marae as the focal platform to support and strengthen the full potential of whanau, hapu and community now and for the future, with love, honesty and directness, one to another. O Matou Matatika – Our Values

Created by Nga Hapu o Ngati Kuta me Patu Keha Ki Te Rawhiti 2001-2006 Mauri Ora

16 Kaupapa hei Whiriwhiri / Protocol Consultation All Marae activities require guidance to ensure that our tikanga and customs are respected and learned and thus, the Kuia and Kaumatua are to be consulted when in doubt and when instruction is required. Nga taonga tuku iho are the treasures inherited from our tuupuna. We have the responsibility to care for these to the best of our ability. One of these is the Marae, the centre where the treasures are gathered together. Aroha We acknowledge the guiding aroha of the ONE who has many names and the aroha of the wairua of our tupuna mai ra no which converges in the belief to promote, teach and uphold non-violence as a fundamental aim for every moment of our lives, inside and outside the Marae. Tika me Te Pono being direct and honest as the only way to conduct marae affairs within and without the Marae thus promoting, teaching and upholding the development of a crime-free individual, child or adult, family and hapu wherever any member is in the world. Kaitiakitanga is the acknowledgement of the responsibility passed down from our tupuna-that we all care for and guard the precious taonga tuku iho. This kaitiakitanga of the Marae is a key focus of the Marae Trustees on behalf of the hapu and for the benefit of the hapu and the community. Whanaungatanga refers to relationships. It acknowledges that Ngati Kuta and Patukeha are kaitiaki together because of their whanaungatanga to the Marae. This whanaungatanga extends to the relationships which affect the Marae and those which are affected by the Marae, links for nurturing and developing.

Te Rawhiti youth

Created by Nga Hapu o Ngati Kuta me Patu Keha Ki Te Rawhiti 2001-2006 Mauri Ora


Rangatiratanga is self determination evident from the most ancient tupuna like Maui, Kupe and others to the present. This belief is that we have within ourselves the ability to go out to meet and enjoy life by developing our abilities and helping others along the way. Rangatiratanga literally means to gather together and this is the function of the Marae-to provide the base to unite people, inspire people and bring them together to determine their lives productively.


TIROHANGA WHAANUI / The Overall Strategic Direction The Structure of the Marae diagram (24.0) indicates the direction of the development of the Marae and how the Marae might be governed, managed and how its different activities might operate. The diagram arose out of discussions about the future of the Marae. It coordinates the many ideas suggested for the future of the Marae. The Governance, Management and Operations of the Marae become functional in units so that each has its own purposes.

The Kuia and Kaumatua are central to the governance of the Marae and to the hapu. Their role extends to Management and Operations in an advisory capacity.Management consists of the Managers of each project and unit forming their executive with its own Chairperson. That Chair person is responsible to the Marae Trust, and that person carries decisions to the Executive. The Structure forms a basis for further development.

Created by Nga Hapu o Ngati Kuta me Patu Keha Ki Te Rawhiti 2001-2006 Mauri Ora

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NGATI KUTA and PATUKEHA Nga Kuia / Kaumatua Kaunihera

MARAE TRUST Care of Marae Oversee Operations Equal Hapu Representation



Tumuaki / Managers













Created by Nga Hapu o Ngati Kuta me Patu Keha Ki Te Rawhiti 2001-2006 Mauri Ora



TE TIAKITANGA O TE TUTOHINGA / The Maintenance of the Charter 1

The Charter is endorsed by a Peoples meeting of both hapu

2 The Charter will be displayed on the Website and a hard copy will be in the Whare hui, the Resource Centre and the Archive available to all 3 The Charter is to be updated whenever a new process is required or a process needs revision for the best administration of any part of the Marae, by a people’s meeting Or every three years, it is printed out for discussion and revision which may be at the triennial meeting if there are few matters or another specific meeting if there are many matters to resolve 4


The Charter maintenance is the responsibility of the Secretary

ADDRESS FOR SERVICE Chairperson: Te Ringa Witehira, 251-K Rawhiti Rd RD4 Hikurangi Northland 0184 094038201 Secretary Postal address: Helen Mountain Harte, 4 Cheverton Place, Kohimarama Auckland 1071 Email: [email protected] 095211837 Treasurer Under discussion Bookings: Mayron Witehira, Assets Manager. C/O Te Ringa Witehira above Website;

Created by Nga Hapu o Ngati Kuta me Patu Keha Ki Te Rawhiti 2001-2006 Mauri Ora



HE WHAKAWHETAITANGA / An Acknowledgement

This Charter has been in progress for the last 5 years. We acknowledge and thank those who helped begin it and those who have continued to work on it. Our hapu have had many discussions about its contents. We regard this Charter as being the latest version which may change, not in total, but in some points. This is because it is a living document, up to date with the latest thoughts from our whanau in 2006. Many details of Marae issues are contained in the Policy and Procedures Manual.

Created by Nga Hapu o Ngati Kuta me Patu Keha Ki Te Rawhiti 2001-2006 Mauri Ora

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