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Tawau Toastmasters Club For Better Listening, Speaking, Communication & Leadership Skills

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tawau Toastmasters Club

Life After Retirement

3357-51 Chartered 1996

Welcome We meet on every 2nd and 4th Monday night of each month at 7.15pm at The Language Tutorial Centre, TB4356, 1st Floor, Taman May Flower, Mile 2.5, Jalan Kuhara, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia. For further information about this club please write to [email protected] or President Roselind Gan, ACS, CL For Location Map, clik HERE Life after Retirement I have retired a year ago. I thought I would be having a relaxing life after retirement. I was wrong. I was asked to be the organizer for the 12th Installation Banquet of Tawau Toastmasters Club. Hey! Come on, my term as the Area K2 Governor was just over in June 2008, why me again to organize this

To Inspire & Be Inspired

Upcoming Events 25th May 2009 - Training Meeting

event? Somehow, a member of distinguished status encouraged me to take up this event as a challenge. The members of the club were very supportive and helped me throughout the event. It kept me busy physically and mentally. Time has tested my ability. It helped me to be more confident in organizing any event.

11th July 2009 - Kota Kinabalu Toastmasters Club Installaiton 18th July 2009 - Sandakan

When I held the post of Area K2 Governor in 2007/2008, I had to visit the clubs under my area. I used to travel alone to Kota Kinabalu or Sandakan. One memorable visit was the ride to Sandakan by a bus. I had to fulfill my role as the Area Governor by visiting the clubs. I was given a seat which tilted to the right side of the aisle. It was uncomfortable. The air conditioned bus continued to stop and pick up passengers all the way. I told myself I was in the wrong bus. I travelled by bus at that time because there was no plane going to Sandakan from Tawau.

Toastmasters Club Installation

As the bus continued its journey, I felt more nausea because the bus driver was found to be smoking. If I told him not to

Installation Banquet

smoke, he would speed more. Thus, the long journey inside the bus was very unpleasant I reached Sandakan with a bad headache. My only fear was the training that I was supposed to deliver at the Sandakan Toastmasters Club. Could I do it with a pounding headache? My fear was gone after I had a good rest and a pain killer to go with. I did it successfully. Year 2000/2001, I was elected the president of Tawau Toastmasters Club. I had no confidence and doubt my capability to lead the club to achieve its goals. One member even gave a crank remark that I might bring the club to “Holland” which meant going down the drain. I took this remark as a joke as I, myself, could not foresee what was to happen for the whole term being the president. After my term as the President was over, I continued to help members to do their roles in the club meetings whenever there was a need. Here, I found members to appreciate me more in my voluntary services. If we can help others, our life will be more fulfilling. I always find myself evaluating any speaker that I happen to come across be it in the club or outside. Here, I tell myself that evaluation is the way to be a better speaker. I believe that achievement is only through team work and commitment. Yes, I was the only president in Tawau Toastmasters Club so far to achieve the President Distinguished Award status ever since the club was first chartered in 1996. The secret is to recruit more members to join the club. To conclude, Toastmasters has helped me to overcome my doubts and fear in every aspect of my life.

18th July 2009 - Tawau Mandarin Toastmasters Club Installation 2nd August 2009 - Tawau Toastmasters Club 13th 23rd - 25th October 2009 District 51 Semi Annual Convention, Genting, Malaysia 21st - 23rd May 2010 District 51 Annual Convention, Lutong, Miri, Sarawak

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Note: Elizabeth Goh, ATM-S, CL, won the District 51 Essay Writing Competition 2009. The article was published in the District 51 Annual Convention Souvenir Book. She is Past President of Tawau

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Toastmasters Club and Past Area K2 Governor. She retired as the State Library librarian. 0 comments

Friday, May 15, 2009 Installation News Tawau Toastmasters Club will be holding its 13th Installation Banquet on 2nd August 2009. As the newly formed installation committee headed by Hj Yalah Munur is still in the midst of finalising the whole program, brief information are as follow: Date: 2nd August 2009 (Sunday) Time: 6.45pm Venue: Belmont Marco Polo Hotel Attire: Formal Theme of the evening: Poco Poco Tiket: RM70 per person Tawau Toastmasters Club installation banquet always promises fine dining and enjoyable evening. For further information please contact: Organising Chairperson: Haji Yalah Munur H/P: 019-8132743 0 comments

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 Tawau Toastmasters Club on Twitter

Club Goals 2008/2009 1. CC - * * Betty Hiew * Vera Yap 2. Add. CC * * 3. ACs - * * Eleanor Fabia Pang 4. Add. ACs * 5. CL, AL, DTM * 6. Add. CL, AL, DTM * 7. New Members * William Lee Kin Yin * Gino Ngai * * 8. Add. New Members * * * * 9. TLI * *June: 4 *January: 5 10. Dues & Officers List * *Officer List *October & April Renewal Goals achieved: 4

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For your information, Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users' updates known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to

Club Info 12th Installaiton Album A 12th Installation Album B Exco 2008/2009 Exco 2007/2008 Members

140 characters in length which are displayed on the user's profile page and delivered to other users who have subscribed to them (known as followers). Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow anybody to access them. Users can send and receive tweets via the Twitter website, Short Message Service (SMS) or external applications. The service is free to use over the Internet, but using SMS may incur phone service provider fees.



Club Album 08

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 Election of 2009/2010 Club Executive Committee

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Conventions Genting 2009 Kuching 2009 Bali 2008 Photos Sandakan 2008 Album Sandakan 2008 Penang 2008 Photos Medan 2007 Photos KK 2007 Photos The Annual Club election was held on 11th May 2009 after the normal club meeting. The Club uninamously elected the following to the 2009/2010 Executive Committee:

Toastmasters Links Sandakan

President: Rosslin Peter Rosen, CTM, CL Vice President Education: Lynda Lee Ping, CC, CL

Sandakan Pidato Bayan Baru Division B

Vice President Membership: Dr Joe Yap, CC

Ritchie Chong

Vice President Public Relations: Ramnan Saidon


Secretary: Vera Yap, ATM-G, CL Treasurer: Datin Betty Hiew, CC Sergeant-At-Arms: Catherine Sang


Blog Archive ▼ 2009 (21) ▼ May (7)

Immediate Past President: Roselind Gan, ACS, CL Committee Member: Chu Ket Mee, ATM-B, CL Elizabeth Goh, ATM-S, CL Patricia Chai, ATM-B Lee Chye Ewe, DTM Bulletin Editor & Webmaster: Lee Chye Ewe, DTM Auditor: Hj Yalah Munur, ACS, CL Grace Yong, ATM-S, CL

Life After Retirement Installation News Tawau Toastmasters Club on Twitter Election of 2009/2010 Club Executive Committee Birthday & Mother's Day Meeting Club Election Tawau Mandarin Toastmasters Club


Birthday & Mother's Day Meeting For the meeting on 11th May 2009 the theme was Birthday as there were 5 members' birthdays in May. They are Ramnan Saidon, Nancy Chua, Elizabeth Goh, Victor Raja and Lee Chye Ewe. Victor was not at the meeting.

Meeting ► April (5) ► March (5) ► February (3) ► January (1) ► 2008 (56) ► 2007 (62) ► 2006 (22) ► 2005 (15) ► 2004 (54)


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Toastmaster of The Evening Bernard Lee, besides making an impressive come up, also brought his pretty daughter, Julia, along. Julia even took part in the Table Topics session conducted by Hj Yalah Munur.

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There were 4 manual speeches presented by Dr Joe, Grace Yong, Vera and Lynda Lee. Dr Joe was talking about conflicts during old age while Lynda was talking about the prone to falling. Grace was make a sale on an expensive item and Vera was presenting her final speech of her Competent Communicator project.

No Magic show but it was real. President Roselind Gan later presented the District 51 pin to the various achievers.

New Competent Communicator, Datin Betty Hiew

New Advanced Communicator Gold, Eleanor Pang

New Competent Communicator, Vera Yap

District 51 Essay Writing Competition Winner, Elizabeth Goh

District 51 Golden Webpage Winner, Lee Chye Ewe 0 comments

Monday, May 11, 2009 Club Election

Annual Club Election In May, all clubs must elect annual officers serving from July 1 of the current year, through June 30 of the following year, or semiannual officers serving from July 1 of the current year, through December 31 of the current year. Semiannual terms are an option available only to clubs that meet weekly. Before March 31: Appoint a nominating committee (seeClub Constitution and the Standard Bylaws for Clubs of Toastmasters International). The committee should be chaired by the immediate past president or most recent past president available. Last meeting in April: Nominating committee reports to the club. First meeting in May: The nominating committee report is presented to the club. If the nominating committee has no report at the last meeting in April, postpone the election until one week after the meeting at which the report is given. Call for nominations from the floor. Nominations and elections begin with the president and proceed in descending order. Remember: A quorum (51 percent of active members) is needed to conduct business (including electing officers). Proxies or absentee ballots are not allowed at the club level. Members must be active and present to vote. Don’t forget to fill out a club and officer information form online at the Club Business section immediately following your election so the correct officers will receive every important mailing. Or your club may submit the club and officer information form by mail or fax, instead.


http://www.toastmasters.org/Members/OfficerResources/ClubOfficerResources/ClubElectio nsAnnual.aspx 0 comments

Saturday, May 09, 2009 Tawau Mandarin Toastmasters Club Meeting

Lee Chye Ewe presenting the Best Evaluator Award

Grace Yong presenting the Best Table Topics Speaker Award

Meeting in progress

Tips to be good husband from Linda Ling

The Creative Table Topics Master


Warm up session

President Eric Chin addressing the meeting Grace Yong and I arrived at Tawau Mandarin Toastmasters Club meeting last night (8th May 2009) almost unannounced. We were very welcomed no doubt!

It was their 250th meeting last night after been charted since 1999. Tawau Toastmasters Club sponsored the club and it has grown to be a very active and dynamic club. It has just achieved their 10 goals ahead of the 30th June 2009 deadline. Congratulations. There were 26 members and 6 guests at the meeting. The meeting went smoothly and full of laughters. There were an ice breaker speech and a 10th Competent Communicator speech. The club will holds its installaiton of their news executive committee on 18th July 2009 0 comments

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Area Governor's Visit It was an ordinary meeting which turned out special. That was the summary of meeting on 27th April 2009 First it was the visit of Area Governor Datin Grace Chiu. This is the third visit to the club to render her support, advice and guide. She also took the opportunity to explain further the Competent Leader manual on how every member could work on the CL independently. Grace also played to role of Humour Master with her colourful jokes! Next it was the attendance of Jordan Tan, an ex-member of the Club. We spotted some changes though as his antics hand gun gesture (gesticulate) was gone. He however kept his parallel hand gesture. Vice President Education Hj Yalah addressed the members on behalf of President as she was unable to attend the meeting. Table Topics Master Patricia Chai got everyone on their feet to talk about selected quotations. It was always Patricia's favourite to have everyone speaking on different topics.

Area Governor Datin Grace Chiu presenting the District 51 Golden Website Award to Webmaster Lee Chye Ewe.

Area Governor Datin Grace Chiu presenting District 51 International Speech Contest certificate of participation to Grace Yong

Patricia Chai conducting Table Topics Session

The speakers with their expression: Jordan Tan, Bernard Lee, Dr Joe Yap, Lucy Lo, Lynda Lee & Hj Yalah

Presenting her 9th Competent Communicator speech, Vera Yap in action

Area Governor Datin Grace Chiu expressing her points 0 comments Older Posts Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)

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