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  • Words: 835
  • Pages: 2
TAURUS-Bull-by-the Hornies "I want it, I want it..." In order to get what you want it often takes money or good looks, which, with Venus as its ruler, Taureans seem to be blessed with in abundance. Oh, sure, there's the requisite work it takes to make the money or stay in shape, but a Bull doesn't complain, just keeps plugging away. Because of the Venusian influence, they are very relationship oriented, want the sensation of physical contact and romantic interludes. I would speculate that many sexaholics have strong Taurus placements in their chart. Once you get that loving feeling, it's hard to let it go. There are three rules when dealing with a Taurus: their attitudes are, basically, "Don't push me, don't change me, and don't take my money." Perhaps this is why they have a reputation for stubbornness, but it goes deeper than that. There is a need for security and stability that the previous sign doesn't have and this can translate into a fixity of position. "I'm here, I'm not moving, and don't even try to get me to go." Habits are hard to break because of this attitude and there can be complications later on in life when poor eating patterns catch up. Taureans love food! It's almost as good as sex to them. Especially sweet things, which often have a high fat content, as there is a sensuality to the indulgence. There's also a love of the old meat and potatoes school of cooking. Not that they consciously choose it, but their parents foisted it on them and there hasn't been the interest or need to change until recently. Nutritional researchers have found that a vegetarian diet, rich in fiber and low in fat, is the way to be healthy. If you want to live a long life, some eating patterns need to change. But enough about food, I'm getting hungry. Consider the Bull-like Ferdinand in the children's story, it grazes away in its field, peaceful and mellow, not a care in the world, except to wonder when that cute heifer will get close enough to do the nasty thing. Then some maniac jumps the fence, wearing a red shirt and running across the meadow, and of course they have to be challenged when they disregard the potential ferocity of El Toro! There is a determination to obtain quality possessions; quantity is no substitute, as Taureans have an appreciation of the beautiful and tasteful. There can be a packrat tendency, too, where things just pile up over the years and no effort is made to eliminate or purge the excess. A Taurus can drown in their own bull puckey. It's the desire to possess that captures their imagination. This can carry over into relationships as well. A person cannot be owned anymore, as slavery has been against the law for more than a century. So let's recap shall we? A Taurus is stubborn, steadfast, dependable, persistent, loving, caring and young at heart, possessive, materialistic, financially responsible, security and quality conscious, determined, and resistant to change. Taurus rules the Neck and Throat, which can be thick and strong. Many singers have the Golden Throat from which legends are created. Barbra Streisand, Stevie Wonder, Richie Valens, Luther Vandross, Roy Orbison, and Pete Seeger are some that fit the category. Also some great composers are natives of this earthy sign: Tchaikovsky and Brahms have the same birthday, even if they did hate each other. The poetic side is demonstrated by William Shakespeare, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and Charlotte Bronte. And many actors and

comedians were born under this fertile sign: Jerry Seinfeld, George Carlin, Carol Burnette, Jimmy Stewart, Al Pacino, Jay Leno, Michael Palin, Dennis Hopper; you were kind of curious about him, weren't you? Not all Taureans are going to succeed in music, acting, composition and such. business, banking and finance, also appeal to this materialistic creature. William R. Hearst typifies the ultimate achievement and indulgence of the sign. The elegant decadence of Hearst castle is something to behold and experience. A publisher and world traveler, he made tons of money in an era when few had much of anything. Even politics and dealmaking turn these Taureans on. Four Presidents of the U.S. were born under this sign: Buchanan, Monroe, Grant, and Truman. There is a dark and powerful side as illustrated by Hitler, Saadam Hussein, Ho Chi Minh, And Karl Marx. A Taurean desire to own land (and lots of it) may lead to a life as a cattle rancher or farmer. They are unwavering in their dedication to that which they have committed and are often a friend for a long time. They don't want to vary ingrained routines if there's a comfortable feel to it. The bull is a sensual and romantic beast but one not to be toyed with. You have to be down to Earth and real with them. Don't try to stretch their limits unless you use logic, reason, and nice gifts. Hey, a little bribe never hurt!

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