Black Moon Lilith In Synastry.docx

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BLACK MOON LILITH IN SYNASTRY 🌑 ~ Lilith conjunct Sun: The Lilith person pushes the ego of the Sun into exile. The Sun person then struggles to reclaim their solar power while they fall deeper into the dark depths of Lilith, their ego consumed by a seductive non-conformist. ~ Lilith conjunct Moon: The impact of Lilith on the Moon person's inner self stirs up an emotional storm on both sides. The Moon person feels compelled, tempted and bewitched by Lilith on a very subconscious and subtle level. ~ Lilith conjunct Ascendant: The Ascendant person's subconscious impulses are drawn out by Lilith in very public settings. Being around the Lilith person tears down their external mask and brings their shadow self out in the open. ~ Lilith conjunct Venus: The Lilith person inspires lustful feelings in the Venus person, and brings out their darkest desires. The Venus person becomes captive in the realm of indulgence, their heart under the spell of gothic romance. ~ Lilith conjunct Mars: The Lilith person ignites strongly physical, primitive and sexual feelings in the Mars person. The Mars person becomes relentlessly aggressive in taming the Lilith person's wildly chaotic resistance, instinctually seeking out Lilith's physical touch. ~ Lilith conjunct Mercury: The mind of the Mercury person becomes captivated by Lilith as a mental image. The mind then feels intellectually attracted to the primal call of Lilith, while the Lilith person probes into the most sealed depths of their mind, and connects with Mercury there. ~ Lilith conjunct Neptune: The Neptune person, haunted by the illusory ghost images of Lilith, intuitively reaches out to Lilith's self-imposed isolation, and connects with Lilith there, beyond time and space, like a dream within a dream. ~ Lilith conjunct Pluto: Two factors of separation become one. Lilith finds her home in the dark and passionate heart of Pluto, joining their intense forces and their suffering, transcending their isolation, transforming their pain together. ~ Lilith conjunct Saturn: Patriarchy, structure and order meet non-conformism in the most dramatic manner. The Saturn person, unable to impose anything on Lilith, experiences a shock in their system as they descend into a vortex of hidden fears, leading to a de-programming of their karmic habits. ~ Lilith conjunct Uranus: The revolutionary Uranus is fuelled by Lilith's non-conformist attitude. Sparks fly as their energies meet, creating a storm in the sky. Lilith brings out Uranus' most repressed inner rebel and liberates him. ~ Lilith conjunct Jupiter: The Lilith person's tendencies are magnified and expanded via the contact with Jupiter. Jupiter's morals and ethics end up in a gray area where the higher and wiser self is blurred by dark instincts and primal impulses. Wisdom meets the inner shadows. Susannah Meel, Buddhist astrologer 🌑

To show how Lilith works in synastry I thought it would be best to pick the most Lilithy couple I could find. Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton are a classic example of star-crossed lovers. There was certainly a grand passion between them, and they famously divorced and remarried

twice. Liz Taylor was more than a match for Richard Burton. Their fights were legendary, for many years they were Hollywood’s golden couple but also an example of Liliths double edged sword. As a couple they demonstrated both the wild and destructive Lilith energy and the charismatic and magnetic power of the Dark moon. When using Lilith in synastry, it is best to start simple. I really wouldn’t use more than one to start with. The one to use would be the Black Moon Lilith, the lunar apogee. If you have any doubts about the accuracy of the birthtimes I would play safe and use Mean Lilith. Harmonious Lilith aspects between each partner brings magic into each other’s life, adding spice where one already has good sexual connections. Long term however Lilith aspects cannot really replace the classic Mars/Venus synastry aspects. Black Moon Lilith will show how tantric your sexual relations could be and add to the all-important sexual chemistry. Hard aspects to the personal planets may show an irresistible, obsessive attraction, the sort that hypnotises you into abandoning your more regular moon, domestic commitments. Lilith is what makes you leave a 30 year marriage on a whim. She can break the spell of entrenched habitual behaviour, but at worst she really is in modern terms what you would call a “Bunny Boiler”, a classic home-wrecker.

Lilith in aspect to Neptune

Not surprising to see the forbidden fruit of Neptune poison in a double whammy here. Neptune is film, glamour too and the alcoholism. Neptune trine Lilith gives that soul mate, star-crossed lovers touch, but the quincunx creates yearning, fantasy and the danger of delusion. Lilith with Neptune can work on two levels, sexual enlightenment or the very worst toxic relationship. The most beautiful euphoric fantasy can dissolve into treachery and betrayal. Lilith in aspect to Ceres Ceres has her dark side and can get melancholy at the pain of separation. She can also be about indulgence, Richard was famous for buying Liz some very extravagant jewellery. They were both quite vulgar in their display of their wealth. Ceres can be bi-polar and describes the swinging from winter to summer in their relationship. Trines can be indulgent and lazy. This aspects suggests binge drinking and then detoxing. Lilith in aspect to Chiron

There was plenty of verbal wounding between the both of them. If Chiron is Jesus and Lilith is Mary Magdalene, then this is equality between divine beings. Their epic fights were a passionate battle of the sexes and I’m sure their relationship provided them plenty of opportunity for soul growth. Liz was at home being the diva, but when her spoilt-princess act got too much, Richard would slap her back to reality. Richard was used to women falling at his feet so meeting his equal meant his usual unquestioned male supremacy was put to the test. Dark Moon in aspect to Mars And this is where it was put to the test. Richards Dark Moon was the poor insecure Welsh boy that didn’t fit in and also his drinking demon. Liz’s strong, fighting planet is aspecting it. Conjunctions are hard aspect and in their regular synastry they have a very challenging Mars opposition Saturn to go with this. Lilith in aspect to Asteroid Lilith Asteroid Lilith features strongly between these too and this is a double whammy. The combination of the magical, sexual, glamour and the fighting, rebellious energy they generated between them very much conjures up the revolutionary Uranian Asteroid Lilith here. They were famous in the 60’s, reflecting the tensions in the wider world in the sexual revolution amplified by the Uranus Pluto conjunction.

Lilith In The Composite Chart So how do all the Liliths work within the bigger picture of the composite chart? I picked the Burton composite midpoint chart rather than the Davison, because here all 3 Liliths are very active. Starting with the basics. Are there any Liliths in aspect to the AC or luminaries? In this chart, we have a Sun square Moon. Richards chart is DD, so we can’t look at the angles and the orb may be bigger or smaller than this very tight square, but I’m betting the time is pretty good because this one aspect pretty much sums up their relationship. The Moon is trined by Black Moon Lilith which makes them a classic example of a Lilith couple right from the start. The Black Moon trine the Moon is very strong, but it is quincunx the Sun also, I wrote that this aspect ”seems to be about creating unique and unusual ways to exorcise ones demons. The quincunx shows the successful alchemical blending of seemingly incongruous elements. These self-divined people somehow get away with being respected and idolized combined with also being the taboo, exiled or demonic. Sometimes they start their life being the darlings of society, repressing their eccentricity and then shockingly flip over to their more authentic selves which then exiles them.” Well, that certainly describes this couple very well I think. Amy Winehouse had this natally, so if their composite was a person it would be her, like Richard & Liz she certainly had addiction problems and an obsessive, tumultuous love life.

Not surprisingly for such a stellar couple, their composite chart has great geometry with many aspect patterns. The Yod accurately describes their feisty relationship to me because it is pointing at discordant Eris, (Outer planet Lilith) conjunct volatile Uranus. Minor grand trines are said to be gifts. We have Neptune’s glamour, and Mars’s sexuality, both pointing to voluptuous and fertile Ceres, all this manifesting their huge success as a Hollywood couple. This minor grand trine totally describes the magic that came out when they were on screen. At the same time this pattern was also the cause of their addiction problems. Mars/Neptune hard aspects are commonly found in alcoholics, this is a soft aspect but Mars is getting a square from Eris which I think turns the Mars quite bitter and raging. Eris is also quincunx what may have otherwise been a benign Neptune. Neptune in aspect to Ceres is also another addictive aspect since they are both about yearning to be apart of something greater. Ceres rules herbs/opiates and Neptune alcohol. Both these drugs dissolve boundaries. If you look at the chart, Eris is instrumental in pulling a Yod and a minor grand trine into what the Hubers call a “Model” aspect pattern. A model is the prototype made to enable us to understand the finished product at a larger scale. It is an example of the expression “As in the great, so in the small”. Richard and Liz were chosen to play out the issues of everyman’s toxic relationships for the collective. Richard and Liz have almost become a verb for describing the eternal battle of the sexes where a man and a woman meet their cosmic match and neither wants to bow down to the other. Had they resolved their alcohol problems Neptune may have smoothed over their fiery synastry and taken it to a higher level. Mars sextile Ceres is entrancing, the raw sexuality of Mars refined by sensual Ceres. Ceres is also conjunct Jupiter also which describes their abundant, gaudy and sometimes quite vulgar display of wealth. Richard did shower Liz in outrageously expensive jewelry, the most famous being the Taylor-Burton 69 carat diamond.

Ugh. Lilith in synastry sucks when you're lilith. It's like pluto but stronger. As lilith in synastry, you never get over that person no matter how toxic they are. That's the person we play the fool for. If your man's lilith connects (conjuncts especially) to your sun, moon, venus or mars.... lucky you. That's if you even want them.

People never get over lilith. My lilith conjunct my ex's mars. Ugh. He obsessed with this girl that he's lilith with. So ladies, check your mans lilith sign. That's mistress. That femme fatale. That's who he really prefers but can't have. Venus... that's girlfriend. Juno... that's wifey. That's who they feel secure with. Maybe there were other aspects to make you feel like your partner had the upper hand, but I’ve always read that it’s the other way around.. The Pluto/Lilith person usually has the upper hand. The planet person is easy manipulated & drawn to Pluto/Lilith. The planet person sees them as irresistible. I will say that pluto and lilith do manipulate the planet person easily but ask yourself why? Insecurity. It said that Lilith is the point of fascination,where a person feels the emotional urge to grow beyond themselves. It`s the point where a person has much power, but often decides to suppress the power or she exaggerates the urge to be independent, which often forces her to be distant to other people. Priapus now is a point, where you feel rather powerless. But at this point you have a strong capability and longing to merge with others, to feel for them, to develop empathy and basically it`s the point where you can adapt to others to the point of losing yourself.

Priapus is the desire to want to merge completely with someone else and can represent extreme vulnerability or even submission. The desire to submit can be emotionally, sexually, or physically. In the extreme you'll desire this to the point of self humiliation and destruction.

You can check on Astro to see if a man's Priapus is making aspects to Venus, Moon, Mars, or your true Lilith. Me and my friend have sun square Lilith and Venus square Lilith, the sexual tension is the most intense I’ve ever felt with a person. Oh and also mars square Pluto which doesn’t help either. Apparently this not only tells us about our dark side and how we are at our worst, but in a man's chart this actually tells us about the woman he is REALLY head over heels for. I'm talking OBSESSION, his dream woman and his FANTASY. BUT, this is often the woman he CAN'T have or TAME. This is probably the ex he just can't get over. This is the woman that most likely can break up your relationship/marriage. I'm shook. If you have your sun, moon, venus or mars in the sign of your man's venus, this is good. This is the type of woman he's generally attracted to. If you have your sun, moon, or venus in your man's Juno, he see's you as marriage material. Imo, this is what he'll settle for in most cases. He's probably with you for security reasons. Practical and logical reasons. But if you have your sun, moon, venus or mars in your man's lilith sign, YOU ARE HIS ULTIMATE PREFERENCE imo. You'll always be on his mind. Hmmmmm..... What about if your rising sign is your man's venus???????

I'd say it's an instant attraction thing but that doesn't mean it'll last long. Remember, rising is often just our mask (persona) which we slowly take off as time passes. Then, they'll see your true colors. My lilith and juno are both in scorpio just like @Corgi. What does that mean?

Lilith is your dark side. You can just imagine what yours is like when it's in one of the darkest signs of the zodiac. I'm not an expert on

Lilith in Scorpio but I have an idea. One thing I have read is that they use sex to manipulate. Juno in Scorpio mean this is the type of man you'd marry. Mars in a womans chart is what she WANTS, Juno is what she NEEDS. This man would likely see you as a possession and love you intensely. I think i've read that you can some how learn to "train" your Lilith so you can use it without being consumed by the darkness.

From what I've read, Lilith represents Adams FIRST wife. She's the one who really had Adam Sprung but he couldn't tame her. She's sort of like the Jezebel Spirit. In reality, everyone has that ex that they aren't over but couldn't tie down. That person is who they prefer, even though they settle for other people. This woman often leaves men insecure and obsessed. This woman often plays the mistress. Not only have I seen this play out in my own relationships but in others as well. It's not so noticeable because most guys won't mention the woman that broke his heart or that he really wants because it can obviously ruin his other relationships. Lililth usually doesn't prefer this man which is why you won't see much of this woman in his life so this can easily go unnoticed. But if this woman wants to, she can have your man. This seems very valid to me and would explain a lot. I'm not saying that these men think Ms. Lilith meets all of their needs because usually she doesn't. She usually doesn't give him security at all but he just can't let go. Of course synastry matters but from observation, this really plays a big role. Yesterday I discovered that the woman Jeremy Meeks left his wife for is a Pisces. His lilith is in Pisces. I've been with a very dominant egocentric man that had other woman but was willing to drop them for me, but I refused to give in.

He went from ''alpha'' to ''beta'' real quick with me because a man's Lilith woman makes him very weak and vulnerable. This all makes sense to me. Just something to think about. Thanks for your input. My Lilith is in Pisces, and I dated a Cancer Stellium woman with her Moon in Pisces conjunct my Lilith. My Venus opposed her Stellium and Sextiled her Moon. The sex was incredible. She told me she’s was almost hypnotized by me, that she’s never had so much desire. We’ve had a 4+year courtship, mainly because the sex is THAT good. I haven’t had the need to seek anyone else, so long as she keeps knocking on my door. We never plan anything. Role playing is spontaneous, as are the other ordeals. I’ve never complained once, nor has she. It’s tantric even. Just thinking about it get my loins sweating. I had weird Lilith contacts going on with my the ex. He had his Lilith conjunct his Capricorn Sun, both exactly on my Descendant; and his Jupiter conjunct my Virgo Lilith and Virgo South Node by degree. There was a strong Lilith theme to our relationship; he wanted to tame me (even sexually), to impose his views on me, and this triggered my hidden, primeval Lilith aggressiveness, so we clashed on a regular basis and the last months of our relationship were spend fighting almost daily. But at the same time there was an obsessive fascination on both parts. It was a stormy, intense and short-lived relationship, I fell in Love at first sight and even 5 months after the breakup I still feel that visceral pull and desire. I’ve had Mars conjunct and square Lilith in synastry, both times I was Mars. From what I could tell, I seem to have affected the Lilith person, because they acted very nervous around me, but they affected me too. I dont know if they were nervous because of attraction or they were just scared. ha The guy I have Mars square BML, oh my gosh…. I was mesmariezed by him. Full on mesmarized. His Lilith falls in my 8th house in Gemini, conjunct my Vertex, and a few degrees from my Moon too, though not as close a conjunction. When he would walk in the room, my eyes would immediately find him and I could-not-lookaway. Our interactions were overwhelming, and I think we could both trigger each other into an insanely jealous fit. We had a lot going on synastry. I still think about him… I remember always feeling like I couldn’t resist him. Not a lot of people have had that effect me.

I think Lilith can represent forbidden attraction, and that was what played out for me. All I can say is there was a lot of chemistry, but, I feel intensely guilty even thinking about it. I hope I can experience this kind of chemistry again some day, without the forbidden part!

My husband and I have been married over 21 years. We have a lot of contacts with Lilith. My (8th house) Lilith is conjunct his mercury (his mercury is in the 7th house conjunct his DC). His Lilith is conjunct my Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Ascendant.

There has never been a moment in our relationship where either one of us has felt insecure with each other. We’ve never doubted that we were completely committed and faithful to one another. The obsessive qualities that can be read about as a sort of Lilith expression has been expressed in our relationship in that way I guess. From the moment we met each other until this day we are dedicated to one another. I really haven’t given much thought to Lilith in our synastry because we have so many other aspects which represent the energies in our relationship. I will say this though—from the moment we met we were completely entranced with one another and that hasn’t let up in over 20 years. Here is a funny story–if we are in the house and I get up and walk into another room he will almost immediately ask one of our children “where’s your Mother”. He knows when I am not in his immediate area. It’s not smothering it’s just a funny family joke.

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