Sap Toastmasters

  • July 2020
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SAP Toastmasters D I S T R I C T


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INSIDE THIS ISSUE: “Chronically Shy?” - A Testimonial


Joint Meeting with Virtual Speak


Looking Back: the year That Was ….


Member News


Club Calendar


Club Information



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“Chronically Shy?”- A Testimonial by Fariya Ali

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that I have found, Toastmasters is it. For many people who are shy at heart, it may seem particularly daunting to do public speaking but by the very nature of the fact that public speaking is so extreme, it serves as a great cure for shyness.

Think about it: if you can learn how to speak “off-the-cuff” in front of a large group of people with ease and skill, how hard can it be to go up and talk to a new person by comparison? Table Topics is a great venue to build exactly the kind of confidence you need to take on any type of social situation. I started doing im“Hi. My name is Fariya and I am promptu speeches in high school a chronically shy person.” There and although they still scare me, may not be an official anonymous they have been an important part support group for shy people, of my transformation from cripbut if there is anything close to it plingly shy to successfully social.

It was still with some trepidation that I was convinced into participating in the Table Topics competition earlier this year with less than 6 months under my belt as a Toastmaster. Much to my surprise, I actually won and got up to the Division level of the competition. It was a really great experience and I highly encourage everyone– no matter your level of experience – to participate in the next competition. I personally believe that losing is just as important for people to experience as winning because it makes you realize that you can gain even from a loss – thus the risk is worth taking. Toastmasters is a great place to ‘safely fail’ and I continue to gain confidence the longer I participate. I don’t think I will ever lose the butterflies that come before speaking, but I know I am no longer doomed to be merely a wall flower!

Joint Meeting with Virtual Speak By Rahul Kabra, CC

We at SAP Toastmasters always try to keep things fresh and keep an open mind towards new opportunities to make serious learning more enjoyable for all. This is exactly why we had our first ever joint meeting with our neighbor, VMware’s Virtual Speak Toastmasters club. A joint meeting typically has the various roles filled by members of both clubs and hence gives a chance for both the clubs to experience new perspectives. This fun-filled joint meeting took place on November 11th at the VMware campus. SAP Toastmasters had a strong representation of seven-

Bill Copeland, member, SAP Toastmasters Club and C3 Area Governor, conducts the Table Topics session at the joint meeting (Photo: Courtesy Rahul Kabra)

teen members at this meeting. Rahul Kabra served as the Toastmaster for this meeting. Danai Wiriyayanyongsuk gave his second, entertaining and pic-

ture-filled speech about how to have fun in Thailand. Virtual Speak’s Cynthia Lam gave her 10th speech on changing our mindset and looking at the big picture. This was in fact a balanced meeting of speeches from members of diverse experience levels. To inject more amusement, our own charismatic Bill Copeland was the creative Table Topic master and let members use their imagination to express what they saw in various pictures that Bill displayed. This meeting wouldn’t have been possible without the participation of our club members and the efforts of the Virtual Speak clubs officers, Tony Gonzalez and Prashant Prahlad. A big thank you goes out to all who helped make this meeting a memorable one.

Looking Back: The Year That Was... Before SAP Toastmasters headed out to their welldeserved vacations/ holiday, the editorial team asked them for their thoughts/ remembrances from 2009. Were they proud of an accomplishment? Anything funny happened to them? Someone they’d like to thank? Anything specific they liked? Here are the top 3 entries (in no particular order). Thanks to everyone who responded!

“This year was a special year since I was able to complete my CC. It has been a rewarding experience, giving back to the club by becoming a Club Officer, as well a Mentor. Thanks to Donna Vigil, my mentor and fellow Toastmasters for their support and encouragement!” - Mohini Wettasinghe

“For sure one highlight this year was Heather’s cupcakes!” - Mario Herger

“Joining SAP Toastmasters club was one of the best things I did in 2009. I have experienced how fearful and difficult public speaking can be. But my participation in different Toastmasters activities and speeches have taught me how to conquer that fear!” - Hiren Kotadia

Member News/ Events Have an idea for a contribution? Send it to us, this is YOUR newsletter!

Two new members joined SAP Toastmasters in November: Fred Wallace and Vikram Bandarupalli. Welcome to the team, Fred and Vikram! We look forward to your continuing participation and willingness to contribute to this club.

Dec. 09: Joint Meeting with EPRI’s Electric Toasters — This meeting will be held at the EPRI campus. Contact Rahul Kabra for more information. Additional information will follow on the meeting location.

Club Calendar

Club Information Toastmasters International

Officers: President: Donna “DJ” Vigil, CC, CL

District 4

VP Education: Rahul Kabra, CC

SAP Toastmasters

VP PR: Amitabh Mishra, ACS

Newsletter Committee:

Secretary: Mohini Wettasinghe, CC

Club Meetings

Treasurer: Mario Herger, ACB

Wednesdays, 12:00-1:00 pm

Sergeant-at-Arms: Fariya Ali

Niyati Bedekar Birgit Starmanns, ACB, ALB Donna (DJ) Vigil, CC

SAP, Building 2

Video Officer (honorary role): Ingo Sauerzapf

3412 Hillview Avenue Room: Lombard (2nd floor) Palo Alto, CA 94304

Newsletter Editor: Amitabh Mishra, ACS [email protected]

VP Membership: Sri Govindarajan

Page 1 photos: Fariya Ali, Rahul Kabra Page II photos: Birgit Starmanns

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