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Miles Kara From:
Mark Bittinger
Thursday, February 26, 2004 5:49 PM
Dana Hyde; Miles Kara; John Farmer
Subject: Questions regarding short-range air defenses at the Pentagon
AllPossible questions to ask while at Andrews AFB, that would help me fill in the Pentagon section of the monograph. (1) Why were systems such as the Patriot, surface launched advanced medium range air-to-air missiles or Avenger units not deployed at the Pentagon? (2) If deployed, why were they not used on 9/11? (3) What was the tactical reasoning for non-deployment or non-use? (4) What excuses did DoD have for not making such deployments, particularly after the attack on the USS Cole the in Oct 2000? The argument could be made that the Pentagon was no less valuable a target or conceivably more so in a warfighting scenario. (5) If they can't answer these questions, who do they recommend the Commission interview? Thanks very much. Mark