Tabbloid Issue

  • November 2019
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Today’s Tabbloid Personalized for you 03 November 2008 het lijkt er op dat Opera wel een versie heeft voor de iPhone, maar deze nog niet ‘gesubmit’ heeft naar de App Store:

aflevering 98, maandag 3 november 2008 2008-11-03 05:46

maar als ze dat wel zouden doen, gaat de wijze waarop Opera Mini geimplementeer is waarschijnlijk tegen de iPhone SDK agreement in


aflevering 98, maandag 3 november 2008 adv: Deze gvenkdaily wordt u aangeboden door Dutch Open Project, kwaliteitsleider in open source webapps (o.a. Drupal) zie

Het lijkt er op dat Frankrijk toch een ‘three-strikes out’ wet gaat krijgen:

MySpace gaat gebruik maken v advertentieplatform Auditude voor door gebruikers geuploade video’s:

deze wet kan er voor zorgen dat als iemand 2x gewaarschuwd is vh illegaal downloaden v copyright protected materiaal (1x email, 1x post)

auditude maakt ‘t mogelijk om de video te ‘herkennen’ en een ad te displayen over de originele show, bijv de originele uitzenddatum

de internet toegang v deze persoon voor een jaar wordt ontzegd Ziipa is een ‘visual search engine’ voor (indie) web 2.0 apps:

en een link naar een online winkel waar de volledige aflevering ve tv-show gekocht kan worden

Dit was het voor vandaag (3 november 2008), tips, vragen, opmerkingen kunnen naar [email protected]

MySpace gaat ‘t systeem in 1e instantie inzetten met content v MTV Netwerks MTV Networks is nu niet meer tegen ‘t uploaden v hun materiaal op MySpace

Brain-only Computer Interfaces Becoming Reality [Mind Hacks]

Afgelopen week zijn in totaal 18885 ontslagen gemeld op Techcrunch’ Layof Tracker:

2008-11-03 04:49 Lifehacker

My jaw hit the floor tonight watching a 60 Minutes segment on the emerging neuroscience of brain-only computer interfaces. In the clip (included in full below), see how a completely paralyzed man, who could otherwise only communicate by moving his eyes, uses his mind to type out thoughts on a computer screen. Of course, the process is very slow going—each letter takes up to 20 seconds to type. Reporter Scott Pelley donned the controller skull cap, and watched a screen of flashing letters to try it out himself. When the letter he was thinking of highlighted, he’d think “that’s it!” and that

dat maakt een totaal v 38538 ontslagen bij 108 verschillende bedrijven in de afgelopen 2 maanden Betalingsdienst Ogone heeft in de 1e 9 mnd v 2008 een groei gezien v 56% in ‘transactievolumes’ v NL: Vorige week was in ‘t nieuws dat Opera Mini vd iPhone niet toegelaten was door Apple, maar nu lijkt ‘t er op dat ‘t toch iets anders zit 1

Today’s Tabbloid Personalized for you

03 November 2008

signal of recognition would type the letter on-screen. Neuroscientists have even gotten as far as to embed a chip inside a monkey’s brain, and figured out what brain activity signals that the monkey is trying to move its arm in what direction. Hit the clip below to watch this monkey control a robotic arm with only its thoughts.

spans over 250 million videos and 4 years of television content, all sorted by show and airdate. Even more impressive: Auditude can fingerprint a portion of a video that is only a few seconds long and identify which show it was originally taken from. Once the clip is identified Auditude will overlay an ad within the video, allowing publishers to monetize their content even when it was uploaded by someone without permission and without any legible tagging information.

This is the seed of my most-wanted, dream computer interface, one that doesn’t involve pecking at keys. Imagine a day when, like speech recognition, thought recognition becomes possible, and you can narrate your thoughts to your computer or handheld device. Maybe 30 years down the road, our kids will be riding the subway with their iPhone-like device’s headphones plugged in, getting new email read to them, and narrating their responses back only with their minds. Awesome.

MySpace will be implementing the system with initial support for content from MTV Networks, with shows including The Colbert Report, Punk’d, and Sarah Silverman. So every time you post a clip of Jon Stewart ripping on the presidential candidates, someone is going to get paid, and users won’t have to deal with the oftenclunky proprietary video players offered by each network. And instead of trying to prevent these clips from making it onto MySpace in the first place, content owners will want users to upload as many as possible.

Brain Power Video [CBS News 60 Minutes]

MySpace, Auditude, And MTV Have Just Figured Out How To Monetize Online Video

Unfortunately, this may prove difficult: after years of being told not to upload these videos, users will probably take a while to warm up to the idea. But if it catches on (and it probably will), expect to see content owners flock to form partnerships with MySpace - there isn’t currently another video platform out there that is able to identify and monetize content this effectively. We’ll probably also see the Auditude platform implemented elsewhere as other sites try to catch up.

2008-11-03 03:29 TechCrunch

Since YouTube heralded the era of user-uploaded videos, media corporations have been fighting a hopeless battle to regain control of their content, sending out endless waves of DMCA notices in a vain attempt to take down countless clips scattered across the web. In the last year sites like Hulu have made progress - it’s finally possible to legally embed of a clip of The Office in your blog, but publishers continue to lose out on millions of video clips that weren’t upload with permission.

Last year YouTube launched a similar service called Video ID that gives publishers the option of either taking down illegal content or placing ads on it.

Now MySpace - a site that once seemed the antithesis of innovation - has implemented an exciting new ad platform called Auditude that may change the way content owners treat uploaded video entirely. The new platform will automatically identify any uploaded video clips from a number of shows produced by MTV Networks (including my personal favorite “The Daily Show”), and will display an overlay when the clip is played that shows which episode the clip originally came from, its original air-date, and links to online stores where users can buy the entire episode.

Crunch Network: CrunchBase the free database of technology companies, people, and investors

Overaggressive spam filter 2008-11-03 02:55 Boing Boing

A housekeeping note: Our assistant moderator Antinous has noticed an increasing number of legit comments getting caught in the spam trap. Previously, it was only catching an innocent comment about once a month. Now he’s fishing three or four comments a day out of it. We’ll try to sort this out.

In the past it has been nearly impossible to effectively monetize user-uploaded videos because they are typically tagged with such informative titles as “REally cool!” and “hilarious”. The Auditude platform ignores this information, relying solely on fingerprints taken from the clip’s audio and video data. These fingerprints are matched to prints in Auditude’s massive database, which

For now, Antinous says that having multiple links to the same domain seems to be the trigger, even if the links 2

Today’s Tabbloid Personalized for you

03 November 2008

are to different pages in that domain. For example, a comment containing links to three different Wikipedia articles runs some risk of getting snagged. Avoiding that pattern isn’t an absolute guarantee of safety, though; he’s found a few comments in the spam trap where all the links were to different domains.

find something you can use in your next presentation. Attend a networking event. If you go to a conference or series of workshops, attend the extra evening events. You will be tired, but so will everyone else! Don’t go just to look for a job, go to see how other people present, persuade and engage in conversation. You will most likely walk away with one or two ideas to try.

What we know for sure is that several commenters have complained that we unpublished their long, thoughtful, citation-filled comments, when in fact they’d been grabbed by the spam filter. If you have a comment go missing, let us know. In the meantime, Antinous will keep checking the trap.

Make a presentation. That’s the ultimate goal, right? Start with a team presentation. With that, you learn when to step up, when to back out, when to interrupt (without it looking like we were interrupting each other). I find slighter nuances of presenting to be quite fascinating.

Presenting Yourself Powerfully, Part 2: Learning Presentation Skills at Work [Public Speaking]

Update your resume. You probably will not send it out any time soon, but the updating is great reminder of how far you have come. Take the opportunity to acknowledge all you do, and all you have done to get to where you are.

2008-11-03 02:00 Lifehacker

If your presentation skills at work are shakier than the economy, you can’t pass up a single opportunity to make them better. Fortunately, the skills you learn on the job can serve as a great foundation for the speaking and presenting skills you need to hit a home run on a dream project or make a great impression on your bosses. Here are some of the responsibilities you can grab hold of at work that will pay off when you are in front of a room full of your friends, your peers or the people who can help make your dreams come true. Photo by lewro.

How do you use opportunities at work to become a better presenter? Let us know in the comments.

The Battle for Microsoft’s Soul 2008-11-03 01:54 TechCrunch

So much of this long protracted struggle for political change has rubbed off on the tech community. In the partisan windup to this long election process, we’ve become almost inured to the fact that as much as things will continue to be the same, already the “choice” between the two candidates has produced one sure thing. That is, either of the two candidates represents fundamental change from the status quo, no matter how much you want to differentiate further. So it is with the shift to the Cloud. Whether you’re betting on Google, or Amazon, or Microsoft, or less obviously Apple, IBM, Oracle, or Cisco, the sure thing is that Web services has gone main stream. If this is a horse race at the vendor level, it’s about each company’s ability to harness its innate strengths and migrate its weaknesses. Put another way, the battle is within, not between.

Work in sales. I grew up selling; my dad was a retail executive, my mom owned a restaurant. Whatever I was selling, I realized ways to encourage—using just my voice in come cases—people to buy or try something new. When you present and speak to a group you are selling them on you and your ideas. Work in telemarketing. It doesn’t sound glamorous, but this really puts your skills to the test. On the phone, you have 30 words or less on the initial pick-up to make something happen. When it comes down to that level, you get real careful with the extraneous ums, uhs, and how are yous?! Write an article. What a way to promote your business, yourself and your ideas. The rush is huge because seeing your name and byline is exciting and inspiring. Attend a seminar or workshop. Be open to these opportunities not just because of what you can learn about your own profession, but by also looking at the presentation skills that work, and the ones that do not. Take notes, observe, meet people, go out of your way to 3

Today’s Tabbloid Personalized for you

03 November 2008

The Battle for Microsoft’s Soul 2008-11-03 01:54

Netflix “Watch Instantly” for Mac Beta Now Live


2008-11-03 00:45

So much of this long protracted struggle for political change has rubbed off on the tech community. In the partisan windup to this long election process, we’ve become almost inured to the fact that as much as things will continue to be the same, already the “choice” between the two candidates has produced one sure thing. That is, either of the two candidates represents fundamental change from the status quo, no matter how much you want to differentiate further. So it is with the shift to the Cloud. Whether you’re betting on Google, or Amazon, or Microsoft, or less obviously Apple, IBM, Oracle, or Cisco, the sure thing is that Web services has gone main stream. If this is a horse race at the vendor level, it’s about each company’s ability to harness its innate strengths and migrate its weaknesses. Put another way, the battle is within, not between.


Crunch Network: CrunchBoard because it’s time for you to find a new Job2.0

October’s Greatest Hits [[this Is Good]] 2008-11-03 00:30 Lifehacker

We’re already two days into November, but before October becomes a distant memory, let’s take one last loving look at the most popular posts that appeared on these pages: • Top 10 Ways to Stay Energized • “Even if you’re a hyper-organized, task-oriented worker with an expansive mind and endless ambition, you won’t get a lot done if your mind and body are demanding you curl up and doze off.”

Are You DIYing Gifts This Holiday? [Ask The Readers] 2008-11-03 01:00

• Top 10 Easy Ways to Look Sharp


With words like “recession” and “disaster” floating around as descriptors for the current US economic situation, many people have battened the financial hatches. The AP reports:

• “In a perfect world, it wouldn’t matter what a genius JavaScript programmer or top-flight professional looked like. In this world, though, coming across as an unkempt schlub won’t do anything good for your career, your social life, or your luck with that cute guy or gal from marketing.”

Scared and out of money, Americans stopped buying everything from cars to corn flakes in the July-September quarter, ratcheting back spending by the largest amount in 28 years and jolting the national economy into what could be the most painful recession in decades.

• The Mac Meets Windows Dual-Desktop • “Reader Dylan Boom shows how to mix operating systems environments with style in his Mac Meets Windows Dual-Desktop. Dylan is running OS X with XP in a virtual machine, and each system is completely customized to form a beautiful transition between Mac and Windows.”

Retailers are braced for painfully slow holiday sales and fear many people will forgo the usual flurry of holiday spending instead stashing their money away. Are you cutting back on your holiday gift buying this year in favor of more DIY style gift giving like baked goods and home made gifts? Share your thoughts on the matter and your DIY gift ideas in the comments below. Photo by africankelli.

• Five Best Media Converters • “We’ve all been there: you’ve downloaded an episode of your favorite TV show to watch on your commute or stream to your living room, but the file you downloaded isn’t supported on the device you want to use it with.”

Consumer cut in spending the most since 1980 [Associated Press]

• First Look at Ubuntu 8.10 “Intrepid Ibex” Beta • “The next version of Ubuntu’s free Linux operating 4

Today’s Tabbloid Personalized for you

03 November 2008

system, dubbed “Intrepid Ibex,” is due out Oct. 30, but the beta release is up for grabs. Although the desktop hasn’t been reshaped, the features tweaked just a little bit, and most of the work focused on compatibility and usability.”

Hangstok voor je rug 2008-11-03 00:26 Lifehacking

In de serie rughacks deze keer een hele eenvoudige: iets om aan te hangen. Het helpt je met twee dingen: ontlasting van je rug in slechte tijden en het trainen van de spieren die als een soort korset rond je rug liggen. Als je thuis een trap hebt met open treden is dat al een hele goede optie. Als de trap bevalt en je wilt het wat serieuzer aanpakken kan ik je aanraden om een stok op te hangen waar je aan kunt hangen. Je wilt daarvoor een sterke stok, bij voorkeur van staal. De stok moet niet te dun of te dik zijn, je handen hebben het anders te zwaar. Tussen de 2,5 tot 4 centimeter volstaat.Zorg voor een hele sterke bevestiging, zodat je zeker weet dat je er met je volle gewicht aan kunt hangen. Hang de stok niet hoog, maar zo’n 10 centimeter boven het hoogste punt als je rechtop staat met je handen omhoog. De reden: in een slechte rugperiode wil je niet eerst op een stoel moeten klimmen om er bij te kunnen.Als je stok hangt kun je jezelf gaan trainen. Overdrijf het niet, als je handen of armen moe worden laat je gewoon los. In de twintig of dertig seconden die je de eerste keer haalt kunnen je tussenwervelschijven even ‘ademhalen’ en wat uitveren. Als je vaker gaat hangen wordt je vanzelf sterker en kun je langer hangen. Als je merkt dat je er baat bij hebt kun je overwegen om nog verder te gaan. Daarover meer in de volgende post.

• Top 10 IKEA Furniture Mods • “There’s something about the big-box, flat-pack furniture phenomenon known as IKEA that attracts the DIY type, and it’s not the 99-cent breakfasts.” • The Ultimate Windows Desktop/Mac Notebook Alliance • “When it comes to computers, you want it all: the portability of a laptop, the extensibility of a desktop, as well as the sleekness of Mac OS X and the wide selection of software for Windows.” • Six Slick Windows Themes to Dress Up Your Desktop • “hile fiddling with the look and feel of your computer desktop isn’t technically productive, making your workspace something you’re proud of and happy to look at makes you more likely to want to get things done.” • One Hundred DIY Skills Everyone Should Have • “Popular Mechanics magazine runs a list of 100 do-ityourself skills that every “competent man” should know. Our annoyance about the gender specificity aside, the list is decent, if a bit stretched out to hit that 100 total.”

Hangstok voor je rug 2008-11-03 00:26 Lifehacking

In de serie rughacks deze keer een hele eenvoudige: iets om aan te hangen. Het helpt je met twee dingen: ontlasting van je rug in slechte tijden en het trainen van de spieren die als een soort korset rond je rug liggen. Als je thuis een trap hebt met open treden is dat al een hele goede optie.

• Experimental Extensions We’d Like to Go Mainstream • “Finding new and useful Firefox extensions is a passion of ours, but sometimes we run across extensions adorning the daunting “Experimental” moniker at the Firefox Add-ons web site.”

Als de trap bevalt en je wilt het wat serieuzer aanpakken kan ik je aanraden om een stok op te hangen waar je aan kunt hangen. Je wilt daarvoor een sterke stok, bij voorkeur van staal. De stok moet niet te dun of te dik zijn, je handen hebben het anders te zwaar. Tussen de 2,5 tot 4 centimeter volstaat. Zorg voor een hele sterke bevestiging, zodat je zeker weet dat je er met je volle gewicht aan kunt hangen. Hang de stok niet hoog, maar zo’n 10 centimeter boven het hoogste punt als je rechtop staat met je handen omhoog. De reden: in een slechte rugperiode wil je niet eerst op een stoel moeten klimmen om er bij te kunnen. 5

Today’s Tabbloid Personalized for you

03 November 2008

Als je stok hangt kun je jezelf gaan trainen. Overdrijf het niet, als je handen of armen moe worden laat je gewoon los. In de twintig of dertig seconden die je de eerste keer haalt kunnen je tussenwervelschijven even ‘ademhalen’ en wat uitveren. Als je vaker gaat hangen wordt je vanzelf sterker en kun je langer hangen. Als je merkt dat je er baat bij hebt kun je overwegen om nog verder te gaan. Daarover meer in de volgende post.

a real winner. On the other hand, if a solid text editor is all you want, check out our Hive Five Best Text Editors. CSS Toolbox is a free download, Windows only. CSS Toolbox [via CNET]

Simple Ways to be Prepared for House Guests [Preparation] 2008-11-02 23:00

PhotoFunia Pastes Your Face All Over the Place [Weekend Fun]


Keep the space you use for guests in a prepared state and you’ll be ready to host at the drop of a hat. At the Simple Productivity Blog, they have a five point checklist to being prepared for impromptu hosting with minimal stress. The very first item on the list is something I know I’ve been guilty of:

2008-11-03 00:00 Lifehacker

Put some Photoshop wizardy at your fingertips with photo manipulation site PhotoFunia. Take a clean headshot of yourself or the soon-to-be-victim of your prank and upload it to PhotoFunia. There are currently sixty nine photos that faces can be pasted into ranging from the Andy Warhol-esque art gallery scene featured in the image above to magazine covers, currency, famous photos, and more. The process is fast and requires no interaction from the user other than selecting the template to be used and uploading the picture. With a simple head shot most of the templates worked just fine, with a few having odd sizing issues (i.e. my noggin looked way too big for the scale of the picture.) Once PhotoFunia generates the picture it can be saved at full size, saved in a smaller forum-friendly avatar size, or saved to ImageShack. If you generate a picture that can only be described as “pure awesome”, upload it to ImageShack and and embed the image in your comments below. PhotoFunia is a free web-based image manipulator.

Don’t use your guest space as a dumping ground. If you have a spare room, don’t use it as an overgrown junk drawer. Many people stash things that they will get to later: mending, things to be donated, outgrown clothing, seasonal decorations. The less you keep to do “later” the less you will have to do to prepare for a guest. Before taming the laundry process in my house, the guest room bedroom served as a way station for lost clothes. Other tips include changing the sheets immediately after guests leave so they are clean and fresh for the next guests and keeping supplies related to the guest’s needs nearby or inside the guest room. If you find yourself more frequently on the guest side of things, make sure to check out how to be the perfect house guest. If you have tips and tricks for easy hosting preparations, share them in the comments. Photo by geishaboy500.

PhotoFunia [via MakeUseOf]

Simplicity Preparing for Houseguests [SimpleProductivityBlog]

CSS Toolbox Is a Killer Text Editor for Web Designers [Featured Windows Download]

How to Use Your Rock Band Drums with GarageBand [Weekend Project]

2008-11-02 23:30 Lifehacker

Windows only: Free application CSS Toolbox streamlines working with cascading stylesheets (CSS) through autocompletion, syntax highlighting, and several more advanced features that make it stand out from a regular text editor. For those of you who don’t know, CSS files are the building blocks that style the web. CSS Toolbox offers advanced features for building out your stylesheets, including a CSS beautifier, validator, and even compressor. This one isn’t of much use to nondevelopers, but if you are a designer (or you have any inkling of learning about web design), this app looks like

2008-11-02 22:30 Lifehacker

The Mac|Life weblog demonstrates how to hook up your Rock Band drum set to your Mac for a low-latency electronic drum kit. If you do a lot of music-making on your Mac with GarageBand, one of the two setups covered in the post should take your composition chops to new heights. On the other hand, if you’re a Windows user, you may remember our previous post on turning your Rock Band drums into a real synth kit with a free Windows app (which, incidentally, looks like it’s come a 6

Today’s Tabbloid Personalized for you

03 November 2008

long way since we covered it last).

Google gaat de wereld overheersen

Rock Out in GarageBand with the Rock Band Drum Controller [Mac|Life via TUAW]

2008-11-02 21:01 Dutch Cowboys

Afgelopen donderdag werd duidelijk dat het Google serieus is bij de pogingen de hele wereld te overheersen. Volgens de New York Times heeft Google namelijk de Dornier Alpha Jet heeft gekocht, een gevechtsvliegtuig......

Sunday Special: $99 One-Day Pass To Dreamforce 2008-11-02 22:25 TechCrunch

Wanna go to this week’s Dreamforce conference but don’t have $1,200 bucks to spare for a full three-day pass? TechCrunch scored 100 one-day passes at $99 each (these are exclusive for TechCrunch readers—you cannot get a one-day pass anywhere else). These will let you attend the conference any one day (November 3rd, 4th, or 5th), see all the keynotes that day (Marc Benioff, Michael Dell, Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg, and Google Enterprise’s Dave Girouard), check out the booths and schmooze at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. And if you go on Monday, you can catch the Foo Fighters. Anyone interested should call Dreamforce ‘08 Registration Headquarters at 888.382.7112 and reference the “$99 Tech Crunch Day Pass.” The promotion code you need to give is: DAYTCB99

Repurpose Halloween Loot as a Candy Calendar [DIY] 2008-11-02 21:00 Lifehacker

Halloween weekend is nearly over and many of you likely have a stash of sugary loot left over. What can you do with a pile of candy besides going on a bender of confectionery goodness that will end with you crashed out on the couch watching reruns of WKPR in Cincinnati? Brenda from the parenting blog Alphamom came up with a kid friendly and fun way to dispense the candy. By combining tissue paper and paper condiment cups, she was able to make an Advent style calendar where each tissue-paper-guarded cup holds a delicious treat. You may not have children whose sugar intake you are trying to limit like Brenda or even have a particular winter holiday to count down to, but her solution for metering out the candy is undeniably cute. For step by step details on the construction of her candy calendar check out the link below.

BareTail Displays Log Files in Real Time [Featured Windows Download] 2008-11-02 22:00 Lifehacker

Windows only: BareTail is a portable application that enables users to view log files in real time. Whether you need to monitor a mission critical process, do some troubleshooting, or you’re just more curious than the average bear, BareTail allows you to monitor the contents of a log file as they are being written. There are a host of useful additional features such “follow the tail” mode, where the focus stays on the current line of the log. There is also the ability to highlight based on keywords, making it all the easier for you to see the critical items in your log. BareTail is freeware, Windows only.

Repurposing Your Left Over Halloween Candy [via ParentHacks]

BareTail - Real Time Log Monitor [via Confessions of a Freeware Junkie]


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